Welcome to the message board.
A few questions.
Is destini a registered nonprofit charity? And if so is it a religious nonprofit?
How much money is paid out in salaries each year and expenses to staff? Is there a published budget that discloses in detail how the money contributed to destini or paid for its products is used?
Are you aware of any study done to scientifically measure the results achieved by destini participants? If so has the study been peer-reviewed and published in a credible respected journal?
I dont know about registred nonprofit charity. Not as far as I know. I have no clue about salaries, I know that the people at desteni work to earn money because thats what they have to do to live in this world the same as all of us. So we in europe and in america and stuff, we also are having educations and jobs to provide for ourselves.
So for the financial thing you will have to contact one of the people who own the living place of desteni in South Africa.
I know that currently a lot is also used to pay for food, and for all the animals there, provide for the people to live, pay bills.
And which studies of which results? What we are doing is about self, you will have to direct yourself if you want "result". No one is going to do it for you, thats what we say. You can share yourself with others, live as an example and stuff, but you cant change another. Change always comes from self, TRUE change, because if its not from yourself then its followment or worship, and this is religious practice, which we obviously have exposed many times. So I dont care about respected journals, I read things unconditionally, and what I do and who I am is determined on how I direct myself. I dont need something to be in a "respected journal" for me to read it. Why would I need that? Only if I would want to FOLLOW something, which I dont. So thats why I can listen to anyone and anything , and not follow it, because I have to see it for myself. I dont fall for believes. What desteni shares about the mind, this world, and the tools, work and is true. How can you know? Test it for yourself, see for yourself, and not with a pre-conceived idea of: this is a cult.
Because in the end its you that has to stand stable, with or without desteni.