Hi, I'm new here. I just wanted to add in about what I've found about Desteni.
A little while ago I bumped into Desteni Productions on youtube. I watched one of their videos which was more annoying than not. However, I decided to look at a few more and boy was I in for a surprise. After chatting with several members of Desteni on some of the youtube comments page, I was banned. I was really curious as to why they seriously held so many strange beliefs to be true. Also, I didn’t completely understand what in the heck they were talking about. So, I did as one of their members suggested and started going through their website. Needless to say, the Desteni forum is not well organized. The members seem to want you to read through all the material and watch all the mind numbing videos just to get a rudimentary understanding of their teachings. What I’m presenting here is an overview of the Desteni New Religious Movement for those who wish to find out more about them without becoming terribly confused. I will begin with their belief system. It should be noted that members of Desteni maintain that they have no beliefs. They will even go to the point of calling someone else’s beliefs “beLIEfs” as to them all beliefs except their own are in fact lies.
Their Belief System (or Common Sense System)
1) Demons are actually ghosts who died from traumatic deathsHigh Priest Darryl Thomas states the following:
Demons have been greatly misunderstood in human history, and many beliefs about them have made erroneously attached to them. Demons in every case turned out to be human beings who died in extremely traumatic conditions, and were trapped within the emotional energetics symbolized by their deaths. A great number of these demons were children. And all demons were trapped on what was called 'the demon dimension' which was superimposed on earth. It was later discovered Heaven's attitude towards these trapped humans was singular: a total and complete disregard to those beings. Since no one on Earth had ever witnessed the goings-on regarding Heaven, nobody had any idea what the true nature of demons were. It was only within the process of assisting demons was this discovered.
2) God and his angels are evil (The Annunaki)To Desteni, God is known as Anu who belongs to an ancient race of beings known as the Annunaki. Anu and his ilk crafted and created most of the misery now present in the world. Even though, Desteni claims not to blame the creator, it still pictures God as the architect of suffering. God denied humanity freedom through installing preprogrammed behaviors which create and perpetuate suffering. Many of the ideas concerning these beings come from Zachariah Sitchen and Amitakh Stanford (which has been noted earlier in the thread). The Desteni cosmology is more detailed and vast than this, but a more detailed description will not be given here. Regardless, in this context, the passive acceptance of such a cosmology defies reason.
Another idea of God which Desteni states along with other new age groups is that God is one and one with the universe. Therefore, everything within the universe is God. As far as Desteni is concerned, once humanity as a whole reaches a certain level of awareness, all as one will transcend and realize our place as equal to God. However, Desteni does not account for how the universe came into existence and rejects any idea of an external God. In some ways this mirrors Sethian Gnosticism where the Logos (Universe) is either good or disinterested. And Ialdabaoth or Demiurge (Anu) made humanity. Desteni also mirrors Gnosticism in that earth is like a hell or prison.
3) The girl named Sunette is or was an Interdimensional Portal through which spirits may communicateThe girl who appears on most of the videos was at one time a portal through which demons could take control of the girl’s body in order to relay information about cosmology, history, and the true state of the world. Others have used the word channeling, while followers of Desteni claim that a portal is where the entity has total control whereas in channeling the channeler maintains control. Regardless, I've been unable to find anything about portaling seperate from Desteni or prior to 2007. It seems like Desteni just made the word up. Spirits who communicated through the portal include Jesus, Hitler, some guy named Jack, Aliens, a turkey, and a vibrator (apparently inanimate objects have spirits too). Soon after manifesting or acquiring this ability, Sunette conveniently ceased being able to use or manifest this power on Sept. 1st 2008. Then, in December of the same year, the portal reopened for some strange reason. But whatever, portal interviews trickled out less and less after that.
4) The Present Condition of the World is AbusiveThe Followers of Desteni state that the current state of the world where war, rape, poverty, etc. is caused through programmed human behavior. To Desteni, this current state is unacceptable. Desteni states that all the old systems (religion, governments, etc.) have failed. If humanity as a whole applied the Desteni Program true freedom could be attained and the abusive conditions would supposedly cease.
5) The Desteni Process: Self Forgiveness, Self Honesty, and Self ResponsibilityThis is where I think many who encounter Desteni members have trouble understanding what exactly they are saying. The Desteni Process is where one, over at least seven years, releases the chains of thought and emotion. The program has some similarities with the Auditing process in Scientology. However, the Desteni Process more closely resembles Zen Buddhism’s state of mindfulness. It is where one pays close attention to the endless ramblings of the mind and ceases the mind’s wanting to insert judgments or preconceptions onto things or actions.
Desteni Self Forgiveness: The process whereby an initiate acknowledges unwanted thoughts (including beliefs) or thoughts which lead to emotions.
Desteni Self Honesty: The process whereby an initiate unlearns or disbelieves all previous held conceptions and world beliefs. It is tied closely with the idea of Polarity and Common Sense.
Desteni Self Responsibility: The process whereby an initiate ceases or interrupts thoughts and emotions as they begin. Sometimes, followers of Desteni write the term as “Self Response-ability” as it denotes an ability to respond to or cancel thoughts upon their inception.
6) Humans are Programmed from BirthAccording to Desteni, human behavior is predetermined from birth. A new born baby is downloaded with consciousness software which will dictate how the person feels and thinks for the entirety of life. The modern conception of free will is an illusion. Therefore, when Desteni says that a man who raped a child has no free will, his preprogrammed thoughts and feelings drove him to commit the act. The only salvation from thought slavery is through the Desteni Program.
7) Equality and Oneness for AllDesteni states that beneath all the illusions and feelings of separation, all of humanity and everything in the universe is in fact one and equal. By one, I think they mean one like God as God is one with the universe and everything in it. By equal, I think they mean that we really have no differences. The differences which we appear to have are based upon the illusions which the world has pulled over our eyes. In this way, someone who is a great basketball player is only great because we have deceived ourselves into thinking we could never be as great. Desteni seems to reject the idea that some people have more talents or abilities than others. Also, I don’t think that they mean equality in the metaphysical sense of the word. When Desteni members say that “We stand up within ourselves as One and Equal,” they mean that all of humanity is the same underneath all the beliefs, thoughts, and emotions. Therefore, if two or more people strip away their preconceptions, they would realize that they are not separate beings but one and equal.
8) The Current Money System and Social Constructs are HarmfulAccording to Desteni, the world’s current monetary system causes or adds to suffering through poverty. A harmful money system in this context would mean any money system which allows one person to make or receive more money than another. Therefore, everyone on the planet should receive the same wage no matter what. If a doctor is making x amount of money for his or her services, then a janitor should make x amount as well. Additionally, laws and customs are seen as harmful since they add to the deceit or illusion of separation and polarity. A law or custom is an external construct that imposes or reinforces programmed behavior. If all would see themselves as Equal and One, then the need for laws and customs would disappear.
9) The Veneration of LifeFollowers of Desteni will claim that they worship nothing but life. In fact, to Desteni, life is religion. The veneration of life takes place when one realizes that everything has awareness. Everything is sacred because everything is one and equal. One might notice that Desteni seems to make a lot of noise concerning social injustices in the world such as poverty, cruelty, and war. On the other hand, one might notice that they don’t seem to be too concerned about raising donations or helping charities for such social injustices. It seems that those who follow Desteni believe that under going the Desteni Process by itself will end such injustices. Therefore, if everyone converted to Desteni and undertook the Process, all would realize or see the illusion of separation for what it is and naturally cease creating suffering.
The Modus OperandiDesteni exists, for the time being, as a small new religious movement based in South Africa (near Durban) from the Desteni Farm. Its driving goal seems to be conversion of as many as possible to its indoctrination and belief system via the internet. The target age group is mainly young adults (around the age of 20). Those who become followers of Desteni may go to the farm to receive education and mind control exercises. After this education period, these individuals may return to their homes. From there, these individuals will try to spread the message to others through relationships or the internet. Unlike some new religious movements (or cults), Desteni seems more organic in that it doesn’t require isolation of its members from outsiders. In fact each follower of Desteni seems to become their own living system of isolation. While Desteni has gained some following since its inception in around 2008, it seems to have slowed down a bit. The most likely reason for this is due to the lack of an inspiring and believable charismatic leader. While the girl known as Sunette acts in this respect, she seems to presently lack the dominating presence or inspiration of a charismatic leader. However, this does not mean that the movement will cease to grow. In my view, Desteni has several things going for it. Firstly, it is non-exclusive which means that it easily accessible to the common folk regardless of wealth or status. Its organic nature allows it to flourish outside of Desteni controlled zones. It appears liberating in that it shows a way for people to release themselves from anxiety and other social issues. Lastly, Desteni gives purpose and solidarity through its goals to dismantle the current state of the world and set up its own system in its place.
A few more things: Polarity and Common SenseDesteni Polarity: In Desteni, polarity is anything which has an opposite: good/evil, happy/sad, love/hate. It is pretty much anything which makes an individual think of the world in good and bad terms. Sometimes the word duality will be used. Desteni considers polarity to be another deception. While things may not be good or bad in and of themselves, Desteni's use of the term is an oversimplification.
Desteni Common Sense: This seems to mean thinking or accepting things without judgments, interpretations, beliefs, or definitions. For example, if one sees a swastika, one will not automatically think evil. In some ways it seemingly seeks to reduce humans to the mental level of children or perhaps even animals. Regardless, the followers of Desteni seem to apply their common sense to everything except Desteni beliefs. Or rather, Desteni beliefs are Common Sense.
This is all I have for now. I keep a personal online journal where I'm writing my findings. Anything new which I think will add to the information, I'll post it here.