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Partial List of cults active in NYC
Posted by: mjr40 ()
Date: October 17, 2008 02:47PM

Partial list of cults actively recruiting in NYC. If anyone knows of anymore please post:

- Catholic: Opus Dei, Legion of Christ, Communion & Liberation, Neocatechumenate, Focolare
- Jewish: Jews for Jesus, Lubavitchers, Kabbalah
- Muslim: Nation of Islam
- Protestant: Moonies, Jehovah's Witnesses, Church of Christ, Latter Day Saints, One Light Ministries (JMS)
- Buddhist/Taoist: Falun Gong, Soka Gakkai, Diamond Way
- Hindu: Hari Krishnas
- Secular: Scientology, Landmark Education/Forum, LaRouche, More To Life
- Business: Amway, Herbalife, Executive Success Programs
- Military: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines

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Re: Partial List of cults active in NYC
Posted by: Sunny1 ()
Date: November 01, 2008 04:01AM

New Age--3HO
-Kabbalist Joseph Michael Levry
- Universal Healing Force, Healing Center- Master Joseph Michael Levry, Gurunam

New Age- Universal Healing Force Address
7 W24 ST
New York NY 10010
biography of Gurunam : []

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Re: Partial List of cults active in NYC
Posted by: nirmal ()
Date: December 11, 2008 05:50AM

lol sunny thanks for getting that one down, cuz i was going to add the 3ho....i'm sickened to see some of the 3ho have reached the richmond hill gurdwara and have been praised as community leaders.

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Re: Jews for Jesus in NYC
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: December 17, 2008 02:09AM

Monday, December 15, 2008
Over 4 years ago, I went to Jews for Jesus headquarters in NYC and the whole thing sort of got botched. I had an appointment scheduled but they wanted me to call to confirm. They never told me to do that
The second thing was that Ann Marie Misiti thought that Rick Ross paid me money, which is not true. I paid Rick once for a file on Chabad. Some of the pieces on the Chabad page were in that file. I typed them up and submitted them to Rick.
I have held off about writing about this all these years but I feel that people have a right to know. All things have to be weighed in the balance. I feel that I was being slandered but blew it off. But now, I think everyone has the right to know about the experience I had with them.
By the way, Rick may not agree, but I can read Hebrew and speak it so I think some of their literature is accurate. But I do feel there are holes in their logic too.
You have to remember that over the ages, many people have converted to and from Christianity and Judaism. I take it that rabbis did too and I know that in the past, the Jewish education systems were better than they are now.

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Re: Jews for Jesus in NYC:it seems I was confused
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: May 31, 2009 12:24AM

It seems that I was confused. Anne Marie Misiti told me that she never even heard of Rick Ross. So, I apologize for any damage I caused to them.

Fight back against mind control, manipulating leaders and those who would exploit you. Take control of your own destiny. Before you get involved with a religious movement, investigate it thoroughly first.

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Re: Partial List of cults active in NYC
Posted by: GratefulRage ()
Date: June 05, 2009 08:33PM

Dahn Tai Chi is very active in the city now. They've caused the death of at least on woman on one of their retreats.

If money brought happiness, there would be no expensive LGATs.

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Re: Partial List of cults active in NYC
Posted by: jonah_hex ()
Date: March 25, 2011 10:14PM

My current topic of research is the cult leader Joseph Michael Levry. Anyone interested in helping on this
activity please email me at (deleted)


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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/25/2011 10:18PM by corboy.

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Re: Partial List of cults active in NYC
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: March 25, 2011 10:32PM

Note regarding Joseph Michael Levry (Gurunam) here is some biographical material.



Gurunam's spiritual name was given to him by Yogi Bhajan. "Gu" stands for darkness or duality and "ru" stands for light or divinity. "Nam" means the power of the spoken word or sound. Therefore, the name "Gurunam" represents a person who uses the power of the word or sound to bring light into people's lives.

There is a lot of information about Yogi Bhajan (now deceased) available in the Ross Institute Archives.


Sikhism was founded by Guru Nanak and the last of its gurus told followers that after that, the Sikhs were to consider their scripture as their guru.


It takes a lifetime to learn Kabbalah and one is supposed to be an observant Jew and possess a high level of expertise in Hebrew and the methods of textual study and interpretation gained first by learning scripture and through Talmudic study.

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Re: Partial List of cults active in NYC
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: March 25, 2011 10:56PM

(a lengthy article, but published in 1977 when Yogi Bhajan, JM Levry's old guru, was still a relatively new guru.

Yogi Bhajan's Synthetic Sikhism-Time Magazine 1977


Tohra, however, says that this does not mean that Bhajan is the Sikh leader of the Western Hemisphere, as he claims. The Sikhs do not create such offices. Nor, Tohra adds, has the committee given Bhajan the rarely bestowed title, Siri Singh Sahib (the equivalent of saying "Sir" three times), which he uses.

Bhajan has his critics-and they are severe. Many traditional Sikhs insist that yoga has no place in their religion. Sikh historian Trilochan Singh says that Bhajan's synthesis of Sikhism and Tantrism is "a sacrilegious hodgepodge." Far more important, High Priest Jaswant Singh, a leader of the Sikhs in eastern India and comparable in status to Bhajan Backer Tohra, last week denounced Bhajan's claims. He and his council professed to be "shocked" at Bhajan's "fantastic theories." Yoga, Tantrism and the "sexual practices" taught by Bhajan, the council declared, are "forbidden and immoral."

There are more delicate matters at issue, many raised by people who knew Bhajan when. Judith Tyberg, respected founder of Los Angeles' East-West Center, where Bhajan briefly gave courses, questions his knowledge of Kundalini yoga. She fired him from her faculty after three months for another reason-which she refuses to divulge.

Bhajan has repeatedly been accused of being a womanizer. Colleen Hoskins, who worked seven months at his New Mexico residence, reports that men are scarcely seen there. He is served, she says, by a coterie of as many as 14 women, some of whom attend his baths, give him group massages, and take turns spending the night in his room while his wife sleeps elsewhere.

Colleen and her husband Philip, Bhajan's former chancellor, who quit last year, say they could no longer countenance Bhajan's luxurious life-style when so many of his followers had to scrimp along. Filmmaker Don Conreaux, an early apostle, says that originally the yogi was "against titles, against disciples. Now he teaches only obedience to him." When Philip Hoskins quit last year, he says Bhajan told him that he would suffer 84 million reincarnations and be "reborn as a worm for betraying your teacher."

The current chancellor insists that Bhajan "lives in a moderate manner," and asserts that reports of illicit affairs and of women in the yogi's bedroom are "absolutely untrue." Yogi Bhajan himself was unwilling to grant TIME an interview until he visits India this month with a group of disciples for a Sikh festival. When he arrives there, the "Supreme Authority" of the Sikh religion in the Western world may have to answer a few questions from his fellow Sikhs about the kind of religion he is preaching-and practicing.

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Re: Partial List of cults active in NYC
Posted by: jonah_hex ()
Date: March 25, 2011 11:52PM

Your reply is greatly appreciated. Observation: Joseph Michael Levry appears to have taken a similar approach as his 'mentor' in the way that he claims to have invented - and is selling -- 'Nam Yoga'. (aka Harmonyum). It is a further combination of what he calls Kabbalah merged with Yoga. His 'students' are making all sorts of claims regarding how it can among other things --
"cure cancer" and is being used in Swedish hospitals.. That latter claim has never been documented -- like by the way - what is the name of that hospital?

This forum has given me some encouragement in my efforts.


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