Re: Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: anhonestman ()
Date: February 05, 2013 03:31AM

I used to go to Innersound and initially I thought I had hit the jackpot. I had entered into a world of “spirituality” where the “masters” seemed to have all the answers. I was very quickly involved with the organisation and began my ancestral healing after a few months of training. It was really hard work, but believing that I was not only helping myself but my family, I kept on with it. I was blissfully unaware of the subtle emotional blackmails that had begun and how they used my connection and relationship with my family to abuse my trust and good faith. I saw many other trainees who were similarly sucked into false promises, eg, helping them to have a family, to regaining their health – they seem to focus in on those with M.E – perhaps because they are so desperate to get better and have their health back again. I did the training and really didn’t notice anything apart from feeling down, heavy and low. I was told that this was because my karma was bad and that I would need to do more lines and clearing to get rid of this. Incidentally this feeling of being low, down and heavy continued for the time that I spent with Innersound and it was only when I left that the heaviness left as well. They clearly use this feeling to perpetuate their dogma and to reinforce that your ancestors are full of bad karma….
I had already spent at this point about £3,000 of my very hard earned money and I was beginning to wonder if it really would make any difference. So I decided that I wouldn’t do anything with it. Several months passed and the pressure resumed and seeing many other trainees doing their 100 days of healing, it felt “right” to do it as well. I now feel that I was totally brainwashed into this decision and they make you sign a form basically withdrawing your right to recompense and stating that you do agree to the “healing”. I realise now that Innersound/Qi Wellness as they call themselves are master manipulators and are aware of some law in the UK, and so have this disclaimer.
I now feel sorry for those who are still involved with the organisation. I have seen some fantastic people become totally immersed in their dogma and effectively remove themselves from “the outside world”. I remember on one occasion, seeing one of the “masters” speak before she left to run a branch in Estonia (I think) and she said that all she ever wanted was to have a family and that she guessed that Innersound were now her family. I felt so sad for her, since her dreams of having children were not realised because she was duped into thinking her only choice in life was to become a “master”. I know that one of the other masters was told by master oh, that she would never marry and I am sure that this was one of the reasons why she decided to sign up on the dotted line. It’s truly heartbreaking that master oh has the power to make or break someone’s will and can tell their “destiny” so that they “decide” to become involved with the organisation. I would urge people to question master oh, he does not have the answers, he is not a saint, he does not cure people, the only thing that I can say for sure is that he will take lots and lots of your money. He is a snake dressed up in emperor’s robes.
Many of the “masters” are ordinary people who have had problems with their “previous” lives, ranging from pressures of work, to drugs, not being able to relate to others and have thought that they have found a sanctuary and safe haven under the banner of Innersound/Qi Wellness. Yes, some of them are scheming, manipulative and don’t have a “beautiful heart” and are only interested in how many pounds you can bring to them. But there are others who are simply the puppets of master oh and have been subject to brainwashing and horrific manipulation.
The trainees are similarly subject to pressure, but the people who are involved are also subject to horrific sleep deprivation. I know that the masters on average sleep 4/5 hours. How can someone question and be objective when they are not working to optimum level. Just read about sleep deprivation and the effect it has and you will understand. The masters will tell us that they don’t need much sleep and that they are fuelled by the energy, but how many of them did you see falling asleep in training, ceremonies, and chanting? They are totally exhausted.
The bottom line with this organisation is that if you value yourself, your health, your sanity and reason, then I would say, stay away from them. There are lots of other places where you can go to which will help you, without draining your bank account and your relationships with friends, family and your partner. You will not be stripped of your identity and you can still maintain your own values and beliefs about spirituality. The whole nonsense about the end of the world and an ice age within our lifetime is pure trite and is used to control masters and trainees into staying thinking that they are the “chosen” ones and will help to save humanity. It is the “doomsday” prophecy re-hashed which they were notoriously arrested for in Korea and I ask you to sincerely disbelief it.
As for the low level masters, I feel sorry for you, since you truly believe that you are working for the good of people. Yet the unfortunate reality is that you are the engineered puppets of master oh and the old bird over in Korea, and causing untold pain and misery. Wake up and smell the roses, because when you look clearly you will see they are rotting horribly.

Re: Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: janetd123482 ()
Date: February 06, 2013 02:32AM

Any members of Ki Health/Innersound/Qi Wellness viewing this site, please look at the below link. It's a brief video on mind control by Steve Hassan, a leading cult expert.


This is longer, but also worth watching.


Re: Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: Wishwash ()
Date: February 06, 2013 08:45AM

Innersound and Master Oh, you are running out of time and still not a peep out of you.

Would someone on this message board please email these lovely trainees and let them know about the Naima article

Re: Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: Wishwash ()
Date: February 07, 2013 01:15PM

You see Innersound trainees, even though many people have been hurt as they have stated here, Innersound's leader will not apologise. When CEO's of big companies make mistakes they apologise, even presidents apologise- but Master Oh is a god so he is never wrong and doesn't need to.

But look here Japan Disaster the grandmaster predicted another bigger earthquake would hit Japan in the summer of last year, and Master Kang communicated it to everyone and even made a video he was so sure, just like he communicated that the end of the world had been delayed for 1 year in 2000. Guess what, neither happened. Your highest god on earth, your grandmaster keeps getting her predictions wrong- funny thing isn't it.

You were warned everything will go online Innersound- why you do not want to even try to make peace is fascinating- I guess you think you are protected by Heaven, but then why did you totally collapse in Korea in 2000, and Margaret street a few years ago- the same will happen now, we will make sure of it. So for today here is the list of your senior trainees- who will defend you to the death no doubt- they are some of the posters who are defending you right now we presume.

Clare Glaisher
Vanessa Sherry
Rose Fernandes
Ann Macdonagh
Alastair Smith
Jo Moore
Fancine Gleeson
Fiona Brown

You can also tell you masters in Manchester to go into hiding, because they will be reported to Council now also for living illegally on their property too.

Re: Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: Innersoundwatch ()
Date: February 07, 2013 01:49PM

Here are some more emails: someone please email them.

Re: Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: anhonestman ()
Date: February 08, 2013 04:40AM

It's just a guess but I believe Innersound have a branch in Exeter and I wonder if there are any Masters staying there illegally overnight.

Re: Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: Innersoundwatch ()
Date: February 08, 2013 06:03AM

There charitable partners might be interested to know that a cult is partnering with them for Good PR-

Please email the following:

Re: Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: Wishwash ()
Date: February 08, 2013 06:12AM

Encouraging news... one of the Jungshim Masters in Sydney Australia has resigned. If one can see the light many can see the light, so lets keep pushing forward- this is clearly the beginning of the end.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/08/2013 06:13AM by Wishwash.

Re: Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: Peter Daley ()
Date: February 08, 2013 10:36AM

Encouraging news... one of the Jungshim Masters in Sydney Australia has resigned. If one can see the light many can see the light, so lets keep pushing forward- this is clearly the beginning of the end.

That's good news. Is that person willing to share his/her experiences and reasons for leaving? And do they call them Jungshim Masters in Australia?

Speaking of Australia, I came across this older positive testimony a while ago.That link automatically downloads the word file.

Here is the text. And apologies if this has been posted before. This thread is getting kind of long.


My wife nearly died of fatigue

Stephen Taylor tells how in desperation he and Stephania turned to a Korean ‘ki’ master for a cure
Living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) was a season in hell. Stephania could barely look after herself during the day, while I worked to repay what I’d borrowed for the treatments that hadn’t cured her.

On her bad days she didn’t have the strength to hold up a paperback. Those days, she could just make it from the bed to the bathroom and back.

In the evenings, I would cook for her. At one point her allergies stopped her from eating anything but rice porridge. Her joints and muscles ached all the time. I hadn’t been able to hug her for two years. She could bear a shower only twice a week. Her eyes were circled with exhaustion and her nights filled with sweats. Foggy with fatigue, frightened, she suffered suicidal depressions.

This was my beautiful wife, six and a half years after our romance on a Wisconsin farm, after which she joined me in Australia; six years since she’d contracted a heavy ’flu from which she never seemed to recover fully. Before,she’d been 30, fashion-conscious, full of energy and excitement. Now she was 37, going on 80.

There is no conventional treatment for CFS. We’d tried some unconventional treatments and exhausted our reserves of money and strength. Now even travelling had become a major commitment. We were no longer willing to try anything without good prospects of results.

One avenue we’d tried was Qigong. Our friend Sue Pieters-Hawke (daughter of former prime minister Bob Hawke), had been cured after seven year years of CFS by five weeks in a Qigong institute in China. But we failed to find anything here. We prepared for a long, slow recovery.

Laughter was important. Steph could not read much but she could watch videos. I set a TV up at the foot of the bed and twice a week rented 10 videos: musicals and romantic comedies. She watched about 600 that year, and nearly wore out her copy of The Sound of Music.

Slowly she crept out of the pit. Starting in 1990, the illness had peaked in late 1992, confining her to bed. A year later we married, in a friend’s beach house where she could lie down when she needed to.

Our families flew in from overseas, the first time they had seen Steph since her collapse. I remember her mother leaving our bedroom the first time she saw Steph. She came out of the door and her face crumpled: “My daughter’s dying.”

And she was, I think now. By 1995, Steph could use a wheelchair to appear in public. Although we seemed to be making our way slowly out of the pit, her tiny reserves of energy left her desperately vulnerable, frequently bed-bound.

Then the friend who had organised our wedding told us of a Chun Do Sun Bup “ki” energy training in Chatswood, Sydney. We went for a look.
Steph rested in bed for two days for the 20-minute drive. In Chatswood there were steps from the street. Steph hauled herself up hand over hand on the rail. Inside she made straight for a sofa. Stooped and shuffling, she looked like an old woman.

The Koreans were a breath of fresh air. Where others had been uncertain, they were confident. CFS, they could fix that: 90 per cent of her normal energy back within three weeks; then a few months after that rebuilding stamina and resilience. No downside: none of the “got to get worse before you get better” we’d heard elsewhere when results didn’t come.

The masters were graceful, vigorous and loving. We both felt we were in safe hands: even if it didn’t work, we would come to no harm there. Best of all, we could afford it. Their program costs hundreds, not thousands of dollars. We would train together. The masters told us that this way, Steph could draw upon my strength.

In practical terms the training consisted of one-hour classes, where we did breathing exercises, slow movements and meditation. One day, three weeks after we began, we were late for class. Steph sprang out of the car (she hates being late) and trotted up the same steps she’d laboured up three weeks before. She turned to me impatiently. “Hurry up!” she said. Six weeks after we started, she drove herself to class.

The masters offered us more explanations of the training. Though I’d had some exposure to Buddhism, their accounts of ancestral influence upon the body’s energy system, and the powerful healing energy available from mountain and sea, just left me amazed.

But I loved the results. Chun Do Sun Bup is widely known in Korea, but few masters speak English. We were unbelievably lucky to have a centre here.

This year Stephania has been able to visit the Koreans’ headquarters in a mountain valley called DaeRaChun, for which one translation is “heaven”.

And only two years ago we were living in hell.

The Taylors live in Balgowlah, NSW. The Chun Do Sun Bup Institute in Chatswood, Sydney

What I find interesting in this and other testimonies and articles before the convictions is that they show nothing has changed at all. They also fill in a few missing details from the articles concerning the arrest of the founders. The articles don't go into any depth regarding their methods, just that the founders managed to convince many to part with their cash before the world ended. Cults don't just stand on corners and announce the end of the world and have people throw their life savings at them. It's a gradual process from the cult's initial appearance as a benign spiritual helpful organisation to one asking for total commitment. The victims in Korea I'm sure also began their membership with nice relaxing massages. And then their ancestors were brought into the equation, and then it's time to mention the impending end of the world so that the cult can gather enough cash fast enough to try and save it. And the Japanese disaster video Wishwash posted shows that those doomsday prophecies from 1999/2000 are still part of the group's inner teachings.

Re: Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: anhonestman ()
Date: February 08, 2013 04:39PM

Peter Daley
It's a gradual process from the cult's initial appearance as a benign spiritual helpful organisation to one asking for total commitment. The victims in Korea I'm sure also began their membership with nice relaxing massages. And then their ancestors were brought into the equation.

Peter you've described what Innersound do with graceful succinctness. You're left feeling that you have no choice. As for the story of Stephen and his wife, it's the type of success story that many ME/CFS sufferers would be drawn to but there are a number of points which are quite interesting. Firstly, the account is written entirely from the hubands perspective so we don't know what Stephania (Stephen and Stephania?????ahem) thinks or feels. Then this story also misses out on what the training really involves such as ancestor healing and sponsoring ceremonies and the huge financial costs. And then there's the supposed high point of the story when Stephania goes to Korea which may make people think that they have to see the entire Innersound process through to the very end to get better which believe me it won't improve your health, it will only bankrupt you.

Parts of the account such are really badly written and sound very fake, or could have been altered by somone using English as a second language e.g:

"This was my beautiful wife, six and a half years after our romance on a Wisconsin farm, after which she joined me in Australia; six years since she’d contracted a heavy ’flu from which she never seemed to recover fully. Before,she’d been 30, fashion-conscious, full of energy and excitement. Now she was 37, going on 80."

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