Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: cultkiller ()
Date: August 30, 2008 05:50AM

I myself spent nearly 4 years and gave over £12K to the people who run this organisation, as I (along with hundreds of others) simply believed them to be a meditation group that could help me with my health and well-being.

They claim they are a charity and describe themselves as pious holy people who are doing good works for humanity from the bottom of their hearts. My experiences with them and information I learnt about them subsequent to my leaving them has convinced me that they are operating fraudulently.

The organisation formerly known as Chun do Suhn Bup are now calling themselves Ki Health International (Charity Registration No 1073341). They say they are helping humanity by offering ‘treatments’ to sick people and offering what they call ‘ancestor training’. When a newcomer arrives at the centre, it is recommended that they buy 6 treatments. The treatments last around 10 minutes and use acupressure to treat the patient. During these treatments, the ‘masters’ (as they call themselves) tell the patient that their disease / distress is due to ‘ancestral energy’ which is causing blockages in their energy systems. They then recommend either that they embark on a ‘training’ programme, consisting of 100 sessions at their centre where the ‘trainee’ does chanting and slow movements rather similar to those used in tai chi or yoga.

Sometimes, if the ‘master’ feels the person is gullible enough, the ‘ancestral training’ programme is introduced immediately. The ‘trainee’ will be told that to rid themselves of negative energy which is causing their distress / disease, they should do ‘ancestral training’ which will remove the bad spirit energy and allow them to live comfortably and peacefully.

Some visitors to the centre are immediately attracted to this, as they may be in such a bad state and have tried many other methods to improve their health / well-being, and feel that this is their last hope. Some visitors to the centre are seriously ill and very depressed, and easily convinced that they need to clear bad energy from their ancestors who are ruining their lives.

The cost of the ancestral training? Simply to begin, it costs at least £1300 to do both mother and father’s ‘lines’ (ancestors on both sides). However, it is made very clear that the effect of the training will be felt much more strongly if the ‘trainee’ also does training for ‘related spirits’, the spirits of people who knew their blood-relations and affected their lives in some way. The reasons being that they could be responsible for the bad energy too, as they may have had ‘issues’ with the ancestors. So the cost now is a further £1300, totalling £2600.

The ‘masters’ will then describe the 24 day prayer that ‘needs’ to be done, the first day of which is a ‘reporting’ ceremony in which the name of the trainee and his mother and father (with addresses) is reported. Money is also ‘offered’ on this day. Trainees are, believe it or not, always told to give cash, because ‘ancestors like cash’. Seriously! I’m surprised nothing has been done about this organisation before.

Trainees are told that during the reporting ceremony, their ancestors are going to be present, and they will recognise cash but not a cheque.

It’s going to take me ages to explain all of this nonsense. Suffice it to say that hundreds of people are doing and have done these ceremonies. Ki Health International is making monkeys of many people, and I strongly suspect that at least 90% of their income is cash. This explains the frequent visits that ‘master oh’ makes to Korea (around 10 a year, maybe more). The organisation’s ‘headquarters’ is in a place they call ‘Daerachun’, in Hongchun, Korea.

Every Sunday they have a ceremony, to which trainees who wish their loved ones and themselves to get better must attend. During this ceremony, wine is offered to the ancestors by trainees doing the ancestral training, then there is an hour or so of chanting, followed by a ‘talk’ by master oh. His command of English is quite poor, however he repeats himself many times, generally saying that the trainees should be grateful to have this ‘opportunity’ of healing their families and themselves, and should always show their ‘beautiful minds’ by giving as much as they can to the organisation. He reminds trainees that the reason for the ‘training’ being costly is that God will only respond to real cries for help, and that God sees the sacrifice of large amounts of money to the organisation as a genuine cry for help.

The reason people keep going to the ‘centre’? Because they are emotionally blackmailed into believing that if they stop, they and their families will suffer.

Trainees are told that the originators of the organisation are ‘divinities’, what they call ‘grand masters’. They also say that they can read people’s minds. When I stopped visiting the centre, I bumped into one of the other ‘trainees’ in London, who advised me to look up ‘Korean Doomsday Cult’ on the internet. He told me this would dissipate any last doubts I had about the verisimilitude of their claims. It turns out that ‘father grandmaster’ is in prison (both mother and father were jailed in 2001 for telling hundreds of Korean ‘trainees’ that the world would end on February 17th 2000), and that they should give huge amounts of money to them to ensure that they and their families would be ‘protected’ by heaven.

This has to be read to be believed – please visit




When ‘mother grandmaster’ was released from prison, she and ‘master oh’ who now runs the London centre decided that the time was ripe to make monkeys of the British people. It had troubles in the beginning because some people found out who they really were, hence the changing of their name from Chun do Suhn Bup to Ki Health International.

It must be said that the main reason that no one has ‘blown the whistle’ on these people is that they are afraid to do so. To do the ancestral training, the ‘masters’ take the names and addresses of ‘trainees’ parents. This, to their mind, ensures that no one will risk taking them to court.

The couple who run the centre call themselves master oh and master kim. Oh’s real name is Soon Tak Oh, his ‘wife’ Sung Hee Kim. They have a young daughter. I happen to know their real names because I have a copy of a marriage certificate between Oh and one of the British girls he somehow coerced into joining the organisation with him – her name is Emilie Weston, she now calls herself master jin.

The certificate proves that they were married on 13th June 2002 at Hitchin and Stevenage registry office. The wedding was witnessed by his own wife Kim, and another of the British girls they coerced into forming the organisation with them, a Leigh-Anne Miles, who now calls herself master mo.

Clearly they married so that he could obtain British citizenship. I believe the 4 masters on the marriage certificate are the ringleaders of this cult in London, and I’m sure that all 4 of them – Emilie Weston, Leigh-Anne Miles, Soon Tak Oh and Sung Hee Kim have private accounts of their own into which they are depositing large amounts of money. There are other ‘masters’ in the centre (mostly British citizens who have given everything they own to Oh and his ‘wife’). However, I feel they probably don’t know what’s really going on.

Further proof that the afore-mentioned ‘masters’ are the ringleaders of this cult are the names on the charity commission’s records citing them as directors of the company. Please visit the following link which will show their 4 names as directors, and the amount of money they have declared. Being that ‘trainees’ are asked to pay in cash seems to indicate that the £449,000-00 declared for last year is simply the tip of the iceberg of their true income. As I say, Oh’s oft-repeated trips to Korea suggest that huge amounts of cash are leaving the country with him.


I also have a copy of an email sent from master oh to one of the centre’s first ‘trainees’, who somehow learnt of their rotten history and made attempts to blow the whistle on them. The email in question clearly threatens this person’s life.

Hundreds of Britons are being systematically lied to and relived of their money day in day out, to the tune of millions. I know of one man who sold his house and gave them £200K. He now lives in a camper-van.

As part of Ki’s attempts to fulfil their charitable image, they give free ‘treatments’ to members of the metropolitan police, ambulance services and fire brigade. They take photos of themselves giving treatments to workers in these professions and plaster them all over the walls within their centre, to show members of the public that they are ‘helping humanity’ and to insinuate themselves into people’s confidence.

It's about time the final whistle was blown on these freaks!

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/31/2013 07:56AM by rrmoderator.

Re: Ki Health International = Money Grabbing Cult run by Criminals
Posted by: Parry Hotter ()
Date: August 30, 2008 11:04AM

Rick has a page on the group here with two more articles

Re: Ki Health International = Money Grabbing Cult run by Criminals
Posted by: dr. thomas ()
Date: August 30, 2008 04:34PM

This is really creepy and about as corrupt as it gets. How do they draw people in? Do they advertise or is it all word of mouth, walk-in, etc.?

Re: Ki Health International = Money Grabbing Cult run by Criminals
Posted by: Free Speech ()
Date: August 30, 2008 10:40PM

Newcomers should be given a Government Wealth Warning!

Re: Ki Health International = Money Grabbing Cult run by Criminals
Posted by: CaptPorridge ()
Date: September 07, 2008 07:24AM

I've stayed pretty quiet about this... didn't want to, but I received legal threats from the group in London and here in Korea, and threats to damage my rep at work.

Here's a brief description of the threats and some other info:

The Sunday Telegraph just published..


Sunday Telegraph
An alternative healing centre based in London has been accused of “brainwashing” one of its clients into making donations totalling hundreds of thousands of pounds.

By David Harrison

Other former members have also come forward to allege that “masters” at the healing centre, a registered charity, tried to control clients’ lives and pressurise them to make donations.

The claims have been rejected by Ki Health International, which said it was being targeted by disgruntled former members.

Its supporters claim that it is simply a healing centre using oriental “energy” treatments to alleviate ailments ranging from epilepsy to ME.

However, the Charity Commission confirmed that it was considering the claims.

The family of the former client alleges that the charity “brainwashed” him into making donations amounting to £300,000. They claim he was pressurised into handing over about £100,000 to the charity and £200,000 to a private bank account in South Korea. ....

Article continues, but didn't mention the involvement of the London Met who participated in a promo video for Ki Health:

Re: Ki Health International = Money Grabbing Cult run by Criminals
Posted by: Free Speech ()
Date: September 20, 2008 03:26PM

Does that mean the new definition of 'Disgruntled' is 'To tell the Truth'.
Disgruntees - Stand up to these intimidating cowards - if you know something about them don't be afraid, come forward and share your knowledge -Ultimately Truth unlike lies needs no defence.

Ki Wealth International = Money Grabbing Cult run by Master Criminals
Posted by: Seek the Truth ()
Date: November 02, 2008 12:57AM

I encountered Ki Health International at a Mind Body Spirit fair in London in 2005. Orthodox medicine had failed to help me with back pain that was making my life uncomfortable, and as in the past I’d had some astonishingly good results from some of the alternative practises available, I was open to trying something new. The people at the stall were dressed in ceremonial robes, some of them European, some of them Asian. I was told to take my shoes off, lie down and relax. One of the people at the stall introduced himself as Master Oh, and proceeded to give me a treatment. It was similar to acupressure I’d experienced previously. However the pressure on various parts of my body was accompanied by hissing sounds from Oh. He told me later this is to transmit energy into my body and clear blockages. He then told me that I should visit their centre in London to have a course of treatments.

A few hours after the treatment I began to feel light-headed and happy. For the next 2 days this feeling continued, however my aches and pains returned. I’d been impressed by Oh’s treatment so wanted to see him again. I contacted the centre and arranged for another session. I was told that I should book 5, which I did. I didn’t see Oh again, the other sessions were with various masters, one of whom told me that the reason for my problems was bad spirit energy. I asked what this meant. I was told that my life was being negatively affected by unhappy spirits, the spirits of my ancestors. I was then told that the Masters had a means of clearing this bad energy from me, by enrolling me on an ‘ancestral healing’ programme. For this, a private appointment was made with a Master Jin. She told me that I should do a 24 day prayer during which I should visit the centre every day to chant and pray. During the 24 days I would attend 5 special ceremonies, led by Oh. During the ceremonies I was instructed I should offer food to my ancestors, food that I should prepare at home and bring with me to every Wednesday ceremony. How much food? Enough to feed 20 people. Just one dish? No, 3 separate dishes, cooked by myself. I was also to bring flowers to the ceremonies, and give £10 each time for fruit, all to be presented to the spirits of my ancestors.

‘This is a lot to take in’, I told Jin. How much does it cost? To do this prayer for the spirits related to both my parents would cost £1300. I was shocked by this, and too embarrassed to comment. She went on to say that I should also pray for ‘related’ spirits, these being the spirits of those who were in various ways connected to my ancestors, but not directly related. People who had caused trouble for my ancestors during their lives. Jin recommended that I pray for the related spirits too, as she could sense a great deal of bad spirit energy around me and felt that I should do everything I could to clear it. The price of praying for ‘related spirits’ as well as those of my ancestors would be another £1300, totalling £2600. Jin told me that the effects of the prayer would be much more effective if I did it all in one go.

I told her that I would think about it, that I couldn’t afford it. She told me ‘your health and that of your family is the most precious thing, this is a wonderful opportunity to do something special for your loved ones.’ She went on to say that the ancestral healing would give robust health not just to myself, but to all my family members. She also told me to trust in God. I wasn’t convinced that God lived at 33 Margaret Street, W1 just yet, so I told her that I would think about it.

One of the others masters suggested I begin a training schedule, comprising 100 visits to the centre during which I would chant, meditate and do simple exercises, similar to tai chi. I was told that doing the ‘hanuel ship sun bup’ training would teach me how to heal myself, and not be reliant on their treatments. The cost would be £600. I agreed to do this, as it appeared to be a much cheaper way of getting something out of what I’d already started. I couldn’t deny that the treatments were effective, if only for short periods of time. It is because I found the treatments to be effective that I decided to try the training programme.

To do the training I had to wear a special white uniform, which looks like those used in Kung Fu. At 12 o’clock every day, a dozen or so trainees like myself would disappear into the ‘fountain of life’, a large hall, at the front of which hangs a large circular object, which I was told is made out of a rare metal that has special powers (they call it ‘jinbo’.) On this object is enamelled a simple scene, a mountain, the sea and a red and white ball in the sky, apparently representing the sun and moon. I’m told this is called the ‘symbol of truth’, and I’m to make a deep bow in front of it when I enter the hall, before presenting my ‘reporting card’ to the master leading the class.

After making 3 bows (I was shown a special way to do this), the class begins, and consists of chanting a particular chant 7 times, from a book containing ‘chun moons’ or ‘heavenly orders’. After which, 20 minutes are spent doing slow, very specific movements, some of which I recognised from tai chi, and the remaining 20 minutes are spent in meditation.

There are separate changing rooms for male and female ‘trainees’ at the centre. When I began the training classes (I was encouraged to do these at least 3 times a week) one of the things I found immediately curious was the odd atmosphere within the changing rooms. Some trainees didn’t speak at all. Others, with whom I got chatting, had extraordinary stories to tell, mostly questioning the integrity of the organisation itself. I asked those who expressed unhappiness with the way things were run at the centre why they were so unhappy, and invariably the answer was the large sums of money that the ancestral healing cost. I would ask ‘why do it then?’, and one of the most memorable answers I got was ‘because Master Oh says that what you give, you will get back, in this life or in the afterlife.’

After doing a few weeks of the training schedule, I began to wonder whether or not to do the ancestral healing. One of the masters told me that my health would only improve 30% if I didn’t, and that the energy that I was receiving in the ‘fountain of life’ was not being digested properly because I’d not done the ancestral healing. Finally I decided to do it. I did everything I was told – attend the centre every day for 24 days, cook huge amounts of food (much of which went in the bin, along with other trainees’ food immediately after the ceremonies). I was told I should attend chanting classes every day before the regular training class. These also last an hour, and consist wholly of chanting, with a short meditation to finish.

After the 24 days were up I was completely exhausted. Having spent 24 days travelling into one of the most polluted cities on earth to do spiritual work for my family had taken a lot out of me. I was told when I’d finished that I should keep coming in for another week or so, to help digest the energy I’d received.

There was no noticeable difference in my health after the 24 days. I ‘phoned my parents and told them as much as I could (without appearing completely crazy) about what I’d been up to. They told me they hadn’t noticed any improvement in their health and well-being. I didn’t expect an immediate result, so decided to persist with the regular training and chanting classes for another few months, to give it a chance to work.

After a few weeks, Master Jin tells me that I should do another ceremony, called ‘Four House Angels’. She explains this is a single ceremony that will forever attach four benevolent angels to my home, who will make my home life harmonious and protect my possessions from thieves. This is now getting too absurd for words but, stupidly, I find myself going through with it. The cost? Another £900.

By this point, I’d invested over £4000 in Ki Health International. And there was more to come. Chatting with others in the same boat as myself (those who, like myself, had already done ancestor healing etc and were suspending their disbelief as best they could), news began to emerge about another 100 days special prayer. Upon enquiring, I found out that the initial 24 day prayer is simply the beginning, and that further work has to be done to notice any improvement in my health and that of my family. By now my suspended disbelief has nearly been crushed, but not quite. When I express my doubts to one of the masters, I’m told ‘we have proved to you that we have a direct connection to God, through the treatments you receive here which are so effective for you, so clearly everything we tell you to do is going to make you better.’ I’m then told to do another 100 day prayer, after which my family and I will surely be in much better health. A final roll of the die, I tell myself. In for a penny, in for a pound…. And so I hand over another £2600.

Needless to say, I notice no improvements in my health or that of my family members during or after the prayer. During this 100 days I’m told to attend all the Sunday ceremonies. After each of the ceremonies, Master Oh gives a long talk, often exceeding an hour. It’s difficult to understand much of what he says, however the basic message is that we (the trainees) are very lucky to have discovered this method of healing, and that ‘we’ are going to save the world with Ki energy. In one especially memorable ceremony, Oh chastises some trainees who have criticised the organisation’s aggressive money-making techniques, saying ‘God responds only to those whose cries for help are seen as genuine. Freely giving large amounts of money to us, as spokespeople for God, is the only way that your prayers for your health and well-being are going to be answered.’

Shortly after this time, one of the trainees drew my attention to various websites which talk about the ‘Korean Doomsday Cult’, and all my doubts about the integrity of Ki Health are confirmed. Further investigation reveals that the Grandmasters, who according to the masters within the centre, spent 30 years doing arduous training in the mountains of Korea, were in fact imprisoned in 2001 for swindling hundreds Koreans out of vast sums of money. They did this by convincing them that the world would end on February 17th 2000, and that by giving as much money as they could, their souls and those of their family members would be assured of a special place in heaven.

Re: Ki Health International = Money Grabbing Cult run by Criminals
Posted by: Lucius ()
Date: February 13, 2009 03:20PM

Stupidly, I got caught by this mob at a festival. The other bloggers have described the way they operate brilliantly. Thanks to the rats, I found better things to do with my time and money and moved on after a few months.

I was mystified by claims made about their energy healing treatments,
being superior to all others because they used the purest vibrational frequency of light and sound. In reality the treatments consisted of a master using touch and making hissing sounds.
No two masters made the same sound and the way they touched differed vastly.
(A vast range of vibes here (definitely a rat!)

The diagnosis they gave after the treatments were very vague. I expected more from people who claimed to be highly trained in this sort of work.
(something not quite right here (more rats!)

Chanting sessions supposedly gave one pure energy due to their frequency. However, nobody including masters chanted in time or in tune with anyone else.
People including masters were constantly coming in and out of the training hall banging doors and making quite a commotion as people were training, meditating etc.
No harmony here (yet unother rat!).

As for there description of the spirit world which fairy story did it come from?
(lots of underworld rats here!)

Re: Ki Health International = Money Grabbing Cult run by Criminals
Posted by: KiWatch ()
Date: April 05, 2009 10:49AM

Record rent for new Ki Health London premises.



25 Queen Anne Street, W1 lets at record rents
Colliers Godfrey Vaughan, acting on behalf of Howard de Walden Estates Ltd, has let 25 Queen Anne Street to Ki Health International at £775,000 per annum, equating to £59 per sq ft overall showing £65.00 psf per annum on the best space.

Ki Health International has taken the space as its European Headquarters on a new 10 year lease with a tenant only break at the 5th year. The 13,200 sq ft building was completely redeveloped behind a retained façade and has been designed on a low energy approach, meeting today's high energy efficiency standards.

Commenting on the letting, Simon Baynham, managing director of the Howard de Walden Estates Ltd, said: 'this successful letting demonstrates that there is a market for well specified buildings in a good location.'

Ki Health International were represented by John Arkwright and Company.

Ki Health to use half of their office space for medical use.



We have let this entire refurbished office building of 13,200 square feet on behalf of the Howard de Walden Estate.
The tenant, KiHealth International, has successfully applied for a change of use for half the space to medical use. The building is their new European Headquarters. The
headline rent is £58.71 per square foot.

Master Oh visits Qatar


Ki healing expert at Sharq Village

Master Oh … back
MASTER Oh, a specialist in delivering Ki energy healing, is conducting treatment sessions at the Six Senses Spa at Sharq Village and Spa and has invited “anyone who wants to feel better” to come and experience the traditional therapeutic techniques.

The treatment is a combination of acupressure and sound, and Master Oh explained that the breathing technique he uses, which transmits the sound, is a “carrier of energy” from himself to the patient.
He said that the therapy can be used to treat any ailment, ranging from fatigue to cancer, but said that the most common complaints he deals with at his centre in London are related to fatigue and subsequent health problems.

Master Oh, who treats many high-end customers in London, is also committed to charity initiatives and treating others who are less fortunate. He has been inspired to take a visit to treat children suffering from Aids in South Africa, among other charity work at home and abroad.
He has visited Qatar in the past, and has received visitors from Doha to his clinic in London.
He is heading to Bahrain next.

The treatment is based on the flow of energy through the body, which supports the function of all the systems in the body.
“Although based on similar principles to acupuncture, Ki treatments use sound and touch instead of needles and have the power to detoxify the entire body, whilst having a calming effect on the mind and emotions,” explained a spokesperson.

Master Oh said that during treatment he clears energy blockages caused by the build-up of toxins, and restores the flow of energy and blood circulation through the body.
“I feel the pain of the patient, and so when I feel better, I know they feel better as well,” he said.

“Modern life is so hectic that people are driven increasingly by selfishness and greed. The negativity in the mind creates disease in our body which is then reflected in the world around us,” he claimed, adding that he believes “we all need to awaken our mind, recover our energy and immunity which will ultimately bring health and happiness”.

“This is a great complement to our current suite of well-being offerings. Master Oh has visited Qatar previously and his past clients are eagerly anticipating his return.
“Our venue here at Six Senses Spa, Doha offers the perfect ambience to encourage relaxation and detoxification – one of the basic principals of Ki Energy treatments” said Spa director Marteyne van Well.

To book a treatment session, please call the Six Senses Spa. Master Oh began this round of sessions yesterday.
The last day of treatment is tomorrow.

Re: Ki Health International = Money Grabbing Cult run by Criminals
Posted by: Free Speech ()
Date: May 03, 2009 06:13PM

This group is also using the name Ki Global now, presumably an after affect of bad publicity and people being able to see through them. How come they have so many people calling themselves "Masters" when they are all followers of some belief system created by someone else. A "Master" by definition can never be a follower, as these people claim not to get paid for what they do there surely "Slave" would be a more accurate description of there role in this group.

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