Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: July 12, 2008 03:03PM


Put the case number (NC051176) through and see for yourself.

Here's the website, here's the documents. Who's lying and who's telling the truth? Face the facts, Joseph. The fact is, your parents are being sued for three million dollars, and your leader is a liar and a fraud. See for yourself, all of you.

Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Date: July 22, 2008 09:53PM

As it’s so important for the JesusChristians to “get the word out” I thought that the least I could do to help in this regard, was to copy out some of David’s Teachings in his OWN words (albeit accompanied by the occasional explanatory notes from myself in Italics).

Let me continue without further to do, although I’d like to merely note in passing, that while he has obviously now “moved on” from his earlier imitation of the Children of God’s comic work leaflets, into something now like more earnest imitation of the “authoritative” publications of the late Ron Hubbard (…well, give something a “cover” and people will think it more trustworthy won’t they, so goes the reasoning no doubt)….

...I still note, (as David himself observes!), that David has nothing himself to contribute. He is here, simply misrepresenting the teachings of David Berg, as his own…..barely a whit of which has changed whatsoever since my own encounter (of over three and a half years duration) some twenty five years ago with this all

…..In a quarter of a century he’s had nothing to add, and has been able to do no more than “re-package” someone elses product in all that time....


Armgeddon for Beginners by David McKay

(Clearly a heavy handed attempt to be “cute”, parodying other “X” for Beginners titles…..however appealing to some (juvenile) tastes perhaps…..)

Armageddon for Beginners


The Millennium Bug has affected more than computers. Some people feel the Year 2000 might also mark the beginning of the what is called the Millennial Reign of Christ, or in simple terms, the End of the World as we know it.

(David desperately trying to “embed” issues of the moment in his writings to magnify their immediacy. He later comments on page iv “Right at the start of this book we more or less pooh-pooh all the hype and hysteria about the Millennium Bug” No, David! It looks more like you used a shallow journalistic ploy to attempt to “ride” that hysteria with some hype of your own).

A recent upsurge of interest in the Bible prophecy appears to be based on more than just the concept of a new millennium. People who would have nothing to do with religion in its many other forms, have suddenly become intrigued by biblical predictions and how they relate to news events of the day. (PLEASE! This is so patently “old-hat” I wince to read it…..EVERY end-time publication since World War Two has claimed the same….an “upsurge of interest” and the wider “intrigue” with biblical prophecy are simply the wilful inventions of the authors to somehow persuade the reader that there is some larger movement “out there” which they urgently need to become aware of….trite psychological manipulation!) Some are bashful about confessing their interest (the fabrication of a bogus “silent majority” that David can draw on, to “prove” himself) while others openly share their thoughts and theories.

The interest in endtime prophecy is good (if it leads to membership in the JesusChristians)….but the end results may not be (if it doesn’t!) Bible prophecy can be very complex (…hence McKay has had to copy it all from David Berg) and it is easy for the uninitiated to be drawn into making or believing conclusions that go far beyond the the actual intent of the prophecies. (An accusation I will be levelling at David McKay as we go further into the text of his work).

Sadly , many of the traditional experts in theology and religion (everyone in an organized Church who fails to adequately recognize the authority of one David McKay!) have little faith in anything other than their own expertise (the psychological projection of Davids’ traits upon others here…)and many of the self professed experts are blindly committed to making everything fit some pet theory of their own making. (More generally, David has the strategy here of attempting to “disarm” the reader, by encouraging them to believe that David HIMSELF couldn’t possibly then be like those he has just disparaged. David is hoping to "create" credibility for himself....after all, he couldn't be so hypocritical as be actually worse than the people suffering from the self-delusional traits, that he has just so clearly identified, now could he?).

What the public wants (and needs) is an explanation that is simple without being simplistic and clear without being contrived (and that is accurate without being prostituted to promote the “cause” of someone’s religious empire!) They want to know if the Bible really does predict the future, without being conned into a lot of double-talk (yes lets not con the public with double talk, David!) that finishes up saying nothing.

This book is an attempt to meet that need. (….AND the “need” to persuade the world of the authority of Apostle Mckay!)


Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Date: October 05, 2008 03:41PM

ANOTHER mark of a cult is to be forever trotting out simplistic trite, that serves the purpose of a pyshchological "front" in an effort to mask its own venal practices.....after 25 years Rob STILL can only manage self justifying platitudes of despair....

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 3:33 am Post subject: How much is 700 Billion Dollars?

We are a bit slow at catching up on world news here in Africa, (...and possibly you’re just a bit slow full stop) but I've been reading about Bush's plan to give $700 billion U.S. to the Wall Street Banks, as kind of a charitible gesture to pull them through a difficult time.

At first I thought there was a mistake in the figure, but it has appeared several times now, so it must be correct. I wonder if people have anyu idea how much money that is. It's something like $100 each for every human being on the face of the planet. That's $100 each for every ophan in Kenya, $100 apiece for every starving and malnourished baby, $100 per person for every homeless person, $100 for every person crammed into the many refugee camps around the world, $100 for every school child in evry country on earth, $100 per person for every hospital patient, every soldier, every resident in evry rest home on earth, every inmate in every prison and in every mental institution
(Well there’s a $100 potentially for David MacKays taking!!).

Do the JesusChristians use soap?....or tooth-paste?....or toilet-paper? Do they have more than one set of clothes? Imagine how many “starving Africans” could directly benefit if they refrained from these disgustingly wasteful habits….think of ANY “cause” and then divide by the amount of money that the JesusChristians spend on ANY personal item of so-called “need”….Children die in their mothers arms because selfish Rob is there brushing his teeth or washing his face when that money could be employed saving the lives of the poor….Isn’t it just outrageous!

Rob needs to be a little more astute in citing the statistics he (has copied from another source without acknowledging it….Yes I read the article too, Rob!) that he also takes the time to point out why the same principles are not applied to the land-owning, book-selling, organ-hocking JesusChristians who are now just as much (only more hypocritically so) part of the very “worldy system” they so loudly condemn.

The huge amount of money under consideration in the US financial bailout is consequent to the unregulated practices of many financial institutions in the US, and of the questionable securitization of the “sub-prime” mortgages, initially by many of the countries investment banks.

The historic success of the American economy is why the amount is so enormous…..a trifling amount would be required for the North Korean or Kenyan economy (or a fraction of that yet again, for any future "JesusChristian" economy)

Does Rob offer any illustrative praise of the financial security offered in comparably far more regulated systems, such as Australia or the UK….or is he content with no more than a “cheap shot” (which hopefully might encourage someone inexperienced enough to consider the “truths of McKay” which Rob has spent his life literally selling).

Please out line the reform you exactly have in mind here (…could it simply be to give all your money to greedy David and then live in doting servitude like Rob himself !!)

So why is he doing this? He's doing it because a lot of people bought million-dollar homes that they can't really afford to pay off, and they may have to let go of them and go back to just living on $500 to $1000 a week (or more), possibly even taking up rental accommodation until they can save up for something better.

Why does the Grameen Bank engage in commerce? [] Would you consider it the “work of the Devil” Rob? It’s just another (regrettably very few of its kind) financial institution….if the Grameen bank ran into financial difficulty, would you bail it out Rob? What about the “selfish businessmen and women” that this disgusting organization finances….you need to spend another good page or morecondemning them don’t you Rob. (…but IF you don’t…..could you then give us the moral principle that distinguishes them, from those that you do condemn…..the “rich” in America that you delude yourself you are no less a part of…with two more “cost-reimbusement” kidney sales coming up!.....How much “lost income” is David instructing Joe or Grace to demand in compensation??)

…and once again get off the land you defrauded yourselves to! Stop taking up accommodation! Christ didn’t have anywhere to “lay his head” during his ministry……did he Rob! Parsimony indeed!

It makes me think of the story in the Bible, where a crooked bookkeeper is going to lose his job, and so he contacts all of his employer's debtors and tells them that he has just erased half of their debts. Why did he did it? Because he was using his position to buy himself incredibly rich friends who would help him after he finished his present job!

Funny that….you know….because I’m also reminded of a story in the bible…..where the pharisees fast or put themselves through "suffering" to prove their dedication to God, while ignoring any of the commands in relation to the behaviour they engage in towards the individuals around them.....pharisees who then might vexatiously sue parents or blackmail the family of anyone who might be "led astray" (....leave a life of obediance to David selling his God-awful writing to all and sundry)while telling themselves that they are "changing" the world...

The tragedy is that there is hardly an economic problem in the world (I mean real problems with real human suffering) that could not be fixed with that kind of money, and yet Geroge W. Bush decides to give the money to Wall Street instead! Is this not the height of arrogance in a country which has ignored the plight of the rest of the world?

America has a miniscule proportion of its budget devoted to overseas aid. They have indeed ingnored a lot of the “plight of the rest of the world”....and likewise would there be anything that you might have conveniently "ignored" here, Rob??


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Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 3:20 pm Post subject:

Great comparisson Rob. I often feel the same way about resources used here in Kenya. Corruption here is a really big thing; like in the 100's of billions of shillings in the last 10 years or so (and I think I'm being rather tight with that figure). That money could have been used to pave all the roads in Kenya as well as heaps of other kinds of development and infrastructure like hospitals and schools. (How much soap, toothpaste, or toilet paper do you use Casey? ).It's a shame.

Quite! Any organization that takes every cent an individual owns and years of service from them, without paying then a cent, entering into any care for them and then simply tossing them out on the streets (like Vicki and her children)telling them they have “failed” God, is out and out, utterly corrupt. It’s a shame.

It's a good reminder to consider how WE would do things if we were the ones in charge, because we'll get our chance someday!

Yes Casey….EVERY cult in the world idly dreams of the “Golden Age” of it’s “Godly rule (and you just happen to be no exception)….but as you remark JesusChristian “Ground Zero”…..a brutal, feudalistic society with arbitrary imprisonment and banishment, where the rule of law is the prerogative of self-appointed religious courts…..much like the Taliban really,….with computers…!

The following video really for me, encapsulates what I imagine it might be like for society were the Jesus Christians ever to be able to make the sort of moves that would be ultimately necessary in order to be able to impose themselves upon the wider world.

In this prophetic film, where the fiendish preparations are under way ("Listening" are you?) we are able to follow the trials of an innocent bystander, a reluctant hero, at first just following up something that appears rather fishy, but who is then dragged deeper and deeper, down into the maelstrom of events larger than life….where he frighteningly encounters one mindless robot after another…after some years STILL thoughtlessly decked out in the red of their organ donor t-shirts scam …although you, it still surprises me what you can get out of mindless robots like the JesusChristians if you just know what buttons to press. Psychotic David naturally enough, throwing a right tantrum right at the end over the slightest little unauthorized song and dance that dares appear in his realm and stamping out anything that smacks of less than full obedience to his meglomaniac fantasy. Deep!....believe me this is DEEP!


Why you even get to appear Casey!.....there in your peaked cap and shining epaulettes…!

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 10/05/2008 03:49PM by Malcolm Wesley WREST.

Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Date: February 07, 2009 12:24AM

by Joe Thu Dec 18 2008 (in reply to a self important attempt from Fran at yet again, besmirching the Quakers, in a trite work deceptively described as an "article")


Excellent article, Fran. It really reminded me of why I feel that labelling people/groups tends to be so dangerous, because it tends to put people/ideals into a box, and generally does not tend to reflect the complete truth. And that would apply with the "fundamentalist" label, as well, in my opinion. While agreedly there have been a lot of troubles that have come as a result of individuals taking a hard-line, fundamentalist approach to moral issues, a lot of good has come as well. And generally speaking, even amongst "fundamentalists", there are a mix of both conservative and liberal ideals that make up the whole of such individuals' belief systems. But labels tend to ignore this truth.

Anyway, great article once again. An excellent reminder to really try to look for and embrace "that of God" in everyone, ESPECIALLY those with whom we disagree.

Dear Joe, "excellent idea" you have here....hence when Fuhrer McKay rather unimaginatively (as he simply adopted the term from David Berg!) describes non-members of your organization (i.e the rest of world!) as "systemites" in order to purposely dehumanize them and thus justify your lifestyle of fraud (you are only "spoiling Eygpt" after all, aren't you Joe....just as the COG's used to tell themselves, on command) and when he purposely labels his critics as "hate-mongers" and "back-sliders" in order to attempt to somehow undermine the authenticity of their criticisms.....

....well you are right indeed here, Joe, the psychological strategy of poisonously "labelling" all and sundry that David McKay repeatedly engages in, (and which hypocritical Fran refuses to comment upon), does indeed prove that you are dangerously betoken to a fundamentally self absorbed individual, completely at odds with the Christ of the the individual whose belief system as you note, is a mix of conservative and liberal notions of his own self-worship, and who wilfully falsely slanders others with labels to dis-inform the wider world of his predatory behaviour.

....I fairly well acquainted with 'that of Satan" in David McKay....but look just to restore my faith in human nature, Joe could you find it within you to....

....well you know...

...tell me more a little about "that of God" in your mother and father and brother.....

(...and DO remember, that if you can't find "anything"in them Joe....that you are already very sick indeed!!)

Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Date: April 17, 2009 01:43AM

It may interest some to hear of several other largely unsung performances that David has already made on youtube, but that appear to have somehow been overlooked despite the recent spate of concern...

...hear is one about "teamwork" and the need for strong leadership from someone who is clearly driven to attain a gaol...a tightly scripted effort in a stunning locale of dramatic wilderness scenery, highlighting just how necessary some might think it is, for everyone to pull together under the direction of a self-appointed leader...

....and furthermore, giving the wider public, substantial insight in the day to day running of the JesusChristians....

....a wonderful production, indeed!...Truly spectacular!!....only...well...seemingly faultless but in one little regard!!.. . know...I just can't quite understand the ending...was that REALLY scripted....???

.....or did the camera keep rolling when it shouldn't have...???


Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Posted by: Oerlikon ()
Date: June 21, 2009 11:10AM


Fifteen-second clip of the infamous attack on a Jesus Christian. They ought to call this one:


Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: January 09, 2012 12:17AM


Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Date: January 09, 2012 10:21AM

Did you hear of this little incident, Zeuszor?


Another "ex-member" somewhere else altogether, going "feral", as well! Good on Ms Cook,....the world needs more of her ilk!!

Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Date: January 09, 2012 10:25AM we've managed 924 pages to date, then! D. McKay would be (perversely) proud of the fact.....

Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Posted by: Apollo ()
Date: January 09, 2012 05:00PM

Now Glennocchio is writing me privately and threatening extortion unless I comply with his demands to remove his name from this forum:

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 12:19 PM, Glenn Griffiths <ptolemy_glenn1979@***.com> wrote:

So you make a big show and dance on the JC forum about how you're tired of you assuming im attacking you.

Yet you go and post the stuff over at the RR forum.If you are really sincere, delete the posts you made on the feral thread that even hint at mentioning my name or actually do name me and i will stop bringing up your past to the room.

To which I just replied:

That's impossible. I can't do that. RR does not work that way and he won't allow it; after 30 minutes you cannot edit or delete anything once you make a post.

This is not about some conflict between you and me.

Just leave it alone, Glenn. Please, do not write me privately any more.

Piss off, Glennocchio. You're little more than a troll yourself, just annoying background noise. Here's me giving you the finger.

What are you, one of David's goons, an ax-man? I'm not scared of you. Bring it on.

Get off the fence: either dive in, forsake all, join the JCs or else don't and go on with your life but for God's sake, give it up with these childish damn games. We are not in high school anymore and this is not just something I do to pass the time.

Don't you get it Glenn? DM is a snake and these people's lives are in danger for as long as they are under his influence.

What a vile troll. Almost four years later and not much has changed!

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