Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: April 27, 2008 02:25PM

Mal, you are a better man than I for having the stomach to wade through the crap over there at the JC forum and make us aware of exchanges like the one you are presenting. I just haven't had much time (or frankly much inclination) to read through that stuff much lately. I am just trying to get on with my life and get my s**t together and am trying to focus on other things for now (like finding a "System" job!), but cannot bear to keep myself from reading the ongoing threads here for long. I'll keep my eyes on this thing.

Godspeed. The nocturnal Zeuszor is signing off for now,


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/27/2008 02:29PM by zeuszor.

Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: April 29, 2008 03:12PM


I just found and started reading this. It looks as if the Australian Quakers are finally making their move against DM. In the end, DM's own words will prove his undoing. His little world is crumbling around him, but he's just too vain and arrogant to see it.


Notice that he writes of planning to travel around Australia for three months with Cherry. Amazing, isn't it, that Australian tax dollars get to fund his lifestyle! Pretty good for a man who works "for love, not for money." I guess it wouldn't be quite so painful, if he didn't push the "forsake all" and "don't work for money" message as well, the hypocrite. Simply a two-bit pimp, he.

Your time is gonna come, McKay. I hope that you are reading this.

I close with a takeoff from The Big Lebowski: Your revolution is over, Mr. McKay. Condolences. The bums lost. My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. THE BUMS WILL ALWAYS LOSE! YOU HEAR ME, MCKAY? THE BUMS WILL ALWAYS LOSE!

The Dude abides!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2008 03:23PM by zeuszor.

Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Date: May 19, 2008 12:31AM

I will try to post some of the more relevant court decisions and legislation concerning the protection afforded those so choose practising their faith "freely and openly"....

.....however there was an interesting quote from this recent article [] (18th May 2008...the Melbourne Age) to wit:

Attached were 13 stories outlining the misery inflicted by practices of the sect, including the doctrine of separation, which keeps lapsed members from contacting their families.

Mr Rudd's chief-of-staff David Epstein wrote in reply last week that the Prime Minister "does not resile from the views he expressed last year," and that he "remains concerned about the reported imposition of doctrines that weaken family bonds"

If any Bills were ever were to reach the point of parliamentary debate, I wonder how broadly "the imposition of doctrines that weaken family bonds" might possibly be interpreted in statute, and which "organizations" might then possibly fall liable to some nature of prosecution.....

Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Date: May 19, 2008 12:34AM

I will try to post some of the more relevant court decisions and legislation concerning the protection afforded those practising their faith "freely and openly"....

.....however there was an interesting quote from this recent article [] (18th May 2008...the Melbourne Age) to wit:

Attached were 13 stories outlining the misery inflicted by practices of the sect, including the doctrine of separation, which keeps lapsed members from contacting their families.

Mr Rudd's chief-of-staff David Epstein wrote in reply last week that the Prime Minister "does not resile from the views he expressed last year," and that he "remains concerned about the reported imposition of doctrines that weaken family bonds"

If any Bills were ever were to reach the point of parliamentary debate, I wonder how broadly "the imposition of doctrines that weaken family bonds" might possibly be interpreted in statute, and which "organizations" might then possibly fall liable to some nature of prosecution.....

Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: June 05, 2008 03:54AM




Good afternoon David. My day is going well and I trust that yours is too.

The reason I am writing this letter is to tell you of the lovely and enlightening conversation that I had earlier today with your mother, Alice. We spoke for twenty minutes or so and she did not hesitate to tell me her memories of you. I explained to her that I was a researcher and that I was looking into your background, trying to piece together a bio of you. I said that if anybody would remember David as a kid, it would be his mother. She was very open and friendly, plain-spoken. She told me that you have not seen one another in several years and rarely communicate. Such a sweet woman she is, such a deep believer, very religious and strong in faith. She told me that she did her best to teach you right from wrong and always stood up for your when your father was antagonistic and thought that you were up to no good. She told me your father always thought that you were undisciplined and gave you a hard time but that she always stood up for you, and that even as a child you were prideful, vain, rebellious. That was the word she used to sum up her memory of you as a kid: rebellious. She further told me that she now realizes that your father was right and that you were lacking in discipline and were extremely manipulative.

This all does not come as a shock to me; in fact, her testimony only confirms what I have suspected all along. She told me that she did her best to raise you good and that she has not a drop of pride in you or what you do. She knows about how you rip families apart, and how you have a pattern of jumping onto other people’s bandwagons and trying to take over other people’s projects, and told me of how she is just ashamed of you and for who you turned out to be.

She told me that early on you had the goal of going into the mission field, and felt called to live as a full-time missionary, from the age of eight in fact. She confirmed that your family was very religious and that your brothers all turned out to be genuinely pious people. She told me how as a kid you read the Bible thoroughly and that she was always surprised at how you could memorize and recite whole passages of Scripture. She told me of how you’d preach to neighborhood kids and your classmates. She told of how in high school you started some kind of Bible Club but that it didn’t last long and ended badly, something about interpersonal conflicts.

She told me that she knows how you are, that you have more or less always been that way, and that she knows exactly how you rip families to pieces , use those kids to raise money, turn people against one another, she told me about your weird, hurtful, and attention-seeking stunts as a kid too (she even confirmed that the “beggar story” is true) and were generally manipulative, attention-seeking, and obsessed with the Bible from a very, very early age. She told me that once one group of followers or given group of people gets wise to you, you simply move on and find a new group to feed from, a new host to leech off of, so to speak. And she said you were like that even as a kid. I asked her why you moved to Australia in the first place, and she said that you just said something vague, that you were leaving to be a missionary, and that she hasn’t heard from you much or had much relationship with you since.

She said that you never smoked or drank or partied as a kid, that you were a bit nerdy really, and that you were not exactly a troublemaker, but you were very manipulative, attention-seeking, and always trying to be the center of attention, trying to organize things around yourself. She said of you, “He always wanted to be famous. He always wanted his name in lights.” That you were always critical of Billy Graham and other big-time preachers, and that you wanted to be bigger than them even, that you were in fact jealous, but that you lacked the discipline to go out and do it yourself. She told me of the slick suit, with the white jacket and dark slacks, that you won and went around the world in. Her words were “And then he married that girl and I haven’t heard much from him since. “ Didn’t seem to know Cherry well, or even her name for that matter. She was very open about how she hasn’t spoken with your kids, her grandchildren, in years. She just was very frank and open in speaking with me and gave me a lot of info in not much time.

She told me of how you stayed up all night once in her home, reading the Left Behind series (she said that she loves those books), how you were taking copious notes, and that shortly after that visit you began working on Survivors. She said that LaHaye and Jenkins tried to sue you, also.

The most positive aspect of David's past and present life is his 86 year-old mother, Alice. She's a most kind woman, who is deeply religious. Her faith in God sees her through the grief of having raised a son like David, a man, who causes as much devastation to other families as he has caused to hers. She loves her son, though is ashamed of him, but does not support his self-seeking mission. She hardly ever hears from him and that's hard for any mother, especially in her reclining years.

She is such a nice woman, your mother, a saintly person, and so ashamed of you. She said that she was always nice to you, always stood up for you, and that she doesn't understand why you treat her so poorly. Ashamed to call you her son, she is. Don't you have a drop of the milk of human kindness running through your veins, David? Broke my heart, it did, speaking with your mother. You ought to call her soon. It is the Holidays, after all. In case you don’t have her number, I’ll send it to you. When was the last time you called your mother and told her that you love her, David? When was the last time that any of the Jesus Christians called their mothers to tell them that you love them? Oh yeah, and speaking of mothers: the mother of an ex-member, the mother of one of your victims, called your Mama too, before I did. You can ask your mother which one it was when you call her.

Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: June 07, 2008 02:59PM

Is the "Cherry-3PO" bit too harsh?


Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: June 07, 2008 05:33PM

Is the preceding clip of David McKay's female consort or a companion droid that he built to do his bidding? Never mind that; in this clip Cherry-3PO explains that people who do not like her husband actually reject discipline.

This is as mindless as it gets. No David, some (seem like most) people just don't like you. I know I don't. Personal discipline has nothing do do with it. There are a lot of disciplined, successful people who don't like you. Have you ever thought that maybe YOU did anything wrong at all EVER?

Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Date: June 08, 2008 12:02AM

David expects to be taken seriously interviewing his OWN wife assessing him in the role of an "independent observer"....??

Her insinuation, those that those who criticise David are "disobedient" is of course not even a "reply"'s David tactic of feeding assumptions as somehow "factual" to the media....

Cherry is repeating the mantra that the world someone "owes this "Apostle" if the repeating the incantation often enough will provide it with some authority....

The consequences of obeying David are evident in the "cowed" and shattered shell of a human, that is all that remains of Cherry McKay

(Thank you Zeusor...and no C3PO wasn't "too strong"....)

Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: June 08, 2008 06:20AM

Yeah, I am trying to splice together a funny video in which David is saying something about "getting a movement started, everybody else gets movements" etc. then cut to a clip of Robin mixing up and drinking the "Go Lightly" laxative, then cut to a clip of David saying "sweeten it up." Edit it in such a way so as to make DM say "sweeten it up" like five times in a row, and then "get a movement going" cut to "go lightly", "sweeten it up", etc. Sort of a funny constipation montage. I can see it. I'll have a few beers and work on it this evening. I've nothing else to do tonight.

Re: David McKay's Jesus Christians - the FERAL thread.....
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: June 08, 2008 09:28AM



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