Re: Help needed to get Justice for Jeremiah.please take 2 mins to read it
Posted by: matilda ()
Date: April 14, 2008 02:13AM

Please continue to circullate the petition and thank you to all who have already signed it.


Grieving family lobby Downing St

Jeremiah had travelled to Germany to what he thought was an anti-war rally
The family of a 22-year-old student who died in Germany five years ago are petitioning the government to intervene in the case.

Jeremiah Duggan was hit by cars on a motorway shortly after ringing his mother appealing for help. A German coroner recorded a verdict of suicide.

British coroners later said Mr Duggan, from Golders Green, north London, was in "a state of terror" when he died.

Campaigners want ministers to lobby the German government to reopen the case.

Posted by: matilda ()
Date: November 03, 2008 04:59AM



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The Department of History, University of Northampton & The Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team

[Please note that editorials posted in this section are the sole viewpoints of the individual author and do not necessarily
represent any collective opinion of the Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, or the University of Northampton]

BUESO/LAROUCHE FORUM: 2pm. House of Democracy: Berlin: 17 October 2008


Guest Publication by

Matthew Feldman

[photos added to enhance the text]

Lyndon LaRouche at a news conference in Paris in February 2006

This Forum aims to raise awareness about the dangers of Lyndon LaRouche and the LaRouchites group. We will also give a voice to all those who suffer because of a failure of our European society to address the legal and ideological issues in question.

Families are failed by a system that does not support them or protect their children from methods of subjugation.

In the case of Jeremiah Duggan, the authorities have thus far preferred to brush a suspicious death under the carpet rather than hear the family’s repeated requests for an investigation into the full circumstances of this violent, tragic and still-unexplained death.

Now, in order to protect the lives of others, for the first time in Germany, former members together with the disaffected families will analyze whether the LaRouchites represent a danger to society, and to European law

For more than 30 years, the LaRouche group have operated with impunity out of Wiesbaden, in Hesse, Germany. Never monitored – even when they established a youth movement in 2000 – their activities go hardly noticed by press and police alike.

The LaRouche/ Bueso youth sell publications and recruit outside European and American colleges and Universities. They encourage students to abandon their studies in order to work solely for the LaRouche organization.

In 1994, the Bueso party (Germany’s LaRouchite political party) was described in the Bundestag as a political sect.

Disaffected families receive no support from the authorities; to date, they have had no channel to voice their grievances. They stand alone fearing reprisals by the LaRouchites; for when they speak out, they risk losing contact with their sons or daughters. Victimized families, like the youth targeted by the LaRouche organization, are subjugated by a conspiracy of silence.

In March 2003, Jeremiah Duggan, a 22 year British student studying in Paris, traveled to Germany, unaware that the seemingly-legal protest event he was attending was recruiting grounds for the LaRouche Group. Within five days of his visit, Jeremiah died in mysterious circumstances. To date, the Wiesbaden Prosecution has refused all requests to look into the events surrounding Jeremiah’s violent death.

Police in Germany quickly dismissed the death of Jeremiah Duggan as a “suicide”. Yet Jeremiah’s body was found close to EIR offices in Erbenheim (Executive Intelligence Review is located in Erbenheim, Weisbaden, which is the LaRouche organization's press headquarters). Moreover, this suspicious death follows a LaRouche conference and cadre school, although the authorities have shown little interest in whether or not Jeremiah was the victim of physical or psychological abuse. They have expressed even less interest in whether or not his being Jewish and British – in the company of LaRouche members long demonizing both – had anything to do with his death.

LaRouche -Campaigner propaganda

LaRouche is a convicted felon and fraudster. Yet he is allowed to set up conferences and recruit European youth to fascistic youth groups in Germany. After LaRouche’s imprisonment in the United States in January 1989 with a 15 year sentence for fraud, perjury and perverting the course of justice, he was released after in 1994, after serving only a third of his sentence.

Helpful character references from the ex-chief of Wiesbaden police saw LaRouche granted early release from prison, only to come to Germany and hold a rally of 500 members in Hesse; calling upon the young to turn their back on their education, their families and all they had been taught. Instead they were instructed that they needed to follow LaRouche, as the only one who could prevent the world from being destroyed.

Young recruits were crowded into flats, paid little for their work and told what to read, do, and to think. LaRouche’s German wife, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, heads the Schiller Institute, Bueso and EIR. Employing fear, shame and guilt, young people are manipulated into losing the ability for critical thought.

Members are then fed lies, conspiracy theories and misinformation; for example, LaRouche tells youths he was not guilty of fraud and he was wrongfully convicted; that September 11th was planned by a special division of the United States Pentagon; that there is a international conspiracy of Jewish bankers controlling the world; and that Zionists and their British supporters are planning to destroy the world if they cannot continue to control it.

Thus, under a smokescreen of high culture, music, poetry and the arts, youthful ideals are manipulated into believing that the outside world lies to them, and that only LaRouche and his organization has access to the truth.

Jeremiah Duggan

Chip Berlet, senior analyst at Political Research Associates, has gathered extensive evidence that, LaRouche’s organization in Germany a central hub for the worldwide distribution of anti-Semitic literature. Berlet further notes: “The LaRouche organization is currently the world’s largest distributor of literature based on ‘coded anti-Semitism’, rooted in the false allegation of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Furthermore, evidence of systematic incitement to hatred against the British and worldwide Jewry in LaRouche publications which started in the 1970’s continues unfettered to this day. Through their prime publishing outlets in Wiesbaden, the LaRouche group in Germany is responsible for racist propaganda, much of which is based on anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

Dennis King, author of a political biography of Lyndon LaRouche, similarly argues: “Anti-Semitism lies at the core of LaRouche’s beliefs. He uses a mixture of hate and scorn; thinly -veiled euphemisms and conspiracy theories involving Jewish banking families.

His methods are to build up prominent Jews as symbolic hate figures, developing new forms of ‘blood libel’, and the concoction of the myth of an evil ‘oligarchy’ – also known as the ‘Zionist-British organism’, the ‘Venetian party’ or simply ‘the British’. This ‘oligarchy’ is the target of the LaRouche organization’s most violent abuse; naming them as utterly evil and parasitical.”

Dr Matthew Feldman, editor of Compass: Political Religions and Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Northampton, has also commented: “The LaRouche organization advances seemingly ridiculous conspiracy theories – like the British royal House of Windsor heading the international drugs trade – to deflect journalistic, political and legal attention away from their very serious, very dangerous, revolutionary agenda.

LaRouche gives the Nazi salute in front of an image of Adolf Hitler

As a number of scholars have noted, the LaRouche organization may be considered a ‘neo-fascist’ movement driven by a totalitarian structure as well as by veiled anti-Semitism and racism, which are illegal in Germany.

It is disgraceful that German and European authorities have not investigated the consistently unlawful acts perpetrated by the LaRouchites, especially extending to their central propaganda arm, the Schiller Institute, a global hub for hatred. Nor has any satisfactory inquiry been undertaken regarding the still-unexplained death of Jeremiah Duggan in Weisbaden, Hesse.

That a young Jewish man died in contemporary Germany after attending what amounts to a fascist movement in thin disguise – should act as a start wake-up call: "We need to initiate a long-overdue investigation of LaRouche and his entire organization."

-Matthew Feldman

You can learn more at

Re: Help needed to get Justice for Jeremiah.please take 2 mins to read it
Posted by: matilda ()
Date: November 04, 2008 08:01AM

In November 2003 the Duggan family felt misled when a British Inquest and the Coroner Dr Dolman said that they need not worry because his verdict would discount suicide and that would open things up in Germany.
Dr Dolman wrote a secret letter to the Foreign Office stating that there were no issues that the British Government need take up with the Germans. So this fight for a new Inquest is really because of Dr Dolman’s acts. The family also felt misled because Dr Dolman failed to let them know that the post mortem did not seek to discover whether Jeremiah was killed by being hit and run over by cars. Jeremiah’s mother Erica met the pathologist Dr Shove and he told her that Jeremiah was not hit or run over. Since that date the family have conducted their own investigations and tried to get a re-opening of the Inquest here in an attempt to find out more from the Germans. The family believes that in Germany the LaRouche group has been helped by the Wiesbaden Prosecution offices: they have handed over all their files including all their confidential witness reports . The view of the Wiesbaden Prosecution office is that all this fuss is just a mother who cannot accept the suicide of her son and is trying to blame the LaRouche group as being antisemitic and unconstitutional. They write that they have no worries about the LaRouche group being involved in Jerry’s death!!!
REPORT ON FORUM 17th October 2008 GO TO : To see the videos on www.justiceforjeremiah []
The Forum was a great achievement. Simon Hughes , President of the Liberal Party went to Berlin and spoke brilliantly about the way the German authorities had not done enough to investigate .
Former members, Academics and the German State advisor on Sects expressed their support for the campaign. Concerns were also expressed about the La Rouche group.

Re: Help needed to get Justice for Jeremiah.please take 2 mins to read it
Posted by: matilda ()
Date: November 05, 2008 02:52AM

November 5th 2008 Royal Court of Justice:

Erica Duggan versus Attorney General: Human RIGHTS Lawyers challenge the Attorney General’s decision not to examine further the full cause of Jeremiah’s death.



The Duggan family have requested help and you may have signed the petition in hte past. You can help again in the following ways suggested by Erica

1. Read the todays article: [] ADD YOUR COMMENTS to the Mail on Sunday website and other sites and encourage others to show there is public concern.

2. Go to our website and give due praise Simon Hughes who is our great supporter: listen to the video on our webpage


DO THIS WHETHER YOU ARE IN THE UK OR NOT: We need to show the authorities that we cannot let this group win. For the last 30 years they have just intimidated the Press and others into a conspiracy of silence. It is only since our campaign for Justice for Jeremiah that the lid has been lifted on this pandora’s box - our campaign has helped to expose the truth. The media have received countless threats of litigation, letters and phone calls all with lies about how the British Courts discount them from having anything to do with Jeremiah’s death and making out that we work for a conspiracy of Bush and Cheney etc. Even the politicians and the lawyers have been approached with their misinformation and intimidation tactics. I do not think we must let them stifle our rights to speak out. We can be proud that we do get this day in Court and it can be reported in the Press.

4. Your help is needed by contacting the media – writing letters making phone calls just to encourage politicians and media not to be shut up by this destructive LaRouche group.

5. COME TO THE COURT IF IT IS NOT DIFFICULT FOR YOU: 5th NOVEMBER: Wednesday: Royal Court of Justice. Administrative Court

Exact details of Court and timeare here at this link


The afternoon before on the 4th November you should be able to look up to see whether its morning or afternoon and which court:
OFFICIAL NAME: COURT NO CO4197/2008 The Queen on the application of Erica Duggan Claimant versus H.M. Attorney General ( Defendant)

Royal Courts of Justice :
DX 44450 Strand WC2

It is timetabled to last 2 hours
Even if you can’t come please help to raise awareness on the web that we do need to get answers about how Jeremiah died.

The Forum proved the terrible dangers of this group.


Click here for a summary of the campaigh to achieve Justice for Jeremiah


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