Rick, I got this off of [
www.beismoshiach.org] in their message board it seems that Rabbi Schneerson did believe that he was the Messiah.
After Shavuos 5751, rabbanei Chabad who had gathered at 770 from all over the world signed a detailed psak din which quoted the halacha in the Rambam regarding the signs indicating who is Moshiach, and established that “it is clear according to the Torah of truth that the halachic status of ‘b’chezkas she’hu Moshiach’ applies to the Rebbe shlita, for all the conditions enumerated in the Rambam apply to the Rebbe shlita.”
Then on the 11th of Sivan 5751, a ksav minui (letter of appointment, given to a legal emissary) on behalf of the beis din of Crown Heights, the Vaad Rabbanei Chabad of Eretz Yisroel, and the general Vaad HaRabbanim, was given to Rabbi Dovid Nachshon and to R Avrohom Taub, appointing them to read the psak din that the Rebbe is b’chezkas Moshiach at the gravesites of the Chabad Rebbeim in Russia. This trip was kept secret and merited special and rare attention from the Rebbe. The following are answers to these two shluchim:
Beis Iyar, near the mikva: “Yashar ko’ach yashar ko’ach.”
This was followed by: “All this was taken to the tziyun.”
On the 13th of Sivan, the Rebbe blessed the shluchim with a good trip in three languages. While in Russia, they asked whether they should tarry or travel immediately to Medzibuzh. The Rebbe said they should travel to Medzibuzh immediately.
On 5 Av 5751, a minyan convened and went to the gravesite of the Arizal where they read the psak din about the hisgalus (revelation) of the Rebbe as Melech HaMoshiach. When they informed the Rebbe of this, he said: “May all this have its effect, etc., and the time is auspicious, etc. I will mention it at the tziyun.”
”The first book that fully explained the basis for the psak din of the rabbanim, that the Rebbe is b’chezkas Moshiach, was written by Rabbi Shalom Dovber Volpe in Yechi HaMelech. He submitted it to the Rebbe even before it was bound, and on the 19th of Cheshvan 5752, the Rebbe responded:
“It was received, many thanks. It is enclosed with this [note] to be published and exchanged for a bound one — and thank you in advance. May it be successful and for good tidings. I will mention it at the tziyun.”
The Rebbe took an interest in Rabbi Volpe’s receiving approbations for his book from gedolei Yisroel. Shortly after the book was published, shaliach Rabbi Yoram Ulman of Australia asked the Rebbe whether “it was proper” to learn this book with outsiders, for since it states precisely who Moshiach is he wanted the Rebbe’s blessing for success in this matter. The Rebbe gave him a positive answer.
The Rebbe’s head shaliach in Argentina, Rabbi Tzvi Greenblatt, received the Rebbe’s approval for translating a certain chapter from Yechi HaMelech HaMoshiach (a later book by Rabbi Volpe wherein the halacha of b’chezkas Moshiach is explained and connected to the fact that the Rebbe is Moshiach) and for disseminating it throughout Argentina by way of an individual who was not a Lubavitcher.
On 4 Iyar 5752, when Rabbi Dovid Nachshon submitted a form with 250 signatures on it affirming the acceptance of the Rebbe as Melech HaMoshiach, the Rebbe responded:
“It was received and thanks. May it be an ongoing activity and may it increase. Indeed, the time is auspicious... I will mention it at the tziyun.”
On the 8th of Iyar 5751, Rabbi Dovid Nachshon, along with other Chabad Chassidim, wrote to the Rebbe that at a gathering with over ten activists and mashpiim it was decided to continue with the signatures for kabbalas ha’malchus. More signatures were appended to the letter, and the Rebbe’s response was: “I will mention it at the tziyun and may he relate good news.”
After Rabbi Nachshon informed the Rebbe about a farbrengen at Kfar Chabad in connection with the fact that the Rebbe is Melech HaMoshiach, the Rebbe responded in Sivan 5751:
“May it be an ongoing activity and may it increase. Indeed, the time is auspicious. I will mention it at the tziyun.”
In Kislev 5752, the Rebbe responded as follows to a du’ch of signatures on kabbalas ha’malchus forms which Rabbi Nachshon had sent him, and about a lecture Rabbi Nachshon had given on the topic of “the Rebbe as Moshiach” at a special evening in which public figures were present:
“May it be fulfilled in them [the saying] that he who has 200 wants 400, etc. I will mention it at the tziyun.”
The women of Crown Heights organized a gathering for the purpose of kabbalas ha’malchus, including by means of signatures. The women wrote to the Rebbe that the gathering would be taking place because of the Rebbe’s encouragement on Hoshana Rabba, to which the Rebbe said:
“May it be with great success, and the time is auspicious as are the inyanim. I will mention it at the tziyun.”
Regarding the invitation which they sent the Rebbe for this gathering, the Rebbe responded:
“I will bring the enclosed, G-d willing, to the tziyun. And the time is auspicious.”
Regarding the report which N’shei Chabad submitted after the gathering, in which they enumerated the topics which had been discussed — among them, the need to arouse the midas ha’malchus of the king through accepting his malchus, the unique ability and obligation that Jewish women have in bringing the Geula, and the special importance of writing and signatures — the Rebbe responded:
“I will mention it at the tziyun again for continued great and wondrous success in everything, etc.”
On 3 Kislev 5752, a group of women presented the Rebbe with a beautiful box containing forms with signatures. The representative of the group said, “Baruch Hashem there is amazing work being done in the campaign of ‘and they sought Hashem and Dovid their king’ and they found him. And this is being spread through the N’shei Chabad, and throughout the world and to all the shluchos. We — N’shei and Bnos Chabad — accept Moshiach Tzidkeinu, the Rebbe shlita, and he will lead us upright to our holy land immediately.”
The Rebbe responded:
(The Rebbe then looked at the box and said:) “Is this for me? Besuros tovos.”
(The Rebbe looked at the box again and the signatures and added:) “For all these matters you must give tzedaka, and may it be with great success, and go from strength to strength until you go to Elokim in Tziyon with the true and complete Redemption. Blessing and success, great success.”
Regarding N’shei Chabad’s decision to make a “seudas kabbalas panim l’Moshiach Tzidkeinu,” on Motzaei Shabbos 28 Teives 5752, and the plan to publicize this throughout the world and in the newspapers, the Rebbe said among other things:
“It was received and many thanks. May it be an ongoing activity and may it increase.”
When N’shei Chabad informed the Rebbe that they had prepared a pamphlet for the participants of the farbrengen, entitled Toras HaGeula, which contained sichos of the Rebbe, and that the seudos would take place in many locations around the world, the Rebbe responded:
“This is included in the bracha for the earlier letter, to which this is a continuation. But may it progress from strength to strength. For there are additional meritorious days and meritorious activities. And ‘action is the main thing,’ as per the psak din of our holy Torah and its explanation at length in Chassidus. I will mention it at the tziyun.”
In the middle of the meal, representatives of the women wrote to the Rebbe as follows:
“Hod malchuso k’vod k’dushas Admur shlita Melech HaMoshiach, Jewish women in general and N’shei Chabad in particular, are ready to greet Moshiach Tzidkeinu and to hear divrei k’vod k’dushaso in a manner of ‘a new Torah will go forth from Me’ at the meal arranged in his honor, and we pray that we merit the true and complete Redemption with heavenly clouds, etc., immediately mamash.”
The Rebbe responded, “All who bless are blessed with Hashem’s blessing, whose increase is greater than the capital, particularly a special blessing at a special time. I will mention it at the tziyun.”