Re: Supreme Master Television free-to-air satellite -Ching Hai propaganda
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: August 26, 2012 03:19AM

Rueo Anon:

Sorry, but she seems to be nothing more than a con woman out to take advantage of people.

She certainly has worked her followers for labor and money.

See []

Very controversial leader. The group has been called a "cult".

See []

A revealing bio.

See []

Her real name is Hue Dang Trinh.

Re: Supreme Master Television free-to-air satellite -Ching Hai propaganda
Posted by: Ocean_Of_Lies ()
Date: August 27, 2012 05:15PM

Rueo Anon
I am an initiate of Master Ching Hai. I daresay that I have not always agreed with her teachings. In fact, I have been very openly critical of her (and fellow initiates) on many occasions. Yes, if I had known her personally, I probably would have even argued with her and received one of her infamous, almighty scoldings!

Over time though, I have come to the conclusion that overall most of what she teaches is positive, at least intended to be beneficial or can be used to serve ethical purposes, PROVIDED THAT YOU USE YOUR OWN DISCRIMINATIVE WISDOM AND DO NOT SIMPLY FOLLOW ANYTHING THAT DOES NOT RESONATE WITH YOU.

I have also realised that whenever I was being very critical of others, I was getting distracted from my original goal of joining the group, which was self-improvement. These days I’m trying to focus more on rectifying my own unpleasant qualities than examine others.

I do agree with the 5 precepts and the meditation she has taught is the best thing I’ve ever experienced. I wish I had found the meditation earlier in life. Even though, I may never completely agree with all of her teachings, I would confess that some of her methods have actually saved me from serious harm and helped me avoid a lot of unnecessary suffering. I shall always be so grateful for this and for not having to go travel far or overseas (like India) to learn the meditation.

Hi Rueo Anon,

I would be curious to know :

- what did you not agree with, in her teachings? And what about now, do you finally agree? Why?
- what are the critics you did to your to your co-initiates? And in what are you different from them?
- what does she teach that you need her to teach you (I mean, what does she teach that you wouldn't be able to know, or realize without her help) ?

You have found meditation, and you wish you had found it earlier in life. Good for you. For some other people, that's the same for love, or for sex, or for chocolate, or for a high-sensation sport, or for a drug, or for a lovely person... that's very subjective and doesn't mean that it's good or bad.

Re: Supreme Master Television free-to-air satellite -Ching Hai propaganda
Posted by: puresoul ()
Date: August 30, 2012 06:35AM

Rueo Anon
I am an initiate of Master Ching Hai. I daresay that I have not always agreed with her teachings. In fact, I have been very openly critical of her (and fellow initiates) on many occasions. Yes, if I had known her personally, I probably would have even argued with her and received one of her infamous, almighty scoldings!

I wish I had found the meditation earlier in life. Even though, I may never completely agree with all of her teachings, I would confess that some of her methods have actually saved me from serious harm and helped me avoid a lot of unnecessary suffering. I shall always be so grateful for this and for not having to go travel far or overseas (like India) to learn the meditation.

I suppose you can count yourself lucky. Because you have been able to challenge the Master’s authority without worrying been branded as a person with “big” ego, with an argumentative mind.

As for the meditation techniques that do have soothing effects so do others. They are not supposed to be secrets. Everyone can teach them if any one wish to learn. They are not special either. The founder of Sant Mat who started this Guru business (the scam) by giving his own interpretations of seeing lights as graded world levels, which are probably never been verified by any initiates (including supreme master Ching Hai). Even people do see lights that don’t mean God’s realization either.

If you wish to explore more this website has rich source on this light and sound meditation branches and gurus.

The worst thing for these scum gurus is that they have acted like emperors enjoying absolute powers, money, worship etc over their slave disciples.

Re: Supreme Master Television free-to-air satellite -Ching Hai propaganda
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: September 01, 2012 01:30PM

A scam to make easy money.

Simple realization.

Re: Supreme Master Television free-to-air satellite -Ching Hai propaganda
Posted by: dynamic ()
Date: September 02, 2012 12:20PM

Ooops, accidentally started a new thread.

Found this on fbook

Once in a Lifetime Opportunity

Let’s just suppose, and please do not take any offense, that Supreme Master Ching Hai is, in fact, a living manifestation of God. She might be the highest incarnation of God, like a Krishna, Buddha, or a Christ, or perhaps only a lower level saint, or just a famous guru, but who, in any case, has the ability to uplift your awareness to a higher level of consciousness so that you could experience more calmness, wisdom, and love in your life. Wouldn't you rather meet Supreme Master Ching Hai one time rather than let the opportunity to meet her pass you by, and then forever regret that you didn’t take the time and make the effort to meet the living master while she was still present in this world? Perhaps there is a reason why you happen to be alive at this time when a true living master is present in the world. Why don't you find out about her for yourself rather than just accept the negative talk you hear from others?

We are excited and looking forward to attending the Loving the Silent Tears musical event on October 27, and we hope you will join us to hear and see the program that will be immensely entertaining and informative as it tells us the second part of the real-life story of the enlightened master, The Supreme Master Ching Hai.

We hope our words here have cleared some of your doubts about The Supreme Master Ching Hai. We invite you to inquire further for yourself by reading Master Ching Hai’s books and watching her lecture videos. If possible, come to the Loving the Silent Tears performance. You only need to see a living Master once to experience a positive change in your life. Thousands of people all around the world are experiencing the benefits that come from knowing a true living master. So, we welcome and encourage you to attend the musical program Loving the Silent Tears. We don’t expect there to be another program like this ever again. So, please do not miss this once-in-a-lifetime chance.

LOL, another quazi broadway show, again just magnifying her as a personality as opposed to a teaching. Pretty egotistical.

Ching Hai is a self-conscious con-artist.
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: September 02, 2012 09:41PM

Ching Hai is a self-conscious con-artist.
You see it right there in black and white.

Using a lame indirect technique, she claims above she is enlightened, and equal to "God" "Christ" etc.
Then tries to mess with people's minds to come and see her, using very basic persuasion techniques.
Her underling who posted that for her, is not very skilled, so you can see the technique.

But you see the "negative talk" (facts) about Ching Hai are driving people away.
That is why her TV station collapsed.

Re: Supreme Master Television free-to-air satellite -Ching Hai propaganda
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: September 04, 2012 12:27AM

Some history from the 1990s, from David Lane's Neural Surfer



February 1996 List

1. Thakar Singh (If you think blindfolding children under the age of five for years is spiritual; if you think beating up American women is conducive for meditation; if you think initiating anybody is enlightened; if you think sexually molesting female disciples is helpful to burn off karma.... then Thakar is the guru for you. Personally, I would take ten Twitchell's and five L. Ron Hubbard's instead of this charlatan.

2. Ching Hai (Initiated by Thakar Singh in the early 1980's but continually denies any connection. Instead she claims that some Himalayan guru, who only had one disciple (her), initiated her into the secrets of surat shabd yoga. When asked where this guru lived, Ching Hai hassles the questioner. Just take a look at her diary forms for initiates and the diary forms that Thakar Singh uses.... She is doing a Twitchellian Pose for the 1990s.)

(Corboy note: Twitchell appropriated Sant Mat teachings and without giving credit, packaged them as Eckankar. A number of Eck disciples went on to create their own cultic franchises.)



Critical Companion to George OrwellFor example, Master Ching Hai Wu Shang Shih, one of the very few women
leaders in Sant Mat, learned the teachings from Thakur Singh. She has moved on
to ...



Exchinghai : Message: IF YOU STILL BELEIVE CHING HAI ...By the way, the Kirpal Singh referred to below is the teacher of Thakur Singh who
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Re: Supreme Master Television free-to-air satellite -Ching Hai propaganda
Posted by: thinkagain ()
Date: September 23, 2012 11:21AM

Ooops, accidentally started a new thread.


LOL, another quazi broadway show, again just magnifying her as a personality as opposed to a teaching. Pretty egotistical.

Thank you for the link. Now that I am out of the group, those words that they wrote about Chinghai sounds silly and pathetic. And agree that she is very egocentric.

Hi, First of all, sorry for my bad English.

I was initiated about 8 years ago. Decided to leave her and the group July last year after I found that wedding video of her on Youtube and after I then reseached more about her.

I have been following this forum since July last year, before that, I was a hardcore-involved guy in the group.

I must say thank you to the forum. Also special thanks for puresoul for story that you told us, from the other place of the group.

Agree to this forum, that Chinghai does brain-washing to the diciples. And it is very dangerous. I feel free now, feel that I got my freedom back. Feel that I got an enlightenment!!

I am still vegetarian and do the light and sound meditation. And my meditation experiences are still cool even though I wrote bad thing about Chinghai on Youtube... hehe.. I like that....:) And I go eat at non vegetarian places, without worry of loosing some silly points... And if before I really promoted Lovinghut, now i am telling people not to go there...I said, if you want to promote vegetarian, why don't you go to non-vegetarian places, and show them that there is a demand for vegetarian, and they start to make vegetarian foods, instead of you support lovinghut, and make Chinghai rich, and she uses the money to promote her singging career...and you 100% know that she doesn't have a singing talent. What a waste of money, no???

No, I don't tell people to not to go to Lovinghut, since no one ask my suggestion where to go to eat. Hehe..

Maybe I should write more than just this. But I don't know how to write. But I want to tell something in this forum, because I think this is a very good forum for people to get "enlightenment" from Chinghai effects. (I am not sure if i say it right). I want to share.

The point is: If you do not want to be twisted, in my opinion, better to not to get involve with the group. Just get the meditation, and meditate alone. Your soul thankful already for whatever goodness you got from people. So when you want to thank the people who has showed you the meditation (in this group, these people called messangers, I think), you can thank in your mind, tell your soul to thank him or her, if that even needed. No need like promote Chinghai singing career and hoping to get 5th level by doing so, or listen all the time to the very same videos of her again and again, hoping to get some merit/poin from it. Get real. Do something by yourself to get merit. believe in your soul. Believe in the goodness that you do. And even when you do good, don't call yourself Saint! My God, that is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard, that a person told you that you are a saint, and you beleive it, and you started to call each other as saints!!

The goodness that you do, is the only thing you can count to protect yourself...sure you have angel that protects you, but they will not telling you that they protect you, not like "someone", who tells you everything that she, maybe, do to you.. now i am starting like a guru, don't be my slave, ok? but I don't have a singing career that you have to prmote, so maybe you can listen to me.. hehehe....

Oh, btw, that bretharianism is a real dreck. Get real. And live a real life, so that you can do some real good things to others. Some of disciples are really into it. Sad.

I am hoping that all disciples get the "enlightenment" and Chinghai-free.

Re: Supreme Master Television free-to-air satellite -Ching Hai propaganda
Posted by: thinkagain ()
Date: September 24, 2012 08:22AM


As for the meditation techniques that do have soothing effects so do others. They are not supposed to be secrets. Everyone can teach them if any one wish to learn. They are not special either. The founder of Sant Mat who started this Guru business (the scam) by giving his own interpretations of seeing lights as graded world levels, which are probably never been verified by any initiates (including supreme master Ching Hai). Even people do see lights that don’t mean God’s realization either.

If you wish to explore more this website has rich source on this light and sound meditation branches and gurus.

The worst thing for these scum gurus is that they have acted like emperors enjoying absolute powers, money, worship etc over their slave disciples.

You said that very well.....

Re: Supreme Master Television free-to-air satellite -Ching Hai propaganda
Posted by: Ocean_Of_Lies ()
Date: October 01, 2012 09:39PM

I missed that cover from Scott Anderson, not bad uh? :)

[] []

In order to set this cover in its context, I also join the link of the original article, which have been mentioned a long time ago : []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/2012 09:41PM by Ocean_Of_Lies.

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