Re: Supreme Master Ching Hai, secte, francais, France
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: April 29, 2011 10:41AM

How many countries has Ching Hai been booted out of, or fled?
Someone said she was in France at some point?
In france, there is not as much tolerance for these sects.

If someone speaks french, perhaps they can search the french sites for info on Ching Hai.
This french cult website has some info on Ching Hai, there should be more.



Search Google for:

"ching hai" secte

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2011 10:42AM by The Anticult.

Re: Supreme Master Ching Hai, secte, francais, France
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: April 29, 2011 10:46AM

(Google translate)

Roquebrune Cap Martin: Is there a sect in the city?

Nice Matin, September 14, 2008 by Stephanie Casiglia

[Full Text]
Survey: former Village Hotel Europe is occupied by Asians and members of the International Association of Supreme Master Ching Hai. The district is concerned.

Large sedans registered in Austria or Germany that we prefer to park a little further. Rental minibuses with tinted windows. And back-and-fro ... But discreet. So discreet. Too quiet?

Especially at night, at any time, small soldiers silent, head down, laden with packages and bags huge, are pointing towards a single location: the Hotel Europe Village. That is worrisome, if not intrigue, the residents of chic Cape Martin.

For the Hotel Europe Village is no longer a hotel. What has become of this collection of 27 rooms sold July 31 to SCI, delightfully named Skylove? Know what love is Lillian, who lives a stone's throw away: "They come by 20 or 30 at a time, to over 100 in the same evening. It's not very reassuring, right? And it will devalue the neighborhood. "

An army of darkness

Jane, anxious, also wonders: "It looks like a shadow army. They go in and out at night. In total silence. They do not bother us, it's the least we can say, but ... "

As for Pierre, regular jogger, more curious than others, he has thrown several times a look through the fence: "They plant the tents and all facing in the same direction. I think it's a flat screen in the garden. But we hear a pin drop. For the most part, they are Asians. A few Europeans, but very little. "

"We're just friends"

And already the rumors. Quickly. Is this a cult? Many cars parked in surrounding streets bear the same medallion bearing the likeness of the Supreme Master Ching Hai. Pretty Asian, blonde, ageless. At the head of a TV on the Internet and a global movement to character: the AIMSCH (International Association of Supreme Master Ching Hai).

City Police Roquebrune-Cap-Martin said: "Initially, the Russian billionaire Abramovich tried to buy the property. And then at the last moment, it Skylove who signed this SCI and rents the former hotel in AIMSCH. we're getting a little intrigued, we went there. Our interlocutors were charming but we were not allowed to enter. "

Yes. During the day, when we knock at the gate of the old hotel, a worker who has just opened. There are many - many even - to work in the property.

But when journalists come to the entrance, small hands, so try running some kind of responsible and carefully close the gate behind them. In English, big smile but a bit feverish, the young woman we meet on the doorstep: "We're just friends and we meet to discuss party. What friends do, what! "Friends who are neck picture of the goddess Ching Hai and finger rings which it sells (expensive) on its website (see elsewhere). U-turn, we shall be no more.

Patrick Cesari, the mayor of Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, displays his vigilance: "We heard about consolidation, but without specific complaints. We follow with great attention all that. The state services have been informed. "

That's true. The National Police is notified of Menton. And the "case" is on the desk of SDIG (Departmental Service of general information) and in the hands of responsible and sectarian worship.

And Roquebrune, members of the association of Ching Hai finally decide to tell us a little more. Eva some contacts us. She says call from Paris: "A Roquebrune, it is not now a hotel but a private place for members of our association who want to meet. And just for them. This is not a center where they receive information. And free of any private place appears on "Let's say that members participate in their accommodation," stammers Eva.

About SCI Skylove, our interlocutor "is unclear, but could learn." A few minutes later she let go, "I think the manager of the SCI is a person in contact with Supreme Master. The funding comes perhaps a little too Ching Hai and certainly generous donors. You know, some companies abroad who earn billions of euros, so for them it is little. "A terse explanation that does not reassure the neighborhood.

Roquebrune Cap Martin : Y a-t-il une secte dans la ville ?

Nice Matin, 14 septembre 2008 par Stéphanie Casiglia

[Texte intégral]
Enquête : l'ancien hôtel Europe Village est occupé par des Asiatiques, membres de l'Association internationale de Maître Suprême Ching Hai. Le quartier est inquiet.

De grosses berlines immatriculées en Autriche, ou en Allemagne que l'on préfère garer un peu plus loin. Des minibus de location aux vitres fumées. Et des va-et-vient incessants... Mais discrets. Si discrets. Trop discrets ?

La nuit surtout, à n'importe quelle heure, des petits soldats muets, tête baissée, chargés de paquets et valises énormes, se dirigent tous vers un seul lieu : l'hôtel Europe Village. Voilà de quoi inquiéter, sinon intriguer, les riverains du quartier chic du Cap-Martin.

Car l'hôtel Europe Village n'est plus un hôtel. Qu'est donc devenu cet ensemble de 27 chambres vendu le 31 juillet à une SCI, délicieusement nommée Skylove ? C'est ce qu'aimerait savoir Liliane qui habite à deux pas de là : « Ils arrivent par 20 ou 30 à la fois, jusqu'à plus de 100 dans la même soirée. C'est pas très rassurant, non ? Et ça va déprécier le quartier. »

Une armée de l'ombre

Jane, soucieuse, s'interroge aussi : « On dirait une armée de l'ombre. Ils rentrent et sortent en pleine nuit. Dans le silence le plus total. Ils ne nous dérangent pas, c'est le moins que l'on puisse dire, mais... »

Quant à Pierre, joggeur régulier, plus curieux que les autres, il a déjà jeté plusieurs fois un oeil à travers la haie : « Ils plantent des tentes et regardent tous dans la même direction. Je pense que c'est un écran plat dans le jardin. Mais on entend une mouche voler. Pour la plupart, ce sont des Asiatiques. Il y a quelques Européens, mais très peu. »

« On est juste des amis »

Et déjà le bruit court. Vite. Est-ce une secte ? De nombreuses voitures garées dans les rues alentours arborent le même médaillon à l'effigie du Maître Suprême Ching Hai. Jolie Asiatique, blonde, sans âge. A la tête d'une télé sur le net et d'un mouvement à caractère mondial : l'AIMSCH (l'Association internationale du Maître Suprême Ching Hai).

La police municipale de Roquebrune-Cap-Martin précise : « Au départ, le milliardaire russe Abramovich a essayé d'acheter la propriété. Et puis, au dernier moment, c'est Skylove qui a signé et cette SCI loue l'ancien hôtel à l'AIMSCH. ça nous a un peu intrigués, on est allés sur place. Nos interlocuteurs ont été charmants mais ne nous ont pas laissé entrer. »

Effectivement. Durant la journée, lorsque l'on cogne au portail de l'ancien hôtel, c'est un ouvrier qui vient ouvrir. Ils sont nombreux - très nombreux même - à travailler dans la propriété.

Mais lorsque les journalistes se présentent à l'entrée, les petites mains courent alors chercher une sorte de responsable et referment soigneusement le portail derrière eux. En anglais, large sourire mais un peu fébrile, la jeune femme nous répond sur le pas de la porte : « Nous sommes juste des amis et nous nous rencontrons pour discuter, faire la fête. Ce que font des amis, quoi ! » Des amis qui portent au cou la photo de la déesse Ching Hai et au doigt les bagues qu'elle met en vente (chères) sur son site Internet (lire par ailleurs). Demi-tour, on n'en saura pas plus.

Patrick Césari, le maire de Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, affiche sa vigilance : « Nous avons eu vent de regroupements, sans avoir toutefois de plaintes particulières. Nous suivons avec une grande attention tout cela. Les services de l'état ont été informés. »

C'est vrai. La police nationale de Menton est avisée. Et l'« affaire » est sur le bureau du SDIG (Service départemental de l'information générale) et dans les mains du chargé du culte et des dérives sectaires.

Et à Roquebrune, les membres de l'association de Ching Hai décident finalement de nous parler un peu plus. Une certaine Eva nous contacte. Elle affirme appeler de Paris : « A Roquebrune, ce n'est plus un hôtel maintenant, mais un lieu privé pour les membres de notre association qui veulent se retrouver. Et uniquement pour eux. Ce n'est pas un centre où l'on donne des renseignements. » Et la gratuité de ce lieu privé semble toute relative : « Disons que les membres participent à leur hébergement », bafouille Eva.

Au sujet de la SCI Skylove, notre interlocutrice « ne sait pas trop, mais pourrait se renseigner ». Quelques minutes plus tard, elle lâchera : « Je crois que la gérante de la SCI est une personne en contact avec Maître Suprême. Les fonds proviennent peut-être un peu de Ching Hai et aussi certainement de généreux donateurs. Vous savez, certains ont des entreprises à l'étranger qui gagnent des milliards d'euros, alors pour eux, c'est peu. » Une explication laconique qui ne rassure en rien le voisinage.

Re: Supreme Master Ching Hai, secte, francais, France
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: April 29, 2011 10:50AM


Roquebrune: followers of Supreme Master Ching Hai decamped

Nice Matin, October 19, 2008 by Stephanie Gasiglia

[Full Text]

The calm. No longer a slap hammer, saw more action. And the comings and goings of followers of the International Association of Supreme Master Ching Hai, uninterrupted for a month, however, have completely ceased (see also below cons). Overnight.

Welcome Heriot Virginia Avenue in the heart of Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, where it happens ... nothing. But then nothing at all.

Apart from an ordinary neighborhood life made of stuffed animals that come out at night to stretch their legs, and joggers come taste the tranquility and clean air of the place.

Everything is back to normal.


Even the facade of the former Hotel Europe Village became excruciatingly anonymous.

A wrought iron arch bitten any rust on the throne wooden gate.

And there hangs loupiote as required. Not even lit at night. Not even purchased the site of the Supreme Master for the modest sum of 444.99 dollars.

Anonymity excessive

On the mailbox, an old label which can still crack a Skylove passed by the sun.

Skylove is the enigmatic SCI which acquired - subject to some 5.5 million euros - the old hotel establishment well known Roquebrune for many years.

So we were banging at the gate and behind the ear, some frightened whispers, feet lying around. Then nothing. Maintenance personnel and guarding must be instructed to be opened to anyone and be as unobtrusive as possible.

Roasting, double, has been installed around the property. Nothing is visible from the outside. Around, not a single car wearing amulets bearing the image of Master Ching Hai. As for the "little Japanese" gray matter of the site manager, she is covered wagon just behind the gate. It does not appear to function long ago.

"Nothing. Since the next section. Nothing. Work has ceased, the comings and goings, too. The sign was taken down in the night that followed, "says a direct neighbor.

In a residence a little farther, but with a view "on" Louise admits his relief. "Okay, they did not hurt anyone. But the Solar Temple, although they ended up getting zigouiller by the guru, right? Finally, I do not know very well, but it ended in a bloodbath. "


It must be said that Louise has had enough of rituals for weeks!

"To be honest, I could see from my balcony in rows of onion, all dressed in white, like zombies and silent for hours. After they were given a tiny bowl of something and some slept outside. I swear this is not reassuring. I sleep better. "

Master Ching Hai she declined to make the former hotel "a house to welcome all friends," as we had explained Eva, a very close Ching Hai (friends who paid the deposit anyway - ascetic to the extreme - and the cover that was as much)?

"It's very common for a sect to try setting up in a place, then disappear to try elsewhere if it does not work," says Alain Gest, a specialist member of sects.
Roquebrune : les adeptes de Maître suprême Ching Hai ont levé le camp

Nice Matin, 19 octobre 2008 par Stéphanie Gasiglia

[Texte intégral]

Le calme plat. Plus un marteau ne tape, plus une scie en action. Et les va-et-vient d'adeptes de l'Association internationale de Maître Suprême Ching Hai, pourtant ininterrompus pendant un mois, ont complètement cessé (voir également ci-contre). Du jour au lendemain.

Bienvenue avenue Virginie-Hériot en plein coeur de Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, là où il ne se passe... plus rien. Mais alors plus rien du tout.

A part une banale vie de quartier faite de toutous qui sortent le soir pour se dégourdir les pattes, et de joggers venus goûter la tranquillité et l'air pur du lieu.

Tout est rentré dans l'ordre.


Même la façade de l'ancien hôtel Europe Village est devenue atrocement anonyme.

Une arche en fer forgée toute piquée de rouille trône sur le portail en bois.

Et une loupiote y pend, comme obligée. Même pas allumée la nuit. Même pas achetée sur le site du Maître Suprême pour la modique somme de 444,99 dollars.

L'anonymat à outrance

Sur la boîte aux lettres, une vieille étiquette où l'on peut encore déchiffrer un Skylove passé par le soleil.

Skylove, c'est l'énigmatique SCI qui s'est porté acquéreur - moyennant quelque 5,5 millions d'euros - de l'ancien établissement hôtelier bien connu des Roquebrunois pendant de très nombreuses années.

Alors on tambourine au portail et on tend l'oreille : quelques chuchotements apeurés, des pieds qui traînent. Puis plus rien. Le personnel d'entretien et de gardiennage doit avoir la consigne de n'ouvrir à personne et de se faire le plus discret possible.

Du grillage, double, a été installé tout autour de la propriété. Rien n'est visible de l'extérieur. Autour, plus une seule voiture arborant des gris-gris à l'effigie de Maître Ching Hai. Quant à la petite « japonaise » grise de la responsable du site, elle est bâchée juste derrière le portail. Elle ne semble pas avoir servi depuis longtemps.

« Plus rien. Depuis le lendemain de l'article. Plus rien. Les travaux ont cessé, les allers et venues aussi. L'enseigne a été décrochée dans la nuit qui a suivi », témoigne un voisin direct.

Dans une résidence un peu plus loin, mais avec vue « sur », Louise, avoue son soulagement. « D'accord, ils ne faisaient de mal à personne. Mais au Temple Solaire, ils avaient bien fini par se faire zigouiller par le gourou, non ? Enfin, je ne sais plus très bien, mais ça a fini dans un bain de sang. »


Il faut dire que Louise en a soupé des rituels pendant des semaines !

« Pour tout vous dire, je les voyais de mon balcon, en rang d'oignon, habillés tous en blanc, comme des zombies et silencieux pendant des heures entières. Après on leur donnait un minuscule bol de quelque chose et certains dormaient dehors. Je vous jure que ce n'est pas rassurant. Je dors mieux. »

Maître Ching Hai a-t-elle renoncé à faire de l'ancien hôtel « une maison pour accueillir tous ses amis », comme nous l'avait expliqué Eva, une très proche de Ching Hai (des amis qui payaient tout de même le gîte - ascétique à l'extrême - et le couvert qui l'était tout autant) ?

« C'est très courant pour une secte de tenter une implantation à un endroit, puis de disparaître pour tenter ailleurs si cela ne fonctionne pas », conclut Alain Gest, député spécialiste des sectes.

Re: Supreme Master Ching Hai, secte, francais, France
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: April 29, 2011 10:54AM


Principality of Monaco: Ching Hai (Association of meditation in France)
Master Ching Hai is adept selects sites of Monaco!

My Principality, September 16, 2008 by Joelle Deviras - Monaco-Matin

[Full Text]

The purchase of an old hotel in Cap Martin on the spot and the influx (day and night) of dozens of people, members of the International Association of Supreme Master Ching Hai (or meditation Association in France), lacks not to disturb the neighborhood and to elicit greater vigilance of police and municipal authorities. And for good reason, this combination is identified among the cults to dangerous. (1) (See our edition of Sunday, September 14). Why this association has it located at Roquebrune-Cap-Martin? The survey that we conducted can get some answers.

Faithful at the Fairmont Hotel

Night club, private beach, Automobile Club of Monaco, luxury four star hotel ... The bag of a wealthy tourist? In any event the Supreme Master Ching Hai, a new tenant with the "Association" of the Hotel Europe Village. An acquisition of SCI Skylove.

If Ching Hai is about to settle down at Roquebrune-Cap-Martin is also because she knows the area well ...

In Monaco, it has a flat "extended vacation in the Fairmont hotel," confirms the Government of Monaco. A trifle which costs between 5,000 and 21,000 euros per month. "She travels accompanied by drivers from the hotel," says a source close. Not own cars or more so. That may be why Ching Hai, aka Celeste Love, did not renew his membership as a member of the Automobile Club de Monaco note: two sponsors and a mandatory entrance fee of 600 euros. Annual fee: 120 euros ...).

Exorbitant tips

Obviously wealthy, polite and generous with the staff (known as exorbitant tips), frequenting places selects from Monaco, it is nevertheless not a resident of Monaco. "She does not have a residence card," says the Department of the Interior.

His real name? "We seek ... She has many aliases ... Love might be his real surname ... "A name predestined for this blonde, born in Vietnam, a British national who welcomes his friends to the" Spiaggia ". A restaurant-private beach Larvotto, well known to all the people of Monaco. On May 1, supreme ruler, "Celeste Love" to her friends, are invited 300 guests (followers?).

"A week before she came to the restaurant, as it did from time to time," says Eric Chauvet, owner of "La Spiaggia". "I knew her through my daughter who had met at Jimmy'z [Editor's note: the most exclusive club in the Principality]. She said: "I want to invite some friends vegetarian, a hundred. Ultimately, they were three hundred. "

Bursting on the public beach, the guests were installed on napkins. "The English, Germans, Malaysians, but also French, obviously middle class. Nice and altruistic, "said a Monegasque present with her daughter that day.

"People are polite, discreet, highly organized, of all faiths, very docile, very good manners," says Eric Chauvet that keeps this day a memorable one. After the buffet, room for speech. "She has advocated the nature, healthy eating, said Eric Chauvet. She asked me to speak of Monaco and the country's politics for the environment. "

"No sermon or ritual," says customer Monaco witnessed the scene. Only people who drank the Master's words, it seems.

Notably: "I have repeatedly asked what was the purpose of the association. I could never get an answer ... "

At 18 pm that Thursday, everyone is gone, as discreetly as he had arrived.

1 - Alain Gest, MP, Vice-Chairman of the Task Force on Cults in the National Assembly, told us that the association was part of the list of sects established by the police in 1995 for general information .

Principauté de Monaco : Ching Hai (Association de méditation en France)
Maître Ching Hai est adepte des lieux selects de Monaco !

Ma Principauté , 16 septembre 2008 par Joëlle Deviras - Monaco-Matin

[Texte intégral]

Le rachat d'un ancien hôtel au cap Martin et l'afflux sur place (de jour comme de nuit) de dizaines de personnes, membres de l'Association internationale de Maître suprême Ching Hai (ou Association de méditation en France), ne manque pas d'inquiéter le voisinage et de susciter la plus grande vigilance des autorités policières et municipales. Et pour cause, cette association est recensée parmi les mouvements sectaires à caractère dangereux.(1) (Voir notre édition du dimanche 14 septembre). Pourquoi cette association s'est-elle installée à Roquebrune-Cap-Martin ? L'enquête que nous avons menée permet d'amener des éléments de réponse.

Fidèle du Fairmont hotel

Boîte de nuit, plage privée, Automobile Club de Monaco, hôtel quatre étoiles luxe... Le tableau de chasse d'un richissime touriste ? En tout cas celui de Maître suprême Ching Hai, nouvelle locataire avec son « Association internationale » de l'hôtel " Europe village ". Une acquisition de la SCI Skylove.

Si Ching Hai s'apprête à poser ses valises à Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, c'est aussi parce qu'elle connaît bien la région...

En Principauté, elle dispose d'un appartement « en villégiature prolongée au Fairmont hotel », nous confirme le gouvernement monégasque. Une bagatelle qui lui coûte entre 5 000 et 21 000 euros par mois. « Elle circule accompagnée par les chauffeurs de l'hôtel », affirme-t-on de source proche. Pas ou plus de voiture personnelle donc. C'est peut-être pour cela que Ching Hai, alias Celeste de l'Amour, n'a pas renouvelé son adhésion comme membre de l'Automobile club de Monaco NDLR : deux parrains obligatoires et un droit d'entrée de 600 euros. Cotisation annuelle : 120 euros...).

Des pourboires exorbitants

Manifestement fortunée, polie et généreuse avec le personnel (on parle de pourboires exorbitants), fréquentant les lieux selects de Monaco, elle n'est pas pour autant résidente monégasque. « Elle ne bénéficie pas d'une carte de séjour » précise le département de l'Intérieur.

Son vrai nom ? « On cherche... Elle a plusieurs alias... L'Amour serait peut-être son vrai patronyme... » Un nom prédestiné pour cette blonde, née au Vietnam, de nationalité britannique qui accueille ses amis à la « Spiaggia ». Un restaurant-plage privé du Larvotto, bien connu de tous les Monégasques. Le 1er mai dernier, Maître suprême, « Celeste de l'Amour » pour les intimes, y a invité 300 convives (des adeptes ?).

« Une semaine avant, elle est venue au restaurant, comme elle vient de temps en temps, explique Éric Chauvet, patron de « La Spiaggia ». « Je l'ai connue par l'intermédiaire de ma fille qui l'avait rencontrée au Jimmy'z [NDLR : la discothèque la plus huppée de la principauté]. Elle m'a dit : « Je veux inviter quelques amis végétariens, une centaine. Au bout du compte, ils étaient trois cents. »

Débordant sur la plage publique, les invités ont été installés sur des serviettes. « Des Anglais, des Allemands, des Malaisiens, mais aussi des francophones, visiblement de classe moyenne. Gentils et altruistes », souligne un Monégasque présent avec sa fille ce jour-là.

« Des gens polis, discrets, très organisés, de toutes confessions religieuses, très dociles, avec beaucoup de savoir-vivre », souligne Éric Chauvet qui garde de cette journée un souvenir mémorable. Après le buffet, place aux discours. « Elle a prôné la nature, une alimentation saine, ajoute Eric Chauvet. Elle m'a demandé de parler de Monaco et de la politique du pays en faveur de l'environnement. »

« Pas de sermon, ni de rituel », souligne le client monégasque témoin de la scène. Seulement des gens qui buvaient les paroles du Maître, semble-t-il.

Fait notable : « J'ai plusieurs fois demandé quel était le but de l'association. Je n'ai jamais pu avoir de réponse... »

À 18 heures, ce jeudi-là, tout le monde est parti, aussi discrètement qu'il était arrivé.

1- Alain Gest, député, vice-président du groupe d'étude sur les sectes à l'Assemblée nationale, nous a précisé que l'association faisait partie de la liste des mouvements sectaires établie par les services de police des renseignements généraux en 1995.

Re: Supreme Master Ching Hai, secte, francais, France
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: April 29, 2011 11:03AM

It looks like Ching Hai tried to set-up her home in France in Sept 2008.

Obviously that would not work out, as France actually is not receptive to have their citizens exploited by these cults and sects as easily as other countries.

Notice all the money, and millions of dollars Ching Hai has to spend, and throw around.

As in the game of Where's Waldo, Where's Ching Hai?

It would be interesting to know where she has located her home-base, and her inner circle of unpaid personal servants, all dressed in white, being fed minimal food, and forced to sleep outside.
(obviously, that is a cultic technique of control, not enough food, forced to work and meditate all day to exhaustion, not enough sleep, all standard techniques of cultic control)

"To be honest, I could see from my balcony in rows of onion, all dressed in white, like zombies and silent for hours. After they were given a tiny bowl of something and some slept outside. I swear this is not reassuring. I sleep better. "

Re: Supreme Master Ching Hai, secte, francais, France
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: April 29, 2011 11:13AM


The French flag stands proud atop the fortification of the medieval village of Roquebrunne. ....
Now a densely packed mass of narrow winding streets and proudly restored ancient dwellings. To be reached by a fierce climb up a kilometre of steps from the main Monaco - Menton road, enough to leave you breathless but enjoying a fantastic view down the coast to Monaco and Monte Carlo.

Also below in Cap Martin in the former Fairmont Hotel, now "Europe Village", is the headquarters of the Supreme Mistress Ching Hai, who heads a meditation cult under the corporate name SCI Skylove. The self-named "Celeste d'Amour", Ching Hai is a Vietnamese-born British petite blonde who figured there are enough rich and gullible people to support a luxury lifestyle here. To the disgust of other wealthy residents, the cult is passing home to hundreds of devotees from all around the globe.

Updated Sep 17, 2008

Read more: []

Re: Supreme Master Ching Hai, secte, francais, France
Posted by: Ocean_Of_Lies ()
Date: April 29, 2011 09:45PM

The Anticult
How many countries has Ching Hai been booted out of, or fled?
Someone said she was in France at some point?
In france, there is not as much tolerance for these sects.

Actually the situation in France toward cults is ambiguous.

There is a government acency which aims to observe cult activities and fight against abuses : The MILVILUDES []

But does it means that the cult problem is covered? Not really. The MILVILUDES is supposed to comminicate and inform the public, but the only way to know what they are working on is to visit their website [] Who does that? Nobody, as nobody really care about cults until they are personally involved.

MILVILUDES it is almost unknown, and we only hear about it on some very special (and rare) occasions, for exemple in 2009 when Scientology have been sued and was about to be dismantled (the inquiry file was huge, we thought that it was over for Scientology, but finaly the trial was a mysterious failure, Scientology just had to pay a big fine, a few people were put in prison, but Scientology is still on the place!). There have been an other mysterious event at the end of 90's [] []

An informative document recall these events,
[] (with english subtitles)

Since 2008, the power range of MILVILUDES have been considerably hampered by Sarkozy's government (in 2008 the former interior minister Michele Aliot Marie accused MILVILUDES to harass and stigmatize spiritual movements, [], and she avoids answering about Scientology, despite the recent affairs). President Sarkozy himself says about Scientology "I don't know that much of Scientology, and I don't know what to think about it"... and his private meeting with Tom Cruise put a lot of suspicions on Srakozy's neutrality about cult problems. [] [] []

That's how things goes on in France. I bet sects still have a bright future here.

There are also some influent lobbies like CICNS http:/ /www. sectes-infos .net/Index.htm (remove the spaces if you want to visit the website) that are anti-anti-sect and ask for MILVILUDES dismantling. Helped by a bunch of (pretty unknown) sociologists, anthropologist, jurists, etc... they organize a lot of conferences to preach for tolerance toward spiritual movements, and youtube is infested by their (seemingly serious) interviews to denounce government intolerance against cults.

It seems that french police is observing Ching Hai's sect [] but there is no official information about it, and Ching Hai never appeared on french television yet.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2011 09:46PM by Ocean_Of_Lies.

Re: Supreme Master Ching Hai, secte, francais, France
Posted by: Ocean_Of_Lies ()
Date: April 29, 2011 10:23PM

The Anticult
If someone speaks french, perhaps they can search the french sites for info on Ching Hai.
This french cult website has some info on Ching Hai, there should be more.



Search Google for:

"ching hai" secte

I'm french so the first thing I did was to google Ching Hai secte. But almost all the discerning articles I found about Ching Hai are in english and vietnamese language. Actually I didn't find that much materials to put in the list of french articles []

These articles contain important informations, but mostly relate events and point of views of passers-by, there are some banal prejudices and no real analysis about Ching Hai's cult.

Can I add your translations to the english list?

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2011 10:30PM by Ocean_Of_Lies.

Re: Supreme Master Television free-to-air satellite -Ching Hai propaganda
Posted by: puresoul ()
Date: April 29, 2011 10:59PM

edit later

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2011 11:01PM by puresoul.

Re: Supreme Master Television free-to-air satellite -Ching Hai propaganda
Posted by: puresoul ()
Date: April 29, 2011 11:32PM

The passers-by’s nice impression of the group, because she is good at flattering them & the sect know how to act well to deceive & defect the notion of being a religious group.
Another info of what’s her motive of starting the sect. []
From a piece of recollections of a famous passed away Buddhist monk who Chinghai followed in 1984-1985, revealed that she used to stay at his New York Buddhist center, praised him as an enlightened Buddha like monk and wished to follow him for life & diligently listened to his tapes many times. But after her long-term visa of staying in the USA rejected, she then started her own sect, started giving out initiations.
A link of her ex-disciple talked about her hot temper & neurotic character when she met her around 1986 in India. []

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