Anticult, I agree with your view on cult leaders.The old saying power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely seems very applicable.Sometimes it seems that some leaders start out with good intentions, but I believe that it is the lack of checks and balances, and that there is no one able to say to the leader "hold on a minute, stop! What do you think you are doing", that means that foolish or bad ideas can become holy writ and get followed.
Indeed Yasmin, you are quite right as this happens all the time in ching hai's case as her followers are either too frightened to speak up or simply don't want to rock the boat of the group dynamics.
On the odd occasion a follower goes the "hold on a minute, stop!" route the person is either shouted down or ridiculed in front of everyone by ching hai.
Some followers are even suspended for asking "too many questions". Not a nice thing to witness.
One good example of a follower being mocked in this connection can be found here on youtube [
tinyurl.com] where a follower suggests an idea to ching hai about their "Go Veg, Be Green campaign"
The young man rightly suggests changing the slogan to Go Vegan...etc so the masses can better grasp the message.
But surprise, surprise, the supreme one simply brushes the suggestion to one side with an out of point joke to which all the followers & sadly the questioner himself feel compelled to laugh along to.
Who knows if she misunderstood the question or simply didn't want to be seen to be corrected by a "mere" follower. Whatever the reason, this certainly is not the actions of one who calls herself a supreme master.
It is a long video so please only watch from 13:43 mins. Ching hai justs mocks the guy's intelligence in front of the cameras.
Imagine what goes on off camera.
The above link is ok at the time of posting this, but even if this video suddenly vanishes off the net there will always be more than enough examples of the ching hai cult status especially as she persists in her quest for fame, power & fortune on the backs of her followers.
More emerging info on the crazy cult of ching hai here: