Hare Krishna's gonna build yet another 70 Million dollar temple project. How many is that now? 6? They have a bunch of these "never finished" projects that cost untold amounts of money:
https://www.dailyexcelsior.com/70-storey-skyscraper-temple-in-vrindavan-would-boost-indian-tourism-iskcon/Ironically, the epileptic Chaitanya saint never had any motives or need to build temples, let alone extravagant and expensive ones.
The Mayapur temple has cost well into the 100 millions now and is still not "complete". The thing has been under construction since the swami was alive n kickkin' n doing tobacco snuff bombs behind the typewriter at 2am.
Every time these cults land on some money, they either build this nonsense or pay for some guru, like Siddhaswarupanada's lavish lifestyle.
For a cult that postulates a "universal message of love," they can't even get along with each other. ISKCON does not cooperate with Gaudiya Math, and none of them cooperate with Science of Identity. So much for brotherly love. Even in the same cult structure, they can't get along and agree on shit. So much for non-sectarianism.
Meanwhile, Gabbard is getting geared up for collections season to support her criminal candidate who is going to make plenty money from the Indian community she'll dupe into donating cuz she a "Hindu" all of a sudden, [
Gabbard, as always, will conveniently play both sides as she goes on her fanatical religious campaign style, slipping in "god/aloha/namaste" every chance she gets.
Even her devotee daddy doesn't want anything to do with that jazz:
https://www.hawkcentral.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/03/18/tulsi-gabbard-mike-gabbard-trump-vp-shortlist/72961931007/Looks like daddy, Mike gabbard, AKA Krishna Katha das (Tulsi Gabbards daddy dearest), had a change of heart about them "demon faggots" too:
https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/2024/03/21/after-change-heart-lawmaker-who-led-charge-against-same-sex-marriage-apologizes/This forum thread is not about "bitching" as some would like you to believe.
What is said here paints a clear picture of the irrational idiocy that pervades nearly every corner of these Hare Krishna groups. It highlights their beliefs, rituals, scriptures, gurus, and core ideology to reveal a haphazard mumbo-jumbo collection of fanatical religious nonsense that goes about as deep as an episode of Spongebob Squarepants.
People laugh at Prabhupada's books and fanatical followers. They laugh at their aggressive and over-the-top in-your-face style of preaching (or recoil). No one takes it seriously. So much so that Butler started an offshoot cult that tossed much of what the swami brought in the trash can. Butler's followers abandoned the dress-up games, the tilak, the sikah, the dhotis and neck beads and other culty things. He even abandoned the instruments and the only place where he had kirtan was on a remote public beach where his followers could dote on him in peace.
Prabhupada was so arrogant there was literally not a single interview with him where he actually answered the reporter's/journalists' questions in a straightforward way. As soon as any challenging question was asked, he quickly resorted to cheap laughs and jokes at the interviewer's expense.
Bhaktisioddhanta was such a preaching fanatic that he was not invited to any Gaudiya events cuz of his reputation for being critical and telling everyone that his way was the only way and that anyone who opposed it was a demon even if they were a devotee.
There is an endless list of total nonsense purports, verses and lectures from both Butlr and his guru. Just mind dribbling. Total trash. And his followers sit there and gobble it up cuz he told them, "You're not your body; you are an eternal cowherd girl in cow-land Goloka."
They claim their cult is 5000 years old, They claim "hinduism" is the "oldest religion". Hinduism is not even a religion. No one group of Indian spiritual traditions agrees on any consistent ideas. It's all a mix and match, free for all. You cannot even get two Gaudiya cults to come together in any harmony over ideology. It's a total joke.
They all claim some allegiance to the "vedas". Have you read the "vedas" recently??? Most of it, like 90% is total archaic mind garbage. All the devotees claiming their hare krishna shit is vedic are full of shit. Barely a single vedic god is worshipped or mentioned in their scriptures. Nothing vedic about the "bhagavatam". The scripture does not even mention "Radha," nor the "maha mantra," nor any Chaitanya, or many of the other practices and personalities they go on about.
What's left of it all is just another fringe cult/religion that has fuck-all to offer its adherents. It's a 200-500-year-old fanatical devotional fringe religion that has mush-brain followers. Don't believe me? Go to a Sunday feats at one of their temples or to a local SIF center and take a nice deep breath of some total bullshit as you do an about-face and walk the fuck out.
I'll preach my brains out against these clowns. They stole my childhood, they stole my family, they stole sanity, they gave me nothing, and I want nothing from them. If anyone else feels the same, lemme get an "amen".
Leave these groups, tell your story, speak out, give them hell, and move on.
P.S.— here is a wonderful recent interview with an ex-hare Krishna cult survivor:
https://open.spotify.com/episode/72twh3xA7gSLudJeqJPjzJ?si=H1h0X3C9R6CYyjL4imaItQ&nd=1&dlsi=3f4e377c5dd14746 You'll get more out of 15 minutes of this than all 11 cantos of Srimad Buggerall.