I don't.
There are 837 pages of testimony, documents, recordings, posts, links, and so on on this forum. I suppose you could start from page one to find the many citations of Butler's attitude towards his followers and closest disciples.
Butler was often making elaborate efforts to scrub any record or proof of their less-than-savory attitudes, actions, and words. When the internet came to full force, Burler instructed his disciples to scrub the net of all ill words about him. He had them create thousands of diversion websites and even tried to sue this forum.
Documents, audio tapes, and photographs were all destroyed. Some were preserved. assorted letters kept by old followers and the infamous "kitchen rules" list. Some gems abound where he is talking to his adult disciples as if they are dumb little kids: [
Cults always try to paint a pretty picture of their "saints" and gurus. When crap comes up that makes the guru look bad fanatical followers flock and try to justify it, twist the context or in some way discredit the person who s making the claim. But as with all these clowns, the burden of proof is with the person making the biggest claim which is that a white dude living in an oceanfront home in Hawaii is god on earth for us to follow, worship, and serve.