Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Truth wins ()
Date: June 14, 2022 07:40PM

Yes. Johnny is quite the rock star. Who would say no to this life of spiritual jetset?
Adoration, international travel, bliss, marry your kid to whoever the hell you want, get the best food, massages…
While madam is enjoying the skiing, some people are contemplating suicide.
POS coward!
May I never see his filthy face again.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/14/2022 07:41PM by Truth wins.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: June 14, 2022 08:14PM

The guy is offensive. He puts organizational matters above prasada.Poseur.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Truth wins ()
Date: June 14, 2022 10:47PM

When you know the whole truth about them and have aeen so much with your eyes, it is almost toxic to even think about them. It actually gives you nausea.
That level of lies, secrecy, hypocrisy, elitism, favoritism…
Forget about spiritual etiquettes. Even on a level of moral codes. I went too far insulting Baklava das, but I hate it how some of them have created heaven on earth, while others are in hell. Within the same group.
Some must relish bliss, while others tremble in fear.
These posts will be my legacy. And me speaking on behalf of all that checked out because of this cult.
I pray for them and hope that they were given mercy on the other side.
I think the offense started the day the accepted a bogus yogi astral traveller as the modern day prophet.
And we had to fall into that web of lies and deceptiom that they helped build.
All their lives, they relied on the toxicity of Iskcon to make themselves look good.
Johnny M has supported many abusers because they were rich and could run centers and sweatshops. He is like the see no evil monkey.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Frozen Nick91 ()
Date: June 15, 2022 01:48AM

Hi Truth wins, here is my answer that did not make it into the mail box:

I am very sorry that I came off rude to you, I did not intend to do so and I surely blindly did not realize meanwhile, that it can affect you for so long. Just read everything I wrote to you earlier here in the forum and it felt, I was indeed inappropriate and presumptuous. For this again, I am very sorry. It is true, that I have not been in Butler’s sect, but I have been with ISCKON for some years, which is a bit different when we talk about the patterns of abuse, but the overall god-krishna theology is the same. Being in this forum, meeting Butler devotees in my residence, has been very triggering for me and I had again severe PTSD symptoms from my experiences. I gained weight and actually could not sleep at all sometimes, so that I had to take sick days at work. For a long time, I had it under control, but being in contact with the local Butler group of my town and writing and reading in this forum, was also for me very hard and triggering. And I suppose that many people in this forum feel like that, this is why emotions and assumptions can sometimes boil over. I also feel that many people here are really processing and digesting what happened to them, like a public diary kind of. Back then I felt like being a cornered dog who can not do anything else than biting. I believe and believed you and I don't try to undermine your experiences, actually a lot of the stuff you wrote was helpful for me and I can certainly see that you have invested a lot into dealing with your traumas. My attempt was to bring something in of my own, but failed in expressing myself, because I guess, I was scared your words would make my helpful conclusions meaningless. Despite me being rude, I really felt I opened up here about myself, also to you, and then I felt insulted that I did not get the “right” response. But nobody owns me a right response, so in the rush of my emotions I behaved childish. Further I do not know how to justify myself in this answer here anymore. I guess I just had my own journey with supranational experiences, but my conclusions were apparently different than yours and this is absolutely fine, since it is something very intimate and therefore difficult to share with a common conclusion on both sides. I hope you will be able to deal with your traumas from the abuse of Butler's sect and please forgive me to trigger these feelings. Your posts in this forum are very helpful, but also triggering to some people, so I guess there are times, where you won’t get the most decent responses from others. But if we are brave and speak uncomfortable things, we have to deal with others showing us the teeth I guess- at least this is what happened with me. And I think you know that actually, so you seem to be more fearless anyways. I am and was (after the post) very sad about it and understand that I myself have a long way to go and should consider my words much more carefully, I really agree with you there. Thank you for coming forward to me again.

Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 06/15/2022 02:01AM by Frozen Nick91.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: June 15, 2022 04:15AM

Truth wins Wrote:
> When you know the whole truth about them and have
> aeen so much with your eyes, it is almost toxic to
> even think about them. It actually gives you
> nausea.

One part of you is saying yes, you've dealt with it, you can throw it all into the dustbin of your oblivion. But the other part of you, as you sees their recruitment efforts, is anger and a feeling of having to hold back, stop them. In particular, the actions of Mr. Midgett etc. Well, because the local people teach veg diets etc. well, then there is nothing wrong with that. If it's neutral reporting. Educating.

Frozen Nick91 Wrote:
> god-krishna theology is the same. Being in this
> forum, meeting Butler devotees in my residence,
> has been very triggering for me and I had again
> severe PTSD symptoms from my experiences. I gained
> weight and actually could not sleep at all
> sometimes, so that I had to take sick days at
> work. For a long time, I had it under control, but
> being in contact with the local Butler group of my
> town and writing and reading in this forum, was
> also for me very hard and triggering.

Confirmed. Triggering. It causes problems with the nervous system. Disorder. Narration, all this energy. Or rude behavior. Utilitarian contemptible treatment. Fanaticism. Disrespect for individual seva, etc.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Truth wins ()
Date: June 15, 2022 07:22AM

Frozen Nick, sorry about your experiences. And thank you for your kind note.
You are not alone. And I am here anytime you need to talk. We can even communicate outside of the forum.
I will for sure help you in any way possible.
I lash out easily because I have been a doormat all my life and asides from spititual abuse, I carry abuse from my own family.
Processing it all take so much courage.I have lashed at so many butler devotees. I let all the crap out.
And it is fine if I triggers you. What you said to me is like roses compared to what I said to the devotees.
I am not sure I even grasped you were wounded. I thought you were just expressing opinions.
This process of healing is like an exorcism. And few days ago I lost a good friend because of my anger.
Yes this forum is heavy. I cried hours reading about the kitchen rules, the blaming devotees for everything, the papper bag… and what Ian and Forest have experienced went under my skin too. I just wanted to hug that little boy in them and protect them.
We must let the tumor out. It cannot stay in.
But please let me know if I can do anything to help. And know that we are here for you.
Now that I unserstand your feelings, I am fine with what you said.
Be very patient and compassionate toward yourself when the darkness arises.
You will build a much better version of yourself.
Truly sorry I could not be more forgiving and less affected.
I hope you feel better now.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/15/2022 07:27AM by Truth wins.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Truth wins ()
Date: June 15, 2022 08:00AM

Imagine how it feels discovering the person you loved and trust the most on the planet, is a fraudster, abuser, user…
And that his minions such as midgett are also on it indirectly.
I had to stand against souls I had the greatest respect for.
Yes it is heavy stuff. I lost some of the greatest and kindest friends.
I will be more tolerant toward all those who enter this forum.
Appologies to all also for being an out of hand ball of fire.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Truth wins ()
Date: June 15, 2022 07:25PM

I thoughy about what you said. That my post were triggering.
Id it is because they remind one of their own experiences, I am sorry.
There is nothing I can do about it.
I am a very raw and honest person. And also someone who may one day write a book.
I do not really care about privacy because this role I play is not me. When I die, the souk will go onto other adventures.
It is important that people know the truth about SoI. Spiritual abuse is the deepest scar that can be left on the heart.
It is extremely serious.
Those who superficially fooling themselves in the cult of butler, by purring it under the rug, are fools.
No amount of chanting, having dogs piss on the straw that you are, forgiving… can erase the wound.
I have. a friend who wanted to understand why she was tortured so badly. But noone could of course juatify it.
But her bliss addiction kept her under the thumb of krishna’s pablo escobar, mr butler. The all mighty bliss pusher and his natcissistic disciples.
Then when I started rising against the cult, that same person became the body guard of her abusers and flipped.
If she started the true healing journey, and her wounds open up, she will get it that she is in very bad shape.
Few years ago, I went to a gathering. Hugged my abusers. I had no hard feelings.
I thought all was kind of forgotten.
Then suddenly because of starting a very deep healing journey, all my inner suppressed emotions came onto the surface.
I too had to put it under the rug. And the fact that I was deiven away by a path I loved and ended up in a very hellish position.
While the abusers keep getting all the respect in the world and you are to be blamed for lacking humility. And of course the false Ego is an amazing excuse too.
I made a Tsunami wave they will not forget soon. And will be the object ofntheor gossip for years to come.
And I will continue till the message enters their thick brainwashed minds.
I have nt spared my own family either. Because everybody takes advantage of you being passive and empathic.
This is why now I carry the energy of 200 alpha lions. This land is not safe for those who arrive as empaths with weak boundaties.
Humans are basically reading your energy like animals and assess how they can lord over you. And this is what was done to me at SoI.
A spititual community where ypu have to walk with sworss and shileds.
I think that we are all calibrated differently. I am not made to be a haridas.
I am a warrior at heart and the whole walking urnial mentalily is not for me.
If I have to relate to any divinity, I do it standing up, not falling flat on my face.
No human nor god will have me submit like this ever again.
SoI want to abuse people? Fine. Everything comes with a price.
Those memebers are like children who are being trafficked on a soul level. And they are in a trance.
Someone must advocate for those who cannot see what is being done to them.
40 plus years of such abuse. If the deities are sitting on their asses, watching this shit show because love and worship is sweet, I will not.
Unlike the deities of religions and butler, I do not need adoration.
I am free in every way. Noone can hold me hostage like when I was afraid to lose kirshna and gurudead.
This is why I put up with the shit.
There is nothing more dangerous than a person who does not need love and others.
NOTHINHG can keep you hostage. You can let go of others easily. Even if you end up homeless, your self respect comes first.
Because ultimately you can only love and accept yourself unconditionally.
I take ownership of my own lunatic ways and what I have also done.
Far from being just a victim and perfect.
However I am not sure I ever did to anyone what my abusers did to me in this life.
Maybe in the ones I do not remember. Who knows.
There devotees who were coerced and manipulated to live in a modly basement where their health was compormised.
While the leasers lived in a million dollar house with air con eating organic food, the wailana slaves, ate bread and mustard at one point.
How do you call this? Austerity, brahmacari life… It will bring you closer to the bliss the blue boy will shower you with.
My post are quite clear and they will know who I am.
I want them to know who I am. I will crush them in one second if they dare lift one finger.
Be well friends. Stand tall.Fearless. Tell them straight what a bunch of asses they are. You will render them a service by forcing them to wake up from theor trance.
Push them into ice cold water of truth. Keep their heads submerged for a few minues till they wake up.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: June 15, 2022 10:38PM

Truth wins Wrote:
> While the leasers lived in a million dollar house
> with air con eating organic food, the wailana
> slaves, ate bread and mustard at one point.

Such faith!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/15/2022 10:39PM by Culthusiast.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Truth wins ()
Date: June 16, 2022 07:31AM

Sorry! I just saw my post. It is typo galore. I need to put auto correct on.
I am not sure why I did not read it again. The leasers. Lol! I hope you will figure out what I meant. I may have been in a trance or something.
Anyway. Time to slowly let go.
If thy ever dare touching anybody here on this forum with legal actions, here is what awaits them.
They have broken many immigration laws. And what they have done to devotees, is in fact some sort of human trafficking.
It is one thing to cook some simple meals and wash some clothes. Or even clean a bit.
But we all know what is up no need to repeat.
If they retaliate in any way, it is going to backfire like a Tsunami.
We will settle the matter once and for all. In case they read this.
The price of the silence of the leaders will be quite high.
The glory days of slavery that is passed for devotional service without the world knowing are over.
Ok guys. Need a long break from these guys.
We will see how it all unfolds in the future.
By the way Culthusiast. Thanks for being the equalizer. I think many of us can get very passionate.
We will celebrate when we reach page 1000.
See you guys in a long while.
Thanks again for being so patient with me. You are all amazing.

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