Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: May 21, 2022 07:32PM
If that level of being in control of our minds was so easily obtained, our society would not be in this shape.
There are many factors that makes it so people end up being hostage of spiritual communities.
If one had such strong sense of self and their psyche, they would not trust a semi lunatic such as butler.
Do you realize that many of us are the results of dysfunctional families. You grow up in abuse, this becomes your norm and standard.
Humans get hypnotized 24/7 by narcissists, psychopaths, scammers, politicians and their lies, media brainwashing…
How many souls walk around with a critical thinking mind that questions everything?
Getting stuck at SOI is both a complex psychological as well as a spiritual game.
Let us not get overly harsh here. Tell everybody that they let the abuse happen…
I understand that ultimately we are all responsible to some extent of our fate.
But I am just explaining the strong hypnosis that keeps those who suffer, hostage.
Because let us not forget that not everybody in these groups is unhappy.
The minds, souls, hearts are surrendered. Good luck taking them back.
In this forum, which is dedicated to cults, we are trying to understand what makes it so people end up in cults and cannot get out. Not so much blaming or shaming those who fall for it.
And I do my best to explain how I, as a whole, got highjacked. And the “extraordinary” phenom aspect, was key in trapping me.
I do not give my legions to any deities nor path.
I am absolutely suspicious of all the info that has been given to us in general.
I have realized that there is a dark side to almost everything in this reality.
And most are afraid of that dark side. Mostly afraid of our own darkness.
And here we are speaking of the dark side of Krishna consc. The ugly side that many do not dare looking at. Because ugliness does not exist in vaikunta.
I think that I have been quite clear in my posts that I call the unseen forces out. Be it deities or demonic forces.
Maybe in this realm of duality, we must give up expecting just goodness and perfection in spiritual communities.
When we eat some foods, we take the pit out, we peel the skin of, we cook some food… Why are we forced to accept a religious path as it is?
I absolutely question all religious paths. And I am not afraid to do so as suggested by the mafiosi gods and their messengers.
bhakti yoga says you NEED guru and provide us with some pedo, narcissists, ocd, criminal ones?
This is where we use our intelligence and get it that in the past 40 plus years, this system has proven to be dangerous.
To hell with “divine” rules and instructions if it is meant to destroy souls.
Ultimately there is no perfection to be found. Not in humans, religious paths and the gods of religions.
Once we give up that romantic feeling, we will no longer hurt.
We must compromise, adapt, accept, forgive…
Our own kids, wives, husbands, parents… are far from being perfect. And yet imagine if everybody got a divorce from each other.
It is time to think that some higher beings are absolutely flawless in their love for us.
Let us not twist things around and alchemize too much. See abuse as mercy, glorify suffering as paying off karma, gods throwing us out as free will.
We must have courage to look at the ugliness of this reality without the blissful side of religions, some mind altering drugs, denial, ultra positive thinking, that god is in control and at the end there will be rainbows.
I am all for honesty.
The same way we can easily spit out the faults of our relatives, friends… We should be able to point out the negative sides of religious paths and gurus.
The fact that we are FORCED to consider those paths and deities, gurus perfect, is what keeps perpetuating the suffering.
SoI and Iskcon tell you why you are here and how to get out. Then they throw you in a spiritual hell hole.
From material hell to spiritual hell. But it is always easier to suffer in the hands of gods than humans.
This is why there is always talk of unconditional love.
Without unconditional so called love, we could hardly accept other humans and divine forces.
What makes life easier at the Krishna consc. realm is the constant chipping of the ego and self respect. Hear no evil. See no evil.
And accept the miseries under the bliss morphine that needs to be injected every single day or else you may realize the pain.
In this land of duality I see more like an experiment gone wrong, bhakti yoga is still offering some valuable lessons and methods.
Most “humans” still struggle. Trapped in crappy jobs, marriages, poverty, mental ilnesses, addictions, horrible politics…
A very minute percentage is living the great material illusion.
For “some” it comes down to accepting a crappy spiritual community or a crappy material life.
And I guess that the crappy spiritual community still gets more points.
And once again, the truth is that many who leave the service of krishna are forced back in via some non human manipulation.
I have seen it a multitude of times. A person leaves and their lives become more hellish. They are also injected thoughts of krishna and guru 24/7. Filled with the guilt that they missed out on the greatest opportunity to exist Maya’s world.
Next thing you know, they are back after 10 or 20 years.
The human body, psyche, this reality, spirituality, the unseen, the seen… are all way too complex for us to try and simplify or generalize.
There is no need to get frustrated at each other for looking at bhakti yoga, this material realm, cults… from different perspectives.
The only way we can all see the same thing and think the same way is to be in the cult and act like robbots.