Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: April 28, 2022 10:41PM

Myths arose as a necessary part of human evolution. Storytelling and mythology is how humans conveyed ideas, passed down information about historical events and created mirrors of their social and psychological selves throughout history

I don't have a problem with mythology as a vehicle for studying human evolution and archeological, anthropology history. I enjoy mythology. From a symbolic standpoint, it's very telling of the human condition.

My problem is that we live in a time where there is ample modern-day storytelling in the form of novels, film and all manner of scientific and historical records.

Modern-day storytelling is relevant to our current day psychologies and realities. The mythology of archaic people may hold some rudimentary building blocks to who we are today, but they certainly don't have a dramatic relevance in this day and age. That's my main qualm with using archaic mythology as a guidance point to base an entire spiritual system on. In other words, we take aspects of such systems that have proven scientific value and we implement them to build out methods for navigating life. Some of that is being done: Yoga as an exercise practice, mindfulness/mediation, even more non-secterian methods of bhakti like promoted by Eknath Easwaran, founder of the Blue Mountain Center of Meditation has more modern day relevance and pluralism. And obviously contemporary thinkers like Joseph Campbell and Doniger, Devadutta etc have all shed a more rational light on how vedic/puranic myths can be woven in for practical comprehension and use in modern days psychology, spirituality and so forth. If one is so inclined.

I think modern humans need to face the overwhelming reality that the gods of various religions and the myths of various faiths no longer hold water in the present age. When a person reads the ramayana for the bhagavatam they are not reading some kind of timeless wisdom. They are definitely reading stories of a bygone age that have absolutely no relevance to a modern humans predicament.

One has to contextualize how the veda and subsequent puranas took shape. They were slowly baked by assorted religious groups vying for social post and status. Brahmanism, Buddhism, etc etc all intermingled and shared stories, myths and legends. In a time before literacy, TV, Radio, Internet, the average thinking human had immense time and creative energy on their hands. Stories were assembled, reassembled, resolved and reborn. As they continue to be and evolve into the stories and myths we tell ourselves today.

Humanity is built upon myth making. Take something as simple as money, territorial borders and brands/corporations. They are fictitious. They are myths we all agree upon. We agree that money has value, we agree that there are territories and borders and we treat corporations as "entities" autonomous and able to dictate social realities. The stock market is a bunch of fictitious creations affecting the economy of the entire plant. We all, as human race, agree to abide by those myths/fictions. It's what allows the human-animal to cooperate on such a grand scale.

That is exactly what vedic/puranic stories did for the social structures of India. It helped society function and cooperate socially. As did the myths of the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans for those civilizations. And believe me, there are modern day egyptian/greek/roman cults that believe in the gods of old and their ideology with the same verve and an answer for everything on par with the Hare Krishnas.

Without getting into too much detail, we have to keep it real. We have to be realistic and honest about the larger picture religion plays in the modern age.

You have hare krishna candidates like Tulsi who are propagating misinformation and continuing to pretend that racism and all manner of misunderstandings pertaining to sexuality, parental and government roles and any number of other social political realities don't exist. She continues to pedle the idea that some kind of abstract mainstream media (MSM) and political Elite is churning a massive military machine and infringement upon the rights of people. She is wrong. Close-mindedness and religion do that and continue to do that in this day and age and are largely to blame for the big fight that Humanity has had in creating a true world of Tolerance, acceptance, peace, love, equality and unity. And I can 100% guarantee you it has nothing to do with a blue God who plays with cows and 12 year old girls and chanting his so-called all powerful holy name.

You can troll the Facebook pages of thousands of devotees and you will find nothing but grossly misinformed, conspiracy theorist close-minded people. Pedaling foolish ideas about everything from cosmology, history and science. You will find many propagating complete misinformation about things like post-birth abortions and all manner of nonsense without a shred of evidence except some news article from an online tabloid. It's all so dramatically alarming how such supposedly spiritual people have such a grand political opinion about everything. And for those that don't, they choose to ignore the problems of life in the world, they are simply floating in a cloud of Krishna mythology and sing song spirituality. As you put it, Bliss heads.

Believe me. I have tried having rational discussions with many devotees over the years. It does not end well. They cannot and will not see their ideology as flawed or the result of sentimental religious fanatical wishful thinking. And it's not just the atheism that they run from. It's literally rational thought and critical thinking. In fact they almost run to the opposite spectrum willingly. Hence why so many subscribe to a "us vs. them", Demons versus devotees dogma. It's the only way to reconcile their cognitive dissonance. Like someone who is convinced that baking soda will cure cancer with not a shred of rational evidence to show how exactly that mechanism works.

A nicely written article I came upon about New Vrindabhan—prabhupadas grand varnashrama project gone horribly wrong, and still going strong: []

I think often about my gurukula classmates from Butler's PI school. You can barely find any of the 40 boys online. No record. Where are they? New devotee names? Personal servants of Butler? Slaving at business for Butler/Wailana? Helping Tulsi stay in the political spotlight? Living out their mundane lives in deep confusion and self-hatered that they did not make it as devotees? Where are they? What happened to 40 or so boys who grew up waking at 4AM every day, taking cold bucket showers and chanting on repeat learning about the pastimes of the blue god they fell for?

If you are reading this my brothers, I hope you make it out of this cult and build an authentic life for yourself. Wishful thinking.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: April 29, 2022 12:11AM

> My problem is that we live in a time where there
> is ample modern-day storytelling in the form of
> novels, film and all manner of scientific and
> historical records.

It is some help for the people far from deep, formalized analysis backed up with different sciences.

How can you discuss problem with social gravity non knowing game theory or maths? Cant understand examples.

> I think modern humans need to face the
> overwhelming reality that the gods of various
> religions and the myths of various faiths no
> longer hold water in the present age. When a
> person reads the ramayana for the bhagavatam they
> are not reading some kind of timeless wisdom. They
> are definitely reading stories of a bygone age
> that have absolutely no relevance to a modern
> humans predicament.

Some mechanisms, phenomena can be explained, but here a flexible, analytical but still open mind is needed.

A classic question - why do people have a romance and a lover is seemingly more attractive than a husband? My husband has dirty socks, he poops and works hard. He does a lot of practical things which are far from romantic, and the practical relationship of the spouses is stripped of romanticism. So is the wife. The lover is found in a romantic setting, focused on the exchange of thoughts, sex, etc. The mind is deceived and plunged into this illusion. When a supporting relationship - practically, e.g. rent paid jointly, the sense of value is because there is a constant partner, there is no loneliness - when it is lost, life with a lover becomes practical. And it is verified who is what player.

This is as "parakiya-rasa" - recognized as degrading in the material world and supreme in the spiritual world. Although some sanyasis question the correctness of this analogy or nomenclature.

This, in any case, also as an aspect, can be a barrier to those who are to accept Radha-dasyam. Since she is married to Abhimanyu and is dating Krishna, it is immoral and unacceptable. Another thing is that allegedly Abhimana is a neutral and Krishna formally married Radha, etc. However, it is difficult to accept this complexity as a simple exchange of love in the Absolute. And so on...

Truth wins Wrote:
> They have highjacked our imagination by feeding us
> prefabricated stories. Lies mixed with truths.

Important question is - does the attraction come from anthropomorphism of humanoids with 2 helices. Fans of cosmology like to talk about 12 helices, etc.

> At the end of the day, Islam has kept it a bit
> more real. They do not have that many far out
> myths.

A Muslim can be commended for not making images of God. After all, it is not known whether Krishna has a mustache or not. Or maybe expasions / hypostases. One Krishna has a mustache, the other one does not. One is Indian, the other is European. Then why accept the Hindu form if there is European Krishna in the Absolute ... Or maybe the Slavic expansion of Radha is blonde? After all, everyone likes blondes.Not malicious ...

> Yes the spiritual life at SoI was an amazing
> adventure. It thought me that I should have
> watched more animal behavior videos to survive
> that jungle.

Some praise a good dealer, others praise the good times in the cult. Well, but sometime it ends badly ..

> I no longer believe in PURE and unconditional
> love. Not even from beings we call god.

Unconditional love? Difficult subject. In the person of Jesus Christ.

Well, let's take a monkey, a snake and a man. A hungry snake wants to eat a monkey and catches it. This one screams for help. A good man takes a rod and binds the snake and releases the monkey. He naturally has an attraction to the little and an aversion to the snake. But you love unconditionally. Need to save the monkey. But the snake remains hungry. Maybe cut off a piece of his calf or buttock and feed the snake. But what about self-love ??

Truth wins Wrote:
> And I know for sure that the gita does not even
> scratch the surface when it comes to the
> complexities of how our minds, senses and bodies
> function.

That's the place for the reductions...Structure, theory of information and many more.

> The fact that I am still alive is a miracle. But
> no krishna guru is able to see that these are
> psychic attacks because they have zero clue.
> However they will blame it on Karma or one going
> crazy because of offenses.

Accepting theory of gunas one can believe in destroy american warship....

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2022 12:14AM by Culthusiast.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: April 29, 2022 01:02AM

For me personally, the cult has been stripped of its infallibility and has compromised itself.

Vedic science, on the other hand, has its own values. Let us compare, for example, the teachings of John Paul II. Let us take care of our loved ones, let us not forget about the farthest ones. Naturally, for example, the roles of parents are often disinterested service to children. Family ties. But here comes pettiness which is criticized in the Bhagavad Gita. Natural care for loved ones at the expense of others. Being guided by a natural feeling or even instinct.

In Vedic culture - debatable whether it is a command from the Vedas, Upanishads or other scriptures - cooking dinner is to go outside the house and call out if they are hungry - it is de facto openness and remembering about the farthest.

Hence, for me, devotee campaigns in Poland that feed the homeless - vegetarian are valuable. They have been doing this for many years, and some of them have NEVER received praise from Papa Midget, Guru etc. They were praised and appreciated by another sanyasi.

Interestingly, cult activists suddenly asked for cooking equipment in connection with the events in Ukraine. Apparently in a slightly firm mood. They promised to give back money for the equipment. The conflict is visible here. Devotee had been cooking for the homeless on it for years. They just needed him. They promised to give back the money.

Did they remember the promise? NOT. They had to be reminded. This is a subtle example of rudeness and contempt for devotee service on the part of activists. Their sudden determination is more important. Disrespectful for the service of others. And promises are not kept.

The cult discredited itself.

Once again.

Poor Danusia, Malgorzata, devoted for almost 30-years - not initiated. The narrative of unconditional love, best sect etc. is a joke.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: RUN_FOREST_RUN ()
Date: April 29, 2022 06:27AM

It's fine to analiyze rasa from an angle of maths and game theory, if one has the appetite. However, any sanyassi worth their salt will tell you that Radha with blonde hair is pure speculation. Any guru who is considered a stalwart approaches this form an angle of pure "surrender" of information transfer form guru to disciple without adding or subtracting or modifying or trying to "make it your own". So what is there to argue with that. To them, there is no discussion and it is even offensive to suggest as it is "beyond" and "transcendental" and hence not known to the mind/matter/senses. Yet, the fact remains, it is very much based on human-like diealism of love/devotion etc, but we slap the label "transcendental" on it and it "becomes" something else by virtue of a word, and abstraction, but not a vivid metaphor of substance and use.

If I say "the wind felt like a gentle kiss form a lover", we do not need to speculate what I am describing. We know such sensations and can bridge the cap that the wind felt pleasant and elicited a response of romance and pleasure as it passed over our cheek. Hence the metaphor is practical. But this type of wordplay apparently does not transpose to "transcendental" topics, or at least not ones of a certain "intimacy". So a desciple/follower is ok to speculate about the rasa of krishna and arjuna, but tisk tisk, don't ever contemplate the rasa of madhurya as this is off-limits even to the best of the best of devotees. This type of thinking leads to nowhere and nothing and is circular, i.e. argument of infinite regress. One can never quite varify or pinpoint when such topics or such rasa can be accurately conceived of.

And no guru, I can assure you, at least in this line, is trying to understand any of this from the angle of maths and game theory. It is bhakti, not jnana. Sentiment, not logic. To me this is useless and ends in no place I'd like to be. It promotes and dictates that one spend the majority of their lives fixed in fantasy. Or, at best, engaging in ritualism and activities that simply feel good: Chant, dance, read stories. Has it's use, obviously.

Welfare work as you describe is not a focal aspect of this movement. Never was never will be. Many millions have been spent building elaborate temples and printing fairy tale books. Welfare relief not so much. A little, but when contrasted with the amount spent on aimless frills, it's sad. Waste.

I have studied the vedas and post-vedic works. I am yet to find a correlation with science and reality that is not forced or fabricated. the 4 original vedas are scienceless. The Upanishads are a great philosophical treatise of vedanta. The puranas and other supplementary post-vedic works are stories. No science, no maths, no frame theory. Any that does exist was a much later edition dating in some cases to as recent as the last 500-1000 years. Trust me, scientists would study the veda and verify it's assertions if there was anything there to verify. The few that have taken an interest to try to show some scientific rigor have shown it to be rudimentary at best. This does not negate India's contribution to maths and science, but the veda is not where it came from friend.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: April 29, 2022 06:07PM

> It's fine to analiyze rasa from an angle of maths
> and game theory, if one has the appetite.

This is why the most dear is 1 - Radha, the 2 best are Radha & Candravali. Numbers, numbers fall. How much Vishnu expansion? 16. Again numbers ...


Trimurti. Sat-Cit-Ananda. Satva-Rajas-Tamas. Hare Krishna Rama. Godfather, Son, Holy Spirit...

> However,
> any sanyassi worth their salt will tell you that
> Radha with blonde hair is pure speculation. Any
> guru who is considered a stalwart approaches this
> form an angle of pure "surrender" of information
> transfer form guru to disciple without adding or
> subtracting or modifying or trying to "make it
> your own". So what is there to argue with that.

The Bhagavad Gita suggests, "the sages study both natures." I'm starting to study. I can't blindly take that Radha only has black hair. Slavs are blondes. There are blondes somewhere in the Absolute. These are Radha's expansions? Etc...

> ever contemplate the rasa of madhurya as this is
> off-limits even to the best of the best of
> devotees. This type of thinking leads to nowhere
> and nothing and is circular, i.e. argument of
> infinite regress. One can never quite varify or
> pinpoint when such topics or such rasa can be
> accurately conceived of.

This is understandable in the sense that the madhurya rasa is not temporal in terms of sentiment and sexuality. Interestingly, though, this rigor is not found in the stories themselves as far as it is said that the gopis placed Krishna's hand on their womb. There is desire, but it is not. Everything is getting confusing. One can, of course, accept the argument that it is only after the stage of renunciation, mental sanyasa, that one actually perceives "madhurya" and there will be no "sahajiya" - that is, it will not reduce the transcendental relationship - the exchange of feelings - to sexuality and worldly sentimentality. But what about this Abhimanyu ...

> And no guru, I can assure you, at least in this
> line, is trying to understand any of this from the
> angle of maths and game theory. It is bhakti, not
> jnana.

Still 108 gopis...

> Sentiment, not logic. To me this is useless
> and ends in no place I'd like to be. It promotes
> and dictates that one spend the majority of their
> lives fixed in fantasy. Or, at best, engaging in
> ritualism and activities that simply feel good:
> Chant, dance, read stories. Has it's use,
> obviously.

But of course at SiF they appreciate those sponsors who give more funds. But math matters ...

> Welfare work as you describe is not a focal aspect
> of this movement. Never was never will be. Many
> millions have been spent building elaborate
> temples and printing fairy tale books. Welfare
> relief not so much. A little, but when contrasted
> with the amount spent on aimless frills, it's sad.
> Waste.

Building a temple as a place of spiritual breathing makes sense. Be it Vedic, Catholic or Buddhist. The question is whether this spirituality is there. Even in the form of only universal moral principles.

> I have studied the vedas and post-vedic works. I
> am yet to find a correlation with science and
> reality that is not forced or fabricated. the 4
> original vedas are scienceless. The Upanishads are
> a great philosophical treatise of vedanta. The
> puranas and other supplementary post-vedic works
> are stories. No science, no maths, no frame
> theory.

Pariksit and person Kali - that's a good example. Valuable in society terms. One can decode it. Daksa's offering - another.

There are interesting comments on, for example, that there is one Sun or one Moon. Or about the size of the Sun and the Moon, while in Surya Siddhanta these quantities are correctly defined as for the Sun, for example. So here the topic goes deeper.

Anyway - good job you have done and for sure want to here comments.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2022 06:11PM by Culthusiast.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: April 29, 2022 06:52PM

We can of course remind Jahwe. And forgotten Asherah. "a share"?

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Truth wins ()
Date: April 29, 2022 07:17PM

It is surely not easy for us to imagine what went on thousands of years ago.
We can rely more on what has been left behind than what has been written.
And it is very clear that some advanced civilizations were built in different parts of the world.
While some parts were left in a basic tribal state.
Most religions trap you in a box and keep you narrow minded. One no longer looks for deeper answers and just accepts what has been handed to them.
Such as the most ridiculous notion that the whole planet was vedic.
In Krishna Cons. they say. Ok, it is good. You looked for answers all your lives and you have been handed the absolute truth. Now shut up and accept everything the vedas tell you.
Do not look elsewhere or you will be doomed. If you have doubts, the mind is the usual suspect and number one ennemy.
Few years ago, all the houses of cards crumbled for me as I was exposed to phenom that noone can explain.
Not only did I have to let go of all religious beliefs, I also had to accept that from now on, I will be on my own.
When you see and experience what I have, life can never be the same again.
I have no answers as to how and why it all happened, but I just know that we are being kept in the dark.
I had to accept that I will no longer fit in any boxes. And that I could never fit in any “we all think the same way” group.
Evolution is on an individual level and we are all at different stages.
I am starting to believe that those that we pitty in the cult, are where they are supposed to be.
In the past, I thought I was the luckiest person on earth to have been given the ABSOLUTE truth and to be under the guidance of the pure devotee.
Asides from the narcissistic abuse of the leader of my center, fear and control, I felt great security.
Same way a kid believes that Santa will come and enjoy the glass of milk and cookies that were left for him.
I must always remind myself that I have to stop wanting to protect SoI devotees because they are rather happy. Same way I was, despite the misery.
My job is to take care of the abusers who are being directed by dark forces who relish on the fear and suffering of others.
And I know in most cases, people are not truly aware to what extent these forces are influencing them.
Narcissism is a plague. Even though the path of bhakti wants to push one to crucify themselves for others, it has not cured butler.
Poor guy believes he is taking on the karma of his disciples. The same disciples that are still suffering from the greatest ailments on earth.
Although he is sacrificing his time and has thousands feed on him like vampires, he is suffering from great selfishness and mental disorders.
This is what makes SoI an absolute psycholgical nightmare. It is a very complex mix of divine and “demonic” qualities and influences.
How can people truly get somewhere when their lord, master and leader is so polarized?
When you get on an airplane, you put all your trust in the hands of the pilots.
And this is what the “devotees” do with their gurus. The are at the mercy of some unqualified captains.
And the minions such as midget and tibby are seen as the copilots.
Sadly enough, I would take midget over butler any day.
I think that even though he is a cowards and pacifist, he still has kept it a bit cleaner than the rest.
Imagine how rotten they all are, that I have to give midget some credit.
As I said it before, there is no doubt in my mind and soul, that something supernatural is up with Krishna Consc.
It is not just a random brainwashing program. But then again, it is all right if some do not see it the way I do.
However, I absolutely do not believe that the forces behind it are 100% benevolent.
My faith and trust is completely gone after the torture that I was exposed to.
And I refuse to subscribe to the Sado masochistic relation that we have been brainwashed to accept in all religions.
Take The story of Job, Abraham, queen kunti, Jesus…
What the actual hell is that whole god testing our faith? What kind of cruel game is this?
Anybody on this forum is free to see me as an atheistic demon. Go ahead and judge me as much as you want.
I no longer buy this program. Am out. Goodbye. I am willing to take the gamble.
Am I commiting spititual suicide? Maybe. It is a risk am willing to take.
I held on to my unconditional faith for as long as I could but the limits were pushed way too far.
When I became like a seal that Killer whales throw around for fun, I drew the line. I am not an entertainment for the gods.
A gladiator thrown in the midts of lions. Go find another sucker.
I totally respect and understand the importance of faith. I have been there myself and without blind faith I would have been dead many times.
And please understand that this is my unique journey and do not take offense in my views.
All path have their places in this reality same way as all creatures are necessary for the ecosystem.
Maybe even predator gurus are all part of this massive cosmic games we are in.
I am too small to undersntand how and why this universe operates the way it does.
I just choose to be a lucid player instead of a passive pawn on the chess board.
I know that even the abused devotees are much happier than I am in my present situation. That I am being punished for acting like a rebelious maverick.
But no happiness should come as such a high price. Noone should have to crawl back after being treated like an abosulute vermine and banned for 3 years.
How can one even look in the eyes of such cruel asses who call themselves lovers of god?
Is this truly spiritual life? Are we supposed to just get abused over and over? Forgive and forget spiritual crimes?
Do I have to drink poison because the waiter tells me it is nectar?
Not sure my friends. I may have missed the boat. Maybe I AM the demon for not appreciating that forgiving those who torture us, is the highest goal of this human life.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: April 29, 2022 11:32PM

Truth wins Wrote:
> And it is very clear that some advanced
> civilizations were built in different parts of the
> world.

Hindu scriptures also seem to communicate certain information which today can be partially positively verified. Planets with diamond rains. The copper planet. It seems that somewhere on this Earth there were civilizations with a wider view and then there was a shift in development or the guests flew away.

> Most religions trap you in a box and keep you
> narrow minded. One no longer looks for deeper
> answers and just accepts what has been handed to
> them.

Most sheep need insurance, not spirituality. An offer that is too complicated will not be accepted. I will not sell. And thanks to the fact that it is simple, the tray / piggy bank is full.

> Not only did I have to let go of all religious
> beliefs, I also had to accept that from now on, I
> will be on my own.

This is a psychologically interesting point. I redoed it as a kid before meeting SiF and redoed it again after quitting SiF.

> I am starting to believe that those that we pitty
> in the cult, are where they are supposed to be.

This was your need or program at a given stage. Sum of programs. You can stay of course. Continue this CD.

> Asides from the narcissistic abuse of the leader
> of my center, fear and control, I felt great
> security.

Better insurance...

> Same way a kid believes that Santa will come and
> enjoy the glass of milk and cookies that were left
> for him.

Or maybe Santa Claus as an adult prefers spent time with Snegurochka's ...


> And the minions such as midget and tibby are seen
> as the copilots.

Papa Dolphin described as silencer. Terrible things are happening below the deck of the ship, so to silence those screams you need a silencer ...

> What the actual hell is that whole god testing our
> faith? What kind of cruel game is this?

Game is cruel. Some seers endorse the Vedic model, or it may be borrowed from them. Spiritual, material energy and the gray area of the middle. "Tatastha shakti", "Viraja river", "rebellion".

But apparently according to philosophy, it has its sweet beginnings. Heavenly planets and the gradual fall of sweet angels

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Truth wins ()
Date: April 30, 2022 04:14AM

Run forets Run, I would not worry too much about those guys you associated with in the PI.
Look at this Wailana video. At the beginning you see the actors devotee.
With their kids, smiling and happy.
Some people are very well treated and they enjoy their lives. They brag about their international travels on Insta. Post about the color or their lipstick on FB with their mini skirts and high hills.
Not all devotees are worked to the bones till 3 Am, wear thorn clothes and eat rice, potatoes and rotten veggies.
And many who seem so surendered externally do all kinds of stuff in secret. Like drugs, watch porn, date… They have many doubts and their faith is not that great.
They are too afraid to completelty leave the security of the cult.
My friend Cuthusiast, I do not know the truth but I know we have been lied too more than we can imagine.
We are given some bread crumbs here and there. As I said it before, there is more disclosure in scifi movies than scriptures.
I respect that you trust the vedas.
Imagine if one gets into a very bad accident and they get amnesia.
One can go to them and say: I am your wife, I am your husband. This is your name, your past… They have no choice but to rely in others yo tell them who they are.
This is how we all arrive to this planet. We have no clue so we must accept one truth or the other.
Take your pick from the giant spititual supermarket.
The days of silence and secerecy are over. They can hide behind their arrogance and the security that krishna loves them despite their lies and crimes.
They cannot hide from the true and just judges of the universe.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Culthusiast ()
Date: April 30, 2022 05:43AM

Truth wins Wrote:
> Run forets Run, I would not worry too much about
> those guys you associated with in the PI.

I understand Run Forest Run. For my part, I also say that I met very valuable people in SoI. In the beginning of capitalism in Poland, they did not get caught up in consumerism, they were looking for spirituality. They helped poor people. They believed in a guru whom they had never met in person for the most part. But the people were valuable. Interestingly, those who left turned out to be talents. Often related to spirituality. Take, for example, one artist who passed away after the partition with the Grand Vizier and today produces beautiful Orthodox icons.

> Look at this Wailana video. At the beginning you
> see the actors devotee.
> With their kids, smiling and happy.
> []

Well, I would be afraid after the children with the dog formed letters in the animation about Yoga, but the dog made hipfeeding movements as if he wanted to put his dog's genitals into the boy's mouth ...

> Not all devotees are worked to the bones till 3
> Am, wear thorn clothes and eat rice, potatoes and
> rotten veggies.

In Poland, property differences or tendencies to take over the ownership of projects were not so visible, but of course you can show a few things with your finger.

> And many who seem so surendered externally do all
> kinds of stuff in secret. Like drugs, watch porn,
> date… They have many doubts and their faith is not
> that great.

For me, I was surprised by the testimony of one of the former members of SoI Poland - that in his center, initiated persons approached the regulating principles loosely. In some centers, sheep were branded for chocolate for prasadam after kirtan. Or being in a room alone with 2 people of different sexes.

> My friend Cuthusiast, I do not know the truth but
> I know we have been lied too more than we can
> imagine.

I exactly understand your point. Maybe my paranatural experiences weren't like yours - they were, but they were different. But I understand your point very well.

> I respect that you trust the vedas.

It looks different in my case. There is value in them. I put effort to read between myths, symbolics etc. The question is that these are the real original Vedas. Why Vedanta had to be purified? And why Buddha did not recognize the infallibility of the Vedas. What about the originals, alterations, evolution. The value in them is. However, is it the original and whether the legend of the creation is true - confronting what Ian Koviak or Run Forest Run presented here - not necessarily.

I have certainly heard that the full set of journals is not publicly available and there are at least 2 unpublished repositories.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 04/30/2022 05:48AM by Culthusiast.

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