Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: T_is_the_shit ()
Date: April 29, 2020 12:32PM

lol she said that she’s in her backyard. I’m actually interested to see what’s in her book,I know her lawsuit against Hillary is sometime in May too.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: T_is_the_shit ()
Date: April 29, 2020 12:50PM

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: IanKoviak ()
Date: April 30, 2020 01:25AM

She will never get $0.01 from that lawsuit. She will never make it to any bestseller list with her book. In fact she will never realize anything substantial in her life until she denounces and exposes her ties to Chris Butler.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: May 01, 2020 01:41AM

IanKoviak Wrote:

"My favorite butler moment was when SIF started finally circulating pictures of thier guru that were not from the 70s. Only to reveal a man who looks as if he's been smoking meth most of his life. Jai gurudead."

And sucking the life out of innocent children
for over THIRTY years.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: IanKoviak ()
Date: May 09, 2020 10:35PM

Looks like Chris Butler is busy having his disciples pass out defamation lawsuits in the style of Scientology to anyone and everyone who challenges him and tries to expose his criminal dealings. It's pretty astounding that with all the posts on this forum about the criminal activity and abuses of this group as well as an obviously growing movement of people on social media exposing this cult, that the authorities haven't gotten involved to protect current and future victims. Victims who have had to stay in hiding, watch what they say truthfully about the group, and keep secrets that are destroying their life. Meanwhile, Butler's pockets are getting fatter and fatter with money from his various business, illegal activities, scams and political ambitions.

After being stripped of their family and friends and any sense of normalcy after escaping Butler's group, they are then hounded for exposing it or seeking a voice for their concerns and traumatizing experiences. Seems like if Butler and Tulsi are not successful in suing multibillion-dollar corporations like Google and going after multi-millionaires like Hillary Clinton, they revert back to the tried and true: the little guy. Or put their foot on the necks of their disciples and followers and threaten that their spiritual life will suffer and that the health of their spiritual Master will suffer if they don't give more money or do what he is asking of them. And they blindly do it. Complete autopilot. Attacking people who have next to no support network. Meanwhile, Butler has legions of disciples coming to his aid. And for what I ask? What are you guys protecting this psychopath from? The man belongs in prison or in the least to be ignored and avoided like the plague. An arrogant, self obsessed germaphobe narcissistic megalomaniac. What a swell guru you guys chose. Bravo.

Meanwhile, Butler dictates from his high tower without any ramification for all that he has done. I know at least 2 dozen people who have had their lives either left in shambles, severely disturbed, or driven to the brink of insanity by this group. If even half of those people showed up to court against Chris Butler and told their stories and things that they've witnessed it would land the man in jail for the remainder of his days. Along with his wife, and a good chunky group of his mind-controlled slaves.

All of these people, to this day, are shuffling illegal money around between various businesses and scams, and majority of it is flooding back into Butler's pocket and various pet projects of his like getting his wifes kids into naive martial arts films that never even get produced. Most of which involve unpaid laborers, historically, and pretty much for the sole purpose of keeping one man alive on his beachfront properties, boats, cars, servants, massages, multimillion-dollar air filtration and purification systems so that he can keep peddling his nonsense and enslaving the minds of now a third generation. Butler uses the lowest form of coercion, his so-called holiness, to control others. He hides behind his holy veneer while scamming otherwise intelligent people.

This man is a modern-day Charles Manson. He does things by the same playbook. His disciples are his playthings. When he bores of them, or if they don't work in the way he wants them to, he'll just discard them.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: IanKoviak ()
Date: May 14, 2020 03:28AM

Looks like Gabbard, AKA Chris Butlers plaything, is losing her silly lawsuits one by one, so naturally they will start coming back to their tried and true way of making money: the little guy. Stand firm amigos.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: T_is_the_shit ()
Date: May 14, 2020 04:20AM

IanKoviak Wrote:
> Looks like Gabbard, AKA Chris Butlers plaything,
> is losing her silly lawsuits one by one, so
> naturally they will start coming back to their
> tried and true way of making money: the little
> guy. Stand firm amigos.

Who is she suing now?

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: T_is_the_shit ()
Date: May 16, 2020 12:09PM

I didn’t know that Tulsi’s Sister lives in Washington,I thought that she lived in Hawaii too.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: IanKoviak ()
Date: May 18, 2020 11:45AM

Who cares where she lives???
She wakes each morning and hits the sack contemplating butler. That's sad and wrong no matter how you slice it.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: IanKoviak ()
Date: May 22, 2020 08:14AM

Another journalist doing thier job right.


Butler and his clan will never outsmart people like this and the investigative digging work on Gralow's series. Not to mention what this forum and previous blogs exposed.

All Chris Butler and SIF can do is throw money at the truth hoping it will dissolve. And how is a "humble", reclusive, bhakti yoga guru making all that money and wielding all that power (or even has interest in such endeavors)? By hook and by crook. Using his followers as human shields as needed. By force, coercion, manipulation, false narrative, distraction, spiritual mumbo jumbo and taking advantage of spiritual vulnerability. He's been doing it for 40 years. Surrender to god equals serving and surrendering to Butler. Unfortunately a new generation of SIF youth is going to wake up to the clown show.

Meanwhile in true Tulsi fashion, her braindead supporters cry bigotry and hindu phobia on her behalf playing the victim card.


She lost fair and square and to the tune of Butlers corruption as she funneled campaign funds to him and the various businesses and cult staff she hired.

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