Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: DaWatcher ()
Date: March 14, 2020 08:55PM

CarlFig Wrote:
> Civil Beat Quote from
> []


According to ProPublica, as of Wednesday Gabbard had missed 41.6% of votes in the 116th Congress (2019-20), making her the No. 1 most absent member of the House of Representatives.

Tell me why, Babylon, Tulsi had missed 41.6% of votes? Fear of bad karma?

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: DaWatcher ()
Date: March 14, 2020 09:46PM

I mean that the well-being of American citizens and the US as a whole are so important - according to her verbally expressed commitment that she could not leave any votes in the 116th Congress.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/14/2020 09:49PM by DaWatcher.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: IanKoviak ()
Date: March 15, 2020 02:53AM

The moment this butler personality cult made an effort to get involved politically, it became justifiably open to criticism, scrutiny and skepticism and doubt. We were within this group for many years as well as our parents, saw it as clear as day where the dictate came from. Butler had his hands in literally every successful business of his devotees and the political rhetoric and campaigning that was done by his disciples involved in politics. If Tulsi does succeed in a presidential post, there will come a day when all of her emails will be subpoenaed only to reveal that 90% of them were from Butler.

Butler's great offering to the world is to surrender to him and chant your brains out. Literally. Have you ever been to a vyasa puja event? Devotees are literally slobbering and demeaning themselves in front of butler. Most of the time it's done to a photograph of him. Its fucking mind numbing disgusting to whiteness. They've hung they're existence on a picture. To forget about how pathetic that is they further put their critical thinking and cognitive dissonance on hold by rambling mantras on plastic beads and singing themselves into mental oblivion to the tube of Knocking on Heavens Door, a cult favorite. Many 2nd and 3rd generation kids have no hope of ever understanding the world from a unique perspective. In that sense their whole life amounts to a preordained scam. A forced perspective.Deviance from this equals great disappointment from their parents and friends, a feeling of being a failure, extreme cognitive dissonance as they struggle with what they feel to be real and true and what they've been fed is Absolute Truth. 90% of the stuff they believe to be true has zero business bouncing around in thier brains (most vedic concepts are morally dishonest, the science is fake and we since have real answers to how the rain is made: hint: it's not made by a god whose body is covered with eyes that used to be, I shit you not, vaginas). It was planted there by an expert charlatan and manipulator so he can sit in his beachfront home and watch fox news all day waiting to hear tulsi parrot his words and no doubt get a kick out of it like he gets from harping on gay people or anything that mildly offends his crooked world view while his brain dead lap dogs bark in amusement. It's a fucking national emergency with no available vaccine. Once you're infected you are going to have to spend the remaining years of your life figuring out how the wires got so crossed

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/2020 02:58AM by IanKoviak.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: DaWatcher ()
Date: March 15, 2020 06:35AM

IanKoviak Wrote:
> The moment this butler personality cult made an
> effort to get involved politically, it became
> justifiably open to criticism, scrutiny and
> skepticism and doubt. We were within this group
> for many years as well as our parents, saw it as
> clear as day where the dictate came from. Butler
> had his hands in literally every successful
> business of his devotees and the political
> rhetoric and campaigning that was done by his
> disciples involved in politics. If Tulsi does
> succeed in a presidential post, there will come a
> day when all of her emails will be subpoenaed only
> to reveal that 90% of them were from Butler.

My personal experience in Poland was different. Video lectures made a great impression in the first year. Kirtans were enthusiastic. Still, Jagad Guru students gave enthusiastic lectures, relationships were sunny, and ecstatic kirtans. The climate in Poland itself was in the mid-90s so it was a supply of Western money (in exchange for the sale of national property). At one point, we received a letter expressing dissatisfaction with Jagad Guru towards his students in the West - but I felt as if he were burdening us with a more severe climate. I myself experienced at that time, on the one hand, interest in listening to science at SIF Poland and at the same time in academic studies. At some point, a feeling of heavier energies came in - associated with many people becoming "serious." This "seriousness" had the aftertaste of having to be practically involved in SIF responsibility - today I feel like a dark burden.

Regardless of everything, for the next years, as I wrote, I did NOT experience ANY physical opportunity to see Chris Butler live or listen to live - only audio and video tapes.

Vishnu das arriving and departing to Hawaii "on-site" (named by the press "Vishnu from Lublin" and sometimes acting like Vishnu Pasha) unfolded the atmosphere of the uniqueness of his visits and the unavailability for ordinary lambs to meet Jagad Guru personaly.

IanKoviak Wrote:
> Butler's great offering to the world is to
> surrender to him and chant your brains out.
> Literally. Have you ever been to a vyasa puja
> event? Devotees are literally slobbering and
> demeaning themselves in front of butler. Most of
> the time it's done to a photograph of him. Its
> fucking mind numbing disgusting to whiteness.

All Vyasa Puja in which I participated in Poland were only in the presence of Siddhaswarupananda's photos.

IanKoviak Wrote:
> They've hung they're existence on a picture. To
> forget about how pathetic that is they further put
> their critical thinking and cognitive dissonance
> on hold by rambling mantras on plastic beads and
> singing themselves into mental oblivion to the
> tube of Knocking on Heavens Door, a cult favorite.

In fact, in most religions or factions, faith or visual attention is directed towards the image, photo or figure, and here there is nothing surprising from a religious-cult perspective.

Let's say, Indians or animists stood out worshiping the spirit in what lives and not in inanimate objects.

And then VooDoo followers sticking pins into the dolls - linking the doll to the victim.

IanKoviak Wrote:
> Many 2nd and 3rd generation kids have no hope of
> ever understanding the world from a unique
> perspective. In that sense their whole life
> amounts to a preordained scam.

They have to ask themselves if they consider themselves Vaishnava - whether they have approached the Spiritual Master, according to the teachings of even SIF, the living Spiritual Master. And if, for example, their Spiritual Master is Jagad Guru, then why have they never had direct contact with him and listen to e.g. Happy Man.

This is just a puzzle. Happy Man says he is happy, tells grammatically tangled English why he is happy, acts as an authority and a moment later says that the expert is Jagad Guru. Wow. Do you Sweeties in Poland buy this mish-mash? I stopped long ago ...

IanKoviak Wrote:
> A forced
> perspective.Deviance from this equals great
> disappointment from their parents and friends, a
> feeling of being a failure, extreme cognitive
> dissonance as they struggle with what they feel to
> be real and true and what they've been fed is
> Absolute Truth.

It must have been much stronger for you in the west. In Poland there was "cult seriousness" but life practically and brutally verified the "solidity" of cult members vs actual friendship. Like the brothers in God, the initiates did not pay back the money on time (loans), the perception of reality seemed to straighten in more than one head.

IanKoviak Wrote:
> 90% of the stuff they believe to
> be true has zero business bouncing around in thier
> brains (most vedic concepts are morally dishonest,
> the science is fake and we since have real answers
> to how the rain is made: hint: it's not made by a
> god whose body is covered with eyes that used to
> be, I shit you not, vaginas).

The Vedic concepts, depending also in which part, at least in terms of descriptions of material nature, bear the hallmarks of people of olden times, of a certain mentality. As I wrote, reductionisms or aggregates - some, not mistaken - can be transferred to the language of modern science. On the other hand, of course - the cult, shallow, fanatical perception of these teachings will not bring any benefit or appreciation outside the cult. Practice to some extent.

On the other hand, if someone knows how to transfer symbolism and behavior to system mechanisms, then you may be surprised. Is it worth giving to the present civilization? Not necessarily.

IanKoviak Wrote:
> It was planted there
> by an expert charlatan and manipulator so he can
> sit in his beachfront home and watch fox news all
> day waiting to hear tulsi parrot his words and no
> doubt get a kick out of it like he gets from
> harping on gay people or anything that mildly
> offends his crooked world view while his brain
> dead lap dogs bark in amusement.

The world is diverse. The energy of places is different, the financial and employment conditions are different, the temperature, food, civilization experience of the state and citizens, mentality, genes etc ... Level of morality. When in warm Hawaii, youth took drugs in Poland, learned to take up a poorly paid job.

As I wrote - once Tusta Krishna das retreat gave an example of lavish and modest style of dress. It was modest buying Levis pants. In Poland, this style was considered prosperous or due to the rich ... And this is just a small example.

The hall of devotees laughed. Tusta Krishna das asked what we were laughing at. Someone explained.

IanKoviak Wrote:
> It's a fucking
> national emergency with no available vaccine. Once
> you're infected you are going to have to spend the
> remaining years of your life figuring out how the
> wires got so crossed

The most important question for me is Ian - has anyone ever tried to understand your suffering and apologize to you? Of your carers in the Philippines? Important SIF members in Hawaii? Contact you Informally?

How does it look like?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/2020 06:40AM by DaWatcher.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: IanKoviak ()
Date: March 15, 2020 09:15AM

Here's the latest and last part of the interviews I did with Henry. For better or worse I am less articulate in the video interviews then I am on this forum.


The fact that Butler made it clear to his polish followers early on that he was somehow dissatisfied with his Western disciples and followers is a Hallmark of Mind Control. He's creating a division people. Never mind that all of his Western followers slaved away for years for him and were subjected to all sorts of nonsense hypocritical lectures and anger rant and how to always live in fear of Butler's displeasure with them. Disinfect creates and unnecessary hierarchy and superiority complex in the new followers in Poland. They immediately feel that is their responsibility to become even better servants and followers of butlers, because his Western followers somehow failed him.

The fact is, that the opposite happens. Butler failed his Western disciples and created an unsustainable spiritual conundrum for them. He expose them two years of high stress and pressure and anxiety took them away from their families and created all sorts of unnecessary and completely avoidable Discord between his followers and then tells his new polish recruits that they are now pressured to become better Servants of his.

These are typical politically deceitful tactics used to gain further control over people's lives by pitting them against the so-called failures of other people. Never once those Butler stop to consider and take responsibility for the mess he created in his Western followers lives.

Nobody has ever reached out to me because I have always used my real legal name and I've spoken the truth about them and they are afraid because they know that if they fuck with me I will sue their entire organization for destroying my childhood and covering years worth of Psychopathic and narcissistic dictates a butler to his disciples which is slowly coming to the Forefront. Many EX devotees of his we have collected years worth of lecture tapes and transcripts I have proof. By coming after somebody like me , they would be in effect admitting to a completely fraudulent Institution that they've built on the backs of vulnerable people. I would sue them for child abuse, missguided information, subjecting me to unnecessary years of stress and anxiety. I would reveal the many underhanded ways that Butler has influenced his disciples to do Shady things like infiltrating our political and voting systems in America by having his disciples from all over the world create misinformation and support for a candidate that has nothing to do with their countries legislative and government systems. I would expose that they operated illegal schools in Asia where children were subjected to unnecessarily harsh conditions, sleep deprivation and all sorts of subpar and Misguiding educational propaganda and indoctrination into the servitude Ivy completely sick man.

I would reveal that they extort x members who try to reveal their nefarious activities to the song of millions of dollars. These are people who have everything to lose and have already lost a tremendous amount to the Cult of Butler.

But to answer your question whether anybody from this group has ever reached out to apologize or explain themselves or even discuss in a sane, non fanatical manner what they have done, the answer is no. In the beginning years of trying to understand what happened to me has a use, I did Reach Out too many of my old friends to be confronted with complete radio silence. Of course we all know that his devotees are instructed not to engage with journalists, so-called Outsiders, x members and anyone who poses a threat.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: DaWatcher ()
Date: March 15, 2020 07:00PM

Thanks Ian, i will watch the 3rd part.

As you can see, "people you don't like" were not brave enough to sue you. They gave Henri to court, who has a sick mother in the hospital. It's neither nice nor heroic.

By the way, an Australian squirrel told me that Allan you mentioned knows at least 2 answers to my tricky questions.

chicky tricky

Nonetheless, the story of "young prince" waking you up in the morning with a taser at a Filipino school besides being educational can be a prequel to:

Mystic Warrior


"This is a story where technology is interwoven with magic. The young prince, the future hero torments his colleagues with a taser, and then using his own sword, having escaped from school casemates under the cover of night, struggles with a local prostitute. He does not know she is a witch. Suddenly in a magical way pimples appear on his genitals. Now he is going to share his first wounds with his friends from school he harassed with a taser..."

I must say i like it...

For movie...What would be the title? The Witcher already used.

For scripture too... Anybody knows sanksrit well?

Edited 7 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/2020 07:27PM by DaWatcher.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: DaWatcher ()
Date: March 16, 2020 03:34AM

IanKoviak Wrote:
> []

In what year was your mother sent to Poland to set up centers? How long was she involved in SIF at that time? 1 year? 2 years? What role did Vishnu das play and what did Tapasya das in beliefs of Your Mother? What year was that? Dates matter.

People ask, could you and how often telephone to your parents or write / receive letters?

> The fact that Butler made it clear to his polish
> followers early on that he was somehow
> dissatisfied with his Western disciples and
> followers is a Hallmark of Mind Control. He's
> creating a division people. Never mind that all of
> his Western followers slaved away for years for
> him and were subjected to all sorts of nonsense
> hypocritical lectures and anger rant and how to
> always live in fear of Butler's displeasure with
> them. Disinfect creates and unnecessary hierarchy
> and superiority complex in the new followers in
> Poland. They immediately feel that is their
> responsibility to become even better servants and
> followers of butlers, because his Western
> followers somehow failed him.

It created some confusion in me. Feeling guilty. Maybe disturbed sense of value. For some reason I went forward with engagement.

However, if we are talking about devotees in Poland, we must distinguish their different generations. There were pioneers of SIF in Poland that I don't associate. Then there was Vishnu das and Tapasya das. There was already a generation of "initiated", "serious" ones. Then a generation of younger "initiates" appeared. When it comes to mentality, there were many different personalities, often very nice, and it should be emphasized that many activities went beyond typical cult activities - cooking food, sweets or questioning at the charity event "WOSP", feeding the homeless (implemented for at least 15 years) and many others.

IanKoviak Wrote:
> The fact is, that the opposite happens. Butler
> failed his Western disciples and created an
> unsustainable spiritual conundrum for them. He
> expose them two years of high stress and pressure
> and anxiety took them away from their families and
> created all sorts of unnecessary and completely
> avoidable Discord between his followers and then
> tells his new polish recruits that they are now
> pressured to become better Servants of his.

It was strange. But at the same time, it wasn't a problem for Happy Man. At one point I noticed that one of the outstanding leaders is engaged in expanding the mission in the Baltic States. I was already worried that it would end badly. It ended badly. Interestingly, Happy Man didn't stop that person. Full commitment, expected burnout or return to material reality without qualifications. No support from a spouse that this person did not have. At some point I was sure that the events confirmed my feelings - something is wrong here.

IanKoviak Wrote:
> Nobody has ever reached out to me because I have
> always used my real legal name and I've spoken the
> truth about them and they are afraid because they
> know that if they fuck with me I will sue their
> entire organization for destroying my childhood
> and covering years worth of Psychopathic and
> narcissistic dictates a butler to his disciples
> which is slowly coming to the Forefront. Many EX
> devotees of his we have collected years worth of
> lecture tapes and transcripts I have proof.

You scan evidence, make copies, describe, secure copies with friends.Words were said that war does not change anything. But denial does not change anything either.

IanKoviak Wrote:
> I would
> reveal the many underhanded ways that Butler has
> influenced his disciples to do Shady things like
> infiltrating our political and voting systems in
> America by having his disciples from all over the
> world create misinformation and support for a
> candidate that has nothing to do with their
> countries legislative and government systems. I
> would expose that they operated illegal schools in
> Asia where children were subjected to
> unnecessarily harsh conditions, sleep deprivation
> and all sorts of subpar and Misguiding educational
> propaganda and indoctrination into the servitude
> Ivy completely sick man.

He is/was not alone. Quit nice bunch of people around. As the documents I linked show, from the very beginning when they moved to ISKCON, there was a group of more trusted people around Siddhaswarupananda.

Of course, everything was accompanied by forms of creation. The question is how conscious. And yet Guru is to be self-effulgent.

A simple example for today's Facebook times:
Various entries from devotees appear. If the entries have a photo of Siddhaswarupananda with its original words and teachings, that's ok. However, there are verses from the Bhagavad Gita with an accompanying photo. This is the creation in this case.

Another matter regarding illness. I have been informed that Siddhaswarupananda was being treated psychiatrically but no evidence was provided. If we consider that the traditional character of the guru-student relationship of "tadana" and "lalana" is not preserved, it is hardly surprising that the consequences of hard discipline can end up with unpleasant consequences.

Hence my question - if he was treated with 1st generation neuroleptics, a number of effects described here can be attributed to side effects.

IanKoviak Wrote:
> But to answer your question whether anybody from
> this group has ever reached out to apologize or
> explain themselves or even discuss in a sane, non
> fanatical manner what they have done, the answer
> is no. In the beginning years of trying to
> understand what happened to me has a use, I did
> Reach Out too many of my old friends to be
> confronted with complete radio silence. Of course
> we all know that his devotees are instructed not
> to engage with journalists, so-called Outsiders, x
> members and anyone who poses a threat.

From what you said after starting the blog, Allan Tibby "Acharya das" contacted you.It is sad, symptomatic, but it also sets a precedent and is educational - what had to happen if simple "sorry" was lacking.

I am not surprised that your contact has been lost. In Poland it looked different. A number of former members had contact with each other. However, the lowest level sheep could be friends with each other, and even if they broke the rules of rigor, they worked later.

In Poland also happened something more - to the extent that I got to know them a little. Years after decentralization, another significant change occurred around 2016/2017 when apparently among the "upper layer member of decentralized SIF Poland" a group of "revolutionaries" appeared (initiates also). Apparently there was an "even hostile" confrontation of the vision of mood and action between "old faith" and "revolutionaries". However, what is important, even "the revolutionaries" have admitted that getting an apology from the "old faith" will be difficult if it is an irrational expectation at all.

It sounds strange considering the presence of Happy Man. In practice - in the psychological sense - the little sheep was in at losing position wanting to complain about being hurt by "an initiated" to Happy Man.

Edited 12 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2020 03:55AM by DaWatcher.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: IanKoviak ()
Date: March 16, 2020 07:49AM

There are many non-religious and fanatical organizations that feed the Homeless and do all sorts of Social Work without relying on the dictates of a crooked spiritual leader. There are many organizations who do all sorts of Wonderful social work that don't have at their Center a bigoted homophobic narcissist who rules with fear. There are many people who have a vibrant spiritual life, family and community without paying Allegiance to a self-centered dictator. There are many spiritual leaders who don't ask of their followers to send their kids two overseas religious indoctrination schools so that they can abused their followers time and energy. There are many enlightened teachers who don't use fear and hate speech to orient their followers on a Pious path. There are many orthodox traditional spiritual leaders who don't deviate from the traditions and Heritage of their predecessors and path to sell a diluted and disingenuous version of some spiritual teachings. There are many humble and simple spiritual teachers out there for not asking their disciples to maintain their lavish lifestyle on the beaches of Hawaii in a germ-free bubble. Butler is not giving anything profound to his followers. If anything, he is engaging them in unnecessary involvement in politics and deception. There is nothing spiritual or wholly or Pious in thousands of Butler disciples mobilizing, on his order, around the world, push the agenda I'm a politician that he approves. That's not democracy. That's a dictatorship. Where one person claims to have such power as to influence very personal decisions of people. Little children should not be forced to bow down just some man without ever having put in the commitment and rigor it takes to make such decisions. Tulsi gabbard does not have children, yet, I am curious if she would ever send them to such a school as she was forced to go to? The fact is that her parents were naive and foolish in doing so.

The only logical, or a logical reason that any of these devotees are doing what they are doing it's because they fell, Hook Line & Sinker, for butlers ultimate offering which is the silly notion that they are all going to go to some transcendental planet and frolic with a blue flute playing God and His cows. He didn't sell them on an authentic desire to be a better member of society or to do some kind of Social Work. He did it because it further his agenda of positioning himself as the spiritual Master of the entire universe. And he's fooled his followers into believing this idea wholesale regardless of the methods he used.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: IanKoviak ()
Date: March 16, 2020 08:19AM

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: March 16, 2020 01:32PM

Quote: "Hard to imagine anyone would want to be like Gabbard now — marginalized, all but forgotten, without a job to go back to when the running-for- president thing is finally over, and exposed for the shallow, fickle, unfocused figure her unbridled ambition caused her to be." End quote.

Lee Cataluna: Gabbard not done with race, but it’s done with her
March 13, 2020

"After Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and Mike Bloomberg dropped out of the race, after the brutal reality check of both Super Tuesday and Super Tuesday II, after Elizabeth Warren decided to end her quest for the Democratic presidential nomination and after major news outlets weren’t even bothering to include her in reporting about presidential primary results anymore, Tulsi Gabbard has refused to drop out of the race that has already dropped her.

That may be her prerogative, as it is also the prerogative of those who are supporting her with campaign donations so she can keep doing what she’s doing, whatever that may be. (Most recently, Gabbard has been surfing in San Francisco so photographers can take her picture, making video messages and filing frivolous lawsuits that get her name in the news cycle.) But presidential elections are not about fulfilling a personal vision board or the small triumph of limping to the end of a marathon long after the elite runners have finished. It is about what American voters want for their country, not what an individual candidate wants for herself.

In the last election you could spot Hawaii politicians who held secret dreams of mimicking Gabbard’s stunning leapfrog from zero-experience local politician to the halls of Congress. That dream of being just like Gabbard glittered in their eyes, especially those who had actually put in years of toil and knew they had more going on than she did.

Hard to imagine anyone would want to be like Gabbard now — marginalized, all but forgotten, without a job to go back to when the running-for- president thing is finally over, and exposed for the shallow, fickle, unfocused figure her unbridled ambition caused her to be.

She couldn’t even win in the sands of her birth, American Samoa. While Bloom­berg’s campaign spent money and time in Samoa, hiring local campaign staff to actually talk to people and reach out, Gabbard merely shot a video shout-out. That kind of superficial “connection,” over and over again, represents the modus operandi of the Gabbard campaign and, really, the totality of her years in elected office. It took too long for it to become obvious, but it’s glaring now.

Gabbard herself seems to be casting about for inspiration, trying to position herself as an Alexandria Ocacio-Cortez type of political superstar, adopting the white pantsuit, gold hoop earrings and snarky Twitter game. But AOC knows about paying one’s dues before expecting a bigger job, and she shows up to vote in Congress. She’s also more clever on Twitter.

What has stopped cold for Gabbard is her improbable trajectory. Sure, she could come out of this with some plum gig (popular guesses include a contributing role on Fox News or a spot in the Trump administration), but her razzle-dazzle with voters, especially here in Hawaii where she first honed her razzle game, has fizzled to the point of ridiculous fringe candidacy. We might never have to contend with her inattention again."


Unfocused figure?
Unbridled ambition?


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