Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: GODHIMSELF ()
Date: February 11, 2019 07:55AM

On the surface, her uninformed followers see Tulsi Gabbard as a “progressive”. Below the surface, it quickly becomes clear that she is anything but “progressive”.

Here are a few highlights:

Former anti-gay activist who called gay advocates "homosexual extremists".

Born and raised in a creepy Hare Krishna sub-cult.

Outspoken defender of Syria’s genocidal Assad (an idol of the extreme Right).

Supporter of Hindu nationalism in India, a violent right-wing movement.

Refused to vote for major gun control legislation, including the Assault Weapons Ban of 2015.

Voted with Republicans to pass HR 1181 in 2017 to remove gun restrictions for the mentally ill.

Voted with Republicans to block Syrian refugees.

Voted with Republicans in 2014 to pass HR 4118 to weaken ObamaCare.

Regularly slammed Democrats and the Obama administration on Fox News and other major TV news outlets.

Resigned from the DNC and endorsed Bernie Sanders. Called DNC Chair a "liar" on TV in an election year (2016).

Endorsed by alt-right leader Richard Spencer and former KKK leader David Duke. (This is not a joke).

Has refused to debate all Democratic challengers since being elected to Congress.

Filed an extension on her 2017 Financial Disclosures to delay release until AFTER the Democratic Primary.

Tulsi Gabbard, or as I call her “the Manchurian Candidate”, is a Republican posing as a democrat. She is an embarrassment and a disgrace to the Democratic Party. She is also a bona-fide cult member, born and raised in a creepy Krishna subsect cult.

She claims her spiritual master is Chris Butler, the leader of the homophobic Science of Identity cult. In Butler’s cult, children kneel in his presence, marriages are arranged and any attempt to leave the cult means you can never have any future contact with your own family members. The cult gets tons of money from dubious sources and has some interesting members, including some global drug traffickers.

Years ago, the cult began backing it’s members as political candidates, including Tulsi’s conservative father Mike Gabbard, who ran as a Republican and was elected to Hawaii State Senate. Mike Gabbard quickly realized he wasn’t going to get far in a State where Democrats have long had a supermajority, so in 2007, Gabbard switched from Republican to the Democratic Party of Hawaii. Although he still serves Hawaii’s 20th district, he receives repeated complaints regarding his opposition to the Democratic Party of Hawai'i's platform.

The cult groomed Tulsi for political power. Tulsi Gabbard took cues from her father and despite her conservative right-wing views, she ran as a Democrat in 2012, because her district in Hawaii is 76% Democrat and that’s the only way she could get elected and infiltrate our party and our government.

Tulsi’s family are well-known anti-gay activists. They led the charge in Hawaii AGAINST same-sex marriage. In 2004, while serving as a "Democrat" in the Hawaii State Legislature, Tulsi (who at the time used her married name Tamayo) led a protest against a bill that would have legalized civil unions for same-sex couples. “As Democrats, we should be representing the views of the people, not a small number of homosexual extremists,” she said at the time.. The same year, she made a notably anti-gay floor speech against another bill to help gay youth. Screen shot excerpts of that speech are in my photo albums under Tulsi Gabbard.

Tulsi also has a long history of being against a woman’s right to choose. She entered politics in as an anti-gay pro-lifer, but later she suddenly changed her public stance on gay rights and abortion. This was dubious at best and in a 2015 interview with Ozy, she confirmed that her “personal views” on gay marriage and abortion hadn’t changed, just her view on whether the government should enforce its vision of morality. Hmmm.

Once in office, Tulsi started showing her true (RED) colors. She often votes with Republicans in Congress. Gabbard refused to co-sponsor gun control legislation, including the Assault Weapons Ban of 2015. She voted in favor of a Republican-sponsored anti-refugee bill.

She wormed her way into a position at the DNC and began her campaign of sabotage and self-serving publicity. She went on every news and talk show (including Fox News) and began slamming Democrats and the Obama administration. Gabbard criticized Obama for not bombing Syria, while praising Putin for doing so. Gabbard has since been glorified in conservative media.

Tulsi was very outspoken AGAINST Obama’s nuclear agreement with Iran but begrudgingly voted for it and tweeted that “It’s not a great deal, or even a good deal. I voted for it because I could not find a better alternative.”

In 2014, long before Trump jumped on the bandwagon, Gabbard was appearing regularly on Fox News to slam the Obama administration for avoiding the phrase “Islamic extremism” or some variation of it.

Gabbard, the first Hindu in the House, aligned herself with the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and their leader, Narendra Modi. He campaigned for election in 2014 by threatening to deport undocumented immigrants from Bangladesh (who are mostly Muslim), calling them “infiltrators.” The same year, Gabbard said “He is a leader whose example and dedication to the people he serves should be an inspiration to elected officials everywhere.” Modi has been accused of a multitude of human-rights abuses, including attacks against Muslims and homosexuals. When members of the U.S. House of Representatives introduced HR 417, a bill that called on India to improve its human-rights abuses, Gabbard publicly opposed it. Modi became prime minister of India.

In 2015, Tulsi traveled to Egypt as part of a congressional delegation and met Egyptian dictator Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. Sisi is a blood-soaked tyrant who’s killed hundreds of Egyptians and imprisoned thousands more. Gabbard saw it differently, stating that “President el-Sisi has shown great courage and leadership in taking on this extreme Islamist ideology,” urging US political leaders to “stand with him in this fight against Islamic extremists.” Some of the Sisi government’s accomplishments in this fight include killing a group of Mexican tourists and torturing and murdering an Italian PhD student.

Gabbard went to Syria to meet with Syrian President Assad in January 2017. She was accompanied by Elie and Bassam Khawam, officials in the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, a party actively engaged in the Syrian civil war on the side of the Assad regime. To visit an authoritarian regime, while accompanied by two men who greatly support it, in front of a global audience, can serve to legitimize authoritarian rule. Gabbard came back from the experience saying Assad should remain in power, despite the fact that he's been committing genocide of his own people for years.

After reporters revealed that Gabbard’s Syria trip had been funded by a pair of Lebanese-American businessmen with ties to a pro-Assad political party, Gabbard’s tepid response was to simply agree to repay her travel costs. A few months after her trip, after a sarin-gas attack in Syria, Gabbard publicly said she was “skeptical” of claims that Assad’s regime was to blame. Howard Dean responded on Twitter, saying “This is a disgrace. Gabbard should not be in Congress.”

Gabbard voted against a House resolution condemning “war crimes and crimes against humanity” by the Syrian government.

In 2015, before the DNC had a chance to kick her to the curb, Tulsi
resigned “in protest”. She couldn’t openly cross the aisle where she belongs (without risk to her seat in congress) so she endorsed Bernie Sanders. This was seen by insiders as another way to generate publicity and headlines, since her rhetoric and positions on issues have often been closer to Trump's than Sanders.

Tulsi is so RED that after the 2016 election, Donald Trump seriously considered her for secretary of state or U.N. ambassador. Tulsi was the only “Democrat” considered and the only one Trump met with. Steve Bannon loved the idea because of her stance on guns, refugees and Islam. Kellyanne Conway told reporters that “Trump and Gabbard have a lot of common ground and both understand the country very well”. Racist alt-right leader Richard Spencer also loved the idea, tweeting “Tulsi Gabbard is brave and the kind of person we need in the diplomatic corps.”

As if one racist alt-right endorsement wasn’t enough, Tulsi is also supported by David Duke, the former grand wizard of the KKK. In a 2016 radio interview, Duke said that he was a huge fan of Congresswoman Gabbard. Although Gabbard quickly renounced Duke’s support, his endorsement at the very least says a lot about her ideologies and affiliations with right-wing dictators.

In 2017, according to FEC filings, Gabbard's campaign paid the Potomac Square Group (headed by Chris Cooper) for media consulting. The same year, Cooper was named in a letter from Senate Judiciary Committee as part of the Russia investigation. Cooper was also hired to do PR for Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer from the Trump Tower meeting who has now been charged in a separate case that shows her close ties to the Kremlin.

Gabbard's campaign spent over $70,000 on video equipment and production costs, with much of that going to her husband Abraham Williams and his production company. Tulsi’s husband is also a member of the Science of Identity cult. His company produces all the videos for cult co-leader Wai Lana Butler (Text removed)

If you live in Tulsi's district and ask for information or services, Gabbard requires her own constituents to fill out a 3-page "Privacy Release Form" before her office staff will provide assistance. This invasive form requires detailed information including immigrant status, business tax ID, Medicare, and Veteran's Administration numbers. These forms are not required by other Congressional offices.

Tulsi Gabbard has never attended a Women's March even though Teresa Shook lives in her district. Shook founded the movement (Text removed).

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: CarlFig ()
Date: February 14, 2019 03:26AM

Donate to Kai:


Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: GODHIMSELF ()
Date: February 14, 2019 10:41AM

More information on what Swami Bhaktivedanta said about Chris Butler


Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: GODHIMSELF ()
Date: February 14, 2019 10:45AM

Swami Bhaktivedanta said

"That Gaurasundara and Siddha-svarupa have sold the Temple in Hawaii and abandoned the beautiful Tulasi plants there is a great fall down on their parts. They did not ask my permission. If they wanted to go away they could have, but they had no right to sell the Temple. It is actually a criminal act on their part. Anyone who follows them will also fall down without a doubt. "

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: GODHIMSELF ()
Date: February 14, 2019 10:50AM

Swami Bhaktivedanta said about Chris Butler

" I have never said that Siddhasvarupa is a pure devotee.* That is simply concoction."

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: February 15, 2019 12:43PM

"Swami Bhaktivedanta said

That Gaurasundara and Siddha-svarupa have sold the Temple in Hawaii and abandoned the beautiful Tulasi plants there is a great fall down on their parts. They did not ask my permission. If they wanted to go away they could have, but they had no right to sell the Temple. It is actually a criminal act on their part. Anyone who follows them will also fall down without a doubt."

In other words - they committed a crime.
Criminal Act

One of many that Butler and his obedient slaves have engaged in for decades.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: GODHIMSELF ()
Date: February 16, 2019 12:19PM

Yes VoxVeritas Vita Das

They committed a crime and are now trying to put one of their own in the White House.

Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: February 17, 2019 11:18PM

Tulsi will not be the DEM 2020 POTUS candidate. Not gonna happen. As we learned last election from Wikileaks and Bernie getting burned, Dem Canditates are "selected" not elected during the primaries.

For now she's still a cash and fame cow for Butler and employs a lot of cult members who presumably tithe. So she has to keep her foot in the door, collect funds, and maintain a high profile. I think they will be more serious in 2024.

For myself, all the political sins she has commited in the past, who she spoke to in India or Syria, or a David Duke endorsement is irrelevant. All leaders have to meet with objectionable world characters. David Duke is a pathetic loser who endorses lots of people who wish he would go away.
That's not the point. What if she stands for things you can agree upon? To paint her as a right wing crazy is just ludicrous. We don't need to create a straw man. That's a Butler tactic.

She is pro environment & against interventionist wars. Those issues are important to some voters. So what's the problem?

The problem is that no one wants any of our representatives in the government to be working for a foreign power antithetical to the USA; whether that foreign power be a country, a corporation, a religion or cult, a political party bent on the destruction of our constitution, a personal charity, or despot of any kind.

So far Tulsi Gabbard has not succeeded in honestly adressing questions concerning the Butler cult in her midst.

There are no religious tests required to run for office for good reasons. The concern is not Tulsi's beliefs and practices of whatever religion she claims. She wants to call it Hinduism, fine. I don't care.

There is no real Hindu-phobia or prejudice in Hawaii or in the USA. That's a lame excuse to divert attention away from Butler's [alleged] undue influence.

Tulsi needs to disavow Pope Butler. He can be her lord and savior in her mind, but not her actions as a congresswoman on behalf of the American people. Like JFK, she must state clearly that her duty to the country
is above her alleigance to her guru. Taxpayers pay her salary to do a specific job, which is to serve the people in her congressional district according to their secular needs. It is not the place to push a personal, religious agenda.

If she cannot publicly acknowledge duty to her constituents over guru, then she has no business taking money from the people to do the job for which she was elected. She should resign or be impeached now.
In my humble opinion,

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: GODHIMSELF ()
Date: February 19, 2019 12:09AM

Happy to see Vera City back on the forum .

After rereading the more than 600 pages of this forum

Vera City contribution as been very important and very intelligent

Please keep posting Vera City that the manchurian candidate

and her puppet master will be expose for what they are .

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: CarlFig ()
Date: February 19, 2019 11:07PM

Bernie just announced he's running.
So, I sent an email to expressing concern about the tee-shirt already for sale on Amazon:
I'll report back if I get a response.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/19/2019 11:09PM by CarlFig.

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