Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: June 12, 2016 10:31PM

OK, Here's a great non-cult affiliated, no strings attached song so much better than Namaste.

Another cult antidote tune.

Everyday People | Turnaround Arts | Song Across America | #ArtsForChange

The Fake, Coma Inducing, Stepford Wives Anthem "Namaste"
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: June 13, 2016 12:47AM

Sorry, I'm really pissed off today at this Namaste thing.

So it's been an awful week.
Two ass hat Islamic fanatics dressed up as Orthodox Jews killed 4 people and wounded 20 in a nice out door restaurant in Tel Aviv. Lives forever changed. It could have been me.

50 killed in a shooting at Florida nightclub in possible act of Islamic terror. It could have been a dear friend. Happy Ramadan.

Fucking religious fanatics. Fucking politicians that do all the wrong things.

It makes me even more pissed off at the fake, coma inducing, Stepford Wives anthem "Namaste", It makes me even more pissed off at the cult of Butler for all the 613 pages of reasons here.

Yeah, Mr. Butler keep your followers deluded so you can bathe in their reflected light. I don't want to follow your religion. I don't want to chant your name and worship you. You are an art killer and a selfish person. You neutered every creative being, musician and artist in your cult. You break up families and produce this Namaste fake crap. You never treated your own followers with the same respect, except those you could use. Those that you favor are forever trapped in your mirror.

You call me a demon while all you do is take for yourself alone. Why do you hide?

"Let them all pass all their dirty remarks. There is one question I'd really like to ask...Is there a place for the hopeless sinner Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own?" ~ Bob Marley

You will say it is their "karma" that Jews and gays or Yazidi girls were killed in the last few days. Meanwhile you cower in fear of microbes and old age.

Because Mr. Butler you got nothing to share like the following artists. You could not possibly produce a video with any one outside of your control. You are unable to truly work with a diverse population or produce a video of substance. Because it's all about you. That's disgusting. You can not deliver as long as you continue to live a lie. Wake up. Your woman can not sing. You live in a tin foil prison.

Better than "Namaste":

One Love

Matisyahu - One Day/No Woman No Cry

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: June 13, 2016 01:23AM




Quote: “When asked if the FBI suspected the gunman might have had inclinations toward militant Islam, including a possible sympathy for Islamic State, Ronald Hopper, an assistant FBI agent in charge, told reporters: "We do have suggestions that the individual may have leanings toward that particular ideology. But right now we can't say definitively."

The FBI said it was still trying to pin down whether the mass shooting was a hate crime against gays or a terrorist act.”
End quote


Another senseless killing of Gays.
It doesn’t matter from whence the arrows of hate came from, these people have been murdered due to hatred, intolerance & fanaticism of one form or another

And Butler, along with his cult, hates Gays, we have already established this fact. And some of us have experienced this hate and intolerance personally.

And there sits Butler, dispensing his “wisdom” and more importantly his HATRED

This is what must be stopped, this propensity for hatred and intolerance,not only in Kailua but in our own neighborhoods as well.


Butler and his political co-conspirator, Tulsi Gabbard, must go.
Remember, voters of Hawaii, Tulsi has aligned herself with a virulent anti-Muslim leader of India, part of a political party that has espoused major anti-Muslim rhetoric. These people give Tulsi money.


Well, of course they do, birds of a feather and all that rot.

Yes Vera, all these senseless deaths due to hatred and intolerance, pisses me off too.

Let's keep things in perspective.
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: June 13, 2016 02:42PM

Let's keep things in perspective. There is a profound difference between the ideology of ISIS and Butler's cult. There is no comparison. It does matter who is doing the actual killing. There is a big difference between a self limiting cold virus and a deadly, flesh eating bacteria.

The Alternet piece was political and had no relation to Tulsi Gabbard's affiliation with the cult of Butler. In fact, there is no mention of the cult.

These articles that attack Tulsi for political reasons rather than for cult reasons miss the mark as far as this forum is concerned. They still avoid the elephant in the room which is her affiliation with the cult of Butler and how this informs her leadership. But even in her most virulent, anti-gay period, Tulsi never called for the killing of the LGBT population.

But we know very well how Butler's hate mongering towards homosexuality has affected young followers in his schools.

A cult is exposed by their actions and not their beliefs. I don't see Tulsi as a hate monger by her actions.

Tulsi takes donations from foreign governments like India. That makes Tulsi a typical politician and proves nothing about the cult. I suppose you could say she is pushing the Hindu agenda, but in reality it is an economic/political one. Not sure if anyone has noticed how much the Bushes, Obama, and the Clintons have all accepted money from India and other despotic foreign nations.

Here are the facts: Tulsi grew up in the Butler cult and has misled the public about her true affiliation, either by ommission or misdirection. Tulsi's staff and P.R. machine are known cult members. She married into the cult. The cult supports her. The important question is what is she required to do for them in return and if these favors are detrimental to the United States and her constituents?

I happen to like the fact that Tulsi stood up to those war-mongering Dems and Debbie Wasserman Shultz - all of whom are the flip side of the same neo-con Republican coin. I like that Tulsi took a political hit to work for Bernie Sanders. I like that she chose to attend a humanist conference. In case no one was paying attention, our government armed ISIS and has been a violent interventionist (for profit) for decades regardless of which party is in control. J'Accuse! WikiLeaks Founder Assange Claims Clinton is a Warmonger

Back on topic. Let's keep things in perspective. Our credibility is at stake if we exaggerate or do not back up our anti-Butler arguments with facts or connect the dots acurately. There are still more questions than answers at this point regarding Tulsi. Just how far does Butler's undue influence go? What if Tulsi gets on the correct side of things in spite of the cult?

My personal opinion is that this cult is not interested in violence but profit. Butler has discovered a good way to acquire wealth and have fun through politics. Have the Gabbards been involved in illegal activities such as insider trading to serve their guru? That is an important question. Is Tulsi's sincerity and ability to think critically questionable due to her cult affiliation? If so, in what ways? How can we prove this?

Have any of the Butler follower politicians been involved in drug money laundering or other illegal activities? Have any labor laws been broken from the use of children and free labor? What about tax evasion? Have Tulsi's and SOI's tax returns been sufficiently scrutinized?

Was Tulsi's silence on the Sri Shim death (along with her father's) due to their cult ties? Did she neglect her duty as a Congresswoman in this case? This certainly appears to be unethical and evidence of cult tampering. This is a hugely under-reported story.

But her aggressive questioning of John Kerry, asking that radical Islam be acknowledged, meeting with India's Modi, taking donations from lobbyists, attacking online gambling (which destroys lives and targets youngsters), or being insubordinate to Debbie Wasserman Shultz are political issues, not cult issues. Is she a virulent hate monger against LGBT or Muslims? No, there is no evidence. In fact, she argued against more interventionists wars, especially carte blanche ones.

I agree with Ian that it's a good thing that Tulsi is rubbing shoulders with some fine, non-cult folks. Maybe something good will come of it.

Does this make me a cult apologist for which some will claim and attack me on and off the forum? Not at all. Let's just be more credible in our arguments.

In the meantime, until some of these questions can be answered, Butler remains the Head of the Snake.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dharmabum ()
Date: June 13, 2016 04:58PM

There’s only one perspective: The end justifies the means.

Speaking of unethical, Tulsi has taken the mayavadis, the ISKCONs, the political left, and lately the atheists as bedfellows. I’ve yet to see her on the float with the gays and lesbians during Pride Parade. It’s coming.

These are all diametrically opposed to Krishna theology, which, by their tenets, she should be condemned for hell for such offenses. This is like O.J. Simpson, appealing to the public to find the real killer.

The fact that followers will keep a blind eye to drug smuggling and suppression of information where a notable Hawaiian needlessly died, the above are all necessary steps and distractions to hide the fact that she is a member of an absolutist cult. So far, she has been very successful in avoiding the truth radar because our polite society would rather stay away from the topic of religion. People do not understand that she cannot be separated from the core values of the cult. That is her fundamental makeup and foundational truth. To fully understand Tulsi, one must understand her upbringing and core belief. There’s no way around that. Everything else is a smokescreen.

What ultimately is the end? Krishna willing, the Presidency of the United States, the sole superpower on Earth. Why the need for such political power? For a seemingly insignificant religious cult from Hawaii, and a failed religious leader? The fact that they have this grand ambition, who knows? The fact is, Jagad Screwball is … er … a screwball. It’s like handing a torch to a pyromaniac. Only crazy people will worship a flawed godman, and any godman is a threat to a free and open society, period.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: IanKoviak ()
Date: June 14, 2016 11:37AM

That Wai Lana video interview—aside from being staged, is also reflective of much of what is happening in the "krishna" groups worldwide. Again—I reiterate, the bhakti cults were always a small—rather private affair, traditionally, historically, as well as in it's ritualistic expression. Now, we have Facebook gurus giving their memes advice online, surfer sanyassis posing with movie stars, guru's making viral videos and pushing their personality cult worship of certain members and not others. Butler has built up Wai lana as the SIF brand. She's a product they can sell and use to attract people to their group of naive idealism and, well, idiocy.

They did the same with Tulsi—they worked hard to build up the image of a warrior goddess of sorts—a modern day Arjuna—conflicted by the "cost of war", yet finding solace in the message of gita/krishna. It's fascinating to watch from the sidelines.

Within SIF, you are really not seeing much preaching going on about chaitanya, radha krishna and various core aspects of gaudiya vaishnavism—instead it's more about samkhya and yoga and a more universal concept of a krishna, christ-like personality—sitting on a rock with his arm around a deer—peaceful and pensive.

No mention is there about the true goal of the devotees to go to an eternal heaven where they dance as 14 year old village girls with the playboy-god krishna. Why is that? This is obviously the goal of gaudiya philosophy and the pinnacle of their practice.

They went from Hare Krishna, to Haribol and finally to "Namaste"—a universal hindu greeting. What's next? Will the butler cult appropriate "Aloha" as the official SIF "phrase". Tulsi sure is drilling it in her campaign.

I wonder what new SIF followers are told about their founding guru, Chris Butler, AKA, JAGAD GURU, SIDDHASWARUPANANDA PARAMAHAMSA SRILA PRABHUPADA? I know when we were young we were told that Butler was getting sicker and sicker on account of his "disciples offenses". This type of point is very commonly drilled into devotees minds in all the krishna cults. Bhaktivedanta pushed this idea and even at his passing suggested that people had poisoned him. Devotees literally walk on eggshells thinking that if they don't chant 16 rounds they are making their guru suffer, or that if their mind drifts while they chant they are somehow committing offenses and unable to taste the "nectar" of the holy name.

The vedic works as well as more contemporary works of various acharyas stipulate literally hundreds of rules and regulations and offenses you can make—that thwart you from achieving the "goal". Meanwhile, the sciprtures state that you can chant accidentally or even in jest and still achieve pure love of god. Devotees go year after year banging away on their drums and beads experiencing nothing more than the pleasure of hearing music and enjoying a tune and community/group bonding. But they try to convince themselves it's some sort of higher power and bliss—a merciful gesture of their guru and god.

I see countless gurus making up their own things as they go along—to justify what they are doing. If there is one thing that these gurus are, it's expert politicians. If something sounds off—they have a verse to support it. If something seems odd—there is an injunction for that. If things seem forced or fake—you must be offensive/you are the problem—not the process or path. It's a life of constant paranoia and fretting. It's no wonder at the end of the day most of these gurus just throw their hands up and just say: Chant and be happy. And boy are their disciples glad to hear it! Screw the scriptural injections and rules and regulations—lets just chant and be happy. Maybe we can smoke a reefer afterwards and catch a wave with gurudev afterwards. I'll make sure to take lots of pictures and post them on the cult FB page so we can get some likes from all the prabhus.

The question still remains: What business do gaudiya vaishnava gurus have building huge temples, initiating thousands of followers, printing thousands of books, surfing, teaching yoga postures, changing traditional mantras, entering into money ventures, running schools for kids, associating with drug smugglers and politicians, appointing successors, being on Facebook, twitter, youtube and other places? The answer is they don't. At best, according to their own traditions—they are to live in small groups, accept not many disciples, and live silently and peacefully in the association of their guru, begging door to door. Karma yoga and kriya and janan have no real place in gaudiya vaishnavism. At least not for the long haul and certainly not as a primary preaching point.

There is an implied arrogance and lack of any humility in their totalitarian approach. They feel that their way is THE way for all humanity and this is foolish and has ramifications that go deep. We live in confusing times but nonetheless we have progressed in our understanding of various concepts and ideas. Believing in 4 armed gods, elephant gods and half man half lion gods and lewd cowherd boy gods as "absolute" and perfect conceptions of divinity—or as divinity at all—is crippling to the mind of any mildly intelligent person. Talk about no credibility. I'm not surprised many modern day krishna cults end up focusing more on the physical yoga, meditation and "Namaste" as the main offerings of their quasi hindu love cults. Or, that their groups have effectively stopped growing and are dependent on keeping existing members and indoctrinating kids born into the cult as a method of growing their numbers (or going to third world countries or places that are ripe for the taking like Russia—needless to say these ventures require huge amounts of money to make the temples appealing and the food tasty—lord knows the philosophy and stories alone ain't cutting it. It's timer like this where yoga and guitars come in handy). No forward thinking modern mind would ever go to a Ratha Yatra festival looking to gain much more than some eclectic chanting and dancing and free vegetarian food. Likewise, a person going to a SIF center is not going to leave with anything more substantial than going to a run of the mill yoga class.

The video of way lana's interview is of comic proportions. It's like something off an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. The woman seems high on pills and fake as she rambles off in arrogance the various countries that have somehow reacted positively to her cheesy song. It's difficult to sit through the video and not crack up at how awfully silly and juvenile it all is. Gosh—even a child would find it humorously pathetic. It has little more social import and value then watching an episode of Teletubbies or Barney the Dinosaur.

All this aside: []

And many more great articles on there about the Gita and other frustrating upanishadic texts.

Now, I want everyone to visualize Jiva Goswami dressed in flowing yoga pants (or jeans and a t-shirt) doing downward dog while saying "Namaste!". Later that day he'd go and catch some waves with the rest of the 6 goswamis and wind up his afternoon bhajan with some quality Facebook posts for his thousand of worldwide followers.


In spite of my rant, I am actually optimistic. I have not drunk the Toolsee Koolaid nor is this an Aloha Girl apology
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: June 14, 2016 10:45PM

STELLAR essay Ian ~ Really great. People seriously considering joining up with Butler's group can gain a lot of important information and insight here.

What is difficult for people, and which puts everyone in grave danger, is our inability to distinguish between cults and a religion or an innocuous belief system. When cults hide behind freedom of religion, we must show evidence of harm. This is not easy. Most people are unaware of how cults operate. They don't recognize mind control and undue influence.

Unfortunately, we fail miserably at defending our own societal virtues while protecting the rights of others. For example, in facing Islamic terrorism, we bend over backwards to rationalize and apologize for it. If we can't even connect the most horrific crimes to Islamic influence, what makes us think we can connect Tulsi with slave labor, money laundering, parent alienation, and homophobia to the Butler cult?

"Lone wolves commit the atrocities, not Islam."
“Lone devotees commit crimes, not Butlerism.”

Dharmabum, we are unable to clear their smoke screens without ample proof. Even then, in the name of political correctness, we are not allowed to blame a religion or one's core beliefs. But we can condemn undesirable or illegal actions. We have to prove that destructive actions are the results of Tulsi's core beliefs. To say she is disingenuous is not enough. To say her guru wants one of his followers to win the Presidency and impose a “Butler Sharia Law” is not enough. We need direct evidence.

We are discouraged from blaming radical Islam for some of the world's most unspeakable violence done under its banner. We risk being called bigots and racists if we do. We blame the tools of violence rather than the religion that encouraged it. Can we really accuse the gun, the knife, the roof when they shoot, behead or lob gay people off buildings? We can and do criticize these abhorrent actions, but are not allowed to criticize the belief that inspired it. If we cannot even mention the word Islam in connection to Orlando, what makes one think that we can mention Vaishnavism in connection to the parental neglect and drug running of a Butler disciple?

We say the majority of Muslims are good and peaceful people, which is true. This argument can be used by the Butlerites. Without exception, all of the exers I have interviewed will confirm that most of the followers are really nice, peaceful and idealistic folks.

Our task is to educate and demonstrate how Butler's cult activities are dangerous and destructive. We have 613 pages of documents, testimony, and opinions on the dangers of Butler’s cult. Still, Alternet and the mainstream media have zero interest in Tulsi's affiliation. No one wants to touch that one... or believe it.

What about Tulsi's silence on the Sri Shim case? We counted on the people of Kailua to call foul. What happened? Was Tulsi and Papa Gabbard’s silence due to their cult ties? Did Tulsi neglect her duty as a Congresswoman in this case? Was there evidence of cult tampering? Or did they really get their man Sai Hansen, albeit with sloppy police work?

What about the overt cult nepotism regarding Tulsi’s staff? Why don’t people protest? Tulsi has a strange "Proteczia"*. Was she not vetted by Congress, Sanders, the feminists, the LGBT community, or the humanists? What activities has she done that have promoted a cult agenda in detriment to her constituents? It was pointed out that she supports many things that diverge from gaudiya Vaishnavism. See Ian’s post. Is this their Manchurian Candidate strategy? To most people this sounds paranoid and whacko. The subtleties of Vaishnavism are either incomprehensible or uninteresting to a typical voter.

I am thoroughly disgusted in the Hawaiian media and law enforcement for not investigating this cult more closely. I suspect that they are bought and sold by their “Local Guru Boy Does Good” Chris Butler. And as I have written about before, never underestimate the power of “Ohana”* in Hawaii.

I am gravely disappointed in all of the closet Butler dissidents and cult kids refusing to come forward. It’s understandable, but not excusable.

Here is another problem. The followers always take the fall and nothing is in Chris Butler's name to implicate him.

But what if Tulsi is politically congruent with party leaders and voters? What if she allies herself to policies and politicians for the good of the country in spite of her cult upbringing? What if, even under the direction of Butler, she comes out on the right side of things? Would it be right to tear her down because she was raised in a cult? Would this make me a bigot? This is an honest question I have to ask myself.

They say that countries are never friends. There are only allies and enemies. Sometimes frenemies work together for the greater good. In my opinion, in 2013 Tulsi proved to be on the right side of history when she spoke out against military intervention in Syria and Libya. She stood up to Secretary of State John Kerry and General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, during a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing. She has spoken out against TTP and favored the labeling of GMO’s. She took a political risk to help Bernie Sanders. You may not agree, but these are significant things.

I know Henry, you think I have drunk the "Toolsee Koolaid", but I challenge that idea. We can argue off the forum.

Tulsi is not responsible for the devotee parents who neglected their children medically or emotionally. She was a baby and young child during the drug scandals. True, she was raised an elite in the cult, carefully groomed, and kept far from the common devotees. The fact remains that no one really cares if you bow down towards Mecca or a pathetic, balding guru. You have to demonstrate actual harm. Actions are more meaningful than words or beliefs.

In spite of my depressing rant here, I am actually optimistic. What this website and forum does best is to inform the public about how cults operate, how they differ from safe groups, why they are dangerous, and how to get out. I believe that all of our efforts here are preventing people from joining the Butler cult and helping people escape.

*Proteczia. Sometimes called “Vitamin P”, is a Russian word that means “protection.” Protection from the “system” that allows you to bypass bureaucracy, rules, regulations, salary levels, prison, and can even open doors of opportunity – financial, military, government, commercial and institutional. It exists in Hawaii as part of the Ohana system and Aloha. This explains a lot of how Butler’s cult and his politician followers have survived.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: June 15, 2016 12:16AM

Vera City has told us about "Protezia".

Same thing exists in India - or at least in Mumbai. It is called "Powertoni"


The government fails to serve its citizens. To get anything done Indians must get help from someone who has "Powertoni" - someone who has power, money, influence, leverage with insider politics.

And, readers, in India the big name gurus with thousands of disciples are now
very much of this world They, along with gang leaders and thug politicians, these gurus now have have "powertoni"

A guru with thousands of "fans" who assemble in vast assemblies -- that guru becomes part of India's corrupt government because that kind of "rock star" guru controls that many potential voters. All the money that the disciples bring in means the guru must get protection from someone with gun men.

When you are known to have lots of money and lots of disciples, you are subjected to threats from various gangs. So.. you need to select one gang powerful enough to protect you from others.

This is discussed in another here.

Another thought:

It is a very short jump from fearing for someone's welfare to fearing that same person.

If you are taught to fear that could easily get sick, you easily slide into dearing you will do anything or think a thought that might 'make' that person sick.


I know when we were young we were told that Butler was getting sicker and sicker on account of his "disciples offenses". This type of point is very commonly drilled into devotees minds in all the krishna cults. Bhaktivedanta pushed this idea and even at his passing suggested that people had poisoned him. Devotees literally walk on eggshells thinking that if they don't chant 16 rounds they are making their guru suffer

Yet another guilt trip that gurus foist upon their followers.

The guru (or his adoring disciples) claim that the guru is so holy that
he or she attracts demonic influences or is especially subject to
astral attack - whatever that means.

Therefore the guru's nasty behavior, drunkenness, etc, the guru's reclusiveness in a germ free house are claimed to be the result of
attack from malign forces in the cosmos, or perhaps bad energy that
has condensed from the many bad thoughts or neglectful behaviors of

It is no different from a controlling relative who claims that
his or her drinking problem is caused by people who "just do not understand."

Kurt Butler is at it again!
Date: June 15, 2016 01:17AM

Chris Butler's mental brother Kurt Butler threatens to feed himself to the sharks in protest:

This is video of Kurt Butler, the mentalist:

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/15/2016 01:19AM by Rama Das (slave name).

The Guy Needs Psychiatric Help
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: June 15, 2016 06:18AM

Rama ~

Regarding Kurt Butler:

It seems insanity is hereditary.

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