Flashback to the sixties
Date: November 26, 2015 05:16AM

Anyone who lived through the 1960’s (and who can remember anything at all) might recall the photography of Robert Altman, staff photographer of Rolling Stone Magazine.

Yes, that is Henri Jolicoeur photographed in 1969 by the famous Robert Altman.
The photographer was famous for creating iconic images of the Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Woodstock, and most of the other Folk and Rock legends on the sixties. Chris Butler always aspired to a career in music and would have been proud to be photographed by Robert Altman, but sadly Chris lacked any real talent. The rest of my story here...

Genuine Henri Jolicoeur


Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dabcult ()
Date: November 26, 2015 11:08AM

Thank you Flash for your kind article base on that 1969 picture( I was 19 years old )I had arrive a month before from taking lots of magic mushrooms with a shaman in Mexico ...and join on the spot in Los Angeles on a Sunday feast ...a few weeks later Bhaktivedanta learn that I spoke french ...and he ask me to go open a temple in Paris ,,,a month later I was in London and working repainting Johm lennon living room ...the result can be seen on the IMAGINE video
and lived on his estate call Titanurst ...for about a month with Bhaktivedanta
living in one of a dozen little houses on the estate.I had been a big beatles fan and sudunly I was seig John and Yoko every day and became quite friendly with George Harrisson .....Then I was ship to Paris
with one other devotee (Woomapate) a life long homosexual who eventually became a ISKCON guru but about 3 years ago he was expel from ISKCON for having sex with his male disciple ...he never touch me in Paris .
We arrive in Paris with NO MONEY ...i lived under bridges for a month (you could do this in those days )...I finally found a way to chant anight in front of caffee and make anoff money to rent a room ...A year later I was sent to open the Calcutta temple in India ....A year later I was the president of the Melbourne temple ...I was 21 and Bhaktivedanta told me that I was ready to renounce sex for life and I became a Swami (HE WAS DEAD WRONG ON THAT ONE ).Then Bhaktivedanta also learn that I spoke some spanish ...and he sent me to South America to open the Caracas and Buanos Aires temples ...I made a stop in Hawaii on my way to South America thats where I stayed with Butler for 4 days or so and withness the hypnosis session..in his Mauii temple.
I was very sincere and very brainwash ...it took me years of deprogramming
to realize that homosexual where not DEMONIAC....and that woman where not way less intelligent than man ...(it help that my wife was more intelligent and gifted than me )...and O yes ...it took a while to not see the black people as
an UGLY race as mention in the early books of Bhaktivedanta .
It was not all bad ...I am still a vegetarian ( a vegan now ) for 45 years
and my sister who met Bhaktivedanta became a world authority on animal rights she as written 5 books on vegetarianism ...and it started with the teachings of Bhaktivedanta that she met many times ...she was never initiated
because ISKCON tried to get her married to one of those looser celibate idiots in Los Angeles ...there was not many choices in 1969 to go and live a spiritual life full time(and thats what I wanted to serve God full time) ...in the eastern traditions ...Spirituality is still very much alive in my heart
now its more a Buddist and Advaita Hindu .
I met my beloved wife in the Hare Krishna ( who pass away from cancer in 1995 )
got my 4 kids in the Hare Krishna ...So even as many parts of me suffered a lot in this cult ...another part of me is greatfull ...Its not black an white

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: November 26, 2015 12:43PM

For Vera City
Sorry, mate! Done-- fire away.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: November 26, 2015 03:23PM

Dharmabum, pls check your PM box. :)

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dabcult ()
Date: November 27, 2015 09:18AM

A little more on the refugies that Tulsi Gabbard voted againts coming to the USA
It does not seem to create any response on this forum ...One famaly in Montreal
just took in 7 womens and their kids in their home ...each and every woman had their husband kill in Syria .
I think that ...correct me if I am wrong that Tulsi Gabbard is the reason that her first husband Eddie Tamayo got American papers (LET ME KNOW FOR A HAWAII PAPER WANTS TO KNOW )...how many phoney marriages ...and phoney biseness deal did Butler organise to get all kinds of his devotees from many countries to come work for him in Hawaii for a minimum wages..less 25%
for his pigie bank ?
Tulsi Gabbard says NO to women and children from Syria who are crying for help because they are being slaughter by ISIS
But it was just OK for her and her stupid but licking father to import all kinds of followers of Chris Butler to come and drink his foot water and eat a few nail clippings ..its hypocrisy at its worse.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: November 27, 2015 01:36PM

In my opinion, and based on information provided by many of this thread, Dabcult is correct- there were many sham marriages that were ordered by Butler so that the foreign born devotees could come to the US and work on his
projects. If anyone can offer examples the records can be researched.
The main areas Butler recruited from would have been Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines. This ties in with what Dabcult mentioned in his post regarding Eddie Tamayo and Tulsi Gabbard.
The US Naturalization records from Hawaii should provide some answers.

Of course, as with much of this devious cult, their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Is Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard guilty of Immigration Marriage Fraud?
Date: November 28, 2015 12:24AM

To dabcult and Vox,

You might be thinking of this old post of mine:
Is Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard guilty of Immigration Marriage Fraud?

Tulasi (Tulsi) Gabbard and Eddy Tamayo
Childhood sweethearts or Immigration Marriage Fraud?

Absolute power over devotees…one man rules Haiku Krishnaites; The Honolulu Advertiser, July 28, 1970

Her ex-husband, Eddy Tamayo, currently resides in Kailua, Hawaii. Contact me privately for his personal details or for the unaltered photo.

Re: Is Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard guilty of Immigration Marriage Fraud?
Date: November 28, 2015 01:13AM

Go Fund Chris Butler

The Bhakti Yoga Shack in Hawaii used a gofundme to raise $10,000 in 2 weeks from 50 people.

Looks like an easy way to funnel cash straight to Chris Butler without the usual "Hassle of laundering it, maaaan."


Not my finest work, but a little article on Gopal Harvey, Radha Doyle Harvey and the Kauai Bhakti Yoga Shack, the secretive recruitment arm for Chris Butler Siddhaswarupananda's destructive mind control cult.


Bhakti Yoga Shack - just SWITCH OFF that pesky mind!
Date: November 28, 2015 05:23AM

Radha Harvey (Doyle) is the girl who wrote Eigener Herr the letter saying she ran behind Chris Butler as a child scooping up the sand and eating Chris Butler's maha foot sand.

Radha Doyle Harvey said the sand "tasted cool". Radha is still deeply under Chris Butler's brainwashing program evidenced in this video, see description for preview of corresponding article.


The Bhakti Yoga Shack of Kauai is a front for the Chris Butler cult, attempting to recruit unaware yoga practitioners.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dabcult ()
Date: November 28, 2015 07:54AM

Bhak Jolicoeur...son of Henry

This is my father Henry (Bald head in the middle of the photo looking down) in 1969. He lived with the Beatles, jammed with Jim Morrison, and experienced an exotic and unusual life before I came into this world.

My father has a sweet and loving heart. Those of us with sweet and loving hearts, are also the ones who are most preyed upon by Cult Loving Power Trippers, and glossy eyed self deceivers who need to brush away the truth to grind their leaders axe, with your precious time and resources.

As a child I remember my father having a reputation for calling out these guys in public. Later, in 1996, he and I "Cult Busted" a group in Hawaii; literally risking our lives until the lone journalist from a local paper showed up.

We organise a protest againts DA FREE JOHN ..me and my son

It's these are kinds of first hand experiences that give me a very sharp eye of intuition when it comes to deception and the misguided people.

The sad thing is the misguided people and misguided gurus who believe they have "Good Intentions". It really is true that the road to Hell is paved with good intention

So know you know why I keep this strange name Bhaktivedanta das Jolicoeur
It's a reminder.

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