Re: Ian Koviak new article
Date: November 21, 2015 08:56PM

Ian says "We were taught to worship this man (Chris Butler) as God On Earth"


Ian Koviak – Brave Cult Survivor
Date: November 22, 2015 08:42AM

I agree with Rama Das Ranson that Ian Koviak has shown great courage by reinstating his once-hidden blog. Rama wrote “…Through being open and transparent about his personal experience, Ian has left an invaluable testimony that can serve to help the multitudes of cult born kids who may hopefully seek out this information one day…”

I have added my praise for Ian Koviak in this new article:


Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: November 22, 2015 08:56AM

I repeat, we stand with Ian.

One child/young man injured by this cult is one child/young man too many.
Almost to a person, everyone that has written on this forum thread agrees that this has been a very dangerous cult all along.
There is nothing spiritual in ruining someone’s life or destroying one’s family for money and power.

Much respect for Ian, in stepping forward and trying to understand the damage that was done and how it has affected him and those around him.
Ian is searching for answers to his questions.

We all have questions and the main one is, why is this insane megalomaniac allowed to continue his egregious ways?

Thanksgiving Present
Date: November 25, 2015 08:05AM

Grand Plan for the Oval Office

A very talented ex-devotee of Chris Butler (AKA Jagad Guru AKA Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa) was so kind to send me this Thanksgiving gift. Just as Chris Butler stole the name of his own guru, Srila Prabhupada, Butler apparently plans to steal some more elections. Here we see Butler trying out the President’s desk in the Oval Office courtesy of his young puppet, Tulsi Gabbard, with all her false dreams of serving Krishna. Please feel free to use this image in your own posts, but do link to the Cult Education Institute message board or to any truthful source of information on Tulsi Gabbard and her cult master, Chris Butler. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: November 25, 2015 09:50AM

Most truthful image ever.

Great image, Flash. And that, dear Readers, is what Butler has wanted all along--full power and control in the White House.
Post this pic everywhere and make sure to link back to the forum as Flash has suggested.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: November 25, 2015 10:05AM

A new & extremely potent thread on this forum, has been started which ties directly into the Cult of Butler.
To see the level of devotion and the total control that Butler always maintains over his followers is to descend into a hellish existence by those who have blindly surrendered everything.
An existence in which you are in total submission to (what has already been identified by many here on the forum) a madman.

What can we expect from Tulsi Gabbard, once Chris Butler gets his hands on the keys to the White House?

Quote: “ Auckland Bombings new
Posted by: Guru Doubter ()
Date: December 26, 2009 05:31AM

Here is my first entry on this forum, I have chosen to write about the Auckland bombings in the 1970’s (have I got your attention?). I’ll bet that there are a quite a few hearts aflutter at reading this entrée! It’s been a secret for a long time. I haven’t read all the posts on this forum but I did read this incident being referred to briefly in one post. Forgive me if I am going over old ground.
I was in Auckland in the summer of 1975 – 76. Siddha (as we all called him then) had come to New Zealand for a series of lectures. Nearly every night after he arrived we would turn up to a ‘gathering’ (mellow of course) and chant, only to then hear that Siddha was not well enough to attend, and someone else would give the talk, Tusta or others, I think Hari Rama (Harvey Mann) gave the first lecture in a nice white dhoti. It rained a lot that year and people were intently giving Siddha acupuncture, moxa and other natural treatments for what I heard was a liver ailment. It was nearly a month before we heard his first lecture and kirtan at Nick’s house on the north shore.
In the intervening time I got to know ‘the crew’ pretty well. Of most relevance to this topic were Curly Dave and Big Red. We were told that they were ksatriyas, holy warriors if you like, from the hindu four caste system (or should I say varnashrama dharma). They were heavily into martial arts, of which I was told in a hushed voice that Siddha strongly approved. Red was a big guy who I saw carrying nunchakus. I was told he was there to protect devotees and to stick up for the right cause. Hippie hangovers made me a little cautious about this, but who was I to judge? Curly Dave had wild curly hair and gave off a very different vibe to the affable Big Red. I decided to keep my distance. They seemed to be quite close to Tusta and were more or less in the inner circle, but not to the extent of Nick and Simon, who were really ‘in’, at least for that summer.
As I was driving around Auckland with a friend of mine, who was more ‘inside’ than this humble fringe-dweller, we saw some graffiti art and he said doesn’t that face remind of you of Curly Dave? Then he said he would tell me a secret, which I have kept for 34 years. He said that Curly Dave had done a couple of bombings of an abattoir and an abortion clinic in New Zealand. This gelled a little as Siddha gave some lectures that summer that were very anti-abortion and anti-animal slaughter/meat-eating. Had I heard about the bombs? No. The impression was certainly given that a number of the inner circle knew about them and that Curly Dave and Big Red were still well looked upon. I tried to rationalize this thunderbolt by telling myself that ksatriyas had to fight the holy fight. I stayed on.
The dreary summer dragged on and I could tell lots of stories, Siddha got well and lectured quite a bit, finally I decided to leave Auckland and go home. Tusta told me that to leave was to commit spiritual suicide. I left and still consider it one of the better and braver decisions I have made in my life. Many of my friends stayed on, a couple to this day. Tusta and I went on to have further dealings in future years, but that too is another story.
A year or two later I opened a newspaper to read of a report of a bomb exploding in the Grey Lynne house that was extensively used by Siddha’s followers in Auckland. I remember many kirtans and feasts there and also that the Srimad Bhagavatams and Caitanya Caritamritas were stored in the dwelling out the back, which is where it turned out that the bomb exploded. The report said that there had been some deaths. A panicked phone call established that none of my friends were killed. The story goes that Curly Dave was making a bomb in a fire extinguisher, which he was going to place in an abattoir. He was with a young peripheral devotee who was an electrician. I remember him as a quiet and nice guy who had just joined the group when I was there. Curly Dave must have thought he could use his skills. Obviously the wiring wasn’t all that good! He and Curly Dave were supposed to be leaning over the bomb when it went off. Rumor has it that Curly Dave’s head was found past the used car sales yard over the back fence and that his mouth was wide open as if saying ‘faaaaarck’. I sometimes wonder if the pages of the Bhagavatams and Caitanya Caritamritas fluttered down around his remains, like some ironic movie scene.
Well that is about as much as I know. I’m sure that there must be a lot more information out there about whether Siddha knew of all this, or Tusta, or if Curly Dave was requested to do it. I have reflected over the years on how that whole cult mentality helped people step over lines of basic morality that should never be crossed. Even those of us who stayed quiet need to look deeply on why we did that. The influence of that group or cult mentality is the most fascinating aspect of that bomb. Many people, through their knowledge of what was happening or what did happen, came perilously close to involvement in a terrorist act. Lots of people could have stopped that explosion from happening with a simple phone call to the police. What stopped us? Fear of offending Siddha? Committing the terrible mad elephant offense of guru aparadh? Most of those people with knowledge were, or started out to be, kind and well intentioned spiritual seekers. But when your guru is the one who can introduce you to Krishna and secure your salvation, every moral goes out the door in a flash.
As I think back on that blatant personality cult surrounding Siddha I am reminded of the evening arati performed by the ‘boys’ at the farm in Murwillimbah, northern NSW in Australia, as they faithfully chanted:
‘Siddha, Siddha, Siddha, Siddha, Siddha Haribol
Siddha Nityananda, Siddha Nityananda’

I was justifiably terrified.

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Re: Auckland Bombings new
Posted by: Bobbie ()
Date: November 22, 2015 11:54PM

I am amazed to find your story which I can verify to the most part. With the more recent suicide bombers I wanted to see if the reason Curly Dave was making the bomb was ever discovered. I too have carried this secret with me. My husband then was heavily involved (and still is in the Krishna movement) we were living in Grey Lynne and knew Curly Dave well. One day I heard him talking with my then husband and saying he was going to blow up an abbatoir (This never happened as far as I know). I remember the feeling so worried and hoping it was only talk. When I discussed this with my husband then and told him how horrible it would be if people were killed and it was said that would be karma. Then Curly Dave was blown up !!! Karma ? The feeling was very much "Krishna did not want bombing" Thank God. We were all in shock for quite a while.

Thank you for your post, it has brought up a lots of feelings about things at that time. I don't know if you know that Tusta died in his 40's from a brain tumour.

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Re: Auckland Bombings new
Posted by: Rama Das (slave name) ()
Date: November 23, 2015 11:54PM

Hello Bobbie and Guru Doubter.

I am Rama Das Ranson, I was a kiwi kid born into Siddha worship, my parents are Allan and Robyn Ranson from Whangamata.

My mum and dad were both in that house chanting when that bomb went off. My parents told us this EXACT story.

Two guys in the shed, building a bomb in a fire extinguisher that exploded and literally obliterated them. My dad said he ran out the back and just said there was absolutely nothing left of the two guys. My dad was still young and had found his own brother hanging in his basement some time before this.

A lot of death and trauma for a young Kiwi guy to witness, no doubt.

My parents later became initiated by Siddha as Acharya Das and Radhakunda Dasi.

End quote.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dabcult ()
Date: November 25, 2015 12:08PM

Canada is receiving 10,000 refugees from Syria in the next 30 days
and 15,000 more by Feb 2016 ....All famalies single man
We are showing compassion

And the USA congress voted againts receiving any refugies even as Mr Obama said they would be mostly women and children and ask congress to aprove helping people in distress ...who have seen hell in their country
and 45 democrats voted againts the president ....and you guest it Tulsi Gabbard voted againts the recommendation of Mr Obama

So sad ...a cult member elected possibly with drug money voting againts the wishes of her own president recommendaion give shelter mainly to suffering women and children .

Did she consult with Butler and his great heart of compassion

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: November 25, 2015 04:03PM

Hey Vox - Your PM storage is full. Please clear so I can write you.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: November 25, 2015 04:10PM

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: CarlFig ()
Date: November 25, 2015 10:03PM

Where did that pic come from?

Happy Thanksgiving? I will have nightmares...

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