Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dabcult ()
Date: September 23, 2015 11:17AM

dharmabum wrote in 2010: Adults have every right to choose beliefs they want to belong to no matter how stupid they are, but the children are often times involved in cults not by choice.

When the parents are brainwash they think that they are doing their kids the highest good ....Swami Bhaktivedanta use to say that regular schools where like slaughter house he created the gurukula
where 40% of the about 2000 kids where sexually molested ...and now more than 25
have committed suicides due to the terrible abuses they received in those Hare Krishna schools ...I sent my daughter to TEXAS gurukula and one year in the France gurukulas....she was not sexually molested but to this day (she is now 40 )
she tells me "Why the hell did you sent me to a place where I had to wash floors mostly ....sleep 6 hours a day ..dress little statues of Krishna ...and received little education "All I can say now is darling I was brainwash "
She went on to educate herself went to university and is now in charge of 200 employees and is a multimillionaire ...and does want to have anything to do with anything Krishna .So Butler also believe and did quote his guru that regular schools where like slaughter house ....and his brainwash disciples
did what the guru told them to do ...for Bhaktivedanta and his scriptures says "GURU IS AS GOOD AS GOD"
dharmabum is right ,,,it is a tragedy that kids had to worship Butler because he parents force the kids to believe,
But it same thing in all cults ...Mickeal Jackson talk often about the times his parents would take him doing door to doors as a child to distribute Jehovah witness litteratures ....Mormons will make sure that their kids go on "MISSION" for a few years ...My Mom was pround that I was a Catholique altar boy when I was 12,,,Its the nature of most religions that parents wants their kids to fallow their path .Butler cult is no different unfortunatly like Rama said they had a terrible education and are now strugling to survive in a ever more expensive and complex world.Only a chosen few like Tulsi had large amounth of money invested in them by the cult ,,,so that the ego maniac Butler could realize is political ambitions ...or busibess transactions .

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Satyagraha das ()
Date: September 24, 2015 11:45AM

The extreme hostility of Butler to human sexual urges may be at the root of the evil which is the SOI cult. And, in this, SOI is no different from ISKCON.

Both need to relax on sexuality and on the imagination of their followers. Hinduism is not inherently totalitarian. There are variants which are very universalist and tolerant of both imagination and sensuality.

There is an argument against Islam which condemns it for not having undergone a liberalizing "Reformation." But the same can be demanded of "the regressive literalism that is prevalent in ISKCON and Science of Identity. At one level, the celebrity of Tulsi Gabbard as a veteran and a national political leader undermines the extreme sexism of the Butler cult. But in essential ways, she brings respectability to the cult and the extreme Hindu chauvinist BJP party of India and its prime minister, Narendra Modi.

Re: Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa - Chris Butler, and Manchu Candy, Tulsi Gabbard.
Date: September 24, 2015 01:13PM

Now back to: Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa - Chris Butler, and his Manchurian Candidate, Tulsi Gabbard.

This thread focuses primarily on the damaged caused by one man-child, whose ego is so out of control, he fails to see the misery he himself has created.
But wait! He has been enjoying that, all these years...isnt’t that called a ....Sadist?

It must be noted that (hopefully the cultists will see this) he unfortunately has not "left his body” due to the imcompetence of his slaves or the ever-present germs.
Its called...PHOBIAS.
Its not real, Slaves of Butler.
What good did the $100k air filtration machine do?
And the face masks YOU have to wear. (?!)

All this time, all those germs and He Lives!

You have facilitated a madman's destructive psyche.

Ahh but you miss the point, Cultists.
He controls you with Fear.
He controls your family with Fear.

Fear will get you......nowhere.
Where there is fear, there can be no love.

Eat that for breakfast as you ponder you fate, stuck somewhere in the
Hawaiian Twilight Zone.....

Tulsi Gabbard a Young Star Headed for the Cabinet?
Date: September 29, 2015 09:21AM

Quotes below from today’s news about Tulsi Gabbard. The reporter seemed to sense Tulsi’s discomfort and also slid in a few facts that other reporters might now pursue.

Tulsi Gabbard a Young Star Headed for the Cabinet? by Sanjena Sathian

...But the day I meet her, amid all her cameos and handshaking, she isn’t quite ready to let me in. Sitting in a coffee shop, she is thoughtful, understated, even a little awkward. We move painstakingly into the personal, touching on her athleticism (martial arts; she hates running), to her perfect hair (which she only gets done in Hawaii), to her second marriage to a “very private” 26-year-old cinematographer who proposed on a surfboard...

...That Hindu label has added a whole other layer or two to her political identity: It might be a complicator, for one; if America couldn’t handle the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, it’s hard to guess at how the country would take videos like this one, in which she celebrates the legacy of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. That’d be a mouthful on Fox...

More quotes in my blog article:


Tulsi Gabbard, Cult Born And Raised
Date: September 29, 2015 11:03PM

I left a comment on this Tulsi article, which was also on Yahoo news, so I left another comment there. I turned my comment into an article:

"I was born and raised in a Hare Krishna cult that worships local Kailua, Hawaii man Chris Butler Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa. Tulsi's parents have worshipped this man since before any of the kids were born and Mike Gabbard's "Christianity" is a sham. See Mike and Carol Gabbard hysterically laughing at and mocking Christian belief with their cult leader:


The only "Hinduism" Tulsi or anyone in her or my family has ever been involved in is Chris Butler Cult "Hinduism" which is a disgrace and an abomination to real Hinduism which the cult feels seperate from and superior to. Tulsi's husband is a cult member, he works for Blue River Productions from Kailua which produces all the video for Tulsi and also cult leaders wife Wai Lana Butler of Wai Lana Yoga.
Tulsi's husband Abraham Williams can be seen in the credits of co-cult leader Wai Lana's PBS shows, I have seen his name listed on the newest show they released a month or two ago, a Wai Lana pledge. PBS raising funds for an already wealthy cult leader and his wife.

Tulsi Gabbard is completely surrounded by known cult members like her inexperienced chief of staff to the high ranking Sunil Khemaney. Tulsi Gabbard/Wai Lana Yoga/Blue River Productions/Oahu Surf Shots/Down To Earth Natural Foods are all extensions of the Butler cult. All are staffed by fanatical members who are all working for very little if anything at all. it is all "devotional service" and each of these are so interconnected with all the others it further demonstrates that Tulsi Gabbard is currently under extremely heavy undue influence of Chris Butler.

Since her first breaths in the world, Tulsi has been fed into the worship of Chris Butler the drug trafficking and extremely homophobic cult leader. Few of these cult children ever have a chance to get outside the undue influence of the thought reform and spiritual abuse inherent in serving Butler's megalomania.

This video shows a little of the "Hinduism" within Tulsi's cult: Serve Chris Butler in order to serve God. It is no exaggeration to say Tulsi Gabbard and her father Mike Gabbard's political careers are 100% service to their "Spiritual Master" cult leader Butler.


In this video Tulsi claims Chris Butler "Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa" her guru at 3:45


This is a lecture for members only by Tulsi's cult leader, it is absolutely disgusting:

I was born and raised to worship Chris Butler. I was made to bow onto the floor in his presence just like the young children in this video (note each child bows in full prostration to Chris Butler upon receiving a flower garland from him)


I was excommunicated on orders of Chris Butler for the past ten years with zero contact with my mother, father and little brother. My little brother Laksmana Sudama Peter Ranson lives in Kailua, is Butler's number 1 servant and owns the surf photo company "Oahu Surf Shots". My brother takes all of Tulsi's surfing photos and videos, you will see his company credited for her surfing pictures.

Chris Butler ordered that I be blocked from attending my own fathers funeral in 2008. My mother did block me from attending and also would not even speak to me on the phone after my father died because I offended her God Chris Butler. She is Robyn Ranson.

I only want to expose this cult for what it is. To me it is a disgrace to call it Hinduism as I was never taught about Hinduism being raised in this cult. I was never educated at all being raised in this mind control cult.

I will share one final video from Tulsi herself displaying the absolute mind controlled creepy cult mentality she was raised under as a Hare Krishna under not an Indian but an uneducated Haole from Kailua named Chris.


Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: CarlFig ()
Date: September 30, 2015 01:30AM

Rama Das (slave name) -

extra " in last link should be removed

Civil Beat reports on Tulsi's future plans
Date: September 30, 2015 01:53AM


Gabbard In a GOP President’s Cabinet?

More speculation about the future of the Hawaii congresswoman, should Republicans capture the White House in 2016.

The article also raises speculation that Gabbard will one day run for the U.S. Senate, something she says she is not doing next year, when Brian Schatz is up again.

Final link
Date: September 30, 2015 05:11AM

Thanks CarlFig

The final link in my last post is this:

Tulsi's unlisted cult televangelism.

Lest we forget - flashback to New Orleans, 2015
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: September 30, 2015 09:29PM

So, voters, whom are you actually voting for?

Tulsi Gabbard?

Did Tulsi tell you up front you'd not only be voting her into office, but
also Tulsi Gabbard plus 'extras?'

If Tulsi is raised to higher positions, and she continues to hire inexperienced people based on their ties to her religious sect, what if she has
to function in an emergency with these inexperienced people as her advisors?

What if she appoints one of them to an important position and that person is unqualified to deal with a crisis?

GW Bush had a appointed Michael D. Brown to be FEMA Director - the guy on the spot to cope with disasters.


That is to say, Tulsi Gabbard plus the company she keeps as an adult, plus the same people who dominated her upbringing in childhood?

Let us recall what down in New Orleans ten years ago, during and after Hurricane Katrina.


Now, ten years later this guy has been spotted around Jeb Bush's current election campaign.


Friends, this shows how people appointed by favoritism can remain in occult positions of influence long after their original patron retires from office.

Do we really need another "heckuva job?"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/2015 09:30PM by corboy.

"Not Buddhist, Christian or HINDU truth" remember?
Date: October 01, 2015 07:55PM

Check it my homies. 26 minutes of brutally ignorant monologue from Chris Butler Siddhaswarupananda.

It kicks off with the classic opening line that I was programmed with, hearing this intro thousands of times:

Jagad Guru speaks the truth. Not sectarian truth, not Buddhist, Christian or Hindu truth, but the truth which applies to us all.

This was my only exposure to the word HINDU, I literally had no idea what a Hindu was most of my childhood within a supposedly Hindu religion. CULT! Thought Reform to the maximum right there.

Also note the messianic complex in the phrase "Jagad Guru Chris Butler is a bonafide spiritual teacher coming from a long line of spiritual teachers that originated with God himself."

Last I checked, that "long line" of spiritual teachers only has about 5 dudes in it.

In this video Chris Butler Siddhaswarupananda confuses the crap out of himself as he pummels his own brain attempting to rephrase and drive home the idea that

"IF you want to serve God, he will give you the vision to see that I am his pure representative. Then you can serve me. serving me IS serving God.

The wonderful hits of yesteryear continue. Any familiar faces, anyone? I love the Blonde woman who is barely able to get the first words out of her scripted question which Chris Butler phrases for her as he already knows what she is supposed to ask. The big CON of Chris Butler and his cult is in this video and in this question

"How do I know that you are a bonafide Spiritual Master?"

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