Chris Butler. Dumber Than S***!
Date: September 12, 2015 10:01AM


My comments on the video:

Psyche: The human soul, mind, or spirit.

This is the current definition.
It still does mean the soul, it never ever meant the brain or anything physical. Always ethereal like the soul, mind or spirit. A brilliant word and concept that Jagad Guru Chris Butler has no clue as to the meaning.

Chris Butler also obviously has absolutely no idea the difference between a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist as he realizes there are two similar words and half mumbles them both, hoping his ensuing monologue is still in the correct context. Phew, just pulled that one off, eh Chris?

This kid is barely getting by. Thank god for the mind control.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/2015 10:02AM by Rama Das (slave name).

Chris Butler Banned Videos
Date: September 12, 2015 05:00PM

Chris Butler Banned Videos

Most is from public lectures, but these are much more true to his inner teachings than what is on their official youtube channel. These videos are the lectures and programming all of us Science of Identity Foundation Cult kids were constantly exposed to, forced to watch this insanity 30 minutes at a time or longer and at least once a day. More if you are a “Serious Devotee”. This stuff is beyond disgraceful and completely vapid and ignorant.

Chris Butler relies on slapstick comedy routines or voice tone manipulation. By voice tone manipulation I mean he will be saying the most basic, idiotic thing and slow his delivery to a snails pace, all the while inflecting his voice with manipulative tones of disgust, disapproval, “intelligence”, piousness and affection. Swaying by emotion and inference, not by logic and reason. Certainly not by way of cutting edge fully understood information

updated article
Date: September 13, 2015 05:03AM

Updates to my article Chris Butler Displays Homosexual Proclivities


At 4:00 minutes Chris begins the pornography discussion. Chris Butler constantly spoke in graphic detail about pornography and homosexual sex acts, deriding them. But he was clearly obsessed with them and the fact we were all meant to strive for celibacy and not indulge in sexual intercourse for pleasure, Chris Butler created a dynamic of sexualizing himself to his followers subconsciously. We all adored him and hung off his every word, and we all lived for the moments in his lectures when he would be funny, mean, hateful, vulgar, homophobic or talk in graphic sexual ways. Always discussing these aspects of his talks the most, it gave us all the biggest rush, basically satisfying our most base urges while being engulfed in this mind controlled existence. I speak about it in the past tense because I got myself out of all this crap 20 years ago, but it is all going stronger than ever as we seem to near some inevitable conclusion to the Cult of Chris Butler.

You will notice Chris Butler say “people worship the form of the opposite sex, or the same sex, if they have gone even further into their own perversions.” This is classic homophobic Chris Butler, he just mentions it once here but it is constantly reinforced that homosexuality is the lowest of the low and a sign that the person is the most twisted up and demonic type of person. Disgusting shit taught to the youngest kids.

The youngest kids are exposed to all this graphic sexual discussion, there is no age restriction on any of Chris Butlers vulgar pornographic descriptions of straight and gay sex nor his hateful and vulgar verbal abuse of “faggots”. The followers revel in Chris Butler saying faggot and listing every other homophobic slur he can think of. These lectures are shown to all the children without regard for their young age. I witnessed exactly this at the house of Devaki and Rupa Gibbons when I visited in 2005. I believe they wanted me to join the chant but I never did. It was their daily morning “program” (as referred to within the cult) and lasted about an hour if not more. I stayed the fuck away, did some stretches (real yoga) and blasted “At The Gates” then went skateboarding.

They began their daily “program” with a long kirtan, chanting the prayers, worshipping Krishna and pictures of Chris Butler with multiple prayers written to include “siddhaswarupananda” as the object of praise and worship. This is of course Chris Butler. After plowing through all the prayers they made their young kids sit down and watch a video of Chris on the beach doing his most long winded hateful and vulgar homophobic speech, spending most of the time amusing his cult with his profane homophobic slurs.

The children of Rupa and Devaki Gibbons were all made to watch that, and they had two or three young girls and a young son who was the oldest at about 10 or so. The girls were maybe 3, 5 and 8 roughly. They were all made to sit and watch this entire video. It reminded me of being subjected to the exact same bullshit through my youngest memories and that inspired my to begin posting in 2006 on the Cult Institute forum.

"Girls are forbidden from dressing sexy, forbidden from showing much skin, definitely no bikinis allowed. A fellow “cult kid” ex-member friend of mine born and raised to serve Chris Butler says he has a simple test he performs to see if girls are “IN" or “OUT” of the Butler cult.

Scan their Facebook photos to see if they post pictures of themselves wearing bikinis. Bikini = OUT OF THE CULT!!!"

Chris! Bro, next time you are flipping through a “Muscle Man Magazine”, you know, just for ideas and stuff of course, just double-check your circumference, bro, make sure there is no measurable increase. That’s all we are saying. Scientific.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/13/2015 05:10AM by Rama Das (slave name).

Systematic Child Abuse in the Cult of Butler
Date: September 13, 2015 05:17AM

Watch this recently discovered YouTube video, dozens of kids receive flowers from Chris Butler, are pushed towards Chris Butler by adults and every single kid hits the floor in full prostration upon receiving a flower or garland from Chris Butler.

Ex-devotees quoted on abuse in this article:


Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dabcult ()
Date: September 13, 2015 08:53AM

Why is the above on YOUTUBE
is not using CHRIS BUTLER name it can be easier to come up on a search
and why is there not a good explanation under the video describe to possible new viewers what they are withnissing ?

Same for Rama videos ...why not use the name of Butler ...or Jagad Guru ?
Why ?

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dharmabum ()
Date: September 13, 2015 12:58PM

Thought for 9/11. We just passed the 14th year remembering 9/11. Despite the tragedy, our laws and social politics are still hostage to the guaranteed rights of religious freedom, which is fundamental – as long as we are guided by the Constitution, everyone is allowed freely to live by conscience and his/her chosen doctrine. But as far as awareness is concerned in regards to those that abuse and exploit the above rights (more often from newer and smaller religious groups like SIF), we have not progressed.

Funnily enough, a politician who is deeply involved in a religious cult boldly called up Pres. Obama in regards to a cultic Islamists, ISIS. Her Hinduness Tulsi Gabbard, Hawaii Representative to the U.S. Congress dismissed party protocol, dared to challenge the President to drop down political correctness – identify ISIS for what they really are: Muslim fanatics driven by ideology. The Gabbards are like the Jacksons (Michael’s family) of Hawaii. They are famous for the wrong reason. Father, Mike Gabbard and now daughter, Tulsi, both tried hard to deny being members of controversial Hare Krishna cult, when in fact they are one of the royalties. When people in the know voice this out, they are denounced religious bigots. Lately, Tulsi acknowledged finally.
Contributors to this forum share the same premise that by definition and practice, religious cults are dangerous. There’s no agenda in this forum but genuine concern and to help create awareness about what it is like psychologically to get brainwashed and the pain that causes to people around, more often, family members, because most of us are former members and have suffered a great deal for simply believing in the divine.

If people believe in the divine, that’s their problem; that falls within the constitutional fundamental rights; but those rights cannot be absolute – it cannot be above, let’s say the rights of a child and the separation between the church and the state. Why is it bigotry to question the excesses of the “divine” when it is obvious they exploit, manipulate and destroy people and families; and have political agenda?
What we argue has nothing to do with institutionalized religion. In fact, we've been calling out the Butler cult to come out in the open – discuss openly and intelligently what they pride themselves with as absolute and superior knowledge, but so far those they sent or who volunteered to engage this forum, have nothing but embarrassment.

No one here has all the time in the world and patience to discuss religious doctrines, but to persuade anyone that there should be a distinction or awareness, that between institutional religions and religious cults, more often the dangers are with the latter.

We hold a very important and valid issue that laws and politics often ignore. Our fight is specific to the Butler cult, but the fight is a microcosm of the whole cult issue. 9/11 is a reminder of that. It does not happen all the time, but when it does, it's always brutal; oftentimes, the children are the victims, then it tears apart our collective humanity, only to be forgotten again.
If you're a parent and is not disturbed by the video below, political correctness then may have replaced religious cult as the new menace.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/13/2015 01:03PM by dharmabum.

Praise the Lord and Pass the bong.
Date: September 14, 2015 01:57AM

Chris Butler bashes the Christian God

Recently recovered YouTube video of the Gabbard family showing their devotion to a moron:

Social media reaction to Chris Butler, the moron:

...Praise the Lord and Pass the bong.

...I suppose it is whether lying about religion to get elected is acceptable.

...You mean like the Republicans who use "family values" and "Christian values" rhetoric to get elected but who cheat on their wives or abuse their children or get married numerous times

...Wow that dude is really high

...I have no idea who Tulsi Gabbard is, or why I'm supposed to dislike her. Apparently her parents were present when some guy performed some lame religious comedy, but why should I care about that?

...If I were a christian, I'd probably more concerned with how that dude (presumably) misrepresented my religion, than whether somebody's parents were around when that happened.

...You're reading way to much into some guy making shitty jokes while he's probably high.

...No idea is sacred and above mockery. Humor often arises from the juxtaposition of incongruous ideas. For instance: We are made in the image of a disembodied being with no image, or The all good god sends billions of people to burn eternally in Hell. These can easily become the subject of criticism through humor.

...Concern about someone being in a cult that overly controls that person's thoughts, contacts, and conduct is legitimate. Concern that the person has a background in a group critical of Christianity I find less so. Non-Christians need not treat Christianity as sacred and above criticism, even mocking criticism.

...If she was just going to lie about her religion to garner votes or support, why would she pick Hinduism? Pretty much any other religion would offer a larger reservoir of voters and contributors.

...Flash, I checked out these people’s website ( and it’s about world peace and happiness and stuff like that. It’s cool, bro. No worries.

...Ah yes, she must be going after that crucial Hindu vote. I hear they make up almost half a percent of the population...

...Why should someone be held accountable for what they were born into? Seems like she grew up, changed her thinking and dropped the cult. I think they should welcome her with open arms. Also, she's smokin' hot ;)

Carl Figueroa wrote:
What a moron!
How can anybody become his "devotee" ?????

Dabcult wrote:
Mike Gabbard once told that he would take legal actions ...against the newspapers of Hawaii if they dare to say that he was a member of the Chris Butler cult ....Here is the proof ladies and gentleman see Mike and his wife Carol with big smiles thinking that the stupid jokes of Chris Butler are sooooo funny .Butler did not and does not understand anything about mystical Christianity of of the like of San Francis of Asisis or Santa Theresa of Avila ...And Mike could not care less because he is an ignorant idiot ....when is guru told him to make speeches against gay and lesbians he just did it ...But he got a good job ...senator ...of Hawaii ...all elections paid and organise by the cult .....better than his previous job as a veggie burger flipper or a air conditioner repairman.....and now Tulsi making $100,000 a year when 8 years ago all she had was a massage licence in the state of Hawaii ...It pays to lick the but of Butler ...and Mike and Carol knows it

Rama wrote:
Gee, I guess that makes Mike Gabbard, Carol Gabbard AND Chris Butler RELIGIOUS BIGOTS!


Re: Does Chris Butler enjoy Playgirl magazine and "Muscle Men Magazines"?
Posted by: Satyagraha das ()
Date: September 15, 2015 05:54AM

Rama, I have been reluctant to ascribe Chris' homophobia to his fear of his own homo-erotic impulses. But upon listening to the audio clip you shared, certain things occur to me. At 3:05, Chris talks about how a devotee will have a magazine with pictures of Krishna while the atheistic hedonist might have a magazine devoted to images of men or women. It is clear his model of human psychology is that we have tendencies towards what he calls "perversions" and that we have to actively repress these yearnings by strictly focussing upon Krishna, thereby suppressing our perverse lusts.

It does sound to me that Chris is talking from his own struggle to repress homosexual desires. And his devotees are clearly titillated by the naughtiness of the subject under discussion.

Re: Praise the Lord and Pass the bong.
Posted by: Satyagraha das ()
Date: September 15, 2015 06:28AM

While the video clip of Butler making fun of the Christian God is awkward for the political alliance Chris was trying to forge, through Mike Gabbard and Rick Reed, with Christian fundamentalists, conservative Catholics and the Mormons, I think his criticisms of the Christian conception of God are fair. One can almost hear echoes of Thomas Paine, who cited Bible passages about the cruel nature of the Judeo-Christian God to suggest those descriptions sound more like a description of the Devil than a benevolent God.

Of course, Chris was trying to move people from a Judeo-Christian conception of God to his version of Krishna where everybody gets "pleasure" from serving Krishna or, more practically, by obeying the dictates of Krishna's representative on Earth, Siddha. As the Church Lady used to say, "Isn't that convenient!"

So while I think it is valuable to keep alive these videos, against the persistent effort of the Butler-bots to suppress them, I suggest we might give more thought to WHY this viewpoint is bad rather than rely upon a backlash from conservative Christians to do our work for us.

Mike, of course, dealt with the conflict displayed in the video between devotion to Butler and Chris disrespect for Christian beliefs by publicly pretending to be a practicing Catholic and denying being "a member" of Science of Identity. This video caused him some discomfort when it was made public a number of years ago.

Tulsi has taken a more sophisticated path, disclosing she was a "Hindu," but only after she first secured the Democratic nomination for Congress. It was only with the videotaped greeting she sent to the Calcutta ceremony honoring ACB that she publicly announced she is a devotee of Chris. Mike's lie was just too blatant and he lived in fear of exposure. Not unlike a closeted gay. Tulsi has lifted that burden from herself and we have to fashion a more sophisticated critique against her and her devotion to Chris than we had to against Mike's lies.

"Pam Ho" appears willing to admit Siddha is a bit of a nutjob and that ACB a bit of a crank, with his misogyny, his denial of the landing on the moon and maybe even by his insistence upon his infallibility. Pam also is willing, at least on this forum, if not on Civil Beat, that SOI is a "cult."

So I cannot believe "Pam Ho" is either a devotee of Chris or of ISKCON, pretending to have minor criticisms of those two flawed gurus in order to gain some credibility from us. It is my sense that "Pam Ho" was once a devotee, perhaps not of Chris, but of ISKCON, rose to a fairly high level, was one of those who wanted to build unity between the various strands of the Gaudiya Vaishnavist movement and still is trying to play that role.

Pam is not willing to be honest on certain points. First, she claims Chris never claimed to be anything other than just another guru, co-equal with his god-brothers. That is blatantly false. She also claims Chris and Mike and Tulsi have been upfront about what they are trying to do, politically. That is also blatantly false. They have tried to remain in the shadows for years. The succession of Butlerite politicians have all lied about their relationship to Butler using almost identical language: "I am not a member" of SOI. I am too independent for any organized religion, etc. And they have persecuted former members who have tried to share the group's secrets with the "karma" world, as well as tried to erase history. Look at how they have used the courts and the threat of lawsuits to suppress the historical record of photos and documents exposing their past practices.

Despite her independence from ISKCON and SOI, Pam Ho seems to be very eager for Tulsi to become a powerful politician, perhaps in part as a repudiation of the sexist denigration of women by both ACB and Chris Butler. There is a perverse logic at work here. Easy to understand as psychology. But not intellectually honest as theology or politics. Tulsi has risen where she has through the financial and human resources directed by the petty dictator Siddha swarup. She has followed his orders and consulted with him at each step of her career. Pam wants to reward his efforts to gain more power, influence and prestige for the private satisfaction of the irony that it is a woman who attains high office and elevates the prestige of Gaudiya Vaishnavism.

That is warped. I expect Pam is lurking and reading these comments. I also hope she attempts to provide an honest response.

VIDEO of BUTLER saying I am God's representative, SERVE ME!
Date: September 15, 2015 10:34AM

Chris Butler - "Serve me = serve GOD"

Chris Butler says "I am the representative of god, others are false. Serve me, and then you will be serving God."

He says this on video, probably aired on television at times.

This is the big lie and how the cult members are locked in believing Chris Butler is the only "pure representative of god."

This man has a messianic complex.

This man is a mind controlling authoritarian abusive cult leader. This man received the proceeds of a global tens of million dollar drug trafficking empire run by his loyal and brainwashed followers who believe all of this.

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