Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: May 19, 2015 05:24AM

happiness, is just a chant away E-e-e-everything is great!E-e-e-everything is great!hapiness, is just a chant away

Harry Roberts, Harry Roberts, Roberts Roberts, Harry Harry

A song by Chumbawamba (Harry Roberts I believe was a football hooligan who beat up a bunch of cops in England)


Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: May 19, 2015 05:30AM

final 2 minutes of song has the Maha Mantra parody, don't miss it

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: May 19, 2015 05:38AM

Rama Das (slave name) Wrote:
> I drive a taxi in SF still and I randomly gave a
> ride to a journalist from PBS in San Diego, I told
> her about the story and she gave me her card and
> would be back in september and asked if I'd want
> to do an interview about it. I said yeah and I
> will definitely send her all the articles.
> This whole thing just seems marked with pretty
> unbelievable coincidences like this, just the fact
> for my own case that it all broke in New Zealand
> is a massively positive thing for me as it shed so
> much light on it, people who new us our whole
> lives but not in the group are really blown away
> and very disturbed by this but it has been a
> magnificent outpouring of love and support for me
> from just the most amazing people ever. It forges
> very strong and healing bonds, still in total
> suspended belief.

Yes, remarkable coincidences. You might also email the PBS lady with the link to the YouTube video about Wai Lana's PBS yoga videos:

Rama, if you wish to communicate with others privately you should check your message mailbox.


Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: May 19, 2015 06:04AM

Flash, thank you so much, I appreciate that motivation very very deeply.

Only realized Acharya/Tibby was at my Dad's funeral a few days ago. My relative kept talking about a freaky cult leader guy who was running the show then something clicked and I showed them the vid and they were like "that's him!"

My relative was very offended by him as he said my dads death was like God reaching down and stopping his heart. I draw NO quarter for these disgusting pieces of shameful filth, that dude pissed me off being a complete d##khead to me as a kid, then that.

I have nothing much to base anything on but sure seems like Tibby is almost the new leader, at the very least the official #2 guy, the new Tusta Krishna das.
It is just how he is running everything in NZ and also his extremely strange ego tripping cult leader vibe he exudes in those vids. If you look at the SoI youtube all videos page, it is almost like Tibby got control of it as previousluy it was only old Chris Butler stuff, then at a certain point it is nothing but Tibby, literally 30 vids of him.

Also some of his videos have essays or transcriptions signed "By Acharya Das" that are so long winded and dense. I have never seen anything lectures or literature put out by them that was not purely Butlers words.
You could not get Tusta essays or lectures, just if he showed up you listened to him speak but never were his lectures distributed.

Tibby has seemingly assumed that role that until now ONLY Butler could fill, the one handing down cult philosophy and "wisdom" was only Butler but now it's Tibby.

Of course it might be Butler as usual on the inside, but the last I know, he was alive in 2003 as I was invited to his chant "If I wasn't a drug addict" I shoulda said "No worries, I only traffick it." "Okay, Haribol, mate, let's go!"

And in 2005 I saw the most recent picture of him, looking like an aborted bald fetus with bandages all around his freezing dome and bandages around his mike for some reason.

Surely by now IF Butler is even still alive he is little more than a bed ridden shut in, Tibby and Bowler and crew are probably doing a lot of this crap behind his back, explaining their level of blasé and total disregard for the reputation of the group bringing Bowler straight back in, just trying to work it for all it's worth.

Analyze my Sarcasm:

Villa Getaways would never be a front for drug money Laundering, as they would never dream of getting seemingly unconnected individual members to purchase large Villas around the world with portions of said drug money.
This would not be productive as Villas are very expensive and it would take far less building purchases to take alleged drug money and reinvest it into these buildings, getting illicit money into the real world as an asset.
Of course they would never do this because I trust these guys, we all worship krishna and would never do these things.

I know for a FACT that once they had random members across the world owning these Villas for them, they could NEVER find a way for all these villa owners to partner with Villa Getaways, it would be too far a stretch.

Even if miraculously all these villas were now rentable for high prices on the Villa Getaways website, they would NEVER leave these villas sitting empty all the while recording brilliant profits as these Villas are booked out solid by wealthy invisible people who don't seem to exist.

This would not be the perfect front for an elaborate money laundering scam. I know this is completely impossible, especially considering the impeccable character of these individuals.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: May 19, 2015 08:48AM

Chris Butler is very much alive and well, still residing in Lanikai. He is firmly in control of all of his puppets including Allan Tibby. Love your sarcasm of Patrick Bowler and Villagetaways.


Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: May 19, 2015 11:24AM

Again, many thanks Rama, keep it coming!
Make sure and mention to the PBS lady that Wai Lana’s videos can be viewed at, well, PBS! PBS is helping to support an evil destructive cult.
Also mention that Tulsi (I am Hindu) Gabbard still has not come clean about her cult ties.

Anyone care to show up with video cam in hand for this amusing little
get-together: “If you would like to meet Allan Tibby, attend this upcoming 5 Day Kirtan Yoga Retreat in Hawaii by Radha Kauai May 30th -June 5th 2015”

or buy one of his Eco villages

He is a Hindu too...... !!
PS: if you buy an eco-condo now, Tibbey will send you 2 kilos of fresh toenails!

“Harry Roberts -Harry Roberts -Harry Roberts "

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dharmabum ()
Date: May 19, 2015 03:27PM

It’s very uplifting to hear back from you, Rama. Yes, after 300 pages and it’s now 268,361 views — must be giving Prabhufraud nightmares. Just imagine, 10 years ago there were no info on the internet about the Butler cult and now the mainstream media are quoting, and you’re on one — bigtime, kid. We are The Bible of the anti-Butler cult. It was a wild ride, I’m glad you’re doing fine. Parents like yours, the Gabbards, the Bishops and entire Haribol households are the most dysfunctional parenthood the world could have — taking away the humanity of their children as their guru took away theirs. This is the crime that the law and society don’t see in religious cults and not very keen taking on. Remember, we are in the front seat of this sociological problem; it’s only us who could see and genuinely care about the psychological damage and bruises the cult brings to families, especially to the children, in the guise of ancient wisdom and imaginary line of divine authority. If only the children in the cult can be just as half brave as you, there can be a revolution. Welcome back, kiddo.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: May 19, 2015 09:49PM

This is an important moment.

The world has been given an important lesson about
the way a secretive and elitist group (Scientology) has
controlled the lives of top movie stars, selected spouses for
them, surrounded them with Scientologist handlers, minders,
entourage members, provided cheap labor via low ranking
Scientology members.

And how Scientology interfered within marriages and prescribed childrearing

And that so powerful a woman as Nicole Kidman used
disposable phones to arrange her own escape from
Scientology's Model Marriage.

Tulsi has a chance to speak up and -- re-educate America.

Americans are generous when people step forward and tell the

We are ready to give people a second chance when they tell us
what they have done to us, because of what has been done to them.

America knows about 'stage parents' who use their children as
as action figures to enact the parents own desires.


Tulsi, you can enlighten all of America.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/19/2015 10:18PM by corboy.

Glad You are Back Rama
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: May 19, 2015 10:34PM

Hi Rama!

I remember you posting about how your once cool Dad got lost to the cult. I remember your painful post after he died. Glad you are doing well and that there is a journalist with balls enough to report on Mr Butler's racket.

Besides all the heavy lifting Flash, Henry and others are doing with their research and reports, it's going to take the younger generation to bust Butler. People like you and SHYAM DODGE are the first out of the gates. I know there are a lot more "kult kids" out there with a lot to say. Maybe they have figured some things out.

What is important is to provide specific information about the cult and show how an individual's decision-making power gets taken away. How did your parents give away a prosperous business to work as a personal cook to an asshat guru?! That was the worst and most high pressure job. More than one cook has become suicidal.

Not everyone is too far gone. You are an example of that. Your voice is important because many can't come forward to complain... the non-verbal boy with autism who was neglected and ended up sexually abused in a group home so his bitch mother could serve Butler full time. the kid who still has strong family ties in the cult.
...or is too indoctrinated and ignorant of the real world.

While everyone knew that Patrick/Paramahamsa was a big time drug dealer with free access to Butler every time he swooped into town, most were not aware of the details. Remember that the majority of followers were escaping drugs. They even heard Butler admonish Patrick about dealing. All part of the grand ruse. Even high placed devotees are not always privy to how money was moved, and were discouraged from asking where it came from...

On this forum, former members have helped to unravel how people are manipulated and controlled in this cult. So all the stories and accounts of how deception, emotional and psychological manipulation is cultivated are important.

I know you have thought a lot about how your Dad got involved with the cult.

Most current and newly recruited members have no idea about the history of the cult, so your personal story is very important. Maybe it will embolden others.

Thanks for coming back.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: May 19, 2015 11:28PM

This is an important moment.
The world has been given an important lesson about the way a secretive and elitist group
(Scientology) has controlled the lives of top movie stars, selected spouses for them,
surrounded them with Scientologist handlers, minders, entourage members,
provided cheap labor via low ranking Scientology members...

And how Scientology interfered within marriages and prescribed childrearing methods...

Tulsi has a chance to speak up and -- re-educate America.
Americans are generous when people step forward and tell the truth.
We are ready to give people a second chance when they tell us what they have done to us, because of what has been done to them.

> Tulsi, you can enlighten all of America.


I agree completely.

In my opinion:

Tulsi could lose the next election over this scandal. And Butler would think nothing of destroying her career to maintain his secret identity and power.
She is really poised to (potentially) become a good leader by fessisng up that she really is not "from France". (I really cracked up at that Flash).
remain a GREAT TOOL (and not in a good way) that perpetuates a destructive cult.

BTW ~ Got a kick out of the Tom Leher riff about the "Old Dope Peddler".
We need modern parodies like that for Butler to the tune of the The Vatican Rag
Where's just googling when we need him!?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/19/2015 11:57PM by Vera City.

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