Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dabcult ()
Date: September 19, 2012 02:35AM


We have seen in Tulsi and Mike and other candidates of the Butler clan money coming from who knows where ? Mr Vantura explain how the money games in American politics is played ....its similar to the cult money games in many respects

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: September 19, 2012 10:02AM


1 Scientology stories of ZANU coming on EARTH with oter extraterstial beings millions ago on a 747 look a like plane and destroying civilisations of the times

2.Joseph Smith (who seal to himself 23 brides to be with him in the after life ) being the one to restore the truth church of Jesus Chrish ......and now the church is rebabtising millions of dead people in absentia
thinking that acepting Joseph Smith Mormonisim will liberated them from cosmic prisons where they are supposevely
emprison right now .....its that crasy ....and Mitt Romney beleive all that BS

3- Chris Butler trip to the white light and hearing the voice of Krishna ...and then claiming to be JAGAD GURU
the new and improve PRABHUPAD..... a man that say eat my toe nails and you will be purified

ITS all ......beleive .....beleive ....beleive ...because we say so
and many do just that ............the blind following the blind

LOL! So it looks like the common denominator is that some "extraterrestial" type being
has given each cult leader a special vision, mission, and strange practices...
1) The science fiction fantasy "Zenu" appeared to LRon
2) The "Moronic" Angel appeared to Mr Smith
3) The fairy tale blue boy "Krishna" appeared to Young Butler

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: September 19, 2012 10:10AM


We have seen in Tulsi and Mike and other candidates of the Butler clan money coming from who knows where ? Mr Ventura explains how the money games in American politics is played ....its similar to the cult money games in many respects

This is absolutely shocking. I was not aware of the Supreme Court's decision. What this explains is that there is no way to legally challenge where the money comes from to elect a candidate. So Butler's followers around the world can create a Super Pac without scrutiny. Any country or any cult with enough money can bribe and buy an election. A few years ago this was highly illegal...

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dabcult ()
Date: September 19, 2012 11:39AM


This link explain it even better VERA dear is shocking and absolutly undemocratic and Mitt Romney the Mormon cult member is getting more of that money than OBAMA
The Mormon church is the RICHEST CULT in the world it ask 10% of the gross of each member salary to be a member in good standing (wonder where BUTLER got his 25% idea ?)

That super cult would do anything to have a MORMON president as BUTLER little cult would do anything to get TULSI in coingress

This would be an absolute NO NO here in Canada

And there is much more if you go on youtube and search for" buying election in the USA"

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dabcult ()
Date: September 19, 2012 11:42AM



Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dabcult ()
Date: September 19, 2012 11:51AM

How does 17 millions mormons beleives such science fiction stories ?


Its the same process as the few thousands people that beleive that BUTLER is a pure devotee of Krishna .Remember BUTLER heard GOD voice one time when he was in the white light under the influencer of LSD
And he got riches ..adoration and probably good sex with WAI LANA
who distribute her husband toe nail clippings as holy communion

and they even got a member of the cult nearly in congress ...crasy hey ?

open letter to Tulsi Gabbard
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: September 20, 2012 05:41AM

Open Letter To Tulsi Gabbard:

Please come clean publicly using the mainstream media regarding your background and upbringing in a controversial and secretive cult. The voters have a right to know who is really representing them and what are their true beliefs. How independent are you from this cult? What have you promised to do in exchange for the cults free labor and financial support?

I know you do not view the religious practices of your upbringing as a cult and I don't really care if you believe in Jesus, Mohamed, the angel Moroni, or Pinocchio's Blue Fairy. All I want is that you tell the truth, since it is supposedly a way of life for you to do so. I support your efforts to label GMO foods, but will you sell out to the big corporations when you come into power if your guru says so? What is your guru asking you to do once you get in power?

People who knew your father before he was a politician did not get a sense he was a raging homophobic until it was pushed by Chris Butler for him to think in this way. Your father had to change his tune and party just to stay politically alive. It cost him his reputation and business. Rick Reed lost his reputation and political career because he followed Butler's orders. What will happen to you if you are asked to do something unethical? Will you blindly follow Butler because you are beholding to the cult?

Real people, good people, concerned people, want to know the truth. There is no smelly rat or demon or political opponent here that wants to destroy you with these questions. Innocent constituents who are counting on your campaign promises need to know the whole truth about you. We all know here that the "Missionary School" is just a coverup euphemism for Butler's gurukula or Krishna school and that it is not Hindu at all. We all know that Butler himself pushed your parents into politics and got followers to get all fired up on hurtful anti-gay campaigns. How will you be any different as Butler pushes his agenda on you?

You claim to be different than your father. Does this difference include the ability to think independently from your cult?

You do realize that once elected you will no longer need Butler and his supporters to get elected in Hawaii. Will you be able to break through all the conditioning of your youth and use this independence wisely?

Napoleon Hill
"Falsehood does evermore have a way of publishing itself."

It is virtually impossible to conceal the truth forever. It is the natural order of things that the truth will eventually come out. This single fact is the foundation of our judicial system and the basis on which all human relationships are formed. A business, professional, or personal relationship built upon a lie cannot long endure, but one that is founded on truth and equality of benefit for the participants is unlimited. Make it a practice to tell the truth in all that you do — even when it doesn’t matter — and you will form a habit of truthfulness. You will know instinctively that it is better to tell the truth and face the consequences than to launch a falsehood that will eventually make itself known to the world.

Tulsi, the truth is coming out one way or another. Make is easier on yourself, don't wait. Transparency and honesty are marks of good leadership. Read your own Bhagavad Gita on leadership. Arjuna was never advised to be secretive or hide his agenda. In fact, everyone on the battlefield of Kurukshetra could see Krishna right there by his side advising him. Why is Butler hiding and why do you tolerate it? What is your guru advising you to do when elected?

If you are disturbed, angry, or upset by these questions, then you need to seriously look in the mirror.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dabcult ()
Date: September 20, 2012 04:06PM

Dear Vera
I have posted most of your letter under one of my video
Very intelligently written also with heart and compassion.
If TULASI ever say that she is a disciple of Chris Butler ......then the questions would come flying ...questions like
Do you approve of BUTLER disciples eating his toe nail clippings as a holy communion ?
Do you approve of your guru taking 25% of his disciples income ...and feeding no one ...and building no HINDU temples ? Was not his own guru Swami Bhaktivedanta a man that feed millions of plates of food to the poors of INDIA ?
Why is he hiding in his homes of LANAKAI...and not showing his face in public for so many years ? Is it because he is bald and wrinkels and not looking at all like those YOUTUBE videos dated 1985?
You ask forgiveness from the gay community ...when will your father MIKE that is pouring so much money and effort in your candidacy ...also apologise to the gay community ?
Or are you trying to keep the left (PRO CHOICE ) and the extreme right( ANTI GAY MARRIAGES) spectrum of politic in the same famaly?
Who really gave you permission to call yourself HINDU the branch that worship blue god Krishna ....and his girlfriend Radha ....while he was at the same time merried to 10,000 womens...and came to EARTH 5000 years ago ....?Who told you all that ?
Someone ...somewhere might soon ask you those questions on the steps of the congress of the United state of America.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dabcult ()
Date: September 20, 2012 05:07PM

NOTICE THE SIMILARITIES >>>>>BUTLER WANTS HIS DEVOTEES TO MERRY EXCLUSIVELY IN THE CULT >>>SAI BABA >>>MADE IT EVEN MORE COMPLEX AND he was a pedophiles that also sexually abuse the ofsprings of his disciples
How Sathya Sai Baba entered households
Posted on September 20, 2012 by srikanthuppuluri
Sathya Sai Baba needed devout families to serve him, adore and worship him. He also always ensured that this happen for generations of that family, since he wished to not fade into oblivion.
It is best explained how Sathya Sai Baba entered households, divided and then ruled in those families perhaps by the example of what occured in my own family.

I come from a devout Hindu Brahmin family.

My parents are a devout couple and together they worshipped Lord Venkateshwara.
That apart, for any and every Hindu festival, they worshipped the respective deities with total devotion.
Apart from being devout, they were also very orthodox in their outlook. They believed in Jap, Tap, Fasts, Achar e.t.c. to the nth degree.
The first programmes on television that my father introduced to us were the epic serials in Hindi – Mahabharat and Ramayan. Otherwise the television set did not have much purpose for my father.

After my sister (who is the eldest) completed her medical education, that is became a Doctor, we looked out for matrimonial alliances for her.
As is the thinking in conservative and traditional families, my parents were clear that what they needed was someone of character and God fearing and devoted. Money and position being secondary.

In the Sathya Sai Baba circles, when it comes to getting their sons or daughters married, there is this habit of the Sai devotees asking Sai Baba through letters as to whom they need to marry.

The devotees innoncently think that Sai Baba will recommend another family which is also devoted to him. There lies the fault – the innocence of the devotees.

In order to increase the number of people who are bought into the Sai faith, Sathya Sai Baba recommends to them a family that is NOT in the Sai Baba circle.

Once the marriage is done and the couple beget a child, Sai Baba through his mind manipulative techniques, asks one side of that family to divorce the other side. He attributes this to karma and tells them it is good for them.
He also ensures that after the divorce, the husband and wife who have become ex-es remarry someone else.

Using the above process, it is easy to see that using just 1 party that was devoted, he created 3 families which begin to have the Sai Baba photo in their households.

In the case of my sister, her husband was devoted (read having a photo in his house) to Sai Baba. He requested that she being a Doctor join Sai Baba’s hospital and serve him and also leave their kid in the Sai Baba school.

During this process, Sathya Sai Baba, through various messages and brain washing techniques caused conflicts between the husband and wife and finally convinced my sister to divorce her husband.

In this manner, Sathya Sai Baba tried to enter our household and tried to become the God in the family.

He also ensured that his devotees, that is my ex- brother in laws side got remarried to ensure the further proliferation of the Sai community.

In this entire process and mind game, Sathya Sai Baba puts up an appearance of a problem solver and supporter in times of trouble. He becomes a hero in the mind of these families who think that he will solve their problem. Little do they know that he is the cause of the problem itself.

Typically ladies get super impressed by his brain washing techniques of having everyone think highly of him and his lotus feet and his sweet voice e.t.c.

They do not know that behind all this is a diabolical personality ever scheming and thinking how to use people, how to spread his tentacles e.t.c.

Little do the innoncent ladies, who are used only to beget Sai children, know that their Sai Baba can be such a terrible person in reality

Sai baba also employs marital rapes in some cases to both torture individuals as well as beget children through them. In India, laws regarding marital rapes are still in their nascent stage. Moreover several women do not report them.

The Sai students can quiz their single parents and check on what happened in their lives if possible. Typically the parents do not share their grief periods and such details.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: September 21, 2012 12:42AM

Thanks dabcult.

More Open Letter to Tulsi:

Tulsi, we on this forum all know how serious and influential Mr. Butler has been in the life of your whole family. You may even say he is inspirational. We all know that he has advised and managed your father's career for decades and perhaps yours as well. When I think of all the good past and present political leaders, they were open about whom and what inspired them to greatness. Their successes reflected good on who or what inspired and motivated them. My question to you is why do you hide your guru?

Why do you keep his influence such a big secret? Why can't this be public knowledge if it is such a great thing? Don't you think that if he is so great that you could share it with every town and village? Or is it that his influences are undue and his and practices are inappropriate?

Are you fearful that if exposed, people will not vote for you? Are you protecting your guru? Or is it that your guru is fearful that his enemies and "demons" will find him and try to kill him?

Do you feel elite and better than the rest of the world? Do you feel that your constituents do not have the spiritual understanding that you and your guru have? Or do you feel a benevolent condescension towards your constituency; that you are running for office to save them? Why all the subterfuge and secrecy around your comrades who chant and worship Butler together?

We on this forum are well aware of how Butler has financed and run the campaigns of his followers. Are you using the democratic process to further the goals of your guru rather than the people of Hawaii?

Or do you feel that the people of Hawaii don't know what is best for them but your guru does? Do you see your candidacy as a service to your guru and therefore to all mankind? If so, then share the benevolence and be honest about his influence. Or do you believe that he is a Christ-like figure who will be crucified by the Romans if you reveal anything about him? Do you believe that Butler will be assassinated by people who do not agree with him?

The main concern we have on this forum is that Butler has exerted undue influence and control over the political lives of his followers. We believe that a person under the influence of mind control is not the best leader. In my view, I do not care what a person believes. I care about how they will act based on those beliefs. If your actions are good and inspired by the teachings of your guru, then let us know what they are specifically. How much of your actions are your own and how much are due to your guru?

I want my leaders to be honest and open minded to other points of view. I want a leader who is dedicated to democracy and not to some hidden theocracy or some secretive or paranoid cult leader. Other religiously or spiritually motivated politicians openly credit their influences. Why not you?

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