Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: June 23, 2012 09:23PM

Lets not attack each other personally. Its against the rules of the message board.

And it would give Tulsi and the other Butlerites too much pleasure to see us going at each other.

Its easy to get anguished and angry when some of us want to have a civil marriage and are not allowed to do so. Or who live in areas where homophobic hate crimes go ignored in schools or on the streets.

Homophobia affects all of us, no matter who we are. Too many children are kept in line, bullied by each other with homophobic accusations. Politicians, school administrators and parents who refuse to face this allow bullying to begin and continue in shools.

Women and girls who refuse unwanted male attention are often accused of being homosexual (or have the B word thrown at them)

Men who do not conform to the immature stereotypes of this society often has homophobic slurs thrown them.

This said, homophobia kills. If politicians and school administrators are homophobic that affects whether they give a damn about bigotry prevention and civil marriage equality or allow these issues to be voted down or for bills to die in transit

But all this said, let us be kind and polite to each other whilst debating, no matter how pissed off and scared we are that someone might win public office.

It would give the Butlerites too much pleasure to see us ripping at each other.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: June 23, 2012 09:37PM

To whom it may concern:

Please avoid personal attacks.

Focus on the topic.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dabcult ()
Date: June 23, 2012 11:37PM

FLashlight on a roach

Please make sure your facebook account is OK

CIVIL BEAT assure me that they do not delete postings ........and they are not deleting mine .......and I am going all out after the cult on CIVIL BEAT

i have several discussions going on the first page (little box on the right )of civil beat and could use your good brain and any of your good comments

I would like to see VERA intelligent comments ...ATHEIST included

I write there most day now ....mostly under the article "TULSI JOURNEY LEFTWARD" and also under the most recent one about TULSI being up in the poles..

I think ATHEIST you had a good point wanting this forum to listen to the responses of questions put of TULSI( I am sorry of my response to you )

But we all know that at this point that the poor girl is so deep into the cult....tons of money the cult as invested in her (she is being groom by experts in communication and even possibly receiving direct mind control hypnosis sessions by BUTLER ...who knows ?
Parents and friends with all that expectation' "A FIRST BUTLER CULT REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS" ..... contributors got their padded envelops full of cash possibly distributed by BUTLER and his minions ....just give one to Vrindavan and another one to Carol ...and always make sure its not coming from the cult.

Maybee there is a small part in her subconscious mind that would like to run away ....saying "I am 31 now ...Dad and Butler have control my life
for a very long time and they absolutely guided me wrong IN THE CULT ARRANGE TAMAYO marriage ....they made my heart hurt and rob me of my possibility of me having a healthy sex life and a famaly of my own "

But the biggest part of her consciousness cannot jump ship ....she is in to deep for now ..if she win even more

She is in deep psychological shit if she believe that MR UNIVERS is God representative guiding her to glory.
But there is also TULASI that must make $$$ and thats the path that the GABBARD are on .....they got that well oil political machine at her service now ......and the show must go on .
Mike Gabbard was a veggie burger flipper . an air conditioner repair man ......a rejected servant of BUTLER at one time and now ...people call him MR sweet is that when he could be still in SAMOA a forgotten man
It as work for him .......all that money invested by Butler and his followers sent him to a place far far away from flipping burgers at DOWN TO EARTH

Butler got MIKE by the balls now .....the Gabbards have no choice but to say "YES MASTER" they are the chosen few who got positions and powers
while the other little cult members are sweating in the obscurity of BUTLER entreprises him their 25%
so that TULSI get the best make over possible ......and keep the charade going .

Her adversary MUFI a big GORILLA like men DISPISE by so many for distibuting contracts to his friends a man part of the Hawaii Mormon mafia (another right wing organisation) is helping BUTLER in an indirect way .


Exactly the contrary of of the 2004 election for the same seat when ED CASE .....was for Gay bashing.. and DEAD againts .abortion right.

I think that some more drastic combat stategies will have to be put in place to expose the cult .....I AM THINKING ABOUT IT.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: June 24, 2012 04:42AM

Creating hurdles in Tulsi Gabbard’s run for congress is just one way to expose Chris Butler. Dabcult has the right idea by also airing the dirty laundry of the more vulnerable Mike Gabbard. It is likely that both Gabbards will never recover from the public humiliation (if and when some serious journalist does his/her job).

But, there is another way to fight the “cancer” of this cult and that is to cut off their blood supply - which in this case is money. The money flows in from three primary sources: 1 - contributions, 2 - tithing (from new and existing devotees), and 3- cult operated businesses like Down to Earth. I am working on plans for all three and really need some help. My ideas include the loss of non-profit status at Science of Identity Foundation which could result in charges of tax fraud plus IRS audits of contributors, and certainly a huge drop in future contributions. Also, the disruption of cult recruiting by targeting their methods might be possible. Lastly, letting the public and government know about each and every cult business might significantly impact their income.

These are my questions for all you knowledgeable people:
Who besides Jeannie Bishop is involved in Science of Identity Foundation and likely breaking the law by contributing to political campaigns and otherwise misusing “church” funds?
Is there a way to undermine their ability to call themselves a church or a sect of Hare Krishna, the Hindu faith, etc.? I’ve heard mention of ISKON and can they disown Butler publicly?
How and where do they recruit? Do they attend yoga classes at the YMCA, misuse the public parks like Waimanalo and Kailua Beach Park, recruit customers of cult businesses, endanger young people, etc.?
Employment practices at Down to Earth allegedly involve kick-backs of salary, discrimination, restrictions on personal life, unorthodox food preparation, etc. Please give me details or point me in the right direction. I’ll also need a complete list of cult business and cult members.

Thomas Jefferson said information is the currency of a democracy, and information about Cult Butler is going to cut off the flow of currency to his “Cultocracy”.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Vera City ()
Date: June 24, 2012 08:58AM

I was not able to tolerate the whole video of Tulsi. Politics is very boring. I understand your questions about it. She publicly apologized for her statements against the Gay and Lesbian community. She was very polished and slick like any politician. It is very, very difficult for a regular person to know how much she is influened by a cult or not. Voters always hope and pray the truth is being told, and are usually disappointed. With her background, being raised in a secretive cult with a successful political father, it is even more difficult to see what is what.
It still baffles me how much the media is ignoring. Perhaps it is ignorance of how cults work.

My personal impression, while she is very beautiful and poised and saying all the right things to get elected, there is something distant and cold about her. The cult culture encourages a certain indifference about others. They teach that the good and bad that comes to a person is due to their karma. They are taught that the only good you can do for another is to get them to chant and serve the guru. It is Butler who is having all the fun manipulating his followers in the political arena. It could very well be that he knew the winds of change were coming and that his candidates could no longer win on a conservative platform.

It is known that she was raised in a cult and continues to get financial support from known cult members.
Many have reported how Butler micro-managed every one of his followers political campaings. Documents have been posted that prove the Gabbard's level of submission to Butler. Given all of this, can Tulsi Gabbard be trusted? People in the media need to dig deeper.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: June 24, 2012 12:17PM

This is a very in-depth article regarding just who is giving Tulsi money with many cross references.
A large majority of these donations do indeed come from cult members and their families.
This is a must read!
Good people of Hawaii you are being duped, big time. Tulsi is / has become the New Manchurian Candidate.
She answers to no one except her insane spiritual master who has been trying for years to get one of his minions into political power.


Just a sample of the cult members who have donated:

Harry Acuna
Anya Anthony
Tim Anthony
Janet Bishop aka Jamuna Dasi - cult member
John Bishop aka Jnana Das - cult member
Eileen Cervantes
Devin Bull- cult member
Kunti Bull - cult member
Phineas Casady
Patricia Compton aka Prema Dasi - cult member
Josh Harvey cult member
Michael Harvey cult member
Mary Hillier
Michael Jones
Kendall Kim
Donna Lay cult member Krishna T Dasi ( married to Avaduta DAs- cult member)
Carol Lent
Robert Lent
Amanda Lowther - cult member
Richard Lowther - cult member - aka Mamada Das
Lawrence Olsen - cult member
Mary Papish
Robert Riggs
Frederick Sands
Diana Sherer
Steve Telander
LeParis Young

Is the law being broken- possibly and probably. Campaign donations have to come from individuals but in this case the source of the money is Butler himself- giving the money to his minions who then make those contributions using their "karmi" names. On their cult leader's orders!
How do these people have the money to donate if they have for the most part never held a regular job? Some are on minimum disability and how is it that they all live in Lanakai? A very wealthy enclave?
Something is very wrong here. This must be investigated.

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: June 24, 2012 12:26PM

On that same webpage is the following excellent comment by one of the readers that bears much insight.
Good people of Hawaii please educate yourselves as tot he true insidious nature of this cult and its current puppet princess, Tulsi

QUOTE: " Lotsa Good Info Here, But... (0+ / 0-)
You apologize for your choice of title, but it IS bizarre. I can understand why you want to shy away from discussing a candidate's religious beliefs, but as "Sam Kestu" points out in his comment, you CANNOT understand the Gabbards, including Tulsi, without recognizing the centrality of the Science of Identity cult in their lives. Not just their "private lives," but in their political lives as well.

Rather than define her supporters in terms of their religious ties, you define them in terms of their zip code? Forgive me, but WTH? I know you are seeking objective, observable criteria for your analysis, but this is absurd. Unless you take the next step and recognize 96734 is where Jagad Guru, Chris Butler, resides most of the year. (More specifically, in Lanikai). His devotees consider it an honor to live near him, to be granted an audience with him or to otherwise serve him. So Kailua has a cluster of his followers living there. Some work in the Down-to-Earth health food store, which generate s funding for both the cult generally and for Chris's lavish variant of an "austere" lifestyle.

Tulsi was raised totally within the cult. Her parents ran the temple in Honolulu. Her father ran the cult-affiliated school for a couple of years before it failed. (It is still on his resume as proof of his "educational experience.") Once the cult school was shut down, many of the children, including Tulsi were shipped to a school in the Philippines. (This appears on her official bias as "a missionary school." No reporter has bothered to ask which "church" sponsored the "mission.")

Tulsi has had experiences in the broader world which may have broadened her outlook and led to a break with the cult. But the evidence on that is contradictory. For years, she was very active and vocal opposing gay equality and reproductive rights, carrying on the work of the cult in this field. As she positioned to run for congress, she started to tell progressives and environmentalists privately that she had changed her views on gay equality and reproductive choice. Because she was unwilling to say these things publicly, a lot of people were skeptical. The endorsement from Emily's List forced the matter into public view. Even then, she tried to use the endorsement without calling explicit attention to the fact this meant she now supported abortion rights. She briefly had a video on her website explaining her changed views, but took it down.

A recent check of her site shows she now states her pro-choice and (relatively) gay-friendly views prominently, after having hidden them for many weeks.

So has Tulsi broken from the cult in which she lived for all her life? Despite her change on these important issues, there is not evidence to support that view. Her core campaign donations still come from people with long histories of having contributed almost exclusively to the campaigns of other cult members. Her key campaign operatives have long histories of association with cult-controlled front groups and businesses. If Tulsi's thinking has evolved, does that mean the thinking of these cult operatives has also evolved?

The "Science of Identity" teaches that people labor under a false sense of their true identity and are therefore unhappy. We mistaken assume we are our bodies, our ethnicity, our gender, our nationality. That COULD lead to a kind of universalism and tolerance, like that promoted by Vedanta. But SOI is a particularly virulent expression of bhakti fundamentalism. Bhakti teaches that one derives happiness not through pursuit of the senses or development of your individual skills, talents, but through service to God. And you learn how to serve God through submission to the will of a guru. So service to god becomes service to the guru. Chris Butler is Jagad Guru, the spiritual master of the entire manifest universe. Not just earth, not just the solar systems, not just the Milky Way and not just this dimension, but all dimensions.

This is the guy who lives in 96734 and this explains why that zip code shows up so often in the campaign contribution data bases.

Chris Butler long ago developed a strong streak of homophobia. He would refer to gays as "fags" in his lectures. He took what was a general hostility to the pursuit of sexual pleasure and fixated specifically on gay desire. Heterosexual desire could at least lead to the creation of new cult members, provided the married couple spiritually cleansed themselves by chanting for hours in advance of coitus and were thinking of Krishna (or maybe Chris?) during orgasm. Under such conditions, they were more likely to attract a Krishna conscious soul to be reincarnated as their child. But gay sex could not be justified as anything other than pleasure for hedonistic purposes.

But that does not explain the intense passion and paranoia one finds in Chris's writings, or in the activism of the Gabbards against gay equality. Chris became a guru in the late 60s, early 70s. He was a longhaired, somewhat androgynous and goodlooking guy. Some of the attention and devotion he received from devotees likely had sexual elements to it. There were rumors of his involvement with a prominent female devotee from this period. Some of the male devotees may very well have exhibited feelings of attraction which were not solely to Chris's spiritual side. I am not saying Chris is gay. But I have heard rumors that some of his followers in those days were.

Back to the Science of Identity's more formal teaching. False identities, like race, nationality, gender, ideology are garments we can put on and take off, as easily as changing a shirt. Mike Gabbard was a Republican, but that was a superficial label and not his true identity. His true identity comes from serving God (through Chris). Since his approved calling was to seek political power, he could take off his Republican garment and pull on a Democratic shirt, so long as it was to advance his political career.

Does this extend to Tulsi's discarding of MAJOR political positions of the cult: anti-gay and anti-abortion activism and support for aggressive militarism and jingoism?

THAT is the mystery here. I would think breaking with those positions would be too much for the cult. Yet she has explicitly done so and the cult members are moving together as one, lockstep in support of her campaign. They have not broken ranks with her.

There is no question in my mind Tulsi had NO CHANCE of advancing politically within the Democratic Party if she remained identified with her earlier rightwing social views. She could have won lowlevel offices in the state house or city council, but the cult has bigger plans for her. It has been said, and I think you can find it on the Cult Education Forum linked in the diary, that Chris Butler has said one day a devotee of his shall sit in the Oval Office. To quote JFK, "A torch has been passed to a new generation."

Chris is a megalomaniac. But his devotees have been following a continuous political strategy since the mid-1970s with ever greater success. They ahve been disciplined, bold and single-minded. AS napoleon Hill has said, the path to success is to "Plan your work and work your plan." That is as true for political/religious cults as it is for door to door salesmen.

I think Tulsi has discarded her rightwing social views because they were a threadbare garment interfering with her primary mission: to serve God, as directed by Chris Butler and gain more political power.

That analysis may not satisfy your search for objective, observable data points like zip code numbers. But it is the best explanation I have found to explain the extraordinary political trajectories of Mike, Carol and now, Tulsi Gabbard.
"... if I can lead you into the promised land someone else can just as easily lead you back out again." --Eugene Debs

by Shliapnikov on Sat Feb 18, 2012 at 03:17:14 PM PST

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: dabcult ()
Date: June 25, 2012 02:48PM

I posted these words today on various pages of the HONOLULU CIVIL VOICE

and the point of reposting them for this forum is that I want you to be aware that at least another extremely rich destructive cult as place a member in congress the cult we are focusing on is trying to do in Hawaii

This HANK is such an idiot HANK JOHNSON GUAM and listen to that video ....very very funny
and that the same time scary.... when you think such an idiot will vote on matters of peace and war

WE have very legitimate questions.. NO 1 ....IS TULASI HIDING STUFF from the HAWAIIAN PUBLIC ...NO 2 ...If elected will she call BUTLER and her beloved DAD to find out how to vote ...NUKE IRAN >>OR NOT ?

Anyway it was a revelation today when i look up the only 2 BUDDHISTs in congress MAZIE a self declare "NON PRACTICING BUDDHIST" an a member of that SGI a very destructive cult ( I have read hundres of reports on them in the last 20 years )

Steve Hassan said that this cult was the biggest destructive cult in AMERICA ...famous members TINA TURNER ..and actor MR BLOOM

Ed Case in 2004 defeated Mike Gabbard ...and also defeated the cult that was financing him ...Now Tulasi as taken all the good ideas...GAY rights ext of ED Case and recycle them to suit her new image ....The old BIGOTRY of Mike Gabbard would not even stand a chance in 2012...Mike is quickly becoming an extinct specie ..THE SOONER THE BETTER ......MAY HE WAKE UP BEFORE HIS TIME OF TRANSMIGRATION...(TO KRISHNA LOKA ) good luck MIKE.

The point of posting my request to MRS Hirono about a possible connection with SGI a destructive cult
Is that the article below show clearly that it is a political reality .... destructive cult such as Chris Butler"Science of Identity " have already
had success in placing a cult member in congress ...and in hawaii in various positions.
It is a reality that cults are at work trying to gain political powers
Those cults have the advantage of pulling the money and resources of their thousands followers and that can very easily influence and election

Even with not to bright candidate such as HANK

google HANK JOHNSON GUAM AND you will see a video of HANK asking very seriously to a navy officer " "IF WE BRING MORE PERSONAL AND EQUIPMENTS TO THE ISLAND OF GUAM WILL THE ISLAND TILT? " as dum as they come .

Henry Jolicoeur · Montreal, Quebec and KONA
Many articles on the internet link your name with the only other Buddhist in congress
Mr HANK JOHNSON a member of the destructive cult Soka Gakkai International
her attach is an article by Mr Rick Ross ...cult expert .
That cult is very present in HAWAII
WE are wondering if you have any direct or indirect connections with that cult ?
Are you getting any donations or services from that cult ?

If you would kindly reply henry
We can than post your response on this site .


Newly elected United States Congressman Hank Johnson from Georgia’s 4th District is being touted as ”one of the first Buddhists ever elected to Congress” by Religion News Service.

However, Johnson is actually a member of a very controversial fringe group of that religion called Soka Gakkai International (SGI), which has often been called a “cult.”

The 52-year-old Democratic House of Representatives member has reportedly been a member of the group for 30 years.

SGI is essentially a totalitarian organization ruled by its perpetual leader Daisaku Ikeda, a wealthy and powerful Japanese businessman who also largely runs the often equally controversial New Komeito political party in Japan.

The Japanese press has repeatedly questioned the loyalties of New Komeito and if the political party is truly independent of SGI and/or Ikeda’s interests.

Will SGI and Ikeda’s interests affect the new congressman from Georgia?

Soka Gakkai launched a university in California that soon came under fire regarding the way religion took precedence over education. Some prominent faculty members ultimately left claiming that it was virtually impossible to maintain academic integrity within the SGI campus.

Will SGI’s political influence now travel from Tokyo to Capital Hill?

SGI, much like Scientology, has also exerted cultural influence through celebrity boosters like Tina Turner, Patrick Duffy and most recently Orlando Bloom.

Scientology also once exercised some political influence through a congressman. California Republican Sonny Bono helped the church concerning issues such as copyright protection and its human rights claims.

What would Congressman Hank Johnson be willing to do for SGI?

Religion News Service reported that “fellow Buddhists viewed Soka Gakkai skeptically when it took root in America in the 1960s and ’70s” because it ”seemed to be peddling a kind of ‘prosperity dharma’…chanting a phrase was presumed to lead to material benefits.”

Well, nothing much has changed since then.

SGI still teaches that chanting can pave the way to success and Ikeda remains its dominate figure man and source of influence, much like Rev. Moon is for his Unification Church.

Japanese voters have historically been wary of the sect “because of its history of aggressive proselytizing, its reverence for the sect’s leader, Daisaku Ikeda” as reported by the Washington Post.

Perhaps American voters should be wary too.

As reported by the Los Angeles Times Daisaku Ikeda, the driving personality behind SGI, “has been condemned and praised as a devil and an angel, a Hitler and a Gandhi, a despot and a democrat.”

The newspaper questioned whether he is a “crusader or corrupter.”

Considering the controversy and concern surrounding SGI and Ikeda why hasn’t there been more probing in-depth reporting about the group and its supporters in positions of power within the US?
the newly elected congressman.

Reply · Like · Unfollow Post · 2 seconds ago

Henry Jolicoeur · Montreal, Quebec

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: atheist ()
Date: June 25, 2012 07:31PM

The January 27th, 1999 Honolulu Weekly article about Mike Gabbard has been removed from the Honolulu Weekly website. Links previously posted here do not work.

I have found it on the Internet Archive "Wayback Machine" here: The Gospel According to Mike Gabbard

The article has some good information about Mike Gabbard and mentions Jagad Guru Chris Butler. I urge everyone who is interested in Chris Butler and his Science of Identity Foundation cult to get a copy of the article while it is still available.

Another good article is the article in the August 2004 Honolulu Magazine about Mike Gabbard. This article is still online at: Who is Mike Gabbard?

The Honolulu Magazine article mentions the Science of Identity Foundation. Honolulu Weekly does not mention the Science of Identity Foundation. Both are still very useful articles.

I would grab a copy of the Honolulu Magazine article, as well. Who knows how much longer it will be available online?

Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: June 26, 2012 03:57AM

A supporter of Tulsi Gabbard has just used content on this message board to undermine dabcult.

"Michael Satou · Top Commenter at Civil Beat
Henry Jolicoeur is completely off his rocker and I am clueless why Civil Beat is allowing him to use this as a platform for his hatred. I checked out one of the sites he keeps linking to and someone had posted a positive comment about Tulsi. Henry responded: What the F*CK are you telling this forum ....."that TULSI handle questions well" She was raise .....groom .....sent in the army ...and is finance by the cult ...she is full of deceits. Are you falling under her spell ? ....ATHEIST its time you make a little PRAYER!This venue is to eradicate the Gabbard cancer from Hawaii ..........not "OH GREAT JOB TULSI""


go to comments at the bottom of that article and you can sort in reverse date order to see the latest.

I suggest the moderator consider deleting the conversation started by athiest and the replies.

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