By Butler and Tusli's logic, worrying about being inclusive and diverse in ones selection of leadership is "nazis and hitler". Nevermind her paramaguru bluntly said he did not think hitler was so bad and ran a totalitarian cult... Never mind he is on tape and lectures demeaning blacks, women, homosexuals and mulsims...
I also love how modern "hindus" like ISKCON, Gaudiya math and SIF always hide under he "hindu" banner or even worse, their favorite "sanatana dharma", yet, any asshole can plainly see it is not a universal religion. It's gods wear indian clothing, sport peacock feathers and all the pastimes took place in, you guessed it, India!
Gotta love the amount of lot "devtees" get paid for their "devotional service". Wonder wear most of that money went? Tin foil? []
Gabbard, the loved pure devotee of the SIF enterprise: []
Like Butler, she is worried about the welfare of the American people. Her solution? call everyone who disagrees with her brand of identity politics a "hitler": []
If you recall, she spent the better half of her political career playing major identity politics calling herself a "hindu". a word we never once used about ourselves growing up in the cult. Bhaktivednata even made it clear that his cult was not hinduism. All of a sudden for PR purposes it's convenient to slap hindu identity politics on every tom dick harry offshoot of Gaudiya groups out there...
The blissful bhaktas seek their "eternal" and "absolute" welfare in mickey mouse conceptions of gods and demons. Ultimatly it boils down to a clown act of docile melted minds that have forgotten how to think.
You see, the typical dynamic of a cult is to cry "equality! Tolerance! Inclusivity! Love for All!... But yet they are far from that. In my life as a devotee I hear more criticism of others than I ever have not being a devotee. Bhaktisiddhnata was very critical of other religious groups, so-called mayavadhis, other bhakti groups, anyone who did not accept his chaitanya avatar ideology and obviously his disciples—esepcially the fat ones, been though his own father was very obese.
Bhaktivedanta swami likewise. Whole lectures are dedicated to criticism of science, other religions and obviously many other things.
Butler needs no introduction is hugely intollerant and vulgarly vocal against anything that moved...
And you gotta love how naively the gaudiyas claim their chaitnaya saint as a "god" when he is not mentioned in any scriptures of the vedas, puranas or otherwise: Oh, well, he was a "hidden" avatar!" Can we call BS on all of this BS and move on pls?
Same with their "mahamantra" mentioned in one suspect text, backwards... how do these clowns get off claiming any absoluteness or authority. Their whole cult is built on dreams, visions and "hidden" secret :transcendental" revelations... yeah, well, so was Mormonism and Scientology, which all can also claim roots in some neo-christian dynamic.
I recall growing up in this cult devotees like Bhalakilya claiming that Butler and Tusta were incarnations of Nitai Gaura! You know, all while smoking Tulsi leaves and drinking odulls near beers...
Run. Make sure to stretch.