Miracle of Love
Posted by: Toni ()
Date: February 27, 2005 12:59AM

The methods, deception, exploitation, and the pain of recovery are universal.

These links are from another cult-recovery site, specifically for those recovering from the Philadelphia Church of God. The recent publicized murder-suicide of young man from the International Church of God highlighted the similar methods between that Bible based group and the tactics and lifestyle within the Miracle of Love.

In addition to the wealth of info on Rick Ross' data base, IMHO, this link is relevant for the acute phase of post-MOL, PTSD.

"Knowledge is power! A survivor owes it to himself to educate and research not only his own cult but the entire cult phenomenon. If for no other reason, do it for yourself, we can recover from the damage, if we know what they did and how they did it. The cult leader continues to control the ex-member as long as that ex-member succumbs to the tactics once delivered. I cannot stress that enough!"


".. the intensity of my research and education continued to escalate. With the knowledge and information I received, I was also confronted with exploitation and violation of my human rights. And make no mistake about it, it hurt!! As my self-respect was in the gutter, I struggled to repair the damages. As I started to feel again, my emotions were split into two sides, one of power and hope, and the other of despair and weakness. I studied, investigated and researched the history of (the group) and abusive cultic organizations in general. I was able to identify the corruptive psychological techniques the vindictive controllers, commonly known as cult leaders, used to recruit me and thousands of others in effort to maintain their tax-exempt financial empires"


Miracle of Love
Posted by: lilygirl ()
Date: March 04, 2005 03:05AM

This is cut from a recent posting on the MOL survivor
group. It would be relevant here :

r.e. the children. In my experience, children were
often welcomed at events. Chidren are sometimes
present at meditations. There is easy access to
pornography for the children, and also they are often
playing in front of large framed prints of Kalindi in
her Divine "breaking free" dominatrix gear, or other
nude photos of her.

In MOL, having one's heart open means also being open
to various sexual liasons. Children are exposed to
the various comings and goings of their parents'
various lovers. This is destablizing.

Children are often in the presence in adults who are
acting out sexually ... feeling the movement of the
Divine energy, after all 'God is sensual". This was
considered a normal open process, and would benefit
the children to be open to God's energy from a young
age. Young people in my experience were not given
boundaries about sexuality. There
was a lot of sexual acting out, and also drug use,
among the youth in the San Diego MOL houses.

Children (as are their parent-MOL members) are taught
to go deeply into their feelings. There is little, if
any, practical life guidance given. Going deeply into
one's feelings is a dissociative technique, useful to
create a state of self hypnosis and hyper

I never saw children approached inappropriately by
adults. It is easy to assume that such could happen,
given the minimal supervision and guidance given to
young people. What are the qualifcations of the
people who provide the group child care at MOL

Given the ISKCON (Hare Krishna) origins of MOL and the
current class action lawsuit by now-grown ISKCON
children about their repeated sexual abuse in the
ISKCON youth residence facilities, sounds like
something to be wary of.

Miracle of Love
Posted by: solway ()
Date: March 09, 2005 09:29AM

As SOME MOL members are adhering to the guidance of wearing black and white and a color of their choice.

Catholic nuns, priests, buddhists, tibetan monks, and others wear clothing that reflects their religious beliefs and convictions. What would be the difference between these groups and what MOL is doing in regards to the clothing?

Miracle of Love
Posted by: lilygirl ()
Date: March 10, 2005 01:45AM

Hi Solway and others.

I think the clothing thing is a scary red flag in combination with the other life-controlling aspects of the group. Joining MOL, in my opinion, is not on the same level as joining a convent or a buddhist monastary. Those are legitamate religions. I do not call MOL a legitimate religion! Do you? I mean, it's something they basically made up. The group meets the 8 criteria of dangerous behaviors (see Lipton articles), they leave devastated victims in their wake, and they are basically a scam. We know that there are other cults and other terrible groups calling themselves "Christian" groups that are doing the same thing. I'd see the same red flags regarding those types of groups.

Back to the topic at hand. MOL is taking all the details and daily decision-making of their members out of their hands. Why? To cause them to be further dependent on the group for day-to-day decisions, to take away their identities and independence, to reiterate Kalindi's authority over their lives, etc. etc. Yes, it is what a monastary would do, it is what the military does, etc. But unfortunately, the ultimate goals of MOL and the ultimate terrible effects of the group make the process far more sinister.

Just as extreme secrecy or moodiness would not be that alarming with regard to a "normal" person (say a teenager) going through a phase, but those same characteristics coupled with really destructive behavior, such as doing drugs or joining a gang is two seperate issues, I think the monochromatic wardrobe of MOLers is more alarming coupled with the fact that MOL has decided what their closets look like, whether they will stay married or leave to be able to connect with God, how much work and money someone should do for them, etc. etc. If my groovy neighbor wears black and white all the time, it's no big deal, because she is not having all of her life decisions dictated to her. She's not in a destructive cult. She believes in committments and family and responsiblities. She's not talking about possibly giving up her kids so she can devote herself to MOL, she's not calling her MOL "counselor" for bad advice, she's not agonizing about whether she will be "called" to give up her husband and move into an MOL house....

Now, when she dons a hideous S&M outfit, stuffs herself into fishnets and cracks a whip saying "release your ego!" and "you must let go of all exclusive relationships!" then I'll be worried. And I might put her on a better exercise regimine! :)

See what I'm saying? MOLers will always be able to twist things around, whether it's a Bible quote that's been taken out of context or whether it's just enough "logic" to SEEM legitimate, in order to make someone think what they're doing is okay. But sorry, I know a little too much about this group of greedy, sick, slick spiritual vampires to buy any of "their" logic.

That was a good question, though. If we know someone who is ensnared in this insidious group, it's good to think about the kind of questions they would ask, or their counselors would advise them to ask. I mean, the whole point is to get the real facts, to figure out what they're REALLY up to and to stand up to the truth. Hopefully this board will help us not only understand the group, but to help those still trapped in the group.

I have a lot of anger about MOL and their evil and the domino effect they have on other's lives. But all day yesterday, I was filled with such pity for MOLers. I just hate that they are prisoners. I am so sorry for the pain that is inevitably waiting for them. When they finally break free-and most cult members do, statistically speaking- they have a terrible psychological and spiritual battle ahead of them. Not only do they have to face the years they spent pursuing a false religion, a myth, a lie. Not only do they have to face the fact that they have been duped and victimized by people misusing power and authority. Not only do they have a financial hardship caused by donations and exhaustion caused by the relentless demands that they do their "work" and volunteer, etc. But they have to question all future leaders, all future group associations, their relationship with God, their moral and belief systems....

It's a terrible battle for them, and I feel I've really turned a corner, spiritually speaking. Now, I feel less like I'm battling MOL per se but more like I"m battling FOR victims of MOL. I know that I can help families of MOL victims and I know I can help anyone wanting the strength or the facts they need to leave MOL. I have truth buckled around my waist and integrity for a breastplate. I know that despite the daunting task of getting over the group that awaits MOL victims, it CAN be done! I know that by telling the truth and illuminating what's ugly and secret and shameful, we empower ourselves and all other victims, including those who don't even realize they are victims.

Thanks, everyone, for all the wonderful help and insight you've provided on this site. I've referred it so many times to therapists who are beginning to contact me with cult-related and thought-reform related cases. Long live Rick Ross! Long live the TRUTH!!!!!!

Love, strength, wisdom and empowerment to all who visit here! Lily

Miracle of Love
Posted by: solway ()
Date: March 10, 2005 02:35PM

As the retreat nears members are instructed to listen to upbeat happy music in every room of the house, and also to focus on love songs so that their hearts begin to open.

Thank you Lily for your explanation regarding the clothing.

Miracle of Love
Posted by: solway ()
Date: March 21, 2005 11:20PM

The goal to go Home this lifetime is Non Attachment to the Illusion.


Another forum for me to join. Depersonalization/Dissociation. This is so well described for me, did anyone look at the art work and poetry on this site? I had a "ahhh ha" moment. It is possible that is why I was able to stay with my MOL'r for so long.

I was already at times in a depersonalized state, so meshing with MOL was no problem for me. As the MOLer separates from themselves to become their "true selves" i.e., breaking attachments to the illusion (outsiders are the illusion or in it), by adhereing to strict clothing guidelines, having their everyday bag ready with very specific items with those items labeled and placed in specific places within the bag, listening to happy upbeat music, and love songs, preparing themselves with labeling, organizing, and other forms of homework, the more and more they become emeshed into the group, depersonalizing them even more causing them to cling more and more to the guidance and the group, to become their "True Selves".

In the up coming retreat the love will be so great in the room that as one xmember emailed me "you can see the love and feel the love, it is so thick you can cut it with a knife, I will never experience something so intense". Slowly over time your loved one is NOT themselves, they have given THEMSELVES away, black/white clothing, specific bags, specific lists, live with the members in a MOL house, eventually to give MOL all of their money and possible inheritance, because they are not themselves anymore. They become MOL.

There a drawing in blue with the "True Selves" depicted. Most MOLers have this poster/print in their homes, near them to continually remind them that they are striving to "not be themselves" anymore, break freeing from their illusary selves, to reach their "True Selves" which is defined by Kalindi the voice of god. Notice on the poster/print that they all look the same? No individuality.

www.miracle.org has the drawing I am speaking of.

Miracle of Love
Posted by: lilygirl ()
Date: March 24, 2005 03:42AM

Hello fellow warriors-in-truth,

For some reason I clicked on another message board on this site and found the funniest story. It made me laugh so hard! I think those of you on the West coast should follow her example and visit the MOL retreat going on there now (Mariott, San Diego? Is that right?) Ha ha...I can just see Kalindi now, in her fishnets and leather thong (shudder) running madly about the parking lot, cracking her whip saying "get out of my way!" you'll see what I mean below. Happy Easter to all

Joined: 20 Mar 2005
Posts: 1

Posted: 03-20-2005 08:43 PM Post subject: Another cult leader put out of business!


I left an abusive fundamentalistic church/cult back in late 1998 after I couldn't take it anymore. I had been there for 12 long years. I left many close friends behind when I escaped, and as many cultic groups do, I was labelled a heretic after I "abandoned God's will for my life". Well, I figured it was about time I gave you all an update on my former church.

Shortly after I left the group in late 1998, I sent out letters to about a dozen of its members, outlining the abuses that were being perpetrated by the pastor. I also sent out about 10 copies of Jeff VanVonderan's book "The Subtle Power Of Spiritual Abuse". Six of the books were confiscated and burned. The other four copies were hidden by their recipients and read "underground".

In early 2001, I started a website forum established for the refugees of this church. We ran ads in the local newspaper promoting the website, and hundreds (if not thousands) of people from the local community visited it. The website outlined all of the cultish practices and abuses of this church for the whole city to see. It was amazing. The forum had over 120 active members at one time. It was the talk of the town.

In late 2001, about 100 members fled this church of 450 members. They all left for the same reasons that I did. Many of them had been the recipients of my letters and books and had visited the website forum. Then in 2004, the abusive pastor was terminated by the Board of Elders for the reasons that I outlined in my letters and website. In addition, the pastor was charged with embezzling church funds for personal use.

There are now only 50 members left in the church, and it is on the verge of collapse. All of my efforts in exposing the abuse were very successful. Going public in the local newspaper was the most successful strategy that I used. This ruined the image of the church in the local community, causing all of the members of the church to become embarrassed over the abuses (after all, in a church like that - image is everything). Once this happened, they were all looking for a reason to leave.

I am currently involved in filing a civil class action lawsuit against the church with several other former members who desire to get their thousands of dollars of building fund pledges returned. This will probably open up a big can of worms. Who knows - maybe Dateline NBC will pick it up.

Here's one of the many methods that I used to expose this pastor that you might find somewhat comical: One Sunday morning in early 2001, an older couple who had left the church and myself got to become kids again. I had photocopied about 300 copies of the signs of an unhealthy church from the RickRoss.com website, and we put them on the cars at our former church. We were laughing hysterically, and at one point the the lady who was helping us said "I feel like a little kid again!" I had never seen her have so much fun. Then we parked across the street in a vacant parking lot and watched the fallout.

I saw a girl come out right when church got out. She grabbed the flier off of her windshield, glanced at it, and went running back into the church. By this time the church doors were opened and people were all starting to come out and crowd around the doors talking. Within minutes, three ushers and one deacon came sprinting through the doors - they even knocked a guy and his wife over. They quickly scrambled through the crowd bumping into people to get to the parking lot. They literally started diving onto car hoods, grabbing the fliers off the windshields as quick as they could. It was if their very lives depended on them collecting all of those fliers.

This is what you call the control of information (one of the signs of a cult that was on the fliers). Fortunately, I know at least 50 of the fliers were found by the recipients before they were confiscated and burned by the leadership. Within three months of this occurrence, over 100 members left en masse (this was back in 2001). That took the church from 450 members down to about 300. Presently it's down to 50.

P.S. - The pastor took the fliers to the police, but they said they couldn't do anything because no laws had been broken. After that day, they had four deacons standing outside securing the building on all four sides during services. They were out there standing in subzero temperatures. I think they even staged a few Jericho marches to "take back the ground that the devil was trying to steal". Talk about a prison camp. I am so glad to be free!

Anyway, that's what has happened over the last five years to the church that I used to attend. It just goes to show that once fundamentalism and authoritarianism is exposed for what it truly is - people don't want it! It is not healthy. It is always abusive due to its theocratic form of leadership. It is the opposite of democracy, and it does not take into account the probability of human imperfections in the life of the dictator in charge.

Miracle of Love
Posted by: lilygirl ()
Date: March 24, 2005 10:32PM

These are a compilation of several recent postings on
the MOLsurvivor support group. I thought they might
also be useful for others here:

In MOL's teachings God is always changing. Thus the
teachings continually change to meet mankind as its
present state.
MOL is not a stagnant religion like mainstream
stagnantion. Yes, you are right, it IS about changing
to whatever is
most effective to keep people sucked in. Also to keep
the element of
surprise so people don't get bored and leave for
another thrill

Did you read the links about psychopaths and

Picasso said that you can slowly change a person's
thinking by taking
something that they already believe and add one thing
to it, then
allow that to settle for awhile. Then take the new
teaching, after
it has settled into something old and accepted, and
mix it with yet
another teaching. In this way you can slowly woo
people into
believing something totally different. Picasso used
this analogy to
desrive the Nazi mentality as Hitler was infiltrating
France. MOL
does the same thing by taking basicly useful
principles, or scriptural quotes, then slowly taking
those quotes out
of context, then slowly adding something else.

In "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"
Stephen Covey writes
that habits reinforce themselves. If one has a
negative habit, that
will reinforce itself. Slowly the engagement in
behaviors, questionable business practices,
dishonesty, etc become
normalized and the person loses their conscience. This
IS the
example used by Covey. I just read it last night. What
effect does
living without a conscience per se have on the
children, I cannot say.

Many former, recovering MOL members have emailed me
writing of their regretable involvements in business
sexual activities, manipulations to those of the
Illusion, etc. They
do not speak out because of fear of blackmail,
professional, legal
and personal.

It would be intersting to hear from the physician who
attended dying
David Swanson. He was the boyfriend of "The Lady" at
the time. He
is no longer with the Mission.

MOL's major recruitment method, posted much earlier
somewhere in this group, or on the rick ross board, is
through caring friendships. "Trust me, it'll change
your life. You will come out a different person."

Those who do the recruitment are NOT ill intentioned.
Like any door-knocking Jehovah's Witness or Mormon
Missionary, they are true believers themselves. Their
care, sincerity, and possibly their position in
society lends credibility. There are also postings on
craigslist for the GMP workshops. Correct me if I'm
wrong anyone, anytime please, I am
not aware of advertisements in other publications for
MOL workshops. This method of recruitment provides for
a prescreened selection of people. Those attending are
already 'seekers' and trustingly 'open to an
experience' from day one. OK, enough about

This week's retreat is for the most devout only. The
sense of elitism, the special programs, all secret for
the most elite of the spiritually dedicated to the
Mission, is intoxicating. Undoubtedly the special
music mixes, the appearance of Kalindi after her time
away, will be staged with much drama, "oooohs",
"aaaaahs", tears to be in the presence of the Voice of
God on Earth, "The Door" incarnate.. the door as in
the door to come Home to God this lifetime.

At length we've already discussed the targetting of
people for their individual vulnerabilties, their
weaknesses, as well as their fantasies.

Those who are especially valued for the Mission's
work, per wealth or work skills, will have the greatly
coveted honor of a rare personal audience with Her
Kalindiness (the term we use in this group), or with
one of the other Living Masters who will be present.

After already in an altered state from the methods
used, discussed at length already, there will be the
individual meetings for the specially chosen few.

At such individual meetings, the devotee will be
seductively praised and told how very much his/ her
commitment to the Mission is valued. God loves this
person all the more for the work that he/ she does to
support spreading this Mission to the many others who
are lost in the Illusion. Holding the person's hand oh
so tenderly, or stroking their face while making
intense teary eye contact - the person will be
validated for how misunderstood and lost they feel
when functioning in the Illusion - the Illusory world
the rest of us live in - and what pain of isolation
they feel being surrounded in the day to day work
world. Then something along the lines of "I hold you
in my heart always, and you are in my daily prayers.
God has a special work for your here. You, of all the
members, are very special to me. Whatever is the
person's value .. (The business growth, or youth
groups, or donations, or recruitment, or ....) is the
highest purpose for you this lifetime."

The person makes a commitment, with teary hugs of joy,
to take on another grandiose task, or financially
support some aspect of the MOL mission. The person is
seductively hooked into their true spiritual family.

The special Spiritual Master repeats the same act with
next person. And each person does not even know what
the other person's task is. One person is developing
health related facilities, another is building a
business, another works on refining the 'shows' of the
Intensive and meditation groups, another takes care of
real estate. How do I know this? I cannot say. You
don't have to trust me at all.

In "Peter the Great" the biography of the Czar of
Russia, Peter learned that rewarding estates to the
nobility of high level rank was not nearly as
motivating to his genrals, etc. They were much more
motivated to perfrom if the reward a sense of high
level honor, special tasks, and a medal they could
wear on this jacket. This was much more cost effective
to the government.

MOL, and other such cultic groups, work the same way
for those who are most valued/ valuable and also
somewhat insecure within themselves. Through exalting
a person with special spiritual status, and providing
the personal time with the Voice of God (how special
can you get, to have God him/herself praise you
directly?), the most devout will do their bidding.
Many higher level MOL members are not in need of
material reward for their dedication, they support the
MOL Mission financially to obtain the sense of
connection to the loving group, the spiritual high,
and a true conviction that they are doing
a nobel work.

The prior links about narcissts and
psychopaths/sociopaths provide detail about the
manipulative persuasive tactics that are used. MOL
uses these same methods, to essentially LOVE the
special followers to their (psychological and/or
financial) suicide. The follower does not even realize
what is happening to them. Even after leaving the
group, it
takes a while to fully understand the processes.

Yes, we are blunt. Nothing cozy, soft and seductive
about our discussions.

Oh yes, and oftentimes there is the gifting to the
individual of a small trinket to honor their devotion.
Something they could place on their home altar, or
carry on their pocket, as special connection to call
on the Master at any time for spiritual strength, etc.
Something that us outsider would not identify as
coming from MOL. A common such trinket would be a
small polished stone. Frankly, not a bad return on
investment. MOL probably busy the polished stones
wholesale for a few pennies, and in return gets
donations of thousands of dollars and free labor.

Miracle of Love
Posted by: Toni ()
Date: March 30, 2005 07:18AM

Hello all,

This link came to my attention. It is an apt explanation for my purpose behind posting about MOL. Due to lack of knowledge about proper exit counseling, I'd failed to guide someone out of MOL.

Hopefully, those who read here will better understand the gentility and psychololgy necessary to support someone out of this or any high-demand group's influence. Speaking of your concerns directly head on, as you watch the life sucked out of them does not work. Going the way to essentially merge with their thought process and guide them out is the way to do it. Exit counseling. (w/ a professional counselor all the better) It is not easy. It is a humbling process.

In that vein, the following is a depiction of my relationship to MOL exiting:



Miracle of Love
Posted by: solway ()
Date: April 24, 2005 07:30PM

This is a compilation of several recent postings from
our support group.


This list may be helpful for family members, friends
and loved ones to know some commonly used MOL phrases,
and also some commonly observed behaviors. This list
is not complete, just from my memory of my time in

Exit counselors and cult recovery experts may find the
following terms and behaviors useful when conducting
an exit counseling. Please bear in mind that less
than 1% of therapists have appropriate training for
cult exit counseling.

Classic thought stopping clichés used by MOL:

These terms are specifically designed to cut off the
analytical aspect of the mind, and leave a person’s
critical thinking purposely suspended. During MOL
“coaching”, such gaps in critical thinking will be the
time when MOL leaders gradually sway the person
further toward MOL thinking.

MOL members may also use these phrases with nonMOL
members, in order to ‘help’ their outsider friends.

"Go deeply into your feelings" - when trying to help
you sort out life issues

"Let go of your mind and function from your heart.”

"God is in the heart"

“Just open your heart now.”

“I can't feel you, what is holding you back?”

“Stay calm and don't let yourself get carried away
with excitement.”

“You are too dramatic”

“Release your ego”

“The children are acting out their divine being”

“There is no need for concern about the suffering in
the world. That's just part of the Illusion. The
only help you offer the world is bring yourself Home
to God, and help others to come Home. That is the
highest purpose of life on Earth.”

“Volunteering for MOL, especially volunteering for an
Intensive, is the highest service you can do in this

“This is a world of pain and suffering.”

“The pain is only the Illusion”

“Attachment (to family, loved ones, job, home,
finances, anything) is only an Illusion”

“You can break free from this world of suffering/ the

“The GMP is the fastest way to break free”

“MOL / the Mission / this Path is not for everyone”

Praying intently, almost continuously

Talk excessively about praying for connection to God

You focus too much on the negative, on the pain. That
is only part of the Illusion. Just let it go and
feel the love.

Love is a feeling, it is not an action.

"What is it about you that caused (whatever) to

With close faces, deep eye contact, caring expression
and voice:

"What are you most afraid of?"

"What is the most painful thing that your father ever
did to you?"

When you point get upset about something:

“When I see you like that, I just think of you as a
small child before God, wanting love, then I don’t get
angry at your behavior or words”

When you point out damaging lies:

"There are no victims here."

Another warning sign applicable to accomplished
professionals in MOL, those who've worked hard and
determinedly to achieve their status:

"That career is not really important to me. That's
just what I do."

Same about their expensive car, that is meticulously

"The car is not important, it's just an object. You
know I have higher values than that"

Observable Behaviors:

Lack of attachment (to problems, joys, relationships,

Bedroom décor “calm and restful” (little if anything
on the walls)

Displayed pictures of Gourasana, Kalindi or The Lady,
the True Selves

“Breaking the Cycle of Birth and Death” by Goursana
next to bed, or in the bathroom (maybe with the

In the bedroom: tapes or CDs with headsets for
listening to MOL teachings and guidance while asleep.

Hyper domestic organization and labeling (desk,
kitchen, bedroom, refrigerator, garage) to have a
God-conscious lifestyle. This is to make everything
easy and less distraction from thoughts of
God/Gourasana, when taking care of life. Cars kept
meticulously clean at all times.

Often under reactions to upsetting situations.
Likewise under reaction to comedy - calm detachment

Irrational outbursts of anger (because of repressed
normal anger)

Very quiet house - Unless playing and feeling the

Vacillation between excessive expectations on
children, and letting them have their way without
direction for activities, bedtimes, etc.

A lot of concern for how others view them. "What
would Mrs. Jones think"-to the extreme

For those so inclined, pornography openly left out in
sight of children.

Excessive concern about dress, complexion, shoes,

Claiming "I'm not so involved with MOL anymore” while
an astute observer witnesses subtle evidence to the

Inappropriate social hugging.

Soft, nonemotional, sometimes blank, facial
expressions and voice.

When asking about the member’s true opinion on very
personal issues, receiving either a parroted response,
or a blank stare.

Many demands and volunteer commitment to MOL.

Frequent consulting with their mentor, a higher level
MOL member.

Or, as a mentor, frequently receiving phone calls and
emails from more recent MOL members to support them on
the path.

The is constant effort to maintain the (unobtainable)
perfect God-conscious environment. This all part of
the high demand group/cult phenomenon and control.
There is so much to do for the Mission, and also to
maintain the journey Home, that there is not time left
to question what they are doing nor why. This is all
done willingly.

As Steven Hassan said “It’s a self imposed mental

More MOLisms:

IT IS BEYOND THE MIND...they use that when something
can't be explained.

LET GO GIVE UP AND SURRENDER....another one that is
used when you are stuck in a situation or emotion or
desire that might not match up to their teachings or
desire of you. If you practice this concept by
listening to the guidance you will only be brought
closer to the heart of god.

WITH THE PRESENCE OF GOD.....do the intensive and you
will experience the ecstasy.


So in other words you don't really defend yourself.
You must consider what is said and you meditate on it.
Most of the time it is mentors or other members
pointing out your illusions because it is your
illusions that are separating you from always living
in the experience of god. That is the goal to live in
the experience of god.


and MOLer that you are looking to be happy, because
that is not living in the truth....happiness is the
illusion, although you can be happy you can't be
attached to it. The illusion gives us glimpses of
happiness only to keep us trapped in the
illusion....but the next MOLism says....THE ILLUSION

me think about my relationship with my MOLer. I got
respect and care and politeness, but never an
attachment of love....that would be living in the
illusion, and illusionary love is the hardest thing to
let go of. It keeps you bound in the illusion which
keeps you from your trueself and connection with god.

IT AS GOD WOULD HAVE IT.....who is god. Oh yes, the
voice of god....Kalindi....how does SHE want you to
have your life? mmmmm....don't question too much
UP....AND SURRENDER. If you trust her there shouldn't
be a problem.


try and defend yourself it is just your ego....THAT IS
voice of god and her guidance.

GOD....everything that you are attached to in any way
keeps you from god.....so you have to LET GO GIVE UP
AND SURRENDER....to the voice of god and her guidance.

PRESENCE OF GOD.....do the intensive....follow the
guidance....through the voice of god she is the
doorway to break free from this illusary world. Feel
the ecstasy.

If you are confused by the MOLism....that is because
YOU need the GUIDANCE, without the guidance you can't
break free from this plane of illusion. Kalindi is
the voice of god, the doorway to breaking free without
HER guidance YOU can not break free. Oh sure there
are other masters, but this work is the only work that
can break the chain of rebirth. So keep doing the

"This is not a
stagnant Path, unlike traditional religions. This path
continues to grow and change to meet the evolving
needs of mankind. Unlke traditional religions which
are not obsolete and stagnant".

Yes, it IS all beyond the mind, because it is designed
to wash the mind.

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