Miracle of Love
Posted by: momster1228 ()
Date: February 09, 2005 02:04PM

"Authenticity" is the word that comes to mind. Yes, MOL-types appear to make people feel like they belong, that the group/cult is inclusive. However, authenticity is what's missing. To me, authenticity is when I feel good about the person, when I trust they are what they say they are. Now, the souls being sucked in to MOL all believe in what they are told: this is the 'true way to enlightenment,' etc. And, it appears that MOL targets people with emotional needs or issues to begin with. Maybe there's no way to help everyone . .

But, somehow, it seems that if we humans could support each other to seek authenticity in self and the people in their world, their world would be more stable and healthy. How to do this? I don't know -- food for thought, I guess.

Another topic not apparently discussed is motive: I think people should question what someone wants from them, when the 'friend' asks them to do something. For ex, if I am invited to attend a 'get together,' I must question what THAT PERSON gains: they DO gain something. Identify it specifically: do they gain personal acclaim by bringingi in a new member? Is the gain monetary? Ask them !! If they don't give a satisfactory anser, that should be HUGE alarm to run!

It also seems that as parents, as friends, etc., perhaps if we discuss topics like authenticity and motive, we might (maybe??) ferret out at least a few of these vacuum-type who suck people into cults like MOL. As parent, we need to teach our children survival skills, to question what peole do and why, politely, of course.

It may not help those already in MOL, nor those who have exited. My hope is to encourge a slight shift in direction on discussion: from the perspective of prevention and building strength to say NO, rather than commiserating on how messed up the group members may be. Of course, forums like this and others are important for education, once one knows they exist. How to make sure the 'newly-washed' or people questioning about MOL, know about these resources? How to publicze what's been posted? Is that appropriate??? This is a great forum, but if one doesn't know it's here, isi it helpful? I hope that makes sense; the intent at least.. . .

Miracle of Love
Posted by: solway ()
Date: February 10, 2005 02:38AM

Thanks Momster,
I agree, prevention is the key. Thank you for opening up the discussion. I am all for prevention. Being the parent of two wonderful children, I shutter to think they could be sucked into something so insidious. I also believe there is a need a weakness or a desire to find something safe so a person opens themselves up to all kinds of thinking and believing. I see it all around me everyday. My observation was that my xBF did question everything in and about MOL for years. Every little step of the way, he would question, back off MOL for a while then someone in MOL would find some way to convince him that MOL was "the way". Then one day after many intensives he just decided to believe it all. It was a slow process. Any suggested reading on prevention? I am all ears.

Miracle of Love
Posted by: Toni ()
Date: February 10, 2005 06:41AM

Hi Solway & Momster :

Your recent postings have me thinking ...

So, agreed about being Authentic to one's self as Momster wrote.

As Solways wrote, the most valuable members (per business skills, recruitement potential, or donation potential) are established firmly with support for following their deepest inclinations... filling an excessive OCD component for orderliness, or totally focused on the children, or satiating a heavy sexual appetite, or creating dynamite music mixes, whatever...

Those devotees on 'this path' would say that they ARE being authentic to themselves. They are blinded by the high of the group "love bombing" and validation from their mentors for the "accurate authenticity". Thus the decpeption and hiding of info to outsiders.

Really, it 's all about their money and free labor contributions to building the Mission. True authenticity does not require a membership fee, nor external validation.

I'm in deep admiration of the mastermind(s) behind the methods of this group. Their brilliance is amazing. IMHO, too bad it's misguided.

The amount of drama created through MOL is amazing. The building up and breaking down the members, building them up again to anticipate the next revelation of knowledge, the enforced tranquility in the MOL houses, the drama around various sexual partners, the lies to the children, altered life plans, unending drama. Just another cult story.

Truly, life is serene and stable (except for the cult harrassments..) since ending my relationship w/ a member of their ranks. What relief!


Oh, btw, I still receive 10-20 harrassing phone calls daily, 24/5, ground line & cell. Never on weekends (go figger!). This despite blocks and changing the numbers. When the caller I.D. identifies the sending #, a call back reveals a 'disconnect' recording. Pretty sophisticated electronicly. Former insiders tell me the phone harrassment is common w/ high level exiters.

The financial shananigans is straightened out - but the most recent unauthorized purchase was for the videogame "WarCraft"


Miracle of Love
Posted by: Lori ()
Date: February 11, 2005 02:38AM

Today was a day filled of depression and memories of abuse by MOL.
I'm still shocked how alive the phrases and doctrines still are.
The repetition of the "stupid" phrases and the outcry for "Gourasana
or Kalindi" to help and deliver us from this planet of suffering is
implanted to my memories cells.
MOL is simply another cult filled with the desire to control and
milk the members or followers.

Now I see it, after years of denial and confronting the issues in my
heart. It is clear to me that I got emotionally raped and taken
advantage of. Nevertheless, I also know that I do not want to go
back to the darkness of
a self announced leader. Luckily, I was able to experience the
intrinsic lies of the teachings thru my involvement with the
business and fundingteam.

Recovering, everyday a little moreā€¦.. 8)

Miracle of Love
Posted by: Lori ()
Date: February 11, 2005 02:40AM

I just wanted to encourage anyone of the Forum to not be taken over
by fear. I went through some severe distress leaving MOL and being
subject to some scare tactics :twisted: . Nevertheless, my only chance was to
face the fear and inner turmoil head on! I was so tired of being run
by fear and mindfuck. Actually, this gave me back a part of me lost
during my engagement with the cult.

I had my wings cut for to long by fear... :twisted:

Miracle of Love
Posted by: solway ()
Date: February 11, 2005 03:38PM

Thank you Lori for posting. It gives me hope. If you were able to see it maybe my MOL'r with as well.

Miracle of Love
Posted by: lilygirl ()
Date: February 17, 2005 02:30AM

Okay, Once I receive 3 or 4 bits of the same info. by different sources, I post it. I've been told several times now that MOLers have an emergency travel kit with them or in their cars at all times in case "they are called home" or in case they are "called to leave" depending on who is the the source. I'll try to ferret out more info. but does anyone else know anything about it?

If this is true, we should all stop and take a moment to remember that this group, for all it's financial savvy and great thought reform techniques is really #@$%*! up! To be ready to be called "home" is a huge red flag with regard to cults and to be ready to leave at a moment's notice only adds to the eeriness of it. Is this real, or something "planted" for folks like us to worry about? If it is real, it seems like we should all be even more worried than we were.

I can't help but, once again, compare to Heaven's Gate and remember that there suicide was NEVER an option UNTIL the leader believed he was dying. Then it became necessary for his followers go with him. It makes me remember all the rumors of Kalindi's maybe having aids and that's why she's been in hiding all this time. I would totally believe that she's got aids, as I personally believe that's what David Swanson, aka big "G" died of. The timing would be right, too.

I don't know what to make of this tidbit. Any thoughts or confirmations? My sources are pretty great-they've never been wrong yet and a couple are most concerned about the danger of sharing their secrets, but want to help others.
Thanks as always, Lil No time to edit-excuse typos, please!

Miracle of Love
Posted by: Toni ()
Date: February 18, 2005 02:31PM

These excerpts were just sent to me.
These are from Kalindi's workbook on relationships.

"Illusory Love Binds You, Love of God Frees you" workbook #1 by Kalindi La Gourasana
(search on google, a few esoteric online bookstores carry it)

from the "Listen, Say Yes, & Act" workbook series

Following are some random pickings from the Spiritual Master, the living Voice of God on Earth for this time in history. We are blessed to be alive now with these teachings, and this path to ultimate freedom
available for the masses :

from pg 149 :
Gourasana : You will have to let go at some point. If you are to continue with the relationship, you must understand without any doubt that it is complete illusion. You must understand that no matter how great the love is, it is illusory love as I spoke of earlier. And illusory love binds you to this place, forces you to come back....... you must come to apoint where you can give it up because it is all illusion and it is all binding you.
It has no spiritually redeeming characteristics at all. But be warned, this is one of the strongest pulls of the illusion and it has enough power to capture you and keep you.

from page 105 :

Your True Self manifests as you have no denial and no repression, and you're giving up the attachment fully.

pg 87
... Or, you feel like you can't fully blossom because as soon as you open up in your true connection, and feel it, you also have sexual desire. You are afraid that if you fully unleash your full true Being, you may feel like your true Being will naturally feel like it can just frolic around and you will feel like you want to have sex with a hundred people.

pg 88

... But if you can understand what i'm trying to say: if you're going to have sex, make sure it's very clear that you are now engaging in making love, having the act of sex, and let yourself have it..... there's nothing wrong with having loving sex. A lot of you engage in really incredible loving exchanges with each other in relationship, or just with
different people, however it's going to be for you. That's going to be nice for you. Finally no more guilt. .... So get that distince and just know up front "Yeah, I'm having this material pleasure. I'm open and loving and I love that I get to have this pleasure and it's okay with God."

pg. 159

Kalindi : Gourasana, why did you say that fear is a better, more conducive feeling to have than guilt?

Gourasana ; Fear in this particular instance, fear of this love, love that is
difficult to distinguish between this love and love of God, is not a bad thing. And yet this love that she is feeling for this man is a love that will purely bind her to this place. So it is so treacherous. It is so devious in nature and it is so powerful and it is totaly the illusion's tool that it is something to be afraid of. And again, in this particular instance, it is, what
to speak of, welcoming it. It should be mistrusted, at the very least, this
love should be mistrusted.

pg. 50

The topic of breaking exclusivity is hard. You can't understand it with your mind. The topic strikes fear, I know, in the hearts of everyone......... You really limit yourself to a very pitiful small amount of love when you are stuck in this consciousness, exclusivity, which really gets very dead and old pretty quick. It's by opening yourself up and releasing each
other of exclusivity that the everything of God can shower you with love and ecstasy that constantly keeps going..... (regarding exclusivity).... You're really just trapping yourself from feeling the everything of God that wants to come through your True Selves.

p 57

Then there are times when you're really in the thick of it, helping other people break free and moving through more yourself, opening up to more. You're totally connected into the True Realm of Existence, which is not the realm of illusion of exclusive, limited love, which is not love. That realm of illusion is so small. it's so tiny, it actually chokes each other to

pg. 139

You have too much focus on sex. Is it good? Is it bad? How will it be? Do
you have that much focus on God?.... How can you leave your focus for even a second? you have to become consumed by your
desire for God. I'm telling all of you that you are consumed by sex, you're marching down the wrong avenue. I'm not telling you to stop sex, but if sex makes your forget God, you'd better wake up. And maybe you'd better have sex once a week or something.

pg. 142

You'll learn to love each other, like God loves you. That's the level of love
that can be there when you give up the man/woman game. It's a lot of devotion. There can be something very sweet in a committed relationship that's free fom the bondage that can be very conducive the long haul of a forty-year transformation...... the illusory love and entanglement, which is most often the case, must be broken or the real human love won't be felt and shared Rather than a relationship being a good thing on
your path, which it can be, it binds you and strangles the movement of your spirit and your true Being........... On the path for one seeking ultimate freedome, always the greater commitment is commiment to God and His plan and unfoldment And sometimes that God's plan and your desire are in conflict, and that may mean a relationship may break up
for purposes conducive to one's own quest for freedom.... greater love will be found in God and His service eventually It takes some time sometimes for healing to occur and a greater love to be found

pg. 169

My Lord,
I ask of You and I give You permission
to burn away all illusory obstructions
and impurities from my heart.
I fall at Your feet,
for I am nothing without You.

pg. 77

But it will take all of your effort to break the attachments and truly achieve detachment, which is God's love in you fully and completely.

Now, when I speak of detachment, side by side I have to say: don't try to
manufactue an artificial detachment. Don't conjure up what you think detachment is, so that you can have sexual pleasure or so that you can appear to be some detached spritual person. Don't do that. True detachment is real. True detachment is love. True detachment is love
of God.

Don't underestimate the power of hte illusion and hte pull of the illusory love of this material world. Don't underestimate it. At every level it's set out to trap you. Don't fall for the trap. Begin to see the illusion of illusory love. it comes in great disguide, and it lure you away from God, just slowly enough so that you don't even know that you're being
lured. So I say to you: be-ware and become aware of the Illusion. You're all struggling to open fully to god and to find that wholeness and love of God within. The illusion is always, in so many ways, tricking you and pulling you off track. it's so tricky, you can hardly ditinguish God's love from illusory love.

You must also release the guilt and shame around the area of sexuality and the fear in this area of not wanting to live with an open heart, able to connect to other people. Whether you have sex or not, this guilt and shame in the area of sex, and the fear in the area of opening your heart, is the illusion blocking the expression of your true Being in God, inside of you. Your true Being stands whole and compelte and is sexual and
sensual by nature in itself with God.

by Kalindi La Gourasana "Illusory Love Binds You, Love of God Frees You"
workbook #1

Miracle of Love
Posted by: solway ()
Date: February 19, 2005 03:26AM

"In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
-- George Orwell

In reflection today, I came across this quote. As we stumble through life looking for truth, the acts we conduct here on this MOL cult information site are revolutionary. My desire here is that the silent ones will speak. Those who have the knowledge and expertise, the friends, the family members of devoted MOL members will no longer live in fear and DENIAL, but seek truth and speak............... if need be, seeking the professional help they need to end deceit.

Miracle of Love
Posted by: solway ()
Date: February 23, 2005 06:14AM

In regards to "prevention", spoken of on earlier postings. I found this link, a study written by Philip Zimbardo, professor of psychology at Stanford. It addresses societies appeal to cults along with our society in transition, and the solution to addressing cultic appeal.


This study might seem kind of basic for some here, but for those just getting started in understanding what happened in the life and minds of your MOLer it worth reading.

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