Ubiquitous Tantra Workshops from Osho / Rajneesh
Posted by: forum ()
Date: February 21, 2007 12:56PM


I read on this site that Tantra is the religion that says 'yes' to
everything. No wonder why it can turn into morally disturbing conclusions.

Drugs? yes, Sex? yes, Violence? ...

Ubiquitous Tantra Workshops from Osho / Rajneesh
Posted by: SeekingTruth ()
Date: February 21, 2007 09:26PM

See [www.culteducation.com]

Rajneesh/Osho group has been called a "cult."

Rajneesh left US after being arrested. The group was mired in scandal, criminal indictments, etc.

OK - in fact the history of Rajneesh (aka Osho) has been well documented. BUT what about how his cult has developed? Right now "Osho" seems to be a HUGE commercial organisation devoted to spreading his works - is this still a cult? There is an Osho University in Pune - is that part of this dangerous cult? Mind you on the web it states that you have to take an AIDS test to attend seminars there!! Hmm - sounds like free love reigns. And what about Humaniversity in the Nederlands and its sibling commune OshoLeela in Dorset, UK - both spawned out of Rajneesh'ism? Humaniversity is actually accredited by the Dutch Government, which gives its psychotherapists and their highly confrontational methods professional credibility. Yet again 'free love' seems to be the tenet at both of these places. Don't these people ever learn about love and commitment to one person?

Actually in my research on Humaniversity and Osho et al INFORM (based at the LSE) has been the ONLY organisation to send me extensive and objective information. This will be posted here is due course. I have emailed a number of professional psychotherapy institutes asking about Humaniversity accreditation including the central UKCP and NONE have bothered to reply.

What is happening is that a growing number of Osho / Rajneesh / Humaniversity trained so-called professional psychotherapists are offering their services - for a fee (of course) - but giving the impression to clients that they have been formally accredited. The implication then is that they are fully trained and competant. But it now appears that they are not because the so-called 'accreditation,' such as it is, is only relevant to the Nederlands. It does not extend to the UK.

I wonder if any of the Humaniversity / Osho psychotherapists have 'malpractice' insurance? I wonder what professional standards of service they have re: the therapist-client relationship?

In the UK many of the workshops based on Osho's teachings are advertised as 'tantra' (implying 'sex') which are used as 'hooks' to fish new recruits into the Osho stable. At the Osho-based 'tantra' and 'meditation' workshops I've been to the leaders seem to regard these as therapy sessions - because that is what they have been told to do, whereas participants may simply want to learn and experience meditation, beathing and energy as from the thousands of year-old 'tantra' traditions, not the stuff dreamed up by a corrupt Indian guru from the 1930s.

Ubiquitous Tantra Workshops from Osho / Rajneesh
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: February 21, 2007 10:35PM

Seeking Truth:

You say,

INFORM (based at the LSE) has been the ONLY organisation to send me extensive and objective information.

INFORM is associated with Eileen Barker, who has frequenlty been referred to as a "cult apologist."

Barker is a professor emeritus of the London School of Economics (LSE), from which she has run INFORM.

See [www.culteducation.com]

Barker has worked closely with the Rev. Moon's Unification Church and Scientology. And she received funding from the Unification Church for her expenses regarding "research" concerning a book about the "Moonies."

INFORM is not a resource that I would recommend to anyone.

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