Originally posted by Templar
Elaborate a little as to why you have posted this here. I read the contents of the website, are you looking for people to join you on the exodus?
Hi Templar
I posted it because some are still searching for truth, and I want them to know there is going to be a great exodus right before the up coming kingdom. The scriptures teach to declare it and this is what I am doing. When they begin to see the signs, I pray they will be a part of the exodus.
No, I am not looking for people to join me. I will be joining them when it begins. Yahuah's sheep will be leaving many nations from all around, so I will just meet up with them.
If you are asking this to see if I am wanting to lead it, and want the people to follow me in this exodus, then let me make it clear, NO. I clearer said the people will know by the signs, so look for them. I will just be one of the sheep on my way to the promise land.
This exodus does not fit in with Christian doctrine on end-time events. So you must ask why? For the scriptures are clear and teach a great gathing to the home land.