Urgent!! Please Read Now
Posted by: Daron ()
Date: December 03, 2003 05:30AM

Urgent!! Please Read Now
"Exodus Two"


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Urgent!! Please Read Now
Posted by: Templar ()
Date: December 03, 2003 11:07AM

Elaborate a little as to why you have posted this here. I read the contents of the website, are you looking for people to join you on the exodus?

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Urgent!! Please Read Now
Posted by: Daron ()
Date: December 03, 2003 12:52PM


Originally posted by Templar
Elaborate a little as to why you have posted this here. I read the contents of the website, are you looking for people to join you on the exodus?

Hi Templar

I posted it because some are still searching for truth, and I want them to know there is going to be a great exodus right before the up coming kingdom. The scriptures teach to declare it and this is what I am doing. When they begin to see the signs, I pray they will be a part of the exodus.

No, I am not looking for people to join me. I will be joining them when it begins. Yahuah's sheep will be leaving many nations from all around, so I will just meet up with them.

If you are asking this to see if I am wanting to lead it, and want the people to follow me in this exodus, then let me make it clear, NO. I clearer said the people will know by the signs, so look for them. I will just be one of the sheep on my way to the promise land.

This exodus does not fit in with Christian doctrine on end-time events. So you must ask why? For the scriptures are clear and teach a great gathing to the home land.


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Urgent!! Please Read Now
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: December 03, 2003 08:20PM


Please refrain from religious rants and preaching on this forum.

The purpose of this forum is not to promote a specific religious viewpoint and/or to proselytize.

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Urgent!! Please Read Now
Posted by: Templar ()
Date: December 03, 2003 08:52PM

Oh man!!! Im going to get banned from this site if people like Daron keep posting mindless dribble about the truth and Yahwheh (god bless you btw if that was a sneeze) and scriptures. Despite the fact that it is plainly obvious that this is a cult 'awareness' message board not a "Cult Recruiting Forum" message board dont let it stop you from making yourself a target!!!

The truth is: you are a weak minded person who has fear as a primary motivation masked with a pseudo selfless noble and righteous purpose. You are blind to the fact that you are easily manipulated and unrealisticly optimistic about your chances of surviving 'the coming tribulations'.

People come here to learn the truth about what it is cult leaders and the sort do their to suck in someone like yourself and turn them into a walking advertizement for their cause. Or to learn about how destructive it can be for a person to pick up some half assed point of view and try to drill it into the heads of the people in the world strong enough not to need their little hands held every time they cross the street!


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