Hope Farm -David Kriss
Posted by: malleeboy ()
Date: January 09, 2007 08:52AM

I haven't found any references to David Kriss on any web sites, so I thought I would add some information.
The current group he is running has a website, www.hopefarm.com.au.
He has lead at least two previous groups both of which collapsed after the "prophecies" he made failed to come to pass.
The group I got involved in nearly 18 years ago was called Caulfield Christian Fellowship/The Ministry, David Kriss was the founder, the group before that was called JEM.
There are number of distinctive doctrines of David's groups...
1) Non alluring clothing for both sexes (ie basically full flowing dresses and head covering for women.
2) Total headship of men
Neither of these are that extraordinary.
However the exorcism done to members, it is amazing how many odd and bizarre demons that could be found, the separation from family and the total immersion into the group life.

The group I belonged to had around 20 members at its peak and his current group has about the same number. I have requested the current group answer some basic accountability question and if they reply I will post that.

The doctrines and material being used in this current group is basically identical to the group that David formed in the past that I was a member of.

Re: Hope Farm -David Kriss
Posted by: YUARTFA ()
Date: March 28, 2019 08:19AM

I am a former member of this group. I was probably one of the closest and most dedicated people to David Kriss. I spent around 25 years under the spell and influence of his teachings. It's only been three and a half years since we were liberated from the clothing and begun to take back the autonomy of our lives. Much damage was done, lives were affected and years lost through a Narcissistic, Gnostic Christian Ideology. The return to normal life and a balanced Faith has been a difficult road, however we push on, restoring relationships, reuniting with family whilst understanding this is a process and will take time. We also have decided to make sure we don't embrace our experience as "Victims" rather take small steps of "Victory" daily. Hope this helps.

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