Activities of the Apostolos Campus Ministry in Kenya
Posted by: Margaret ()
Date: December 01, 2006 11:18PM

My name is Dr. Margaret Kilonzo, executive secretary of the Kenya Church representing all Christ centered churches in Kenya.

Please consider this an official communiqué from the Kenya Church regarding the apparent clandestine activities of the Apostolos Campus Ministry.

This forum was brought to my attention early this week and during that time I have read with concern through the sentiments of the young Kenyan believers who have obviously been naïve and had themselves taken advantage of by this covert group of foreigners purporting to be believers.
For the record, the activities of the Apostolos Campus Ministry has been a subject of our investigations and that of the Kenya intelligence apparatus for quite some time now after it was raised by one of our senior pastors and the result of that extensive investigation will be made available to the Kenyan public in due course. Without watering down the content of that report I would like to bring a few things to light regarding this organization (ACM) for purposes of this forum and to send out an appeal to the young Kenyans who have borne the brunt of these faceless people to come out in the open and assist with the ongoing investigations.

The Apostolos Campus Ministry is a clandestine organization with no legal basis in Kenya. It has no registered office and is not recognized by the attorney general’s chambers having not sought registration with the registrar of societies. All its activities in the country to date have therefore been illegal.
Its apparent area of operation is the University of Nairobi whose authorities are not even aware of its existence. The university vice chancellor’s office and that of the Dean of students are unaware of the existence of such an organization, adding credence to the underground nature of this organization.
There are some commercial companies associated with this group the details which I will not divulge for legal reasons and to avoid the risk of jeorpadising the ongoing investigations. The files at the registrar’s office indicate that the group inducts locals and establishes companies with them apparently to avoid the current extraneous procedures for startup companies. Their involvement in business is also illegal because the Government of Kenya ceased giving work permits to foreigners except in special circumstances. It is yet to be established the nature of the VISA held by this group, a matter which is currently with the immigration department.
I have in my possession material on their core teachings which overtly go against the fundamental tenets of Christianity regarding rapture and the second coming of Christ. The names of the people delivering the sermons are also under investigation.

We have more information regarding this group which can be obtained from our offices at Ufungamano House, second floor. This is obviously a dangerous group out to destroy the lives of young believers to achieve their evil ends. We are in contact with the Evangelical Association of Kenya to establish just how deep the roots of this organization go. It is our prayer that we will be able to do something quick to turn this tide before it is too late. In the meantime we will let the law take its course as we seek to reverse the spiritual and emotional trauma visited upon young innocent Kenyan students who can get free counseling at our offices.

We reach out to young students out there who might have been injured by these people to come out and prevent the same from happening to others. We will issue a press release soon regarding the activities of this organization. Anyone out there with more information regarding this group and the people behind it in Kenya should not hesitate to contact us or the National Security Intelligence Service (NSIS) at Nyati house, of Koinange street.
May the love of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

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Activities of the Apostolos Campus Ministry in Kenya
Posted by: kranzkee ()
Date: December 02, 2006 05:06AM

Reading the post from “Dr. Kilonzo”, I couldn’t stop… laughing. And crying. Because there is so much false information in her post, it discredits the entire basis of this website. In fact, I am ashamed to even post here. But, I am writing this because I couldn’t hold back the injustice that I feel when reading boldfaced lies passed off as facts.

- I google-searched Margaret Kilonzo. This “very important person” does not exist.

- There is no such thing as “THE KENYA CHURCH.” The idea itself is ludicrous. Representing ALL churches in Kenya? Pleaze…. Ever heard of denominations?

- I don’t think any National Security Intelligence Service would get involved with a small matter like this. But I am not even Kenyan, and I know that the NSIS is not located at Koinange street.

- There is no such thing as an Evangelical Association of Kenya. I think the general secretary of a church would know… unless… lo and behold, that ain’t a general secretary at all!

Is this a site or is it sensationalism? I’m disgusted.

I’m curious to know, because I investigated this Ufungamano house, and it is controlled by Christian Muslim lobbying groups. Why is a political group like that interfering with a Christian group? It’s too weird for me.

[b:eb528fc142][Moderator note: This person was banned for posting under more than one name][/b:eb528fc142]

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Activities of the Apostolos Campus Ministry in Kenya
Posted by: pine ()
Date: December 02, 2006 05:14AM

Hello “Dr. Kilonzo.” I appreciate your post here. I have also appreciated all the other posts that you have been writing, the posts that seem to come from all around Africa. However, it is quite deceptive of you to go around pretending that ACM has been causing a problem in more than one area. You just post here and there from Central Africa. However, you should stop hiding behind fake posts, causing many people to misunderstand ACM, and what it is.
I know that you had problems in Kenya, but it was something so unrelated to this. Yet, you had to make it into an issue of faith, and begin to slander ACM. Instead of just hiding behind some forum, why can’t we discuss this in public? We tried to resolve our problems by going through the church, but you still seem to be so angered. However, slandering our name on all sides is not the proper way to show this.

I hope people reading this thread can see both sides of the story. This person is speaking so falsely about us. Everything he says is a lie, and we have denied everything he has said. What I want to know is how he came to the conclusions he posted, and who told this to him. This is not the position of ACM.

Anyways, I’m glad that you posted again. The more you post, the more we can finally get behind everything you are posting. Then we can put your slandering to an end. ACM is a well founded organization and its theology is sound. In the long run, it will not be affected by your deceitful posts in this cult forum.

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Activities of the Apostolos Campus Ministry in Kenya
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: December 02, 2006 05:24AM

Please avoid name calling and flaming, which is against the rules.

“Dr. Kilonzo” has not posted under another name according to an IP check.

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Re: Activities of the Apostolos Campus Ministry in Kenya
Posted by: D.W. ()
Date: February 23, 2010 01:44PM

Dr. Margaret Kilonzo,

I would like to inquire present situation of the cult in Kenya for a purpose to support on-going inquiry on Cult of David Jang Jae-Hyung (so called Second Coming Christ) in East Asia.

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2010 10:01PM by rrmoderator.

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