Christopher Hansard
Posted by: gondolf ()
Date: May 29, 2007 01:30PM

At Eden the following spiritual disciplines were taught, is this true?

Kum nye, the exercise system.
12 ways recitation: where did CH get the other three ways?
Meditation on the heart beat.
Pewa. What is that?

Were all these things facilitated by Ms. Wright, or did CH actually involve himself in instruction?

Christopher Hansard
Posted by: gondolf ()
Date: May 29, 2007 01:44PM

I guess a close examination of the work of professor Norbu will reveal most of the truth. Note the word below that features strongly in Mr. Hansards universe:

"Originally, in ancient Tibetan history, in the Bonpo tradition, they say that everything originates from the egg of existence. Then from this egg comes ‘lha’, ‘lu’, ‘nyen’. That means ‘dewa’, ‘naga’ and ‘nyen’ beings of the ‘masang’ (class of beings). So then from the ‘nyen’ beings spread many different types of human beings. And among them they say that originally there were ‘miu dung drug’. There were six brothers from the same origin."

Christopher Hansard
Posted by: Real-name-gone ()
Date: May 29, 2007 02:34PM

Shaolin wushu is traditional name for methods of combat (barehand or weapon) originated or developed in Songshan Shaolin temple of Denfeng county, Henan province (capital city - Zhengzhou) of China. Shaolin wushu is wide-spread in China and in other countries, it is one of the eldest brunches of wushu.

Legend states it origins from indian buddhist monk Bodhidharma (in chinese it was pronounced as Putidamo, later became reduced to Damo). For nine years he sat in the cave in front of the wall (this cave still exists and is very popular place for tourists). When he finally decided to stand up he found that his legs had grown so weak that they would not hold him. But due to special set of physical exercises Damo restored the energy and activity to his legs, and ordered monks that in the future they must combine silent contemplation with physical exercises. The exercise he employed was a system of 12/14 static movement that he had observed and had been taught in India on his travels.

Hansard was probably teaching the Damo's system of exercise which at one point was common to India and the mountainous regions around Tibet. It has since been corrupted and changed over many years of teachers and different applications.


Christopher Hansard
Posted by: jeff bowe ()
Date: May 29, 2007 04:13PM

Re:Comments by Cirrus

I am disappointed by your comment, and can only presume that your anger and frustration dominated your reasoning.

Christopher Hansard
Posted by: kurukulla ()
Date: May 29, 2007 05:12PM

Hi Thirdculture

you suggest meeting Christopher Hansard yourself to discuss these issues. I would warn against this, and will share with you my experience:

I met him in January, and asked about the forum and the reported abuses. His response: "Its all bullshit." Now for it all to be bullshit without a shred of truth whatsoever, is somewhat unbelievable.

I asked him directly about some of the women who had accused him of sexual abuse. His response: "Those women are very ill and they are lying". I now know that they are telling the truth.

Since then I have found out a much clearer picture of the truth. I went to see him last week to discuss these issues face to face. However, now he knows I have rumbled him. His response:


The man is a bully and a coward. He is a danger to himself and others. I dread to think what is happening to his patients and anyone who comes into contact with him.

He is a compulsive liar, a compulsive "actor", he delights in conning people constantly (perhaps he gets off on knowing he has tricked them?) And I could see nothing in his eyes, just an empty shell.

So if you want to speak to him, be prepared to be conned, acted up to, lied to, verbally abused and physically threatened, and know that he is laughing at you behind your back (or to your face).

Its your choice!

Christopher Hansard
Posted by: jeff bowe ()
Date: May 29, 2007 06:05PM

[b:1d59f10cf3]Fact.[/b:1d59f10cf3] According a number of contributors on this forum Christopher Hansard abused clients for a period of years.

[b:1d59f10cf3]Fact.[/b:1d59f10cf3] He operated the so-called Eden Medical Centre, at which it would seem a considerable amount of abuse occurred

[b:1d59f10cf3]Fact.[/b:1d59f10cf3] A number of individuals were ‘apprentices’ or colleagues of Hansard and were ‘studying’ and practising, his Dur Con invention at that centre

[b:1d59f10cf3]Fact.[/b:1d59f10cf3] Despite the years of abuse, reportedly inflicted by Hansard, no action was taken to stop him, and the violations went on unreported and unchallenged.

[b:1d59f10cf3]Fact.[/b:1d59f10cf3] Such individuals have, thus far, insisted that they neither witnessed, nor were aware of clients being abused.
Question.[/b:1d59f10cf3] As these people are telling the truth, and have nothing to conceal, why have they declined to add their name to a statement (posted on this forum) affirming that view?

[b:1d59f10cf3]Question.[/b:1d59f10cf3] Some apprentices/colleagues assert they themselves were abused by Christopher Hansard. Yet despite seemingly experiencing such maltreatment it did it not occur to them that others may have been subject to such abuses too, including clients?

[b:1d59f10cf3]Question [/b:1d59f10cf3]While apprentices and colleagues, at the so-called Eden Medical Centre, were ‘studying’ and promoting Dur Con, clients were reportedly being seemingly abused in the same building?

[b:1d59f10cf3]Question.[/b:1d59f10cf3] Former apprentices/colleagues of the [i:1d59f10cf3]Master of Dur Con [/i:1d59f10cf3]have an ethical duty to explain here why collectively, and individually, they appear to have failed clients who reported being abused by Hansard? They have an obligation to answer former clients why they presented Hansard with no challenge? To address the important question, were they colluding, and indeed complicit, by tolerating and supporting an environment, in which such appalling abuses were seemingly carried out?

Christopher Hansard
Posted by: cirrus ()
Date: May 29, 2007 07:33PM

Personally Mr Bowe I have no reason to justify or explain myself to you or to anyone. Contrary to what you appear to believe you are not the Lord and Master of this action against Christopher Hansard.

Please step down from the pedestal you have climbed up on. I will not support any action that you are part of.

I am sick of your overbearing, threatenting attitude and will not play to your tune. You no longer exist.

James, thank you for the info that possibly relates to kum nye, interesting and makes sense. This kind of stuff in useful.

Does anyone know about the website that comes up as the top google search for CH? It connects to this forum and the Bowe blog??

Pewa is a healing visualisation technique. Pewa and KumNye were taught by Stephanie. CH would very occassionally attend 12 ways meetings but they were mostly taken by SW. Meditation on the heart beat is part of a meditation that was taught in a work shop by CH. The main meditation for the system is called bonsku. There are many other spiritual practices but I will not detail them here as I do not see how that is beneficial.

Christopher Hansard
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: May 29, 2007 08:27PM

Jeff Bowe:

Please be reasonable and perhaps a bit less shrill.

In my experience with cults there is such a thing as "undue influence."

That is, people come under the undue influence of a manipulative leader and may do things that they would otherwise not consider.

In such a situation people go along with the leader in the mistaken belief that he or she is doing good and therefore worthy of their support.

Perhaps a more pressing question to ask at this juncture is how people may have personally profitted from Hansard, rather than simply have been taken in by him.

Christopher Hansard
Posted by: wisedup ()
Date: May 29, 2007 08:29PM

Kurrukulla, were you actually thrown down the stairs?
Almost nothing surprises me about Chris's behaviour, the thing you say that rings truest for me is the emptiness in his eyes,I felt I got a good look in there and it turned me cold, this is why when people talk about compassion for him, I take it in but feel compassion is much better directed towards his former and possible future victims as Im not sure who or what is at home in Chris.
There is no question he has to be stopped and I am glad to see things coming together, lots of good work here.I just ignore what I find counter-productive .
Sometimes I have thought the emptiness I saw in Chris's eyes were indicative of a person who could be in some way possessed.In psychological terms we can attach labels, but as he was manipuating people in a spiritual context, I often wondered if he was tapping into some past life knowledge,or even open to disembodied entities using him and his quest for power. Perhaps he really was some sort of shaman in another lifetime,but without the teacher, self taught people are usually rather imbalanced.I never really believed he had the teacher but he certainly seemed to have some knowledge. If he had had a teacher he would have most likely had that enormous ego curbed.It is a mystery how he was so convincing .He was definitely tapping into something, I know it sounds hard to believe if you didn't experience it .

Christopher Hansard
Posted by: cirrus ()
Date: May 29, 2007 09:06PM

I know of noone who has personally profitted financially from their association with Christopher Hansard. I do, however, know many people have financially lost from their association with him.

This is possibly why he is now bankrupt. Karma....

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