Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: Dike ()
Date: July 15, 2011 03:03AM

New to this site, another abused patient, want to go legal, will any other abused patients join me, it will strengthen the case, can any ex's or the Canadian ex fiancee please make contact, we may have similar stories

Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: jah ()
Date: July 15, 2011 05:30AM

Hello Dike,

My understanding is that you can't receive messages here until you have posted 10 times. I heard that the Canadian ex-fiancee is living in Vancouver and has washed her hands of it all - though I could be wrong about the latter so maybe she checks in and will respond, maybe not. It is also my understanding that most of the abuse in Canada was in classes and with students the first and second time Hansard visited Canada. I haven't heard reports of Hansard abusing patients at Wildrose Clinic in Calgary. London seems to be quite a different story.

At any rate, if you want to tell more of your story here please do, or if you would like to contact me privately so I can tell you who and what I know which might be helpful to you, also please do.

The dude appears to b entering Canada for round three and if his track record is any indication, it will be more of the same.

Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: Dike ()
Date: July 15, 2011 02:53PM

The story is simple, I was a patient, I want to take action, I have made enquiries, I can take the lead, but to win a case I will need testimony of others

Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: jah ()
Date: July 15, 2011 11:45PM

It appears that in the past people have been afraid to come forward. Engaging a solicitor and then saying to all and sundry, "if you have a complaint against Christopher Hansard please contact the firm of ......." might work better.

Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: Dike ()
Date: July 16, 2011 04:26AM

Witness Against Abuse []
have given me contact details of a solicitor in this field. The solicitors have my story.
Witness Against Abuse's number is 0203 468 4194. Some (not all) of the staff there are aware of Christopher Hansard. There is a file.
Witness Against Abuse will pass on the solicitors' details to anyone who wants to take their complaint further.
There is nothing to be afraid of. Christopher Hansard has no power

Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: Dike ()
Date: July 19, 2011 05:26AM

This solicitor will contact me if and when anyone else also comes forward, even if it is years from now. So if you want to take action, you are not alone.

Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: Dike ()
Date: August 05, 2011 12:22AM

Anyone willing to support me in legal action should contact Witness Against Abuse and ask to speak to someone in the loop with regard to Christopher Hansard. He is known to several staff members there and there is a file of complaints against him.

Witness Against Abuse do not pass on client contact details, ie mine or your's, and you can also talk to them anonymously. They will give out contact details of a solicitor they have worked with in other abuse cases in the past.

This solicitor has my details and my complaint, and my permission to contact me should any other abused patients come forward so that we can act together. This will provide credibility and strengthen any case. The time period of abuse is not important. You can come forward even if it was years ago. If you want to see justice done, you are not alone.

If you are unable to obtain the solicitor's details, post a message on this forum and I will re-contact Witness Against Abuse to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: healingcircle ()
Date: August 29, 2011 05:43AM

Dear Dike et others,

I have been in touch with Witness at your request for help and support. I know of other former clients and victims of Christopher Hansard's as well. Whether or not they get in contact is however in their own hands. I believe now, and have always believed that once one comes forward with the law behind them, and others see that they are not alone, that that strength and solidarity will offer them hope and give them the courage they need to step forward united.

Despite Christopher Hansard's many warnings and threats, as in the example below, I am not afraid of his "advisors" and "tracking devices" as I know the truth in the things he has done to his patients very intimately. No amount of rebuttal, or supposed collection of accreditation is going to change or undue what he has done through out his practice.

If you are a current patient of Christopher Hansard's and you are reading this, please be aware of your rights as a patient, and your boundaries as a patient. If those are crossed for any reason, please write to those very associations he currently hides behind. One of the ways he has avoided prosecution is by blurring these very lines, so that you no longer feel like you are a patient, but a friend, a lover, a peer, even his own practitioner or 'healer' etc. etc.

To answer your question as to why so many chose the 'safety' of internet to offer those stories, and why they use various usernames and not their own. I can not speak on behalf of everyone, however I have gone through the appropriate routes, I can confirm that the Sapphire Unit in particular know of Christopher Hansard and do have a list of complaints against this man. Witness Against Abuse is also well versed on the goings on of Christopher Hansard.

My own abuse took place in early 2000. To understand why many do not come forward and just state their names is to understand abuse itself.

It happened over time, and it happened almost without me noticing. I felt 'loved', 'cared for', I was made to feel 'special' 'unique' and like nobody else could understand me. HOWEVER I also felt 'smothered', 'overwhelmed', 'curious' and 'scared' - all at the same time. A certain 'dependency' is created. He is the only one that can help you, the only one you can turn to, talk to, and/ or he also needs your help, sympathy, or just counsel and advice.

I experienced every emotion from elation, and extreme gratitude to absolute devastation and deflation while in the company of this man. I did not know, or recognise that what he was doing to me was abusive. It is beyond confusion when the person offering you care is the very person who is harming you.
Though it may have left no bruises (this changed over time) it has left a very lasting wound. It was a long time after I left that I could work again, and once I did return, it was a long time before I could stop myself from crying at work, or crying in the presence of others for seemingly no reason.

I felt so... stupid. I still can not quite believe to this day, that I believed him and his stories. But his stories were supported by his publishers, by the upstanding practitioners he surrounds himself with, and the amazing people that sought his help, many of whom were highly intelligent, well-rounded, grounded, psychologists, psychiatrists, etc. themselves. How could I not be thankful for the special attention, how could I possibly doubt what he says when so many intelligent people around him support and uphold his stories also?

In some cases, they also do not know the truth, in others, they do not want to know the truth. And when they are told, that he is actually abusive, to admit that you may be right, is to admit, that they have also been fooled. In many cases they use coping mechanisms and tell themselves that despite what he does, the harm he has caused that they "personally got a lot out of it", or that they "learned a valuable lesson".
It is sad, but it is true and I was also one of those people who identified myself, and my own intelligence with his story. You tell yourself that "it was a learning experience", and you "take the good out of the bad", because you HAVE to, not because want to. Because you HAVE to in order to rebuild your life and you have to tell yourself that it's all right.

If they were right and were telling the truth, then I had to admit I had made a terrible mistake and that I had been the victim of abuse.

I have made a terrible mistake and there is a terrible shame that comes with admitting that you have been abused.

To know that Christopher Hansard is still practicing causes me a lot of grief and quite frankly it terrifies me to know that he has added a myriad of psychology tools and 'credentials' to his repetoire. The reason I do not divulge my 'real name' is quite simply because while you trying to rebuild your life, your reputation, and while you are starting your life all over again, you do not want it connected, tarred or tainted by the stupidity of your past, and you certainly do not want to remember the abuse.

I will do my best to support others. I am willing to be drawn in to court if I have to. I have given my statements to those who it will help and I am writing on here also because I want people to know, to make informed decisions, and I do not want what happened to me, and the abuse that I was made aware of around me to continue.

Yours Sincerely,
Healing Circle

Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: Dike ()
Date: August 30, 2011 09:32AM

Dear Healing Circle,

Thank you.

Thank you for coming forward. It takes courage. I hope we can support each other. Did Witness Against Abuse give you the contact details of the solicitor? Have you spoken to them? The solicitor has my permission to contact me should anyone else ever approach the firm. I am willing to take the lead, but as we all know, sexual abuse is notoriously difficult to prove. However, a string of similar but unrelated testimonies stretching back over years should help to clinch things, if provided as supporting evidence. If you can speak to others that would be helpful. Simply making a statement to the solicitor, even without appearing in Court, and even if the events happened years ago, will give huge credibility to any case. It paints a picture.

We should all be very sure of the situation before launching proceedings and collect enough evidence to win. We don't want to be victims twice.

But have no doubt, if we work together, we will succeed.

I am not sure of the legalities of contact amongst witnesses, so although I would like to send you a private message it might be best to communicate through the solicitor.

Thank you again.

Re: Christopher Hansard
Posted by: healingcircle ()
Date: August 31, 2011 02:54AM

Dear Dike,

I have not been given details of your solictor yet, but have been in contact with Witness.
I think it best we not have any contact outside of speaking with Witness, the police or the solicitor.
I do not wish to jeopardise this case in any way and be the cause of any one else falling victim to this man.

I believe this is a good place for people to share their stories for now, in an open, safe environment, and to warn others as well despite Christopher Hansard's warnings and posturings.

Remember: It is not seen as defamation and libel if you are telling the truth.
The irony is, he has victimised many, and continues to do so because of the silence.
I'm hoping this forum remains as a valuable tool to help others who may be already questioning the dubious counsel or treatment they receive and be better equipped to make an informed decision.

As a matter of disussion, and though it has been repeated many times through out this thread, Christopher Hansard has had no such training as he has proclaimed and continues to proclaim on many sites, from a Bon Master, or prebuddhist Tibetan Master of the Jangter Bon Tradition in New Zealand or otherwise or any other fictitious schools he can think up. This is a false and fraudulent statement made by him. I am absolutely confident in posting this, again despite threats. He does however like to surround himself with real learned people and practitioners and regurgiate what they have learned as if it were his own.

In the wise wise words of the BBC "Never Stop Questioning"

Please visit: Professional Boundaries - Witness Against Abuse

Metropolitan Police Service

Please help, and tell your story.

Christopher Hansard
I have been advised of my legal rights in regard to online defamation, abuse of copyright, intellectual property and harassment in the UK, Europe, North America, Asia and elsewhere. I intend to implement these rights in the most appropriate and efficient manner under the due course of law as it applies in the abovementioned geographical areas.

People writing defamatory material about me in the past or currently have been identified thanks to software that can legally trace their identity, so these people can not hide behind false identities and believe themselves to be immune from prosecution both in the criminal and civil courts.The contents of some posts have been forwarded via legal counsel to the poilice.
Some defamatory sites used my name in their title as a means to gain attention and ranking on the internet. These too are the subject of appropriate action.

People sought to discredit me, damage my right to work and live freely. On the internet there can be smoke without fire, as the smoke clears I will keep you updated. Statements of a defamatory nature made about me on the defamatory posts, forums and sites are all without foundation or accuracy.They are completely untrue, aspersions cast towards me on internet forums have no basis in fact in any form.Furthermore there has never being any 'trial' or involvement by any law enforcement authority. However my legal advisors have contacted appropriate authorities on my behalf to bring the harassment and stalking to their attention.

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