Mafu and Channel Penny Torres aka Ammagi - Beware
Posted by: ex mafu disciple ()
Date: November 01, 2006 04:10AM

I had been with their movement 'the foundation for meditative studies' for 15 years and had been in their residency program twice and was involved in previous mastery courses before the current one. I knew to leave for it was more being run by Penny who is on crack and extremely violent. Their are regular severe beatings going on within the residency program and it is creeping into the outer circle. It has been spoken in the earlier years that the fastest way to work through soul issues so one can enlighten is to be physically beaten, next is to be screamed at by Penny. Mafu rarely does it because people started leaving. Ocassionally the beatings leak out to the general public. Penny is very foul mouthed and is an ordained Swami by Muktanandas sucessor Nityananda. When I left, the nightmares with Penny coming into my dreams to continue holding my mind saying if I didn' t return she would continue attacking me psychically and it follows me into the day. I have spoken to many others who have left who say they are haunted by her as well. They have told their inner core Mastery students that they will die if they ever leave the Mastery course. Mafu and Penny are very suductive and it is easy to get caught up. They are always raising money. Mafu empowered penny to work with us in our dreamstates to help work through issues and she has become increasingly mad through her drug abuse and is very scary and when she is on she can be seductively sweet and is a master at manipulation and mind control. It is a worshipping cult where there is bowing and strict obedience if you are in their residency or mastery course and some peole are buying into that they will be beat to assist them to enlighten which is mostly behind closed doors. Please be careful, for they do not let go once you commit. They are in Ashland Oregon. their ashram is Paramatmandharma.

Mafu and Channel Penny Torres aka Ammagi - Beware
Posted by: gpredko ()
Date: November 07, 2006 04:04AM

After working with a Mafu boss for over three years I feel the need to make my contribution to this forum. First, I am a Christian of the Roman Catholic persuasion. I have also studied Eastern and Western mysticism and theology for many years and realize that the many spiritual paths we take all deadend to God. I am writing this post in response to the physical abused cited in this forum. "Enlightenment" should certainly not require beating or other froms of abuse.
First, my take on my boss. He has been in and out of the Mafu group for the three years that I have worked for him. He practices and believes the rantings of Penny, the drug-addled channeller but mainly attends the ashram functions to party. He is a very lonely man who worships Mafu on his own terms and has been devastated seeing the abuse from Penny the person, the teacher and channeler. I believe that God alone deserves our devotion. Certainly not a "channeler" who is psychotic at best and demonically possessed at worst.

Mafu and Channel Penny Torres aka Ammagi - Beware
Posted by: ex mafu disciple ()
Date: November 14, 2006 04:50AM

I pray for them regularly even with the abuse going on toward me for them to turn to the light. Penny comes into my dreams regularly showing me to commit suicide so she can use me as an example never to leave their mastery course. I am fraid for the rest of them there. I left when they started fining people 5000$ dollars and up if they would do something wrong and they are told it is to balance out the karma. Pray for your friend. Penny speaks she is a catholic. Maybe your prayers will help. I pray for all peolple to wake up in cults and their leaders to turn to the light and the Divine ways of God to teach only love. And the people in cults to awaken and strengthen and turn back to their own power and light. The kingdom of heaven is within, cult leaders.

Mafu and Channel Penny Torres aka Ammagi - Beware
Posted by: ex mafu disciple ()
Date: November 14, 2006 05:55AM

Just for more info to help others this is a very sex based cult where penny has slept with many of the residents and some students and Mafu makes out with some of the woman mostly in his chambers. I was one of them. There is vodka and beer partys constantly in chambers when Mafu is in the body sometimes down in the temple. in the early 90's Mafu gave many of us at a party a form of LSD called magic mushrooms while everyone else was drinking and he says he is God, an illumed lord who has taken the body to help humanity! They keep everyone confused and reality distorted with high teachings and low teachings in the name of God. The cult is also very fear based of losing favor with Mafu or penny if they investigate their doubts. Everyone is just sweeping everything under the carpet...their true knowings that things are off. The person who did post after my first posting I fear for her that she took her posting off. Did they get to her? I pray for her safety.
Mafu has told us Penny is enlightened and she has been on antidepressants... coverup for crack. enlightenment is a master of love and needs no drugs. Its all been rhetoric to keep the money coming in and the power over others lives going.
May this foundation built on lies purify and the truth be revealed and everyone freed!

Mafu and Channel Penny Torres aka Ammagi - Beware
Posted by: gpredko ()
Date: November 15, 2006 07:37AM

Is there any way that the public can be aware of what is going on in their midst? Prayer is a wonderful way to support others, but when abuse is occurring sometimes its best to get law enforcement involved. Charges need to be filed, but an eyewitness account would need to be recorded. I plead for anyone still involved with this group or with first hand knowledge of this abuse to please shine some light. Evil grows in the dark, in silence and in fear. Just like a cockroach, the light of truth makes pests scatter.

Mafu and Channel Penny Torres aka Ammagi - Beware
Posted by: LisaMoore ()
Date: November 16, 2006 12:29AM

The problem is, no one once they have moved on wants to get all involved with the LAW...

These people will sue you personally.... and further... who wants all that NEGATIVE ENERGY projected at you .

I can see in this world where everything comes down to choices... free will and after all, these people can LEAVE at any time.

It is just, the entity Mafu, does PROJECT much love, just like one of the above post.... it all becomes very confusing.

It is the HIGHT of LOVE from Mafu and the DEPTH of DARKENSS from Penny Torres.

When I was there, the door was always open to leave... it is just that many of the residents do not have any way to support them self. Most has sold everything to become a part of the group.

If you called the law, they would say, everyone is free to leave... and they are. Most do not realize the degree of slavery and cult programming they are caught up within.

It is also very expensive to FIRST be involved... I know I spent over $100,00.00 during the years I was there.

Enlightenment is very EXPENSIVE... and... eveything can be justified in the human ego at any given time.

It is also a lesson to step back and see how all things that we worship, is nothing more than a joke in the end. .... it does turn you back to yourself.

I have been away for about 4 years... and still I have problems when I read some of the Mafu Quotes on the web site... it SOUNDS so GREAT... this is where it all becomes so confusion.

It would be nice to have a support group.

Mafu and Channel Penny Torres aka Ammagi - Beware
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: November 16, 2006 12:39AM

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Mafu and Channel Penny Torres aka Ammagi - Beware
Posted by: LisaMoore ()
Date: November 16, 2006 02:37AM


What's Up Wit That? Cults

This is a great waych about cults.

Mafu and Channel Penny Torres aka Ammagi - Beware
Posted by: ex mafu disciple ()
Date: November 23, 2006 01:37AM

People are starting to leave who have been there from the beginning and penny covers it up by telling a story saying they will be back they came up against a limit and will break through and come back and everyone puts it under the carpet and moves on with their devotion to penny and mafu.
with everything that goes on there from S&M to tantra ( penny teaches sexuality), beatings, they think it is gods will...for mafu is supposedly god and directs penny what to do for the evolution of souls. people are afraid to leave for they are leaving God and close proximity to God and God's channel! Thats why i stayed so long. On the perephery those who aren't close things seem like it is a good organization and their are good elements to keep you hooked. Many good innocent people want to help the planet and serve and study with God if given the opportunity! After studying channels after i left and other cult leaders, it is amazing how many are saying they are LORDS and GOD incarnate fully realized! It is the biggest hook to reel someone in.

Mafu and Channel Penny Torres aka Ammagi - Beware
Posted by: LisaMoore ()
Date: November 23, 2006 05:01AM

Wow, this is sad to heare about Doreen... I know Doreen..... from the days in LA and San Francisco events at Pacifica ....before the Ranch and Ashram.

She was always a supporter of Penny.

I have not been there since 2001.... at that time I had heard a lot of stuff about drugs and sex...

When I visited again in 2001 I had been away for quite a long time'94... and had only occassionally been there... but was on many of the conference call evets at my home for a while.

This is all very sad news. I can remember one of the lectures that Mafu once gave about being BEATEN when he tried to enter a temple.... and the wisdom he gained from it.

It is very difficult to truly makes heads or tails of all of this crazy stuff.

It is very sad to understand the height of the wisdom and the depth of these types of darker events.

I know Mafu always said ALL THINGS are good enough to be God... but I say.. at some point... evolve beyond the violence, pain and suffering.

For me, I have NEVER smoked or EVER used any drugs my whole life... not even antibiotics since I was 17... and I am in my 50's now... so none of those types of things ever interested me....

I remember once years ago it being spoken that Penny had taken an over dose of Cocain and almost died.... that was in the early days of the Ranch..... Mafu spoke then, that DRUGS should be gone beyond.

I am sure from this point of vew, as former participants will never see the whole picture and KNOW completely what these expressions of spirit through Penny are all about.

Tis intersting as Mafu frequenly said, What Would Jesus Do... or What Would Mafu Do..... I could hardly even imagine ether ever beating anyone.... in my mind.

After I had my BIG BLOW UP with Penny around 2002, I felt very blessed that it happend during a time that I was very strong and had the courge to not take it all on personally. I could see clearly then, the mental issues that were unstable... I have not missed any of it at all.

For me, after around 94 the whole thing changed....I no longer fit there.

I do have many remarkable memories with Mafu in the beginning days... and for me, where I was at that time, it was wonderful to be a part of those early days.... the days with the Captain and Mafu Talking about higher studies and Absuchan Ka... meeting at the bottom of the hill at 4AM in 4 ft of snow...and marching up to the Ranch ....those were the fun times.

What more can we really do but hold a NEW VISION....

I HOLD THE VISION, that from this day forward, alll people who are involved and WANT TO MOVE ON and LEAVE... have the courage to STAND FORTH with the POWER and GLoryof God Within and LEAVE immediately.... Fast... Quickly and Easily.... and that they EACH find NEW DOORS that OPEN WIDE to support them physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially.

I Now HOLD THE VISION of Penny immediatly resolving the wisdom of violence within self... and taking those physical actions to a higher level of FEELING the VIOLENCE ... rather than EXPRESSING the VIOLENCE in physical beatings of others......

In thist moment, I acknowledge that THESE THINGS are a part of myself.... and I receive and accept the immediate resolve of all hidden violence that is within me..... for as I see it and hear about it, It also is a part of that which I am..... I now resolve all VIOLENCE within myself and consider a GREATER EXPRESSION of My Human Self.

I now see and hold a NEW VISION of a NEW DAY at ALL Spiritual Study Centers, a Vision that ALL Gurus , Teachers, and Religious icons are RE-Born in Compassion and PEACE..

Let Peace Begin Within Me.

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