Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT, Therapists, Abraham Hicks
Posted by: vaidya ()
Date: February 14, 2007 01:45PM

The Anticult
Here is a good article about EFT and TFT.


this is a stupid site - it doesn't contain a single relevant reference and is just negative opinion lubricated with pejorative statements:

"mysterious energies"
"cold reading"
"metaphysical mumbo jumbo"

i thought you guys had a brain? apparently its just half a one, and its all on the left side

Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT, Therapists, Abraham Hicks
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 14, 2007 01:56PM

EFT and TFT are just glorified scamolas, its mainly the placebo effect, relaxation, suggestion, cognitive adjustments, etc. There is no real scientific evidence that stuff works, in any other way than is outlined on Skepdic.
The Skepdic site is one of the best on the internet, with lots of references, and cross-linkages, and a good sense of irony about all the crazies in the world.

Of course, if you believe that EFT can heal your cat over the telephone for a few hundred bucks...well...I would like to interest you in a Secret DVD that was just released...its only $1,000 per viewing...

Here is the top end of the scamola for some TFT Voice Tech.
How much?

[b:6203d1256f]$100,000.00 USD[/b:6203d1256f] for 3 days training.
On top of all the other money paid out for all those other trainings. How much is that in total? Hundreds of thousands of bucks.


Voice Technology Training

Voice Technology training is our most advanced level of TFT and is only available to a select few, who have completed Steps A, B, C and Advanced TFT and Toxins...

This is a customized training course consisting of three-full days at the Thought Field Therapy Training Center in La Quinta, CA, one-on-one with Dr. Roger Callahan, the founder and developer of TFT and the revolutionary Voice Technology. The course includes the tools and technology necessary to practice TFT Voice Technology and includes three years of follow-up support. A TFT Voice Technology practitioner has the potential for the whole world as their clients.

Schedule: By prior arrangement only
Fee: $100,000 USD

Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT, Therapists, Abraham Hicks
Posted by: vaidya ()
Date: February 14, 2007 01:56PM

question lady

I agree that the medical establishment has made, and continues to be fallible. That does not mean that all things "new age" are infallible. It is a question of discerning what works and what doesn't, whether traditional or non-traditional.

When my husband tried EFT, I tried it a bit too. It didn't work for either of us. Then he went on to something else which doesn't seem to be helping him. I have practiced Chi Qigong for years and find it greatly beneficial. There are beneficial energy treatment methods, but I haven't seen any evidence that EFT is one of them.

absolutely!! i agree that new age therapies should be critically assessed, but if one lays claim to a truly scientific perspective then quickly realizes the relativity of "fact", and that previous "facts" are really just assumptions based on a limited data set that now has morphed into something else - a good example is the honolulu heart study, which totally baffled researchers when the result of their research showed that low serum cholesterol was a greater predictor of morbidity than high cholesterol - it goes against every medical "fact" and yet there you go...swallow that statin

you are a practitioner of qi qong, which has an ancient tradition and yet is based upon an unverfiable energy called "qi"

using the logic of the ol' boys club here it would be pretty easy to dismiss your experiences as self-delusional metaphysical mumbo jumbo

where are the double blind placebo controlled studies? they don't exists for qi gong, and yet there is a large body of empirical evidence that suggest that qi does exist

same goes for TFT/EFT - they might not have "it" right, but like any body of knowledge it is an evolving phenomena, and in my opinion, will very likely evolve right back to its source in Asian culture

Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT, Therapists, Abraham Hicks
Posted by: vaidya ()
Date: February 14, 2007 02:08PM


The Anticult
EFT and TFT are just glorified scamolas, its mainly the placebo effect, relaxation, suggestion, cognitive adjustments, etc. There is no real scientific evidence that stuff works, in any other way than is outlined on Skepdic.
The Skepdic site is one of the best on the internet, with lots of references, and cross-linkages, and a good sense of irony about all the crazies in the world.

its just self-serving nonsense - if i had the time it would be easy to trash the entire site because the authors are so obviously biased - its really more legitimate as sociological commentary on prevalent cultural and intellectual biases


Of course, if you believe that EFT can heal your cat over the telephone for a few hundred bucks...well...I would like to interest you in a Secret DVD that was just released...its only $1,000 per viewing...

you opinion is like the pickle on an opinion sandwich - quaint but not really the meat of the matter

you clearly have no experience with EFT/TFT, but because it doesn't match with you particular conditioned reality you feel you elevate yourself in judgment of it


Here is the top end of the scamola for some TFT Voice Tech.
How much?

[b:7b90d5b38b]$100,000.00 USD[/b:7b90d5b38b] for 3 days training.
On top of all the other money paid out for all those other trainings. How much is that in total? Hundreds of thousands of bucks.

yes, well, there are NO scams in the "legitimate" medical industry now are there? at least this was transparent and non-coercive, not even even cultic by the faulty criteria of the RR site

if you were foolish enough to buy into Callahan's ego then that was between you and your banker - Gary Craig did it, decided it wasn't valid and published his own research on the subject, which is freely available on the internet

Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT, Therapists, Abraham Hicks
Posted by: question lady ()
Date: February 14, 2007 02:16PM

vigilant i guess it is pretty good that you are in counseling because with a hostile and antagonstic attitude like you have display i can see why your wife went looking for an "alternative" - hopefully the therapist will reflect this back to you


Do you practice EFT? I gotta say. your above comment to Vigilant comes across as pretty mean to me. The man is trying to save his marriage. Can you have some compassion for him? Can you state your point of view without sarcasm? The EFT website says:

"You will find this a loving and gentle place. EFT'ers are a caring bunch and you will sense that in every page."

I'm not sensing much caring or gentleness from you.

Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT, Therapists, Abraham Hicks
Posted by: vaidya ()
Date: February 14, 2007 02:39PM


question lady
vigilant i guess it is pretty good that you are in counseling because with a hostile and antagonstic attitude like you have display i can see why your wife went looking for an "alternative" - hopefully the therapist will reflect this back to you



Do you practice EFT? I gotta say. your above comment to Vigilant comes across as pretty mean to me. The man is trying to save his marriage. Can you have some compassion for him? Can you state your point of view without sarcasm? The EFT website says:

"You will find this a loving and gentle place. EFT'ers are a caring bunch and you will sense that in every page."

I'm not sensing much caring or gentleness from you.

nope, don't practice EFT, not involved and frankly don't give a flying fruitbat about it

vigilant isn't trying to save his marriage, he's looking for a reason to be right and he's hoping that people will chime in to support him in his self-deceit so he can smugly sit in front of his therapist and wife and claim both victimhood AND intellectual superiority

all of his questions about his wife's "interests" were leading and skeptical - he's not here to really learn where his wife is coming from, and his icy response to my first couple of posts is a demonstration of that

for a man that is desperate to save his marriage he really doesn't speak like a man that is coming from his heart, and so i am reflecting back to him the harsh reality of his icy, cold intellect

Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT, Therapists, Abraham Hicks
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: February 14, 2007 10:26PM

vaidya says,

if i had the time it would be easy to trash the entire site


this is a stupid site


vigilant isn't trying to save his marriage, he's looking for a reason to be right and he's hoping that people will chime in to support him in his self-deceit so he can smugly sit in front of his therapist and wife and claim both victimhood AND intellectual superiority


nope, don't practice EFT, not involved and frankly don't give a flying fruitbat about it

You are violating flaming rules.

And frankly at this point seem to be little more than an "Internet troll" deliberately attempting to subvert threads.

Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT, Therapists, Abraham Hicks
Posted by: vaidya ()
Date: February 15, 2007 12:54AM

vaidya says,

if i had the time it would be easy to trash the entire site


this is a stupid site


vigilant isn't trying to save his marriage, he's looking for a reason to be right and he's hoping that people will chime in to support him in his self-deceit so he can smugly sit in front of his therapist and wife and claim both victimhood AND intellectual superiority


nope, don't practice EFT, not involved and frankly don't give a flying fruitbat about it

You are violating flaming rules.

And frankly at this point seem to be little more than an "Internet troll" deliberately attempting to subvert threads.

so sez u - look through the thread and you will see that i was not the first to "flame" or be "trollish"

and the afforementioned site is a stupid site for all the reasons i mentioned - you might not agree, but my best guess is that's because you clearly are sympathetic to these biased views, but this does not make my opinions trollish - they make them a minority opinion, which apparently has no room on the RR site

Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT, Therapists, Abraham Hicks
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: February 15, 2007 03:16AM


A final warning--

You have been flaming on this thread and flaming is against the rules you agreed to before posting here.

Frankly, I think you are here with your own agenda and not to engage in any meaningful exchange of ideas or dialog.

And the recent flames demonstrate that.

Different opinions are welcome, but not flames.

Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT, Therapists, Abraham Hicks
Posted by: Vigilant ()
Date: February 16, 2007 10:11AM

I am unconcerned about your opinions of my personal life. They are simply that. As is my opinion.

There are, however, several critical points which must be addressed.

1) The practice of a art (tai chi, qi gong, etc.) because it makes a person feel better, more relaxed is what one might call anecdotal evidence. The source for that feeling can be recreated through any number of relaxation techniques.

2) EFT / TFT / VT and the other "energy psychologies" have more effect due to simple CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) than any meridian impact (the existence of which is unproven). The ONLY peer reviewed study of EFT revealed it to be as effective as a placebo treatment.

3) Medical science is far from responsible for any number of deaths. To be sure there are deaths related to mis diagnosis, improper prescribing, delayed treatments, and even negligence, but they are far and away below the hundreds of millions of lives preserved and improved through the application of scientific medicine.

4) You assignment of labels to various sites on the net is equally unhelpful. Most of the content on these sites is current, sourced from respected journals (including the Lancet's damning repudiation of homeopathy) and subject to courteous discourse.

5) I am infavor of uncovering any new procedure, treatment or method which improves the lives of humanity. I simply ask that it be well proven prior to mass application. Until then, the efficacy is purely anecdotal.

I believe Mark Twain said it best...

"Better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."

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