To whom it may concern,
I am a pastor and a photojournalist. From time to time I come across weird and bizarre issues as they relate to cults and off the wall religions. I would be more than glad to supply you with a flow of information as I uncover it.
On a recent trip to Arkansas I uncovered a group/cult that I think you may have interest in investigating.
The name of this group is Qumran Bet and they believe that they are the second center of the universe.
Under normal circumstances one can identify a group by the religion they parallel closest. This is impossible with this group.
This group would include a blend of witchcraft, Satanism, Judaism, YHWH-ism
and Christianity.
This group’s sacred literature would include anything printed on paper regardless of or authenticity or origin, however they continue with reckless disregard to historical Cannon citing trans-literal error.
This group has a regular practice of animal abuse, animal sacrifice, Torah manipulation, deception and duplicity as “ permissible by scripture”. Of course no cult would be complete without an arsenal and this cult has one as well. Hidden under the façade of the two elderly people that front the group – their motto is “our knives are sharp and our guns are loaded”.
David Koresh is a hero and the US government has no authority on their property. The IRS is wrong / as they collect non-profit contribution without authorization and the FBI and ATF are instruments of the government to overthrow the people. They actually have named their two dogs Waco and Ruby Ridge in memory of their departure from Waco. They claim to have been there.
They are self-professing communists, believe in aliens, and are now teaching that they are the chosen nation.
The above is just designed to wet your appetite.
I have listed below are their two websites were their perverted theology is proclaimed.
There is also an article written by myself on the website of The World Council of Independent Christian Churches at [] and click on the cult page.
If I can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me
Thank you,
Rev.Dr.John Lupoli