I always liked you. You were always nice to me.
I like myself too... :lol: You're a nice guy but sometimes when you were here I wondered if you didn't say what you actually felt at times. I could see that you had problems with some of the doctrine but I think you tried too hard to be too nice...if that makes sense.
Perhaps it was because you were using drugs that made things more distorted in your view. Dont' know. I hope you have put that behind you though because I truly believe that you can't hear God through drugs, but that's my opinion. I'll pray that you find a spiritual home and peace in your life.
I wasn't "doing drugs". I was smoking ganja. At least it's not crack. I'm not saying I did the right thing, either.
Sorry...Ganja, pot, weed, skunk or however else you want to say it...is drugs. My opinion and due to extremely personal reasons, HATE it with a passion.
No wonder Wendy says Ole Anthony's teachings are heresy. I question if Wendy knows the Jesus who said he came to "give his life to be a ransom for many" either.
Have you read Romans chapter 9?
I am not convinced the book is worth reading. I am not convinced that it has done any good. I wouldn't read a book that I believed was damaging.
I base that on the absence of truth I see in the reviews I've read about it, as well as the abscence of truth in the things some of you are saying.
What exactly is it that you think that we are lying about?
Actually...I volunteer for Trinity with the Door. I use to go every night to Bible Studies and helped out in the Lair. But what you said struck something in me though...IF Trinity was a cult, WHY would they tolerate me and my family just being on the 'edge' and for almost 7 years (When we came back from Kansas)? We don't tithe (long story there) and now we have more repsonsibility in our family life that I just don't feel like going all the time. Remember..you were there for what...a few months? I've been here for 15 some odd years and it is only the last year that I've stopped going alot. I am on the Passover Skit committee and feel very involved with the group.
Cherenuff, I can understand your desire to defend and protect a place that you are a member of and that has helped you with your children. But how do you explain the large number of former members in Wendy Duncan's book and the Dallas Observer article who consider Trinity Foundation to be cultic and spiritually abusive?
I could understand if you thought it was just Wendy and Doug Duncan, but how do you account for the testimony of other members who left Trinity Foundation? Are they all wrong? Are they all just disgruntled? Are they all just people who couldn't cut it at Trinity Foundation?
Actually...I volunteer for Trinity with the Door. I use to go every night to Bible Studies and helped out in the Lair. But what you said struck something in me though...IF Trinity was a cult, WHY would they tolerate me and my family just being on the 'edge' and for almost 7 years (When we came back from Kansas)? We don't tithe (long story there) and now we have more repsonsibility in our family life that I just don't feel like going all the time. Remember..you were there for what...a few months? I've been here for 15 some odd years and it is only the last year that I've stopped going alot. I am on the Passover Skit committee and feel very involved with the group.
Passover is once a year, Michelle. Your involvement with the Passover committee does not reflect a deep level of interaction with the TFI community as a whole. You're just not very involved. I don't mean any meanness with that either; it's just true. In my experience with TFI and in the limited time that I knew you, you just simply were not around that much; you were never all that involved. Not like I was, or the other employees. You came to the Lair for lunch, sometimes dinner. Now, why would TFI tolerate you living there for all this time just being "on the edge"? You just live there on the Block, Michelle. Like that guy Victor and the woman who owns the house between the Rutledge's and the Buckner's, I forget her name. Most of the people that live in those duplexes and have Pete as their landlord aren't involved with TFI, they just live in property that TFI manages. My point is, you just live there. Why do they tolerate your being there? Ole has no control over where you live. Why do they tolerate Victor living there? He just lives there. So do you. Ole only deals with people in terms of what they can do for him. When and if you move, see whether anybody that you feel so close to in their so-called "community" ever calls to see how you're doing. The hard truth is that people are disposable to Ole and he couldn't care less what you do, whether you move, or what. Neither could the Buckners or any of them, for that matter. In Ole's mind, you are part of the "mixed multitude" of almost disciples and as such won't exist anymore once you move. If there's nothing you can do for him, then he has no use for you.
Er...wow. Where in the world did you pull that out of. I was apart for what?...15 years, went to bible studies, worked at the lair, husband was a Levite, I volunteer for the Mag, went undercover once and taught the children...yet YOU...someone who was only there for 2 months say, I'm not apart. You pretty much blew holes in your logic by your statement anyways.
Let me ask this. I was deeply immersed with my church for the 15 years. 4 of those years I moved to Kansas then due to my employment came back to Dallas. I restarted my relationship with my church and was completely immersed for 5 years. I now am extrememly busy with my personal life and went maybe every other week to Bible Study and Seder. You never saw me because we didn't go to the same bible study.
Now...and I'll try to go slow for you...WHY would I still be accepted after being a valued member for many many years then all of the sudden...(follow)...all of the sudden I just came around off and on? I still volunteer for the Magazine. I was asked and even considered working for Trinity yet I don't have the time. That is simply not a cultish mentality.
**sigh**..Frankly, I have to admit that you are indeed tiresome. Your personal emails are soooo different than what you write here that I'm going to have to say that I just don't want to meet with you now. I'll meet with Doug and Wendy and maybe some others but I'm sorry Brian...you are extremely mentally confused and I just can't get involved with that. It kinda scares me. PLEASE get some help. You come across on these boards as some biblical guru and tough guy but in reality you are a very young, very confused man. I'll pray for you.
I think it is a blatant heresy to teach that God hates us and only loves the Jesus in us. And a Gnostic one at that. Besides that people are not treated with respect there. That is, except for Ole.
How can I trust you now. You said you had posted your last :) !