Children of the (Osho) Cult - film
Posted by: SeekingTruth ()
Date: October 07, 2024 02:33AM

Children of the (Osho) Cult

Sunday October 13

ITV 22.15 - 23.45

Maroesja Perizonius and Alice McShane's impassioned, courageous, focused and confrontational documentary alleges the sexual abuse and rape of children in the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (AKA Osho) meditation communes in Britain, the US and elsewhere, in the 70s and 80s – by people who are in the same business right now.


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Re: Children of the (Osho) Cult - film
Posted by: SeekingTruth ()
Date: October 07, 2024 02:38AM

Children of the (Osho) Cult


A victim of the Rajneesh movement investigates the sexual abuse of the children within communes across the globe.


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Re: Children of the (Osho) Cult - film
Posted by: SeekingTruth ()
Date: October 16, 2024 02:49PM

Preview on YouTube -


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Re: Children of the (Osho) Cult - film
Posted by: Leslie Read ()
Date: November 03, 2024 01:59AM


Thank you for posting this important information on the children in the Osho cult.

It is my understanding that the link to this video will expire in 10 days? Is this correct?

My own former teacher, Nome of SAT in Santa Cruz, was greatly influenced by Osho and while I never heard of the sexual abuse he definiteley adopted the 'wild parties' that ended before I arrived at SAT in 1989. BUT the sanyas encouragement to renounce our families was strong. That part brought tears to my eyes.

About 8 years Sasvati, Nome’s wife, appeared in a Costco line a couple rows down from me with her two daughters.

The message was clear: *IF* I surrendered I’d be reunited with my daughter and son...who I already knew were being manipulated and controlled by siddis (occult controls) in their communication with each other…and with me…to ensure the lies of Nome/Russell Smith/Candace O’Denver/Adyashanti/Gangaji etc. would *never* become public knowledge.

The existential controls over my family have been *on-going*…and long-term.

Surrender is always to Truth, and *never* to lies and occult manipulations….surrender is certainly not strong-armed by having the karma of non-dual teachers deliberately foisted on these shoulders and those of my family.
Adya and Gangaji played key roles as did the many in the non-dual community who were complicit in their knowledge of what occurred.

In their rush to bring people to unity consciousness, these teachers employed much of the same controls we now see in cults.

My grandkids would not recognize me.

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