Igor Kufayev
Posted by: dd11 ()
Date: August 29, 2022 04:41PM

I saw that Rick Archer from batgap.com took the interviews with Igor Kufayev down quite some time ago leading me to believe that something must be wrong with his approach as well. But unfortunately I cannot find any information what happened. Does anyone know or has information on Igor?

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Re: Igor Kufayev
Posted by: shamrock ()
Date: August 30, 2022 12:24AM

There is a bit on this blog [theawakeneddreamer.com] "Igor and I had a falling out. The details don't matter right now, but maybe one day I will be tempted to kiss and tell, if only as an object lesson for teachers in how not to run a sangha."

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Re: Igor Kufayev
Posted by: dd11 ()
Date: August 30, 2022 04:36PM

After googling I only found a quote from Rick that he was friends with Igor

I particularly like a good friend of mine, Igor Kufayev, who’s Uzbekistanian and we’ve become good personal friends and have gotten together at a conference and all. I did two interviews with him.

and a text from Kufayev's sangha

Thus, we’ve just learned that Igor’s two interviews on Buddha at the Gas Pump have been taken down by Rick Archer, in response to an accusatory letter from a former student or students. This student/s, who had left or was asked to distance themself from the sangha for a period of 2 years, had failed to realize the aspects of unconscious patternings behind their behavior. Yet we have not been given any details as to what the letter pertains to, other than this person felt that Igor “expressed gravely troubling behavior.” What’s disheartening is that Rick has not reached out to hear Igor’s side of the story. It looks like Rick has failed to take into account the number of testimonials and endorsements by attendees and students of Igor’s work over the years who have benefited from this work. These kinds of disproportionate measures, of taking down both interviews because of an accusatory letter from a complaining former student, are deeply troubling. It appears that Rick Archer is rewarding the “victim” mentality which is an impairment to real transformation, instead of assisting spiritual teacher-student relationship. Rick has rendered that [relationship] useless due to his own lack of real understanding and instead assisted the student in being lost in illusion, irresponsibility, and unaccountability for their reactionary responses.

Still, totally unclear what is going on in the sangha.

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Re: Igor Kufayev
Posted by: shamrock ()
Date: August 31, 2022 02:20AM

That's the typical cult leader way of seeing the world: himself in the role of the guru who is beyond reproach, being unjustly persecuted by ignorant outsiders.

According to a post on his Facebook page dated February 16, 2019, it had something to do with students who were filmed for a video:

"Now, having left this teacher and the community, several of these students are unhappy to see these earlier interviews included in the newly released video. They have since voiced their discontent both in comments under the YouTube video as well as on their own social media pages stating that they are no longer a student of this teacher, and have also urged others not to be drawn in to this teacher's work and this community."


I assume that the video in question is the one titled "Entering the Heart -- Documentary Film" on his YouTube channel, uploaded on December 1, 2017. I don't see any comments underneath it that could be relevant. Perhaps Igor Kufayev deleted them.


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Re: Igor Kufayev
Posted by: metanoia ()
Date: September 09, 2022 04:26AM

I had a VERY creepy interaction with him a number of years ago where he attempted to play the 'I knew when I saw you that you would become my student' card. I was in a vulnerable spot at the time, and felt that he was trying to hook me by appealing to some of my patterning around wanting to be special. I found it to be highly unethical and was further creeped out by the way he seemed to denigrate other teachers, imply that he was one of the only ones in the know, and appeared to have acculturated his students into doing the same. The experience made me highly skeptical of his credentials as a teacher, whatever his level of knowledge about kundalini and other esoteric phenomena might be.

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Re: Igor Kufayev
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: September 09, 2022 10:29PM

You had excellent discernment.

I wish I had been as wise as you when I was younger (sad smile).

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