Well, golly gee...
It must be understood that no discussion thread at this message board is or will be unduly dominated or controlled by any single contributor and/or team of contributors. Each thread of discussion is a place for every participant to freely express his or her ideas, feelings and opinions. Everyone must behave respectfully and with courtesy. No member of this message board may dictate how another member should behave beyond adherence to the stated and agreed upon rules.The rules are here, and I am not breaking any of them:
Sorry, Truth wins, but this is not your support group. According to the rules we agreed to when we signed up here, you are not allowed to dominate a given thread and neither am I. There's room for both of us here, and I am breaking no rules. So tough noogies for you. With all due respect.
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 05/30/2021 12:31PM by The Whirlwind.