Muslim Victims of Spiritual Abuse - Resources
Posted by: Ex-Murid ()
Date: September 12, 2020 01:08PM

In Shaykh's Clothing is a resource, the only resource pretty much to date, for Muslims who have experienced spiritual abuse, especially at the hands of so-called Sufi shaykhs.


FACE is geared more towards all kinds of abuse at the hands of religious/spiritual leaders and is focused on investigating reports of abuse and misconduct within the Muslim American community. They're not specifically focused on tariqahs, per se, but if you or a family member has suffered/is suffering financial, physical or other abuse in a tariqah, you may want to reach out to them.


Hurma Project is doing research on spiritual abuse in Muslim spaces (masajid, third spaces, youth groups, family/community settings). They largely focus on general domestic and other violence, education, and safety, but you might find some resources and information. They did a presentation, available on YouTube, about spiritual abuse.


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