some kind of smear test
- I’d like to correct my typo here, it was meant to say “smear campaign” - smear test is an entirely different thing and I’ll say no more. I cannot laugh at myself harder.
zizlz Wrote:
> Yes you have to watch out for that. Each teacher
> has their blind spots and none is totally free
> from ego. Yet that meditation can't be taught or
> guided isn't my experience, so I don't think
> that's true for everyone. I tried getting into
> meditation on my own but got nowhere until I
> joined a Zen school.
Again, total freeing of ego is really a myth to me so I’m sorry I cannot share the view.. Egoless state (as far as it was) cause a whole lot of trouble. I am currently exploring how I make sense of that personally and it really is just that superiority and inferiority polarity scale that slides, coupled with various individual emotional conditions for me rather than any sort of ego explanation that I have come across.
I know Adya leans to the egoless space, but there is a fine line between self righteousness and just not being a big head because you’ve got a billion trillion dollars in your bank account, or that you think your expert of things over others that can accrue such charges.
For me? There is literally no teacher, except for you, nobody teaches anyone it just appears as they do.. there are overseers who confirm your own teaching of yourself.
Self righteousness being part of the topic here with Gaja when world atrocities are quoted instead of the addressing of very real immediate individual problems that need solving.
Reading up a whole load of self righteousness explanations and articles means that whenever people are speaking on that level, it shows up with so much clarity that if you ignore yourself, then you truly have put yourself in the bin along with the self righteous speaker.
If you learned something with Zen monks it’s wonderful - I do not believe that it is taught though, the act of meditation.
I also do not believe that meditation is as healthy as it’s generally put out to be, and in many practices of long term types, I do not believe it is healthy at all. People have forgotten it’s original culture and are mislead in thinking that they have experiences, when it is is simply brain chemistry.
If you are doing your brain research, you’l likely come across why one day. Maybe the science / spiritual topic is another thread.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/02/2020 06:59PM by facet.