Re: Conscious Transformation Cult
Date: May 17, 2020 03:27AM
Joey Klein has created a high-demand group and cult following called Conscious Transformation. People go in seeking self-development and are groomed by staff and trainers to "commit fully" and pay 10's of thousands of dollars to Joey, who ends up shaming and berating the very people supporting him. It was not uncommon to hear him yell at an apprentice, asking, "are you fucking stupid?" He utilizes the carrot and stick method to motivate those in the inner circle and maintains control using intimidation, fear, mind-control, and community policing, especially by those in leadership positions.
Trainers and apprentices recruit for him under the guise that they will be developing their own meditation teaching business. Costing them 10's of thousands of dollars a year to remain in "good standing." Apprentices must bring a minimum of 25 people through a year-long series equalling $35,000 paid to Joey to qualify to apply for certification. They don't get to keep any of the money as an apprentice. There is a complete lack of transparency as apprentices are not able to see the trainer contract until after they apply for certification. The above is free labor and covertly explained as "shifting the consciousness of the planet," and it is making Joey Klein very wealthy. He talks people up to their face so that they continue to bring people to programs, which is $$ for him, but shares behind the scenes that those same people will never certify or be allowed to certify as trainers.
His weekend programs are setup solely by volunteers, and he seemingly has zero qualms in convincing/manipulating people claiming it to be an honor to serve him and the community to build out his company, which is making millions in revenue and could very well afford to pay for hall setup.
The entire system lives on referrals to programs. There are many incentives for members to recruit new members such as: getting special attention from staff, trainers, and Joey. There is a contest at this moment called "The Impact Award," offering dinner or a one-hour session with Joey for the person who brings the most new people to programs. Many of his trainers "sponsor" friends and family to go to programs to stay in good standing with Joey. Also, Conscious Transformation offers referral program credits that can be used to pay for specialty programs. These specialty programs are where Joey gains access to the information from participants he uses to exploit and manipulate them for his personal gain. The information he learns gives him access to participant's deepest wounds. He then can trigger these wounds in whichever way he chooses to get people to do exactly what he wants them to, which subjects the unsuspecting member to further trauma over long periods of time. He and others in the community actually claim he is triggering them to foster a deeper level of self-mastery, which leaves people vulnerable to years of abuse.
Joey boasts of an inner circle of ten. Many community members aspire to be a part of the "inner circle." What they don't realize is once a member reaches the "inner circle" they are repeatedly manipulated and tightly controlled.
He targets new members with large networks or people with money by drawing them in closer and making them feel seen and special. Once a member reaches the "inner circle," they are covertly influenced by Joey to live only for the vision of Conscious Transformation and must work to "prove their value." Joey requires absolute loyalty to himself from his followers and unwavering commitment to Conscious Transformation. The leadership team defends and justifies his awful treatment of people continually cleaning up after his blowups on community members. Those same people who support him are abused, bullied, intimidated, and mind-controlled the most.
He maintains tight control over all aspects of his company i.e., staff, trainers, and apprentices. Many of them must ask for permission to make any changes in their life, and many times are coerced to leave family and friends to support the movement of Conscious Transformation. Anyone who doesn't "choose" what Joey wants for them is blacklisted and removed from the leadership positions they were recruited into and gave thousands of hours to. Joey, however, shows a lack of leadership and integrity as he won't follow the same set of rules he sets out for staff, trainers, and apprentices. Joey started dating a one on one client and brought her into Conscious Transformation as his Chief Operating Officer. Joey granted her privileges others had worked years to obtain.
I have good evidence that he pays his staff way less than he claims. Joey exhibits a lack of leadership as he states that he pays his staff based on performance and threatens to reduce pay on a whim if he feels they are not performing to his level of expectation. These expectations are subject to change and often do without warning. Most often, when he does not see the sales or revenue he wants. He leaves staff members to live in constant fear of being unable to provide for themselves. Joey has made many promises to people that their volunteer time will pay off when he has space to bring them on staff in a highly paid position. His girlfriend was the only one to be brought on staff and paid a fair wage; everyone else makes less than fair market wages for their positions.
I have been a witness to the terrible treatment by him that his staff must endure. They are often required to work up to 65 hours a week without extra pay. Crying and breaking down at the office are not uncommon occurrences for staff members. I have evidence that they are often forced to overlook their failing health to show up for work and are often convinced by Joey that any diagnosis they have is a false positive.
I have been a witness to multiple instances where Joey uses attack therapy on members in front of a large number of people. Some of these attacks created severe psychological damage, especially on those who have already been subjected to intense trauma. Joey often uses pressure from the group via a show of hands, shaming a person in front of hundreds of members to force the subject into submission.
Founder of Conscious Transformation Joey Klein is hurting people, all while convincing them he is the only one to heal them and charging 10's of thousands of dollars to participate in Conscious Transformation. Anyone that challenges him or tries to expose him is defamed and discredited. It's no wonder why people don't come forward and share their experiences with Joey Klein more often. The people that have been hurt by him don't feel safe to speak, and yet, their silence protects him.