'I was sexually abused by a shaman at an ayahuasca retreat' BBC
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: January 16, 2020 09:33PM



Experiences of sexual abuse seem to be widespread in this world. We've heard numerous allegations against numerous healers and read many testimonies of sexual abuse on online forums.


"It was quite lucrative - big ceremonies. They'd fill up fast, people paying C$300 (£175) to come and sit with Guillermo. He had kind of a status. It was an honour to sit in ceremony with him."

-- for complete article and information about an upcoming documentary go here:)

BBC News

'I was sexually abused by a shaman at an ayahuasca retreat'
By Simon Maybin and Josephine Casserly
BBC News, Peru
16 January 2020


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/16/2020 09:36PM by corboy.

Re: 'I was sexually abused by a shaman at an ayahuasca retreat' BBC
Posted by: light34 ()
Date: January 18, 2020 03:47AM

Some people i know reported cases of friends being on drugs (medicine given by the Shaman) and then they were abused... how sad ...

Re: 'I was sexually abused by a shaman at an ayahuasca retreat' BBC
Date: August 26, 2020 05:06PM

That must have not been a shaman at all.
The shaman, REALLY wouldn't do that because they are here doing their activities to help others kickstart and go through their psychic-spiritual processes in order to ascend to higher consciousness and better (more harmonious) living.

Definetely not the work of a shaman, but definetely the work of an imposter.

The only possibility of such actions being done by REAL shamans is that they had a downfall along their path, due to having allowed themselves to be engaged by lower desires so as to become enslaved by it which COULD enable such a person to do such things.

But a REAL shaman would NOT allow themselves such actions because Integrity is VERY IMPORTANT for an authentic shaman.

I could reason from my own! I have lower desires and have had relatively crazy sexual fantasies and temperament, but never have i allowed it to EXPRESS in me to abuse others for selfish purposes.

To me, that is a real master. In the heat of the moment, as "low" energies that may be passing them, still able to act with reason and Integrity.

I DO know masters that APPEARANTLY have "HIGHER" and SUPERIOR spiritual (trained) SKILL than me, but NOT are they acting with reason, Compassion or Integrity!!

And in fact, abusing me, from false pretences such as justice, and in fact simply revenge. To turn the word "justice" into its real context of meaning.

Its a CRAZY WORLD we live in! And SEEMINGLY "Enlightened Buddhist Master" (Pathgate Institute of Evil teacher) is MORE CAPABLE of doing harm and feels WAY LESS regret and remorse about it! If ANY of such is experienced in him at all....

DO NOT seek for that cult, because they DO have spiritual attainments, which also allow them to sense the incoming curiosity of seekers and naive individuals that are looking for something greater that is beyond their present experience....

And thus you will be deceived by them, such, APPEARANTLY loving and kind energies.... Well... NOT REALLY!!

I have been deeply betrayed, AND DESTROYED by them.

So that you know. You need to be VERY CAREFUL and take heed, must INVESTIGATE A LOT before you get yourself into ANYTHING with anyone!...
This is definetely the case if you are about to commit to a teacher, that is a very problematic thing. The teacher may be deluded that he owns you, being very possessive and controlling, getting you in ALL KIND of trouble!....

This dude been chasing me for over 4 years, he DESTROYED my own spiritual capacity, capability of perception AND sensitivity and compromised my integrity by MASSIVE evil possessive, ongoing manipulation.

For so-called "purposes of Integrity", being VERY dogmatic possesive and controlling.

Greatings, Karma.

Re: 'I was sexually abused by a shaman at an ayahuasca retreat' BBC
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: August 26, 2020 10:20PM

See [www.culteducation.com]

This is the subsection within the database about recovery from abusive groups and leaders.

Also see [cultsinsideout.com]

This book can be very helpful in sorting out an abusive controlling situation. It also has a chapter on recovery.

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