Re: ISTA - International School of Temple Arts
Posted by: leos ()
Date: February 18, 2023 06:18AM

Hi. ISTA is, I believe, definitely a cult. Some articles came out recently:

1. []

2. []

3. []

There is a large number of complaints made against ISTA by many people and mainly young women. It's really terrible. I have friends that were harmed.
There is a dedicated Facebook group against ISTA with hundreds of people in it.

I would love to connect and share information.

Re: ISTA - International School of Temple Arts
Posted by: Linda369 ()
Date: June 22, 2023 04:36AM

does anybody has more information about the new tantra?

Re: ISTA - International School of Temple Arts
Posted by: Fohr ()
Date: September 13, 2023 12:30PM

I found this post by ISTA today interesting:



ISTA [09.12.2023]

We are deeply saddened and disappointed to see the incorrect and misleading information shared in the Israeli Center for Cult Victims’s statement about ISTA.

First and foremost, ISTA is not a cult. ISTA does not have the constructs of a cult. Renowned cult expert, Steven Hassan, Ph.D., has written extensively on how real cults control people’s behavior, thoughts, emotions, and the information they have access to.

Specifically, related to Hassan’s criteria, ISTA:

- does not ask anyone to follow any specific belief,
- does not have a central leader,
- encourages free thinking, personal empowerment, and self-respect, and
- does not try to keep people in ISTA. Participants are free to come and go as they please.

Given all of that, the “ISTA is a cult” implication underlying this statement is completely misplaced.

Find out more about Dr. Hassan’s work here, []

Secondly, ISTA feels it’s important to respond to each and every false and misleading point made by the Israeli Center for Cult Victims. To read this, see the link in our stories.

As ISTA's worldwide popularity has grown, I've noticed an increase in praise and recommendation and also caution and warning. I appreciate how they broke down each point 1 by 1 as opposed to just ignoring the accusation (can't have your members even know the word cult in the most egregious of offenders).

The grey area of having many chapters around the world with autonomy can lead to bad apples popping up, as well as cult-like group dynamics (something I conceptualize that is 1 step below full cult dynamics).

I've never been involved but some of my friend group have attended their retreats, and I've noticed a steady increase in interest around their teachings.

Re: ISTA - International School of Temple Arts
Posted by: leos ()
Date: September 13, 2023 01:10PM

A link to the Israeli Center for Cult Victims' statement regarding ISTA: []

English version PDF is available here: []

I find ISTA's response to be weak and misleading.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/13/2023 01:10PM by leos.

Re: ISTA - International School of Temple Arts
Posted by: SeekingTruth ()
Date: March 02, 2024 12:10AM

It claims not to have a membership system but Facebook reflects that it does: it has separate and distinctive Facebook groups: 1/ for undergrads and those waiting for a course; 2/ for those who have attended a level 1 course; and 3/ for those who have attended a level 2 course.

Re: ISTA - International School of Temple Arts
Posted by: leos ()
Date: March 02, 2024 12:23AM

ISTA has been citing cult expert Dr. Steven Hassan's work to say they aren't a cult. See the video response of Dr. Hassan: []

Also see the facebook post of the statement by the Israeli Center for Cult Victims regarding ISTA with interesting information in the comments:

Re: ISTA - International School of Temple Arts
Posted by: SeekingTruth ()
Date: March 02, 2024 04:46PM

Linda369 Wrote:
> does anybody has more information about the new
> tantra?


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