...I was just looking at the Mooji threads...
Why do people need a guru to worship in the first place?
Why do we need an outside authority to tell us how to think, or not think, and how to live?
How come we are so trusting and blind to obvious manipulators?
What gives this person or that person authority to speak on the behalf of everyone? Are we just ignorant or insane?
I see a video of Mooji and all I see is an ordinary human...a person with needs, and he's getting his needs met.
Too bad his worshipers are his food...his prey.
What kind of animal are we anyway? Human animals prey upon one another more than any other animal in the world.
Here are other such predators:
Freshwater shrimp.
Sand Tiger sharks.
Dyeing poison frogs
Great apes.
Orthacanthus sharks.
Tyrannosaurus Rex.